They do so well that Reirei decides to return to the Pride Lands. Thanks to the Lion Guard, the jackals are quickly defeated and retreat to their den in the Outlands. Gender Though it is belived it was very much of his mother's idea that living in Pride lands they can eat as much as they pleased. His name means "Foolish Person" in Swahili language. While Kijana hides in the brush, Dogo feigns friendliness to Hamu and convinces the young colt to stop running away. ... but I think you colored Dogo's eyes purple. The lion guard lair Kion: alright lion guard do you found anything else in the pride lands Bunga: nope Ono: I'll go look Ono flew out of the cave Ono birds eye view Ono heard a help he flew down and saw a aravarka Ono : what the problem They're so cute villains better than Reirei But I was a fan of The Lion Guard. She takes no shame in harming or tricking other animals, and works well with her brother, Dogo. Kion assures Dogo that he's safe now, and reminds him to stay away from Janja's territory. Reirei's CaveOutlandsOutlands Volcano Dogo enjoys pleasing his mother, Reirei. When Goigoi refuses to get up, Reirei states that it just means more aardwolf for herself and the kids. On March 4, 2016, Season 2 was announced by Disney Junior. Dogo (and his brothers) are briefly mentioned twice. 1 Cast 1.1 version 1 (made by harris hyatt, do not edit, add, or delete) 1.2 version 2 1.3 version 3 luke as kion stanley as simba veronika (from ninithedoggirl) as nala nia as kiara trevor as rafiki samson as zazu whiff as timon scruff as pumbaa ryan as bunga harold as ono emerson as besthe old slow coach as fuli connor as mufasa hokey (from hokey wolf) as janja ding-a-ling (from … He manages to calm Hamu, who skids to a complete stop, interested in Dogo's offer. Dogo is a young male jackal that lives in the Outlands. They remind him that he was supposed to wait on the hillside, and he leaves without protest. When Goigoi refuses to get up, Reirei states that it just means more aardwolffor herself and the kids. She and Kion first met in very early cubhood and became his friend. Kijana is a young jackal pup, the daughter of Reirei and Goigoi, the sister of Dogo and her brothers and appears as a supporting antagonist in The Lion Guard episode "Babysitter Bunga". Having been raised by her ruthless mother Reirei, Kijana is ferocious and scheming. Kijana and her brothers defend the Outlands from the attacking Pride Landers. Dogo and his brothers are briefly mentioned twice. Having been brought up in a "jackal style" manner, they are prone to tricking and thieving from other animals, and … Kijana is a young jackal pup, the daughter of Reirei and Goigoi, the sister of Dogo and her brothers and appears as a supporting antagonist in The Lion Guard episode "Babysitter Bunga". The series was first broadcast with a television film titled The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar on Disney Channel on November 22, 2015, and began airing as a TV series on January 15, 2016, on Disney Junior. Dogo questioned, his ears flattening. Once the Lion Guard have taken down the entire pack, they gather together and, despite a plea for sympathy by Reirei, they are ordered to leave. Though innocent in appearance, Dogo's brothers are cunning and devious, with mean streaks like their mother,Reirei. About. Reirei responds negatively, stating th… Developers. Meaning Defeated, Kijana and Dogo are led by Bunga back to their mother, who takes the pack back to their home in the Outlands. and "Battle For the Pride Lands". Image size. In total, there are 22 known members of the pack. The Lion Guard Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Appears Legends of the Lion Guard:Protectors of the Pride Lands Kijana is a young female jackal that lives in the Outlands. She is one of the secondary/tertiary antagonists in the Star and Lion Guard Adventures series. He introduces himself and continues to flatter the Lion Guard. Kijana worries about the Lion Guard, but Reirei asserts that she will come up with a plan to keep the Lion Guard from interfering with their hunt. 1 Kion 2 Bunga 3 Fuli 4 Beshte 5 Ono 6 Anga 7 Mufasa 8 Sarabi 9 Kiara 10 Kovu 11 Scar 12 Vitani 13 Lion King Alumni 14 Tiifu 15 Zuri 16 Mtoto 17 Hamu 18 Pride Landers 19 Janja 20 Chungu 21 Cheezi 22 Nne 23 Tano 24 Dogo 25 Kijana 26 Tunu 27 Wema 28 Outlanders 29 … Reply. Fuli is a confident and tomboyish cheetah cub who shows great pride in her running abilities. •  Outlanders •  Reirei's pack •  Army of Scar (formerly), Goigoi (father)Reirei (mother)Dogo (brother)Unnamed brothers. The Lion Guard is an American animated television series developed by Ford Riley and based on Disney's 1994 film The Lion King. It features Kion, the son of Simba and Nala. Reirei's PackOutlandersArmy of Scar (formerly) He is the son of Reirei and Goigoi, and the brother of Several pups. The Lion Guard takes Dogo to the Pride Lands, telling him that he may stay on a hillside before splitting up to patrol the Pride Lands. He is a very obedient and loyal son, who stands up for his mother even when she is wrong. Little jackal pup (by Ono) Jackal pup (by Simba) Kiddie (by Reirei & Goigoi) Sugar (by Reirei). "Lion Guard?" The fur on the top of his head and his cheeks are scruffy, and his tail is bushy. Affiliations Hamu turned around and saw Kijana, who gave him a semi-innocent smile and a wag of her tail. Jacob Guenther She Played Dora in Kijana The Explorer Add a photo to this gallery Television programs:The Lion Guard Core Membership. Dogo and his pack attack a herd of zebras: as his parents attack the adult zebra, Dogo and his sister chase after Hamu. TLK Favorites by Grohiik99. I've always loved that tuft of hair on Kijana's head. While Kijana's mother, Reirei, leads an attack against the bulk of the herd, Kijana and her brother, Dogo, separate a young colt named Hamu from the rest of the zebras. Small Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. She is the daughter of Goigoi and Reirei, and the sister of Dogo. Fuli is the secondary protagonist of The Lion Guard: The Pride of the Pridelands. Dogo approaches her, As Beshte and Bunga patrol the Pride Lands, they encounter Dogo sleeping in front of an aardvark's den. Dogo and his sister looked at the Lion Guard and everyone else before looking at ear other, than back at everyone in the cave. Careers. Her pelt is light brown, while her chest, muzzle, and legs are paler in color. Home According to Kevin Schon, it was … Duncan - Young Simba (The Lion King) Courtney - Young Nala (The Lion King) Izzy - Young Kiara (The Lion King II Simba's Pride) Beth - Young Vitani (The Lion King II Simba's Pride) Young Harold - Dogo (The Lion Guard) Gwen - Kijana (The Lion Guard) Jude Lizowski - Young Kovu (The Lion King II Simba's Pride) Gallery Contact. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Her name means "Very Fast" in Swahili language. He is able to conjure up lies quickly and on the spot, manipulating all those around him when necessary. She has a long dark stripe that runs up her back and ends in a tuft over her eyes, which are teal. The pack is led by Reirei and includes her mate and pups, including Dogo and Kijana. He begs the Lion Guard to allow him to accompany them back home, and Kion says that he may. 1 About her 2 Family 3 Friends 4 Enemies 5 Titles 6 Voice actors 7 Songs 8 Trivia 9 Gallery Fuli is a female cheetah and the fastest member of Kion's Lion Guard. Male I Just Can't Wait to Be King (2019 soundtrack), The Lion Sleeps Tonight (2019 soundtrack), Can You Feel the Love Tonight (2019 soundtrack), The Lion Guard (Music from the TV Series), Kijana is a small, compact jackal with large … … TLK and TLG by ThatKindofBeautiful. Kijana and her family attack a herd of zebras. They b-b-been k-k-killed" said Dogo. Kijana is a young jackal pup,the daughter of Reirei and Goigoi,the sister of Dogo and her brothers and appears as a supporting antagonist in The Lion Guard episode "Babysitter Bunga". She believes that her speed and stamina has no limits and that she can't get worn out, … Upon hearing that The Lion Guard drove the aardwolves out of the Pride Lands (after mistaking them for hyenas), Reirei tricks the group into trusting her and Goigoi by saying that they are not li… Just then, Bunga tackles Kijana to the ground, and Hamu fends off Dogo with a kick. She wasalso a member ofScar'sarmy and later a member of Zira's Pride. Lion Guard by Through-the-movies. Image details. He appears to have taken after her when it comes to feigning pleasantness, and is quite proud of doing so. He can be arrogant and … Dogo's eyes are a distinctive dark blue. Dogo and Kijana practice their hunting skills on Goigoi Once in the Pride Lands, Reirei and her pack overhear Muhimu and Twiga discussing Bunga's babysitting duties at Hakuna Matata Falls. 1 Characters 2 Transcript 2.1 Chapter 1 2.2 Chapter 2 2.3 Chapter 3 2.4 Chapter 4 2.5 Chapter 5 2.6 Chapter 6 3 Trivia Zabuni Bunga Ukarimu Kion Reirei Beshte Fuli Ono Goigoi Dogo Kijana Wazimu Dogo's Brothers Janja Cheezi Chungu Simba Nala Kiara Rafiki Zazu Timon Pumbaa Hamu (mentioned) … Reirei's Pack is a pack of jackals that lives in the Outlands. In reply, Dogo expresses a desire to go to the Pride Lands. After the battle, Jasiri is named the queen of the Outlands, and the jackals submit to her authority. Bunga is very brave and is not afraid to jump into action. Dogo and ryerye: the lion guard . They are the sons of Reirei and Goigoi and the brothers of Dogoand Kijana. Jackal However, with the help of Bunga, the children are able to defeat the jackals, and they are forced to retreat once more to the Outlands. Advertise. Dogo's Brothers are characters and antagonists who appear in The Lion Guard. Voice Actor Once there, the jackals learn that Bunga is babysitting a group of young animals, and Reirei decides to lead her pups to the young animals while Goigoi distracts the Lion Guard. eddfan1998 Dec 24, 2017. "No, don't spoil the surprise." Character Information Bunga is the main deuteragonist of the show, The Lion Guard. 1 Personality 2 Physical appearance 3 Dark Shadows 4 Disney 4.1 In the films 4.2 In TV series 4.2.1 The Lion Guard 4.3 Books 5 Other 5.1 Quotes Having been raised by her ruthless mother Reirei, Kijana is ferocious and scheming. "It's our pack" said Kijana. Later, as the pair are about to tuck into the aardwolves, Goigoi asks if they should wait for he kids. Back in the Outlands, Kijana and Dogo practice separating young animals from the herd on their father, Goigoi. After noticing a group of aardwolves in a cave in the Outlands, Reirei and Goigoi plan to eat them. Kijana is a young jackal pup, the daughter of Reirei and Goigoi, the sister of Dogo and her brothers and appears as a supporting antagonist in The Lion Guard episode "Babysitter Bunga". He bears three darker spots on either shoulder, and his back, tail tip, and the top of his head are black in color. After the hyenas are gone, Dogo jumps up excitedly, thanking the Lion Guard enthusiastically. Dogo As the young zebra charges across the plains, Kijana hops into a nearby clump of grass while Dogo continues the pursuit. While Kijana's mother, Reirei, leads an attack against the bulk of the herd, Kijana and her brother, Dogo, separate a young colt named Hamu from the rest of the zebras. Back in the Outlands, Dogo's brothers watch calmly as their father offers to be a target for Dogo and Kijana as they train under their mother's watch. The pup ran over them, "They're gone, Kijana" He reassured, "The Lion Guard saved us." Dogo and his brothers are briefly mentioned twice. As Dogo continues to sweet-talk Hamu, Kijana sneaks up from behind, but is disrupted by Ono, who warns Hamu of the danger. He calls to Hamu using an affable voice, stating that he's a friendly jackal who only wishes to play tag with him. The Lion Guard is an American animated television series that premiered with a one-hour movie, The Lion Guard: Return of the Roar, on November 22, 2015, which was followed by a television series on Disney Junior on January 15, 2016. Kiji is a female lioness raised by the jackal Reirei. It is founded and lead in Season 2 by the spirit of Scar, who was resurrected by Ushari and Janja's Clan, and comprises of animals residing in the Outlands with grudges against the Lion Guard and the Pride Lands as a whole. and "Battle For the Pride Lands". However, all of Dogo's siblings have invaded the aardvarks', Later, as the jackal family walks through the Pride Lands, Reirei decides that they should help themselves to more of the Pride Landers' "generosity". Role in the series " The Kupatana Celebration " Dogo is first seen being pursued by Janja and his clan, but Kion and the Lion Guard come to the pup's rescue. Everyone in the cave, except for jasiri, Janja, Dogo, Kijana, eyes went big and the lair went dead silent until Bunga said something. Later, as the pair are about to tuck into the aardwolves, Goigoi asks if they should wait for the kids. Reirei responds negatively, stating that they will bring back the leftovers for them. He is the bravest member of the lion guard. The Lion Guard " Babysitter Bunga " Kijana and her family attack a herd of zebras. Character Information Fuli is one of the main characters of the show, The Lion Guard. Kijana fg. Kijana's name means "boy, young man, teenager, lad" or "youth" in Swahili. She is the daughter of the loving cheetah couple Khoonda and Tela. In Season 3, the army was disbanded after Scar is defeated by his grand … Although cherubic at first glance, Dogo is a scheming jackal pup who is fully capable of performing acts against the Circle of Life. However, they are stopped by Shujaa, who throws a rock at them. Dogo begins trotting in circles and yipping as a signal to his mother, Reirei. The Lion King Wiki is a FANDOM Movies Community. Cuties! 1 Background 1.1 Personality 1.2 Physical Appearance 2 Appearances 2.1 The Lion Guard 2.2 "Babysitter Bunga" 2.3 Battle for the Pride Lands 3 Relationships 3.1 Family 3.2 Enemies 4 … Despite the trust he has for his mother, he does show concern when she is adamant that they'll be eating, questioning her confidence. teaches Dogo and her family how to get their way, Dogo is a creamy brown jackal pup with a beige underbelly and muzzle and light brown paws. Alignment Kijana is a female jackal. dogo guard jackal kijana lion thelionguard. Along with his bravery comes his recklessnes as he usually acts before thinking and easily gets himself into trouble. Beshte asks Dogo if he needs to get back to his family, but Dogo shakes his head, saying that he's all alone. Nicknames The design for the animal characters of "The Lion Guard (Remake)" should be drawn like these pictures. Once at Hakuna Matata Falls, Kijana and her family attack the young animals. When Goigoi refuses to get up, Reirei states that it just means more aardwolf for herself and the kids. Kijana is a small, compact jackal with large ears and thin legs. Reply. Neutral (formerly bad) His eyes are actually blue. Dogo asks her if. The Lion Guard: The Good Jackal is a fanfiction series created by Florencia86. Though it’s not truly clear about it could be possible that Dogo wanted to live in the Pride lands with his family as he just wanted to make his mother pleased. Species Later, as the pair are about to tuck into the aardwolves, Goigoi asks if they should wait for the kids. She is the fastest and first female member of the lion guard. Scar's Army (also called Army of Scar) is a villainous organization in The Lion Guard. Reirei responds negatively, stating t… Dogo is a jackal cub, the son of Reirei and Goigoi and a supporting antagonist in The Lion Guard episodes " The Kupatana Celebration " and " Babysitter Bunga ". The little mischief makers themselves. Out from the darkness, another jackal pup emerged, look like the exact copy Dogo though this one had a large tuft of very dark navy fur flowing over her forehead and teal eyes. She takes no shame in harming or tricking other animals, and works well with her brother, Dogo. Dogo breathes a relieved sigh once they've left, and is almost immediately greeted by his mother. DeviantArt - Homepage. She is the daughter of Reirei and Goigoi, and the sister of … I have my own Kijana and Dogo in my gallery.