Traditionally, many retriever owners who weren't interested in breeding their dogs … 25 check-ins. /Widths [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 250 340 410 500 500 840 785 185 340 340 500 560 250 340 250 290 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 290 290 565 565 565 440 925 720 670 670 725 610 555 720 720 335 390 725 615 880 720 720 560 720 665 555 605 715 715 945 725 725 610 335 275 335 475 500 330 450 500 450 500 450 340 500 500 275 275 500 275 775 500 500 500 500 340 390 285 500 500 720 500 500 450 490 200 490 550 350 500 350 340 500 450 1000 500 500 340 1000 565 340 890 350 610 350 350 340 340 445 445 350 500 1000 340 990 390 340 730 350 450 730 250 340 500 500 500 500 210 500 340 770 280 500 570 340 770 340 410 570 300 300 340 510 460 250 340 300 310 500 750 750 750 445 720 720 720 720 720 720 885 675 615 615 615 615 340 340 340 340 720 720 720 720 720 720 720 565 720 720 720 720 720 720 560 500 450 450 450 450 450 450 670 450 450 450 450 450 280 280 280 280 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 565 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 500 ] >> 99.9k Followers, 284 Following, 3,290 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from America's Canine Educator (@tomdavis) Call Today! A brand for dog people. Coming soon – puppy and beginner … I hope you enjoy this piece as much as I did! /Encoding << wt)iҨip����;P�o��.5Ƕ��d���o�*�;U�{�LYM1ӎ��m�7��_g&�w;CUҵ����ڜ�� �� �3vxF�ˢ�Ť�#A���-��\r26kv$�����U(��yE�%�Щ̘�J���tjx���. A beautiful midwestern setting, Sean and his family spend all of their free time on the farm. Sean Derrig's Pursuit of Perfection by Tom Davis. As Tom Davis writes in To the Point, “The Brittany has always been the gun dog … •Durable Biothane •Engraved NO BAD DOGS & Tom Davis … stream /ToUnicode 29 0 R Online Dog Training is a tailored, 1-1, motivating private session to put you in the right direction to achieve your dog training goals and strengthen your relationship with your dog. Dog Trainer… << << You can also reach us by phone to get more information on our services. /Subtype /Type1 /CapHeight 724 >> show bio. 141 people follow this. Dog Trainer in Pinckney, Michigan. Get Directions (517) 861-1087. >> Winner—B M B’S FREE RIDE, 1660979, … 4/20/2016 10:20:34 AM Brittany lore holds to the captivating view that the breed originally was a poacher’s dog. On several occasions over the years I've watched dogs … Share. /Name /OPBaseFont0 /Encoding << endobj 10 0 obj Each additional day over a package is $175 per day. And be sure to check out the video below, too. /BitsPerComponent 8 ���{;jHts)�HJ���U4�5Ϡd��G� ��oR�O�y��K�HUӎ����-'�ˀ�ϔ�|�#�(�ڨ�5w�DVu$ǿ�҈��d�Gsy! ---Dog TrainingDoggy DaycareBoard & TrainBooking a SeminarGeneral Information, How did you hear about us: Tom Davis, America’s Canine Educator. Tom Davis specializes in dog training based on canine behavior, and he is known for taking in some of the hardest behavior modification training cases. endobj 7 0 obj Bird Dogs & Training. /Type /Encoding Always Open. >> Full … You can easily handle any dog with this 3/8 inch, durable leash. endobj 9 0 obj The author of many books including Why Dogs Do That, The Orvis Book of Dogs, and The Tattered Autumn Sky, Tom Davis lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin. /Subtype /TrueType The author of many books including Why Dogs Do That, The Orvis Book of Dogs, and The Tattered Autumn Sky, Tom Davis lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin. /Ascent 935 Sherry Ebert: On Top of the Bird-Dog World for Decades, by Tom … Next, find a trainer and show them your dog. /Descent -211 A … /BaseEncoding /WinAnsiEncoding /Differences [ 1 /.null 2 /.null 3 /.null 4 /.null 5 /.null 6 /.null 7 /.null 8 /.null 11 /.null 12 /.null 14 /.null 15 /.null 16 /.null 17 /.null 18 /.null 19 /.null 20 /.null 21 /.null 22 /.null 23 /.null 24 /.null 25 /.null 26 /.null 27 /.null 28 /.null 29 /.null 30 /.null 31 /.null ] A $350 deposit per dog is required for reservation. Our professional training leash, micro prong collar, and safety clip is our most popular combo! /StemV 73 5 out of 5 stars. The author of many books including Why Dogs Do That, The Orvis Book of Dogs, and The Tattered Autumn Sky, Tom Davis lives in Green Bay, Wisconsin. /FontName /ArialNarrow-Italic /FontFile2 37 0 R Tom Davis, Zak George, Robert Cabral, etc. /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB %PDF-1.5 %���� 4 0 obj Judges: Tom Davis and R. J. Marquart. /BaseFont /Times-Roman By Tom Davis. Anyone can teach their dog to sit and go down. He’s also put more than 100 titles on dogs during his 40-plus years as a professional dog trainer. By Tom Davis. Premiere dog training, doggy daycare and board & train programs for you and your dog, located in Upstate New York. endobj 12 0 obj 5. /ItalicAngle 0 >> /Subtype /Image 'B#���:S�K�5 �o8dkAD`�ۧ�x�l2�E�WM��3��ǭ��P�@��p�(�y*4�h�����P���\�B{��*{Hto]��-���(��Pf�<5]� �M-#a�D������'�� /BaseEncoding /WinAnsiEncoding I currently offer private in home training and consultation, or private training and consultation at my home. x�m����0��F�"9�H9���l��I�Tr�����ݢ��L��˟5N�sq�ͤ�ס�.T�>����XU7�4�I�ڲO��|y��g��.I���q��iy��ֵ�y=�#�:?�oI�2�<4���~��~���on�OJ'����V�Q�?˖U��u���=++�&��j����7NvZ���t�'����6�����%�@xv@��"�" ���(��e{@��� 2$�X�r ` `�@ц$��G�5�:��� l#�>� E�\p�b�J��F����r�\k�̥|n�R���<2�g}�9��9Ͷ Di���h�h�E9��E�BZ�%Ś�/�� �h��!�h��E�E9��r8u��� �u/'kh�#thwq>,����I�(S�9nH\��i���.��6�n�u���B�]�.��Jl��endstream 782 were here. I take my dogs on off leash walks, we can walk by people, other dogs, dear, he doesn’t even flinch. /FirstChar 0 /Type /Font Tom Davis Dog Training – Willow Spring, North Carolina 27592. Mar 27th 2015 11:27AM. Interested in: (required) /Width 103 Contact Americas Canine Educator Today to begin creating a better relationship with your dog. You want to be able to show him off. /LastChar 125 Tom’s Upstate Canine Academy in Clifton Park, NY is where he and his team offer dog training and education clinics, as well as doggy daycare. DU Magazine Retrievers Columnist. /Widths [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 228 228 291 0 0 0 0 157 273 273 0 0 228 273 228 0 456 456 456 455 455 456 456 456 456 456 228 228 0 0 0 456 0 547 547 591 592 547 501 639 592 228 410 547 456 683 591 638 547 638 592 547 501 592 547 774 547 547 501 228 0 228 0 0 273 456 456 411 456 455 228 456 456 182 182 410 182 683 456 456 456 455 273 410 228 456 410 591 410 410 410 273 0 273 ] << Dog Trainer Says 'Bad Customer,' Sues for $65K Over Reviews. ©Pointing Dog … /Name /picture_4 /Length 13 0 R From there he was offered … According to Del Rossi, six months is about the right age to start a dog on a wild bird training program. DU Magazine Retrievers Columnist. In it, Sherry gives some good tips and advice on training bird dogs. Work with Tom Davis, America’s Canine Educator, in the comfort of your own home and on your own time via Skype or FaceTime, with Online Dog Training!