Nov 24, 2020 #1 Talent doesn't always win and some creative people just don't get the luck to succeed on this platform. best. Underrated Youtube channels? Sort by. ‘Hidden Gems’ Cinematography-Related YouTube Resources. RV Love. Log in or sign up to leave a comment Log In Sign Up. Oct 25, 2017 702. COMMENTS. Go to first unread Skip to page: This discussion is closed. Yesterday, I was scrolling down my YouTube feed and I found nothing interesting. Visit us on Facebook: here if you want to learn more about Donut Media: Media is at the center of digital media for the next generation of automotive and motorsports enthusiasts. EtcetEra Forum. Eight Underrated Gaming Youtube Channels You Should Watch. The Most Underrated YouTube Channel I've seen. Bright Insight. funny enough pretty much all videos featured on "FreeCodeCamp"'s Youtube channel are I believe submissions from various creators having their own channels; I believe those creators and their channels should be given more exposure. View original. Archived. Underrated Youtube channels? Thanks to Audible for sponsoring today's video. Photo: 1. (edited 2016-12-11 03:52:15). Video: YouTube. Find your fate exploring this mysterious island. Go. publisher. Discussion in 'The Lounge' started by rainbowblink224, Jan 4, 2021. rainbowblink224 Super Rookie. June 7th 2018. 2016-12-11 03:51:22 There’s no epic B-roll, super-dank slow-mo footage (because shooting in 60fps for a 24p timeline is always more cinematic), ‘cinematic LUTs or presets’ or any magic tricks here. Feb 13, 2018 #51 SKITSOPHRENIA PRODUCTIONS ITSREAL85VIDS . Jon Venus. Look him up on YouTube, he makes really high quality videos but he barely gets any viewers or subs. 9 underrated YouTube channels to watch in 2016 The platform has become a smaller and smaller feedback loop of bigger and bigger stars. Go check him out and drop a like! Mia Maples. Get your free 30 day trial, one free audiobook, and 2 audible originals here! A failed children's show host attempts to make a child-friendly program about the internet and all things surrounding it. I'm the lightbringer. In the world of Motovlogging, one of the best and most underrated channels is Uncle Longbeard: Just barely over 1K subs and yet his production values and artistic flair are incredible. I discovered her YouTube channel in 2018 and her videos have made my days brighter ever since. This thread is archived. Representational image | iStock. Socialblade is a premiere YouTube community where you can chat with other YouTubers. The YouTube viewership has increased a lot in the past decade which led to increase the number of creator in this platform, but many of those really creative creator don't get the recognition they deserve. Subscribers: 905,283. Riffing over shitty LPs, games, Newgrounds flashes and kickstarters. 2016-12-11 10:55:41, I don't do this for views I do it cause I never had noone there to loop the hip hop songs I liked. These underrated channels will spice things up and help you stick to your 2021 fitness goals beyond January. Response to Underrated Youtube channels? This guy usually finds some pretty awful films and rips them apart. If you love babies you will love this channel! If you have $3 per month or $25 per year to spare, please consider becoming a Supporter today! Underrated Youtube channels? Our Favorite Underrated YouTube Channels, Mechanical Keyboards, & Tech Embargoes Explained By Studio71. Likely the most recognizable YouTuber on this list, Markiplier is a colorful character in more ways than his rotating hair colors. 2016-12-11 14:50:46, YourMovieSucks is a pretty great youtube channel. hide. Learn how to pick the catchy youtube name to get more views and subscribers. 5 months ago "Jun's Kitchen" 7. Hot New Top. the_kaotek1. share. CreepsMcPasta is a YouTube channel dedicated to narrating online horror stories to create a movie in your mind. level 1. 23,036 subscribers. Welcome to T30UT! Hot. Rising. Some good, some bad. The YouTube viewership has increased a lot in the past decade which led to increase the number of creator in this platform, but many of those really creative creator don't get the recognition they deserve. There are so many RV YouTubers now that it doesn’t matter if you are interested in a life in a van, trailer, motorhome, full time RVing couples or fifth wheel owners. If you’re looking for some refreshing content, here’s a list of the most underrated YouTube channels to kill your boredom. 616 comments. EtcetEra Forum . Join Nolan as he suggests some of his favorite channels that you should definitely subscribe to! Jehan Charlie. ©Copyright 1995-2021 Newgrounds, Inc. All rights reserved. 1; 2; 3; Next. Video: YouTube. Diarra Harris. Oct 27, 2017 1,327. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Announcements Help shape TSR for a chance to win a £100 voucher >> Applying to uni? share. It’s also a great place to learn new skills … Follow 1505 Hearts. Thanks to Audible for sponsoring today's video.