Growth in corn dry-mill ethanol production has surged in the past several years, simultaneously creating a coproduct-distillers' grains (DDGS). 8-32 characters, include one number (0-9) and one letter (a-z), By clicking Create Account, you agree to our, Save DTNPF to your home screen: Tap on the arrow and then select, Farms Across US to Pay 4.5% Higher Wages in H-2A Guest Worker Program, Rewarding Farmers for Right Practices as Biden Seeks Climate Solutions in Agriculture, Previous Post (FDA Inspections on the Rise to Ensure Facilities are FSMA Compliant), Next Post (2019 Corn Harvest: Will it Ever End? or For example, from January 2015 to June 2015, corn prices were from -$26 to -$54 per ton lower than DDG prices. States include: Missouri, Iowa, Nebraska. by Linwood Hoffman and Allen Baker. River, Bartlett and Company, Kansas City, MO (816-753-6300), Show Me Ethanol LLC, Carrollton, MO (660-542-6493), MGP Ingredients, Atchison, KS (800-255-0302 Ext. As a member of the DTNPF online community you can contribute to discussions, save your settings, get exclusive email alerts and access to special online sections, and read e-newsletters. With full-time presence in 28 locations, the Council operates programs in … The U.S. Grains Council’s DDGS Weekly Market Report provides timely information on DDGS markets, DDGS export figures, shipping information and Council news. “It has the same volatility that we've seen in the corn market.” NASS publications cover a wide range of subjects, from traditional crops, such as corn and wheat, to specialties, such as mushrooms and flowers; from calves born to hogs slaughtered; from agricultural prices to land in farms. Data on production, supply and distribution of agricultural commodities for the U.S. and key producing and consuming countries. Tom Vilsack, the Biden administration's nominee for Agriculture secretary, talked at his confirmation hearing on Tuesday about rewarding farmers... OMAHA (DTN) -- The domestic distillers dried grains (DDG) weekly average spot price from the 40 locations DTN contacted was unchanged at $150 per ton for the week ended Jan. 2. Foreign Agricultural Service/USDA 8 January 2021 Global: Over the past month, Western Hemisphere prices remained elevated well above those of Asian suppliers with U.S. quotes at $625/ton and Uruguayan quotes at $620/ton. Indications for January DDGS FOB NOLA are steady while offers for February and March are down $1/MT from last week. . California prices were $5 per ton lower as weather has finally improved, which has helped logistics to improve. ), Increase yields and savings with precision weather. The average price of distillers’ dried grains (DDGS) and the average price of corn (both in dollars per ton) quoted by the USDA’s Agricultural Marketing Service for Iowa ethanol plants each Friday from January 26, 2007 through July 5, 2013 is shown in Figure 1. ", * CIF (cost, insurance and freight paid by seller) NOLA (New Orleans), * FOB (free on board means buyer pays costs of ocean freight, insurance, unloading, and transportation from originating port), Mary Kennedy can be reached at Based on USDA-NASS data by type of distillers grains produced and USDA-FAS U.S. distillers dried grains (DDG) export data, which includes both DDGS and DDG-excluding solubles, exports during the first half of the 2015/16, 2016/17, and 2017/18 marketing years averaged 44 percent of total distillers dried grains production. This monthly report includes data on U.S. and global trade, production, consumption and stocks, as well as analysis of developments affecting world trade in oilseeds. USDA National Agricultural Statistics Service Information. In August of 2015, corn price was $24 per ton higher than DDG prices. Not all features of DTN / The Progressive Farmer may function as expected. States if Cost of Production data are correct. 5253), POET Nutrition, Sioux Falls, SD (888-327-8799), United BioEnergy, Wichita, KS (316-616-3521), U.S. Commodities, Minneapolis, MN (888-293-1640), Western Milling, Goshen, California (559-302-1074), The weekly average prices above reflect only those companies DTN. Grow your production, efficiencies, and profitability. Insight and analysis from FAS's overseas offices on issues affecting agricultural production and trade. Current and historical data on international trade in agricultural, fish, forest and textile products. As an example, he notes that U.S. DDGS was quoted at the time near $348 per ton FOB at the export terminals near New Orleans. Includes biodiesel, ethanol, distillers dried grains (DDGs) The United States exported 1.5 billion gallons of ethanol valued at $2.4 billion in 2019. Dried Distillers Grain A by-product of ethanol production containing 10 to 12 percent moisture and 28 to 30 percent protein value on a dry matter basis.