I liked it because it is a young readers' title with an unreliable narrator. It made the read easier and the dialog kept it interesting. New York Times bestselling author Walter Dean Myers's last novel, delivers a gripping story based on the life of a real dancer known as Master Juba, who lived in the nineteenth century, and influenced today's tap, jazz, and step dancing. They keep me interested and I learn some good things about myself sometimes. But than when I was staying at my parents house recovery from my Achilles Heel surgery, I was looking through my little sister book shelf and I saw she had the book Monster. I am now doing an author study for my language arts class on you and some of your books. The story is told in a unorthodox manner, switching between entries in Steve's diary and an imagined screenplay. No, not my life, but of this experience. Literature was his one true faith, the lens through which he surveyed every aspect of the human condition. A boy who read voraciously — Mark Twain, Elizabeth Barrett Browning, Samuel Coleridge, Charles Dickens, Dylan Thomas, Honoré de Balzac, James Joyce — even after he dropped out of Stuyvesant High School in New York. Refresh and try again. This is never mentioned in the book. In accordance with the law, the list below does not include Dean's List students who asked to have their information withheld. To be quite honest, I really didn't enjoy it. But I will say I did highly liked and enjoyed it so much, it was totally a refreshing and very important read as well. In it, we're forced to go through every plot point in the book -- except that during these lawyer soliloquies all the events in the book have been condensed into a few sentences. The film will be the story of my life. This would be a good title for a young reluctant urban reader. The former is about lacking culpability and the other is about the justice system not having enough evidence to convict. Now Monster is a quick pace read, I read it in one setting, but it was not one of my favorite books that I read this year. I highly recommend this book to someone who is looking for a quick book that they can rush through. Work was something he always welcomed, though. This is my most recent reading of a book I've already taught two or three times in ninth grade English classes. As a boy, Walter Dean Myers was quick-tempered and always ready for a fight. March 5th 2019 This would be a good title for a youn. I guess making you live is part of the punishment.”, Rhode Island Teen Book Award Nominee (2001), Coretta Scott King Book Award for Author Honor (2000), Boston Globe-Horn Book Award Nominee for Fiction (1999), National Book Award Finalist for Young People's Literature (1999). So I decided to look him up, just being curious, well I find this information verry intressting, not only did I want to find out about this man I was also searching for some advice too, I was looking for some insparation to make a book like Ive always wanted but when I try…I just lose all focas and I wonder off from it and when I go to return to it after a few days I dont find it too intressting, so I scrap it. Monster by Walter Dean Myers is a criminal book. In 1968, his picture-book manuscript for “Where Does the Day Go” won a contest for black writers by the Council on Interracial Books for Children. General response/reaction: A great book. I'll call it what the lady who is the prosecutor called me. Reviewed by Mechele R. Dillard for TeensReadToo.com, I will admit I thought this book was a non-fiction book when I first heard about it on Litsy. The 16 year old protagonist who is on trial. He gave (and still conitues to give ) people hope for a change. In total this book took me about 3 hrs to finish.