Varieties : Wild Betta Steel Blue Alien Hybrid. Betta Essential Filtration Tools Substrate Plants Fertilizers Plants - Tissue Culture Plants - Epiphytes Plants - In Pots / Bunches BETTA IN THE WILD. #1 Source for Wild Betta Fish for sale in the United States. Facebook – //, See tank set up guide and reconditioning guide and how i recommend keeping my fish below. The Bettas that are pictured are the exact ones you will be purchasing. All wilds within the splenden complex can share the same water parameters with no issue as long as you have soft water and tannin. All of these are locally bred here in Houston, TX! alien bettas Sort by Featured Best selling Alphabetically, A-Z Alphabetically, Z-A Price, low to high Price, high to low Date, old to new Date, new to old ALIEN MALE #25 $59.99 High quality Betta fish for sale by Nice Betta Thailand online store. Shop. here are some examples: Regular price $25.00 Sale price $25.00 Sale. Alien turquoise betta male. Wilds will lose all their coloration whilst they are in the bags and clamp their fins which is expected due to the stress but they can easily overcome this after you give them time to relax and adjust to their new home. Wild Betta farm. $25.00. Because bettas are not very active, they don’t require a lot of space. Alien Gray Betta ( Male ) $25.00 Only a few left! These Betta are WYSIWYG which means "what you see is what you get". Shipping cost is paid only from them to you, shipping from thailand is free, before ordering it is highly advised to contact a transhipper to find out the costs of their services. These fish are much more peaceful than the Betta Splendens. Shop. Live Betta Fish High Quality Wild Betta Alien Copper - USA Seller. This listing is for a captive bred wild type full mask alien hybrid copper male which is one of the rarest color variation of Alien bettas to date, Alien hybrids is a result of hybridizing a mahachaiensis with different wild species of wild bettas and crossing to domestic splendens for the full mask look, the list of species is unknown and only the original breeder knows of the full list, breeders like myself breed … Wild male and female Betta for sale. Alien grey betta female. Seven Fishes is Australia's Largest Online Betta Fish (Siamese Fighting Fish) specialist. Of course breeding betta lah. Was wondering if this is a marble that just has black eyes or is there more to it? 83 watching. on any boards! Our Male Bettas! A Betta sorority is a tank which contains at least 5 female Betta fish. Betta Fish Tail Rot & Tail Biting Indian Almond Leaves Benefits We aim to be the first place to come to mind when looking for quality imported Bettas and fighting fish supplies. NOTE Ordering directly from my site will get fish similar to that of the photograph example picture shown, you WILL NOT get the exact fish in the picture as it is only to show the example of the quality you’ll be receiving which is selected by me. Avoid any flaring or sight of another betta for the next 72 hours we should let them have their own territory that they feel its theirs and this will greatly help in making your fish have confident and flare when he sees another male or the mirror in the future. If you have any questions about any specific ones please feel These new Betta types were certainly also bred by crossing in wild species, in this case Betta stiktos seems to have been involved; “Alien Green” looks de facto like a B. stiktos. We even carry variants of Splendens type along with beautiful Hybrid Copper, Blue, Gray and Green Alien Bettas. Don't miss out on this opportunity to buy show quality male bettas at an amazing price including crown tail, koi, halfmoon, galaxy, plakat, and giant bettas Betta Fish Colors. Dried almond leaves for tannin is a must, bettas of all variants benefit from tannin as it helps soften the water and lowers the PH and replicating the environment of what these fish are used to. Bettas come in a rainbow of solid colors, from bright reds all the way to the deepest blacks and the purest whites. Aliens are listed as wilds because they're hybrids of "wild" splenden complex species, mahachaiensis and smaragdina traits are pretty prevalent in them but I think they might have domestic splenden genes crossed in too. I mainly work and breed with Hybrid full mask bettas (Full scaling on the head and cheeks) or what most people call “Alien” due to their weirdly shaped head at the time the line first appeared but since then us breeders have been selective breeding for better head structure nowadays head shape doesn’t look as badly deformed as it used to and in return will offer a healthier looking fish. Live food or frozen bloodworms are highly recommended as this is what i feed my fish, live food is the best as this will get them hunting and help giving them their apatite back, feed small portions only after a few hours of them roaming their new tank, don’t feed straight away as they won’t usually eat after being out of the bag. Color returning – t is very normal for wilds to be completely pale and brown with stressed stripes and clamped fins for the first few days but once they begin to settle their colors should begin to return and fins will begin to open up, after 3-4 days it is usually safe to try play around with your fish but don’t pressure him into flaring too much just yet as he may still be adjusting, the best thing to do is just give them time and not disturb them too much even though you are so eager to check out your new fish trust me it will be 10x better once he’s fully colored up! The Alien Betta was a surprise to everyone on how cool it looked. Live Betta Fish High Quality Halfmoon Plakat FEMALE Blue Marble Dragon. C064(BBF-648)Red Copper Rose Tail Halfmoon Male Betta. Traits of "Alien" include full facial mask, spread iridescence that cover the fins and the body as well as webbing on the caudal fins. Alien Bettas are hybrids of Splendens and wild types. Required fields are marked *. As with other Betta species, make sure there is a cover as they are good jumpers. Your email address will not be published. For the record, Robert was not told to come in to film or put away the fish etc. Betta imbellis is a good fish for a quiet, peaceful community tank. The purple sheen shown in these pictures is a direct effect of how lighting of the tank is set up, for a full lighting guide on how to get the best colorations on wilds please Email me at Of course, many betta fish are not simply one color but show several distinct areas of pigmentation. It is present in several freshwater habitats and is a paternal mouth-broader. Turn off lighting for the first few days Lighting after arriving can stress them out since they have been in the dark for some days so it is best to keep lighting off whilst they settle and acclimate into their new tank. $15.00 shipping. These gorgeous bettas would be a wonderful addition to any home. Based in eastern province of Thailand. Alien Bettas Preorder. All Betta fish are shipped From Houston, Texas to your shipping address with Live Arrival Guarantee or Best Offer. If you want multiple females, you need a larger group than 2 (a minimum of five is recommended), and for this a heavily planted tank of 40 US gallons/150 liters is recommended. Search Wild betta farm. $45.00. 95 watching Search site. Saw an "Alien" Betta on AB. "Alien" is a term used by asian breeders for fish with color on the fins and a white to flesh colored body. Shop. This website uses cookies for functionality, analytics and advertising purposes as described in our, I AM BACK!!!! A compilation of some clips of a few wild type aliens from my most recent instagram posts. Temp should be between 25-27 whilst ph can be from 5-7 in my experience. C134(WORA-512) Copper Alien Male Betta. Wild bettas are facing extinction due to habitat loss and these species can be found in countries just around us. Wild Mahachai Betta ( Male ) $25.00 Shop. Personally.. LOL. Hehehe, Halfmoon Plakats | Asymmetrical Show Plakats, ... 1255189247, ... 1253555608, ... 1253808729, ... endens.htm. Tannin also helps reduce potential infection during these crucial stage whilst your fish shifts from its original setting to their new homes. They are quarantined before being placed on sale. It is a slang term and sometimes thrown around for selling purposes. Color : Steel Blue. Age : 3 Months Old. Add to cart Bred by Frank's Bettas of Thailand. You'll see all kinds of different marketing tools/names in Aquabid....Monsters and ailiens are usually marbles.......I get a kick out of some of Nicebettas names for her Bettas..."Big Brother" etc. Color Quantity must be 1 or more. $25.00 Only a few left! Males can be kept together in a large enough tank. Secured Self-checkout online Shop. Gender : Male. Submit. Quality Betta Fish In USA. I think its a way to draw attention to the fish... and make people think it is something special and an oddity... worth more money than just a plain marble etc. Skip to content. Wild bettas prefer a smaller tank with a size of 2.5-10 gallon which should be planted, filtered and heated, biotopes are usually the best option as these are tanks that mimic their natural habitat and has beneficial tannins that the wild bettas love as it’ll keep the water soft and somewhat acidic. Description Wild Betta fish Hybrid Grey Alien. Previous page; Page 1 of 4 Next page; Search site. Before we start here is the super recipe. We shipping oversea safe for fish take care fish by partner & trans shipper. Aliens are a hybridization of different types of wild bettas and are considered a type of wild hybrid. They are small and colorful fish with striking personalities.They have been cross bred over years creating the most amazing colorations and tail variations.They do not require a lot of maintenance and their physiology and behavior is quite captivating and amazing. However, larger habitats are more stable and easier to maintain. A lid will also keep them from jumping as these guys are super agile and will jump out of the smallest of holes, floating plants are very good for wilds and so are tall growing plants.Floating plants such as frogbit,water lettuce and tall growing plants like hornworts are great as wilds will love to swim through their roots and rest on them. Unit price / per . $18.00 shipping. Reconditioning after travelling across the world, Do not expect a full glistening fish to show right out the bags it takes extra care and patients to reconditioning wilds. Regular price $20.00 Sale price $20.00 Sale. They are all very slender Bettas, they have much more of the heritage of the Betta smaragdina alike forms to which B. stiktos belongs than of Betta splendens. A planted aquarium with a lid is highly recommended as giving these guys the most natural set up will always be a benefit to their adjustments, live plants offer coverage and keeps the parameter of the water in check. The difference in pricing for coppers compared to other color of alien is due to its rarity in the hobby as its a fairly newly developed coloration. It is also known as a Betta harem. Close search. Be the first to review “Alien Betta full mask male Copper – FranksBettas”. Dried almond leaves are a great simple source for tannin, I usually use half a leaf to 5 gallons but the more you use will be better as long as you have a tea like coloration in your water your fish will have no issue coloring up and settling in. This listing is for a captive bred wild type full mask alien hybrid copper male which is one of the rarest color variation of Alien bettas to date, Alien hybrids is a result of hybridizing a mahachaiensis with different wild species of wild bettas and crossing to domestic splendens for the full mask look, the list of species is unknown and only the original breeder knows of the full list, breeders like myself breed these to our standards and tweaked to our own style and bloodline . If you are unclear of anything feel free to contact me, Your email address will not be published. The giant betta (Betta anabantoides) is a type of freshwater ray-finned fish in the Macropodusinae subfamily, part of the gourami family.It is native to southern Kalimantan, the Borneo region of Indonesia. Yes! Betta Fish Housing. From Betta Imbellis, Smaragdina and Mahachai to harder to find Betta Hendra, Api Api, Channoides, Unimaculata and more! "Alien" is a term used by asian breeders for fish with color on the fins and a white to flesh colored body. The next day fish will be shipped to you is March 8 (Weather Dependant). The Aqueon MiniBow, LED BettaBow 2.5, Triscape and MiniCube Kits are great choices for getting started on the right foot! High quality Betta fish for sale by Nice Betta Thailand online store. See my care guide on the site! I have seen the Big Bro term and also BIGBO. Our bettas are hand selected from the best farms in Thailand. Prism Bettas ships to all US States and territories weather and local regulations dependent. I ship via transhippers (importers in your country) that i will send to once you’ve ordered, once fish arrives in your country and at their location they will reach out to you and send you the shipping cost. All Images belong to and may not be used without permission. $15.00 shipping. Alien Copper Betta (Male) $40.00 Only a few left! Blue Alien wild betta male. If you looking for top quality betta fish or competition betta fish grade please think about us.. Nice Betta Thailand International Betta farm Culture and breeding the betta fish directly in Thailand . The last 5 years my passion for Bettas has intensified and has been the driving force for me in creating my own betta lines, which are recognised worldwide by betta breeders and enthusiasts alike Wild Imbellis Betta . Alien Bettas species and hybrids available Pause slideshow Play slideshow. This fish can learn to recognize their owners, and they also create bubble nests. We have been breeding and importing betters for many years. Alien Blue Betta (Round Tail Male) $25.00 Only a few left! We shipping oversea safe for fish take care fish by partner & trans shipper. Ah, ok. Just checking, seeing as how I have not read about "alien bettas" as a new color etc. Tanks should be semi-planted and not overly dense otherwise fish will like to hide a lot, as a breeder I keep my males in individual 2.5 gallon bare bottom tanks next to one another with no filtration but I do 100% water changes every 4 days using aged water that I’ve left out for a week to release all the chemicals that may be in the water. $50.00. If you looking for top quality betta fish or competition betta fish grade please think about us.. Nice Betta Thailand International Betta farm Culture and breeding the betta fish directly in Thailand . Shop. The most simplest wilds is imbellis but the common myths that Imbellis are peaceful and can live in groups with males together or pairs is thrown around too easily without much thought, these fish given the chance will fight for territory and in such a small tank it could end in deaths, Male and female pair in tanks have worked but its not always the case because after they spawn the male will be very aggressive protecting his eggs so the stress on your female is not really needed unless you’re trying to breed, a scenario which does work however is a Harem of 1 male to 4-5 females in a tank preferably larger than 15-20 gallons with dense plants life and plenty of room for fish to stay away from one another. We have been breeding and importing betters for many years. Search Wild betta farm. The primary color difference is the males have a white band around the edges of their fins and the females are a dull blue/gray in color. Aliens are a hybridization of different types of wild bettas and are considered a type of wild hybrid. If you would like to order and see the exact fish (Slower process in ordering) you can contact me directly via the contact information below: Facebook – Green is the result of having a Homozygous metallic gene over Homozygous iridescence (turquoise). We are located in San Diego, Ca $45.00. Description. They are at least as aggressive as normal Splendens and cannot be kept in peaceful groups like species such as Rubra. I have been breeding wild type bettas for the last 15 years throughout various stages of my life. Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are very common with beginner aquarists. Regular price $125.00 Sale price $100.00 Sale. These bettas are often called “white seam fighters” and closely resemble the appearance of Betta M acrostoma. Description Wild Betta fish Green Alien Hybrid. Betta fi… They are slightly more tolerant in terms of pH and temperature than Macrostoma. Alien grey betta female. Traits of "Alien" include full facial mask, spread iridescence that cover the fins and the body as well as webbing on the caudal fins. Alien hybrids are the same care as any other species from the wild splenden complex. Size : 1.5 inches From Head To Tail Approximately. One Stop Shop for quality Bettas (Fighting Fish) & More. I cover some of these cases in the patterns section. Unit price / per . :-). Please review the Live Arrival Guarantee on the bottom of the homepage or at checkout, as it has changed for the cold weather season. Shipping calculated at checkout. Whilst females are less aggressive than males, this depends on each fish as they can still be aggressive and territorial. $25.00. Because of this, you should still choose the tank mates wisely.