It’s almost like eating a uniquely flavored cream with just a little bite. Guyabano seed are also used by herbal medicine practitioners to treat nausea, while using the fruit and leaves as pain relievers for stomach pain, asthma, and fever. If a fruit is shipped, chilled for transportation or not available in abundance, the cost will rise significantly. Aside from that, it can also help prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke. If you're entering Manila, you'd instantly notice the yellow colored fruit being sold and displayed in practically all the markets and stores in the country. In addition to that, it contains copper and iron to improve the health of your blood vessels and blood cells. Anyways, back to our featured fruit of the day – PINEAPPLE. When they aren’t … Bayabas or guava (Psidium guajava) is in season from July to November and most common areas where guavas are grown in … It has a different kind of sweetness that seems sweeter, like Honey Dew is to Cantaloupe (Melon). The most common fruits in the Philippines are mangoes, pineapples and bananas and vegetables are green beans, morning glory, carrots and cucumbers among many others. The less time the fruit travels the fresher it will be. I don’t why people are like that but we are like that and it is actually one of the reasons why I feel the need to feature our awesome summer fruits in the Philippines. Actually, for us, hehe. Aside Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. Fruits available “out of season” aren’t as fresh and nutritious? Atis or sugar-apple (Annona squamosa ) is in season from Sept to Dec and cultivated throughout the Philippines. It smells kinda bad though but don’t let that keep you from experiencing the magnificence of this fruit. Haha! All its health benefits are outlined here. Post was not sent - check your email addresses! All images courtesy of Pixabay. And they’re filled with chemicals, right? Look for these foods in produce sections at your local grocer, farmers markets, and roadside stands. However, it can also be used for medicinal purposes. It even has protein. Incidentally, I live in Los Angeles California but born in Cebu. January means citrus fruits, the best source of vitamin C during cold days. I'll be visiting there Mid-October through Early-November and am curious to know what I can look forward to feasting upon! That makes the pineapple featured here an image of next level clustering. Fruits. ( Dalanghita (mandarin orange) Duhat (Java plum) Durian. Kinds Of Fruits In The Philippines. You may have heard it before or maybe not…yes, DURIAN is an aphrodisiac It also has anti-aging elements and makes you feel relaxed and happy. Located in the tropical region, the Philippines has several mouthwatering and deliciously nutritious fruits. However, I rarely get to eat this summer tropical fruit. The major fruit species grown in the country include Banana, Pineapple, Mango, Papaya, Calamansi, Durian, Jackfruit and Lanzones based on volume of production. Maybe it’s time to plant one, anyone know how? Some seasonal fruits in the Philippines Banana. Asia - fruits in season February/March - Hello. I was so excited to try it out and it was amazing. Wow! It’s saddening to look at Pinterest and not see the Philippines as one of the MUST GO Foodie Travel Destinations. What do you mean po? BANANA is said to be the most popular fruit in the world probably because it is produced all over the world. In the Philippines, here’s 10 of the best: #10:Onions ... And if that were not enough, the rotund fruit is rich resource of magnesium, potassium and fiber. The only fruits available year-round in the country are bananas, papayas and pomelos. Honestly, I never knew it did up until about a year ago. Let me start by introducing you to local and exotic summer fruits in the Philippines that you just have to go here to experience. FRUIT JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC Avocado Kamatsile Kamias Saging Duhat Balimbing Chico Makopa Kasuy Tiesa Durian Mabolo Guava Langka Lanzones Mango Melon Dalanghita Papaya Kalamansi Pinya Suha Santol Sineguelas Guyabano Atis Sampaloc Kaimito Pakwan I didn’t and after reading so, I realized that indeed PAPAYA is such a delectable fruit and it deserves the moniker. Here are some of the most common tropical fruits in the Philippines. Two pronounced wet and dry seasons: Dry from November to April; wet during the rest of the year. This is not always the case! I have been there and I loved loved loved it. LANZONES got its name from the Tagalog word “lason” or poison because they first thought this fruit was poisonous. More than showcasing these fruits for the world to see, I want us Filipinos to take a closer look at what we have, appreciate it and be proud of it. It is more of a backyard tree here in the Philippines. Lanzones are on the list healthy fruits for weight loss due to its low calories content and high in fiber. What can’t this fruit tree do? It isn’t called “King of Fruits” for nothing. Star apple, pineapple, seneguillas, lanzones, watermelon are grown and harvested in the Philippines during the summer months of April to June. Around central and southern Philippines Lanzones fruit can be found easily. I really do hope to see more Filipinos, myself included, confidently conscious of our natural and cultural heritage. Best enjoyed chilled, it is so sweet and refreshing! Fruits available in Markets for consumpion in the Philippines March to April Are you talking about Dragon Fruit? Some liken it to the texture of hard boiled egg yolk thus it’s nickname “eggfruit”. It has the ability to boost the immune system, soothe stomach acidity, detoxify the body, and manage diabetes. Funny how we need to be told something is great before realizing that it is indeed great and start appreciating it. Saging Festival is held every May in Siquijor province. This fruit is also made into candies and can be bought from basically every sari-sari store (small neighborhood variety store), public market and grocery here in the Philippines. And I also didn’t know that there are non-round watermelons. For one, it was a major turning point for this blog in terms of traffic =D. How many varieties of BANANA can you name? Did you know that PAPAYA was called “Fruit of the Angels” when it was first discovered by the west because of its extraordinary sweet taste and creamy texture? In a tropical country like the Philippines, most fruits grow all year round. The mangois one of the most famous fruits here in the Philippines—and somehow I know why. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Here, it is usually used as a souring agent for our beloved. This explains why our Ube flavor is too late in the global food game as compared to Matcha of the Japanese, a sentiment I have also shared in an earlier post. Guyabano is rich in vitamin C and B vitamins thiamin, riboflavin and niacin. It also increases blood flow by causing dilation of blood vessels. A popular condiment or dipping sauce here in the Philippines, calamansi is one of the most used fruits. Just from the orangey color, you’d know that this fruit is rich in beta-carotene and is good for eyesight. Another benefit of enjoying fruits in season is the cost. Starting 2014, Nueva Ecija holds a PAPAYA Festival annually. The taste and of course the benefits will reward you. Yes po! It helps make us alert, it is a natural antacid and the inside peel of BANANA helps get rid of warts. More harder to grow here, kind of slow to grow…and I have to fertilize and water it frequently…On winter months, it stop growing….and some smaller branch die, because of cold climate…. Different tropical fruits from all over the country are harvested all-year round. Well, that’s enough motivation for me to go to Camiguin =D. A festival in this fruit’s honor is held every October in Camiguin province, which reportedly produces the sweetest LANZONES here in the Philippines. And I believe that food is a good starting point for that. You can use Magosteen to boost you immune system as it contains strong antibacterial and antifungal properties. One more thing, it is said that putting this fruit upside down will hasten its ripening process, any of you tried this trick before? And if you’re trying to QUIT SMOKING, eating a banana can help you with the withdrawal symptoms. Butter Battle: The top 7 butter brands you can get at grocery stores, PGH is offering free swab tests, but only if you’re on this list, A guide to all the Metro Manila LGUs offering free COVID-19 tests for their residents, The IATF has announced new guidelines for passengers entering the country, Quarantine Business 101: How accessibility led these entrepreneurs to success, AstraZeneca is the top pick among LGUs. However, this tall herb (it’s not a tree) originated right here in the Philippines and other neighboring Southeast Asian countries like Malaysia and Indonesia although some say it was first recorded in Papua New Guinea. But more than that, I believe that in our own little way, we were able to help promote a vibrant local economy by supporting our local start-ups. If we only get to take a closer look at what we have, appreciate it, take pride in it, take care of it and harness it, the world around us will inevitably notice. Tamarind is for you! This interesting fruit contains vitamin C to help boosts your immune system. Rambutan is an indigenous fruit to the Malay-Indonesian region and certain other regions of Southeast Asia. it can also help prevent atherosclerosis, heart attack, and stroke. Pinya. Currently you have JavaScript disabled. Click here for instructions on how to enable JavaScript in your browser. It is also good for digestion, bone strength and a lot more. On top of my head, I can name about four: Lakatan (my favorite), Latundan, Saba and Senorita as pictured above. The best atis, chico, and mango should be firm, not too hard, not too mushy for your perfect pick of Philippine fruits in season. Click. … This fruit is commonly found in tropical climate countries including the Philippines. This fruit is commonly found in tropical climate countries including the Philippines. Wondering what fruit and vegetables are in season right now? The Philippines is a country in South East Asia made up of over 7100 islands. These round like lemons are sour and a native to the Philippines. We enjoy it ripe and we also eat it unripe in a clear soup dish called Tinola (Chicken Ginger Stew). Well, I know it’s delicious, mostly water and best enjoyed chilled during summer but that was as far as I knew. Thanks so much for stopping by this blog, you can subscribe also for future newsletters =) God bless! means hair. It is with much excitement that I launched our new blog advocacy series 30 FRUITS OF SUMMER today. Straight to your inbox. When foods are in season, there’s more of it which means lots of supermarket deals and 2-for-1 offers. Straight to your inbox. In addition to that, it contains copper and iron to improve the health of your blood vessels and blood cells. The fruits in the autumn season are kiwi, apple, pomegranate, grape, pear, and banana. Lanzones contains high nutritional value, as it contains an abundant amount of antioxidants, vitamin B, and fiber. What’s your favorite? Fish. In order to post comments, please make sure JavaScript and Cookies are enabled, and reload the page. At this point though, let me take this opportunity to thank everyone for supporting the last blog advocacy series that I launched Local DiscoverEATS. The texture is also a little more firmer. However, that does not mean that they’re at their best every single time they’re harvested and bought in the grocery. First and foremost, the PINEAPPLE you see here is 100% real. Thank you for liking, engaging and sharing the series with all your friends through your social media accounts. PAPAYA is also good against cancer, macular degeneration, arthritis, constipation and many more. Calamansi is a fruit widely cultivated in the Philippines. Only when we know what’s hindering us can we really start to take it down and move forward with passion and intention. Didn’t even know that there is a Pakwan Festival held in Bani, Pangasinan every February. We have plenty! I was giddy as a kid! Your email address will not be published. A Pinya Festival is held every May in Calauan, Laguna. The fruit grows in clusters, pale brown or sometimes gray-yellow skin and juicy and white translucent inside. Mangosteen is infused with antioxidants and vitamin C which can provide you with resistance to fight the flu and other infectious diseases. Rambutan Rambutan Image source: Arria Belli/CC. It provides lumber, it’s a beauty elixir and of course its food. I included. So that was local but for this blog advocacy series, we’re going global. Click here to know more. Actinidia (kiwi), orange, tangerine, clementine, lemon, grapefruit, apple, pear, dried fruits. Is anyone as surprised as I was? Some expats have been naming this fruit as their favorite, peeling it and eating it raw. Before I forget, so how does this Yellow Watermelon taste? It is also rich in Vitamin A. This is an additional post and one of a series highlighting Filipino food So before you go out to get your fruits, save yourself from disappointment and check out this list of the fruits that are in-season from July to September. Sole, sea bass, cod, mackerel and sardine are seasonal until the end of February, but some of these species are endangered. This fruit is said to originate in Borneo but is widespread in Southeast Asia. It’s not what you’re thinking. The Makopa fruit can provide us thiamin, vitamin C, calcium, magnesium, iron, potassium and sulfur. We use PAPAYA in many ways in this country. I do believe it’s one of the best tasting fruits in the world with it’s white creamy ultra sweet fibrous flesh. Know to have several medicinal purpose, it can serve as sedative, a nerve tonic, and is used to maintain proper intestinal health. Can anyone tell me what fruits are in season during that time? Tropical fruits are fruits growing in tropical countries – warm areas with temperate climate. March: Pineapple : Purchase : P100 worth of Fruits in Season get a promo code: April: Melon and watermelon: Purchase : P100 worth of Fruits in Season get a promo code: May: Mango : Purchase : P100 worth of Fruits in Season get a promo code: June: dragon fruit, lemon, Yes, they are providing unlimited coffee, banana and pineapple on the side of their serving of bulalo and I liked it; but that does not make it the best bulalo. Philippine fruits in season are said to be at their sweetest and most succulent when the sun is at its meanest and hottest. There is also no particular place where it is widely grown. From rhubarb in January to cauliflower in December, our seasonal food calendar is here to help. Just like durian, the rambutan is another thorny fruit. Of course we do! But did you know that there are almost 1000 varieties of banana?!? Pinya or pineapple is well known as fruit from tropical countries and pinya is easy to find in the Philippines. You will find the biggest variety and the best fruits and vegetables during these warm months. Guyabano (soursop) Caimito (star apple) Langka (jackfruit) We are also very fond of using its soap form for whitening. There is so much to discover and enjoy here! What more can you ask for? Sugar-apple, more commonly known as Atis in the Philippines, is an excellent source of vitamin C and B vitamins. The deliciousness in this country is still very much underrated and I say it’s high time to claim our global spotlight. DRY SEASON (October to June) WET SEASON (July to September) Mango Ponkan Banana Guava Mangosteen Marang Rambutan Lanzones. As a side note, it is said that you can eat the best bulalo in Tagaytay here but I beg to disagree. Required fields are marked *. Our more than 7,000 island archipelago is home to diverse, unique and delicious eats that are grounded in history and culture, wrapped with our warm hospitality and topped with our joy as a people. I know that the core of this issue is too complicated to tackle in a FOOD+RECIPE+TRAVEL blog like this. If you’re Filipino, don’t think that this is not for you. I previously described the fleshy part of this fruit to have a jello and marshmallow hybrid texture embedded in thin milky sweet juice. The country is one of the top producers of bananas. Calamansi is a fruit widely cultivated in the Philippines. This pod-like fruit that contains an edible pulp is commonly used in sauces, marinades, drinks and desserts. More than being delicious, it is also good for digestion, bone health, prevention of iron deficiency anemia and rich in antioxidants, among others. Since Philippine is a tropical country, a variety of delicious tropical fruits are cultivated here. Oh my! How come we don’t hear about this a lot? Blessed are those who have an Atis tree in their backyards! Did you know that the regular pineapple we see is actually a group of conjoined fruitlets or berries? © 2020. Header image courtesy of Unplash. Moreover, the antioxidants content are also good to fight cancer. Our kiwifruit deliver consistent superior taste and vitality. Eating seasonal fruits and vegetables is the best way to enjoy its flavor and texture. This sweet, sour, juicy and fibrous fruit is undoubtedly rich in Vitamin C and is therefore good for our immune system. It has high fat content that’s why. One of the best things about living in a tropical country is the abundance of tropical fruits, some of which are only available during certain months of the year.. What fruits are in season in the summer? I don’t think I’d be able to eat all those varieties in my lifetime or can I??? Apparently, it is also a very powerful fruit. These are also those I have tasted so far. It is good for the kidneys, the heart and can even prevent cancer. Well, for one I am just so thankful that we have an abundance of this glorious specie here in the Philippines. Moreover, burning the dried peel of this fruit may be done to naturally repel mosquitoes. This fruit is addictively sweet and juicy. The fruit is native to South America but has successfully been cultivated here in the Philippines since we have a tropical climate as well. The flesh of this fruit is sweet and real creamy. Aside from October, the fruit also has a season in March / April where prices are as low as 20 peso a half kilo.Or, out in the country it’s nearly free! Me, I love Coconut milk (GATA) stews like. #5: Carrots For the beautiful in you, you should take carrots for these veggies are filled with eye, skin, hair-enriching nutrients. Bananas may also help prevent asthma, high blood pressure, diabetes, and digestive problems. I have high blood pressure, and cholesterol problems and cancer I have friends who live in the Philippines who have told me about Dragon and a couple of others I would love to learn more I’m 66 and retired! It’s the most popular fruit in Camiguin. What fruits and vegetables are in season in Winter? This interesting fruit contains vitamin C to help boosts your immune system. Sadly. Lastly, this fruit is believed to be native to Central and South America and was brought to the Philippines by Spaniards. I am actually sharing where to eat the best bulalo in Tagaytay on my next week’s post. So maybe this is the reason there is no special festival for this fruit here. Here's the list of all seasonal foods to eat and buy this month. The Philippines has a wet and dry season and the relationship between these seasons create the 4 different types of climate in the country. The Philippines fruit industry is an important driver of the nation's economy. Rambutan is an indigenous fruit to the Malay-Indonesian region and certain other regions of Southeast Asia. Top 20 Best Fruits Native in the Philippines That Are Particularly Abundant Most of the fruits included on this list are from fruit trees. Most people don’t know that Pineapples can also protect against us from cardiovascular disease and reduce inflammation. Pomelo is a large citrus fruit that contains high levels of potassium, which is a mineral that essential for heart to function properly. These paints can help you create a more eco-friendly home. As a result, it is difficult to transport and subsequently sold in bulk. some say it was first recorded in Papua New Guinea. Consumption of Pomelo can also help to fight urinary tract infection as it increases the acid level in urine, which can help eliminate bacteria causing the infection. Is it yours too? Actually, if you can only get past the initial odor it gives off, you’ll get to smell the sweet aroma of this fruit and realize that it doesn’t smell bad after all.