Once its armor falls away, run away, then turn around and Z-target it. Masks:Majora’s Mask. Test it out by slashing the bushes nearby. He’s pretty easy over all. It’s a lot bigger on the inside apparently. The guard will impede you, but you’ll slowly inch your way out if you angle yourself properly. Now that you have the password, you can go to East Clock Town and have a little chat with the Bomber wearing the yellow cap. 13.1 Post-Temple CollectionProgress at this pointTotal LifeHeart Pieces 43/52Masks 19/24Bottles (N64) 5/6Bottles (3DS) 6/7New in this section The rooms, from left to right are as follows: A single hit with the Great Fairy Sword will kill them. In Ocarina of Time (the prequel to this game), you played Saria’s Song for an imp just like him and gave him the Skull Mask as part of a trading quest. The fourth platform is right behind it, so you can either try and fly around it, or go back to the second platform below and then go to the fourth platform. Go around the corner and Tatl will run after you. Meet with Anju in the kitchen of the Inn to get the Letter to Kafei. Once you’ve acquired the Stray Fairy, (another big-headed individual similar to yourself, if a bit shinier) return to North Clock Town and enter the cave on the left side. Once you regain control, quickly press Start, set the Ocarina of Time to one of your buttons and play your… pipes…? Wasn’t that fun? Locations:Secret Shrine. Mutoh, the leader of the construction efforts in town, wants the people to stay in town for the Carnival of Time. 1.1 Unfortunate EventsProgress at this pointTotal LifeHeart Pieces 0/52Masks 0/24Bottles (N64) 0/6Bottles (3DS) 0/7New in this section Required Event #4. During the night, it can be found in East Clock Town in the middle of the square; you can’t miss it. Wait for three blinks and release it to blow up the crack in the ceiling. Use the Analog Stick to move around, press the A button to perform actions and interact with people and objects and press the B button to slash your sword. You’ll witness the familiar scene of the two fairies and Skull Kid chatting. Go to the Mayor’s Residence in East Clock Town. It will then combine with the others in the spring to become a large scandalous female known as the Great Fairy of Magic. All five are shuffled around each time you play, meaning there are 120 possible combinations for this password and it is completely random. Why does it even have that symbol on it? As Link you will kill enemies to open doors and as Kafei you will step on switches to change the conveyor belt speed and open doors. Check it out if you like, then fly over to the final platform. Cerca nel più grande indice di testi integrali mai esistito. Although he does say it’s nice weather and doesn’t mind. This part should be obvious: …go inside. For some odd reason, there aren’t any chests or enemies out in Termina Field at this point… Play around if you like, then return to Clock Town before you run out of time. Head to the northeast corner of the room where you can collect a Piece of Heart. Oops! Shoot it to make a ladder appear. Turns out, if you can get your “precious item” back, he’ll teach you how to return to your normal form! Items:Kafei’s Diary, Room Key, Letter to Kafei, Pendant of Memories, Letter to Mama, Bottle #6 (N64), Bottle #7 (3DS) WARNING!!!!! The main thing you’ll need for this battle is arrows. Just like before, use your Shield and strafe to the left or right. Do this until your Bottles are full. From a story perspective, it’s nice to see the entire quest play out, including some of the challenges that each character is going through within their life. “Just believe! Dance with him repeatedly until the night of the final day to pass the time. Get that MM feel next time you are just standing around. The Twinmold Child demands four more masks, then asks you a slightly more disturbing question than any of the other children. Play the Song of Time. Speak with Kafei inside his house to learn that he was transformed into a child by Skull Kid, then had his Sun Mask stolen from him by Sakon the Thief. As he giggles at his new toy, the fairies will begin arguing in the background. You are just so dashing and admirable that she hires you to find him, giving you Kafei’s Mask. Yippee! This is by far the easiest form, as well as the strangest. To hurt it, simply walk towards it, defending at all times. NOTE: If you run out of Bombchus, no worries. The map will guide you accordingly, but just for clarification, here is how to get to the Piece of Heart and the Moon Child. Anju is arguing with her mother about staying and waiting for Kafei. Inside you will find the Goht Child. ; There's also the hacker Kim who lives in a (possibly virtual) giant dollhouse, and has his cybernetic body made to resemble a life-sized balljoint doll, and is more than eager to lampshade his creepiness at every opportunity. At long last, you will regain control of Link, who is now an incredibly short Deku Scrub whose head is disproportionately large compared to his body. After a moment, he finds the Ocarina of Time and plays a few notes. In the first room is a Dinofols. It has two attacks: The first is to turn on its side and attempt to saw you in half. Get it, quick! They over-use this mini-boss way too much. Shoot the frozen eye switch with a Fire Arrow to open the door. Back outside (in North Clock Town), you will notice Tingle is now floating around with a red balloon. Eventually the pathway ends and you either have to stop rolling or turn. It’s a little faster than killing the Guays. Don’t press the Analog Stick at all and you’ll bounce off the empty chests, which are placed perfectly so that you’ll make 90 degree turns. Trivia: Is a childhood fan of the Jem (1985) cartoon. Lovely; however, there’s actually a very important reason for this as you’ll soon find out…. This will startle the kid, who is now eligible for conversation. After about three and a half blinks, release it to blow up that portion of the wall, revealing an eye switch. In reality, she doesn’t want to eat Anju’s terrible cooking. When the dream ends, Skull Kid giggles at Link’s new fashion statement. Items:Bombers’ Notebook (3DS) After you’ve damaged it a bit, you can hit it with the Great Fairy’s Sword to end it quickly. YOU MUST NOT SAVE THE OLD WOMAN ON THE FIRST NIGHT! Who needs ladders? Follow this path all the way to the end to get a Piece of Heart. Well, that just sucks, doesn’t it? Another interesting thing to note is the Deku Butler is seen crying in front of the “odd tree” that Tatl pointed out at the beginning of the game. Look at the wall on your right, which has a cracked portion part way up. LAME! You should explore a little and get used to Clock Town. Then push the adjacent block down onto the blue switch. At the Stock Pot Inn, Anju makes lunch for her grandmother. 13.3 Secret ShrineProgress at this pointTotal LifeHeart Pieces 46/52Masks 23/24Bottles (N64) 6/6Bottles (3DS) 7/7New in this section Nintendo 3DS. He rambles a bit about partings and says the masks that Link has acquired throughout his journeys contain “a good happiness.” Swell. A remake of Majora's Mask developed by Grezzo, the same team that released The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time 3D, was released on February 13, 2015. Only do this if you’re out of arrows and have used the ones in the jars. Simply walk forward to begin the final battle. To start off, pull 200 rupees out of the bank and head to East Clock Town. To get there, soar to Ikana Canyon, put on the Zora Mask and jump in the water. In the 3DS version, just select the item and it will give it to him. Skull kid easily jumps out of Link’s attempted grab and hops onto Epona. After he kicks everyone out of the meeting, he’ll thank you by giving you a Piece of Heart. Speak to Madame Aroma while wearing Kafei’s Mask. Since you just claimed the reservation, the Goron will be relegated to sleeping outside. Go back to Kafei’s hideout at the Laundry Pool in Clock Town. Apparently, he travels the world collecting masks of all sorts, but the Skull Kid stole a very important one from him: Majora’s Mask. This will leave you with six Bottles (or seven, if you are playing on the Nintendo 3DS) for Fairies. With all of that, you should have several new items and masks. It’s a good thing the rest of his forms aren’t this fast! It’s best to kill off the masks as soon as possible, as they’ll stay for the next phases of this battle as well. It’s time to tackle the final area of the game. Ahead, there’s a fork in the road leading to the left and forward. GiovanniGo is a fanfiction author that has written 13 stories for Phineas and Ferb, Indiana Jones, Regular Show, Family Guy, Captain Underpants, Hey Arnold, Cartoon X-overs, Codename: Kids Next Door, Dexter's Laboratory, Pinky and the Brain, and Home Alone. Get in the flower and go around the tree, then straight for the platform. Otherwise you’ll have to re-catch them to get the code again. If this is your first time playing the game, it is suggested that you spend it talking to people and getting more acquainted with the town. This is the first time you’re officially supposed to use them. If you saved the Sun’s Mask with Kafei, he will appear at the Inn with just over an hour left. Go to the Latte Milk Bar in East Clock Town (next to the Inn, you’ll need the Romani Mask to enter). Locations:Stock Pot Inn, West Clock Town. Since songs play a vital part in this game, this could be important, hmm? It will be very helpful with future sidequests that arise. You can enter the next area and return repeatedly to make the bushes reappear, thus being able to get a ton of rupees before you move on. Z- or L-target him and blow a decent sized bubble (to get further range). Put on the Couple’s Mask and speak with anyone to end the argument. – In order for this quest to work, you must NOT give any letters to “?? They’re a bit harder to defeat than they were in Ocarina of Time, but you can still beat them up the same way. It happens to just about everyone! This is a huge advantage to have! This is handy for longer distances. This freaky thing will run around at super sonic speed. Locations:Clock Town, South Clock Town, North Clock Town, Laundry Pool, East Clock Town. While a lot of the characters in Majora’s Mask have the same model design as the ones in Ocarina of Time, they are not really the same characters. Most of your weapons are pretty useless against him as he easily avoids them.