I did eat oreos. Don't know if that could effect it. 1. I can't call the GI, this is how they work (if you want to see him, you make an appointment). When blood flow to the liver gets blocked, swollen veins in the lower esophagus (close to your stomach) get damaged and bleed out. In children . Substances such as iron supplements, black licorice, black … When should you worry about your diarrhea? It sucks! Went again later and it was still black. I've been on iron tablets before (not currently on them) so I'm used to seeing dark poop, but nothing this black. Pooped earlier today and it came out 100% totally black. Is this normal for a cat, could this be due to her diet or should we be concerned about this coloring in her stool. Should I be concerned? It's been an hour and now my stool is back to brown. Here is a bit more about what a change in colors usually indicates. The black specks in your stool can be caused by the eggs or waste of the parasite. Sometimes malignant tumors could cause black stool. I will eventually go to a private clinic. What worries me is that it is black! Haven't eaten anything with black food dye like Oreos. Did you have black stools? White. Thanks! In babies, the first few stools passed are almost pure black. 6. Tar-like black stool could be a symptom of esophageal varices. I read that it can be a side effect of Flagyl. Red Poop. As with humans, dark colored stool sometimes indicates blood or iron. Stools that are black, especially if they have the appearance of coffee grounds, suggest gastrointestinal bleeding. It smelled funny. Info: 26, female, 5'8/175, white. Other Baby Poop Facts You Should Know. Black poop means the blood has been digested and if you see this type of poop from your dog, call your veterinarian right away. The CDC defines diarrhea as 3 or more loose stool events in 24 hours, or a rate of these events that’s unusual for you. Cancer. My stool was black (like paste) when I emptied my bag. Black poop in toddlers can make you worried, but you may notice a change in the color and consistency of stools from time to time. The reason that black stools are often referred to as “tarry” is because, says Michael Blume, MD, “Black stools from bleeding actually have a somewhat sticky appearance, much like tar, while this is often not the case if it is from foods or medications.” Dr. Blume is a gastroenterologist at MedStar Good Samaritan Hospital, Baltimore. Did you ever take Flagyl? The question is, should I be worried about the black stool? Black, tarry stools. Jeffery M. Nelson, surgical director at the Center for Inflammatory Bowel and Colorectal Diseases at Baltimore’s Mercy Medical Center, said if your poop is black, “not just dark brown,” you should be concerned. Bleeding in the upper portion of your digestive system can cause black, tarry stools. Black. Thanks, A.H. It's usually blood, so it makes sense to talk to your doctor, especially if the change persists.