Build coin expressions, then exchange them for variable expressions. Which of the following expressions is equivalent to x2/3 ? skylarbanks skylarbanks Answer: the corect awser would be c. Step-by-step explanation: New questions in Mathematics. Which expression is equivalent to (2^3)-5? 1 Answer/Comment. 0 votes . Get an answer to your question Which expression is equivalent to - 4.6 + (-0.4) + (-7.2) ? Which expression is equal to 53462 ÷ 14. 0 votes . Play this game to review Pre-algebra. If you're seeing this message, it means we're having trouble loading external resources on our website. A) a2 + a B) a3 - 1 C) 2a2 D) a3 For gas atoms in a state of random motion, the mean free path A cathode-ray tube (CRT) is a sealed, evacuated glass tube with a filament For ΔABC shown below, base AC has a length of 16 inches Equivalent Expressions Consider the expressions 3 2 + 1 and 5 × 2 . 1/2^15. which expression is equivalent to i 233? 1/9a2. Which expression represents the combined inventory of the two stores? Which expression is equivalent to 128. 1) 9 x 1 and 9. Learn more. 2 See answers DarthAbhinav DarthAbhinav I think you should repost your question. 166 L17: Equivalent Expressions Lesson 17 Part 1: Introduction Equivalent Expressions In Lesson 17 you learned to read, write, and evaluate expressions with variables. (i) 5 x+15 (ii) 4 x+13. Which Expression Is Equivalent To 9–2? Send us an email with all the details of your assignment to [email protected] and we will send you a quote for your essay. Then find the reciprocal and change the sign of the exponent. If so,tell what property is applied. Practice determining whether or not two algebraic expressions are equivalent by manipulating the expressions. Algebra 1 Student Edition (0th Edition) Edit edition. Plz help !!!!! Now, take a look at this problem. 3818 x 14+10 is equal to 53462÷14. 3√x K. 3√x2 Statement: ∠A and ∠C a... Q: 1. A shoe company is going to close one of its two stores and combine all the inventory from both stores. 2. Which expression is equivalent to i 233? algebra. 1.If a number a is always less than another number b, which of the following expressions … Asked 165 days ago|8/30/2020 8:25:14 PM. Problem 29E from Chapter 9.7: Which expression is equivalent to (4x3 + 2x2 + 1) + (3x2+ 8x... Get solutions And what makes these equivalent equations is that they have the same solution. algebra, 37 • x Problem: Which expression is equivalent to the expression shown? If any fraction is not reduced to lowest terms, you can get other equivalent fractions just dividing both numerator and denominator by the same number. Date: 7.EE.1 . Joshua F. California State University - … B c D lox - lox 3 7 -7X-S-3X qx—3 8 bc Which expression is equivalent c D 11c 4-8 Name: Directions: Complete each question. Describe how (2^3)(2^-4) can be simplified. asked 21 minutes ago in Mathematics by graciearany (960 points) jan-20-21; 3 Answers. Equivalent fractions may look different, but when you reduce then to the lowest terms you will get the same value. 0 votes . equivalent definition: 1. having the same amount, value, purpose, qualities, etc. Sal finds equivalent expressions by combining like terms and using the distributive property. Overview Students sort cards to strengthen their understanding of equivalent expressions. Log in for more information. Write an expression that is equivalent to (3 14) 27. 1 –1 i –i 2 See answers LammettHash LammettHash Since 232 is divisible by 4, and , you have. it say 4 squared to xover 10 4 square root and then inside the square root it say x to the 10th power guptasingh4564 guptasingh4564 ∴ The answer is . The Boolean expression A B is equivalent to which of the following expressions from AP COMPUTER SCIENCE 101 at Munster High School The Boolean Expression ~(pvvq) vv(~pvvq) is equivalent to … *Response times vary by subject and question complexity. Tyna simplified the expression 3x3/12x-2 to x/4. These are equivalent expressions that no matter what the value of the variable lists, are always gonna have the same value for these people than equations that to expression their city cool. answered by Shamiyah732 (640 points) i dont understand your question. Related Answer. A) 5y + 15 + 9 B) 5y + 8 + 9 C) 5y + 3 + 9 D) 5y + 15 + 45 .