Reddit gives you the best of the internet in one place. He’s this poet who drank twenty-one straight whiskeys at the White Horse Tavern in New York and then died on the spot from alcohol poisoning. Whiskey production and whiskey varieties, as well as Turkey's only online whiskey dictionary and archives of the largest whiskey tasting notes archive site in 2015 in the United States in the International Whiskey Competition contest in Whiskey … To those people, I would like to say “piss off.” This is my heritage, I love all Irish people, and I love funny Irish jokes. Everyday is a funday at FunnyWorm. Relatively slow. If you like what you read above, you’ll also like these 20 really funny Scottish jokes. Einstein developed a theory about space. So I thought it would be only fair to include these Irish jokes in a big blog post. I got the idea from Dylan Thomas. Irish jokes are famous across the world, some good and some bad. Love and whiskey mellow. Nicole Fornabaio/ Helvetica and … Don’t miss these other bad jokes you can’t help but laugh at. And, boy, it was about time, too! Some jokes are simply funny & some are plain stupid jokes. For the past 30 days, I have been sharing an Irish joke every day on my Facebook page.. To be honest, I wasn’t sure what kind of reaction they would get, surprisingly the jokes reached over 1 million people!. See more cute, hilarious, funny pics, GIFs, videos on FunnyWorm. Istanbul, Turkey About Blog Share of Angels The Whiskey Platform is the largest source of whiskey culture in Turkish. popular-all-random-users | AskReddit-funny-gaming-news-pics-movies-explainlikeimfive-worldnews-aww-todayilearned-videos-IAmA-Jokes-science-mildlyinteresting-tifu-LifeProTips-GetMotivated-askscience The man says, “Here I can complain.” —jbrav88, Reddit user. Drink to-day, and drown all sorrow; You shall perhaps not do’t tomorrow. 31 Stupid Jokes That Are So Dumb, They're Actually Funny! And then there are some that are too dumb, they are actually hilarious and make you laugh out loud. If these short jokes are cracking you up, make sure to read through these 9 jokes that research proved to be funny. Grace Jones, one of Britain's oldest women, attributes her ripe age of 110 to drinking whisky every night for the last 60 years. The u/whiskey-bent community on Reddit. Nor suffer the bottle to blind reason’s eyes. Some people might find some of these Irish jokes offensive or in bad taste. “The whiskey was a good start. We meet to be merry, then let us part wise. #17 Is EPIC . With our over 4,000 most funny jokes, puns and riddles, our jokes are hand-selected and ready for you to tell to your friends or family, or to bust a gut on. It can even lead to a long life. If you loved these history jokes, memorize the 12 jokes that make you sound like a … jump to content. my subreddits. They were right for each other! This is the funniest collection of math puns; Why did the 30-60-90 triangle marry the 45-45-90 triangle? edit subscriptions.