[44], When meeting with Keith Shadis, Eren has a conversation with him where he reveals all he knows about Grisha Yeager and his past, including how he met Carla and his mysterious apparition.[45]. Attack on Titan: The Harsh Mistress of the City, Attack on Titan Choose Your Path Adventure, Attack on Titan: Escape from Certain Death, Pages using DynamicPageList dplreplace parser function. Chapter 138 is the second-to-last chapter of the series, with the final chapter coming out in April. Relatives [51] His great skill in medicine is likely attributed to him coming from a more advanced society outside the Walls[52] with further advancements in medicine. The first Action card played should be face-up. He eventually discovered the location of the Reiss family's chapel, as well as the hatch leading down to the basement where the succession rituals take place. Zeke is Erenâs older half-brother. Grisha also demonstrated a tendency toward rashness, failing to recognize the danger his behavior put his family in, and even looking down on his parents for their subservient nature to the Marley government, despite the fact that they were only trying to keep him from suffering the same fate as his sister. [28], Keith brought Grisha back to Shiganshina, where he was imprisoned for illegally entering Titan territory. He appears to be a relatively short man, and well built for fighting as he is a trainer. Former affiliation Grisha then asked why Kruger was not doing it himself, but Kruger explained that 13 years after inheriting the power of the Titans, the host would die, and it had been 13 years for him. While imprisoned, he claimed to remember his name. Looking up, he realizes that he can actually see the future Zeke and embraces him, apologizing for being a horrible father and begging for him to find a way to stop Eren's plan. )[citation needed] My Attack On Titan Theory video regarding who I believe can potentially be the father of Historia Reiss's child. One day, in the year 817, he and his sister ran out of the internment zone chasing after a blimp and were found out by two Public Security Authorities officers. Grisha was a fairly tall, slender man with straight black hair neatly parted down the middle, a thin beard and mustache, and gray eyes. ATTENTION: After recent chapters, new information has come to light, so i will be editing my answer to make t as faithful and truthful to the manga as possible. Faye was not there. In Grisha's childhood and early adulthood, Grisha had dark colored eyes. 39 (845)[5][6][7] They have the same father, Grisha. [27], Grisha was found wandering outside the Walls near the Shiganshina District by Keith Shadis, a soldier of the Survey Corps. "Attack Titan" (進撃の巨人 Shingeki no Kyojin? Grisha Yeager is the father of Eren Yeager, husband of Carla Yeager and adoptive father of Mikasa Ackerman. However, instead of continuing to scold him for killing Mikasa's kidnappers, he tells him that this time he was lucky and he could have been killed himself. The Titan player looks at their available Action cards and selects two, placing the selected Action cards down in front of them. The giant beings that give Attack on Titan its name are famous around the world, even if their strange origin story isn't. He writes on the ground that he does not know how to harden his body, as well as a vague reference to his father. [33] Mikasa, cold and depressed, asked Grisha in what direction her home was and stated that she was cold and wants to leave. He was able to gain knowledge of medical care from his father who owned a clinic in Liberio, and served many patients before being sent to Paradis Island.[53][54]. Upon release, Grisha revealed to Keith that he "remembered" being a doctor, and asked him for knowledge about the world inside the Walls.[29]. Bursting in on the royal family, Grisha reveals himself to be an Eldian from beyond the Walls, and begs Frieda Reiss to use her Founding Titan ability to save Shiganshina from the Titans that are breaking in. Grisha eats Frieda to get the Founding Titan, Upon learning from Mikasa that Eren wants to join the Survey Corps, Grisha is more obliging of the idea than Carla and asks his son why he wants to leave the Walls. Even though it was forbidden, they had a secret relationship.