The strings in the bark can be used to form a rope with three knots to bind those who attempt to bind you. English Witch Bloodlines. It’s easy to navigate, with transliterated Chinese name and the common and botanical names. Spirits of the Vine = Brandy Milk of Rock = Baby Gaga breast milk ice cream, presumably made from lady gaga's breast milk (actually sold at an ice cream shop in london) Since … If weed is out of the question, you may want to try conventional treatments to get through the pain so he can function, but see if other plants containing similar compounds will help with the healing and maintenance in the long term. Allspice are used to provide luck and money energies. It also helps if you have a general idea of where your family originates. Rather than regurgitate what has already been published, we prefer to post what we think are the best informative links on the topic of herbs and other ingredients, and post essays with additional lore and practices of active witches. To find more detailed information on the basic or additional substances, simply click on the icons. This list contains the names of all the witches who have appeared in the series. your own Pins on Pinterest Long pepper, also called Balinese pepper, and sometimes Eshu’s pepper is a very useful herb in protection and love workings. Below is a list of old herb names. Alchemy Lab’s List of Alchemical Propeties of Foods. Licorice improves the sex life between lovers. Hedge witches practice astral projection and other forms of communication to “jump the hedge” between this world and the spirit world. If a cosmetic product is marketed on a retail basis to consumers—such as in stores, online, or “person to person”--the ingredients must be listed by their common or usual names, generally in descending order of predominance. It works so well that it has been sometimes referred to as “vegetable insulin”. If Jasminum Sambac is the king of fragrances, then Osmanthus Fragrans is the queen. Even though these names were crude and … The herbs that go into your potion can be either fresh or dried. You may also like: 20 Pagan and Witchy Names for Boys. This is an excellent article on the medicinal properties of the hawthorn berry, also known as the thorn apple. Apples provide amazing, natural love energies. Also called bay laurel, it helps to enhance one’s thinking and visions, even in a crisis. Mustard is commonly used to boost fertility and protection energies. When to Use WhatOur Official Favorite T-Shirt: Wicked Witch UniversityPhallus-shaped mushroom can instantly trigger an intense female orgasm | MNN - Mother Nature NetworkPhoenix celebrates Pagan Pride Day - The Arizona RepublicPool of Creation RecipePossibly Locally Available Resins and Saps Used in WitchcraftPotion of VirilityPotions for Flu SeasonProtection PotionsProtections for Children and Teens In the CraftPsychic Jobs on Cruise Ships » All About Cruises by All About CruisesQueen Esther OilRefreshing, Reclaiming, Innovating, and Practical ApplicationSeed of Creation RecipeShi-shi Purification Incense RecipeSites Where Witches Can Get Jobs and GigsSpell Breaking Salts and SugarsSpiritual Counseling Course Accepting EnrollmentsStart With Cleansing and Protection: For Witchcraft BeginnersStrength PotionThe Alchemy Web SiteThe Amazing All-Purpose Pine Needle TeaThe Curse Collection : Sarah Anne LawlessThe Dangers of Cunningham's BooksThe Difference Between Cleansing and PurificationThe ExchangeThe Family Curse: What Modern Witches Need to KnowThe high-risk digital world of occult sales and psychic services | The Wild HuntThis is a Site for W I T C H E S.Undoing the Hard Work of Pagan PioneersUses For Witch Hazel | POPSUGAR Smart LivingVibrational Frequency of Essential OilsVisitor SurveyWhen Are You a Witch?Wishing Bubble PotionWitchcraft: A beginners Guide part 1.mp4 - YouTubeWitchy Haul the Second - YouTubeYour First Pantheon: Gatekeeper and Ancestors select>, a.wamocl{color:#FFF;font:bold 10px arial,sans-serif;text-decoration:none;}. It is also used for fertility and balancing the hormones in women. One of its most important is taking in the intent of its caretaker, and releasing it where it is applied. I find it hotter but sweeter than black pepper. Click here for a recipe for a durable pomegranate ink. Can be used for a quest to gain chaotic. by Alana Massey You can use this to swap your name out once if you particularly don't like your given name. Lettuce will also promote healthier love. Cinnamon improves success and money-making abilities. It’s Peganum harmala. Walnuts provide energy capable of spiritually fighting infertility. It also increases the blood pressure, so it can be helpful for those recovering from problems that slowed the metabolism. It also invites users to add comments and more information, so it stays relevant. Below, I listed (in no particular order) some unique ideas to inspire Wiccan, pagan and self-identified witchy moms. Grapes produce strong energies of immortality and fertility. Strawberries amplify and create intense beauty, inside and out. Similar uses may be why this was called “rue” when it isn’t. That is why you should … ( The Owl and the Pussycat) Bat Drool - an amplifier, it makes a spell more powerful. Mango fruit is nutritious and delicious. Lettuce also promotes better sleep and divination. Aug 31, 2017 - This Pin was discovered by Patricia Collins. The result is a healthy, life-long, successful marriage yielding wonderful children and grandchildren. Nicole) is a licensed U.L.C. Learn more about this herb and get a delicious recipe for kola nut cake that your guests will love. They call it “bismartnik”. Not mentioned on their site,  it is also important to know that its circulation enhancing properties also make it good for virility. Northern Tradition Shamanism’s Nine Sacred Herbs. We've chosen our witch names to be romantic, spooky, and just a bit sinister. Long Pepper (Piper officinarum) @Alchemy Works. ►Connecting to Deity: Your Spiritual Practice and Your Witchcraft ►Your First Pantheon: Gatekeeper and Ancestors ►Refreshing, Reclaiming, Innovating, and Practical Application ►Becoming a Witch and Being a Witch ►Start With Cleansing and Protection: For Witchcraft Beginners ►Daily Observance Ritual for Witches ►Basic Meditation and Preparatory Breathing ►Connecting to Deity Supplement: A Sampling of Universal Perspectives, 10 "Spiritual" Things People Do That Are Total Bullsh** | High Existence4711 Eau De Cologne Cleansing RitualAdd An Article to Witch UniversityAdvertising on Witch UniversityAgarwood, Aloeswood, Oud, Oodh, Gaharu, Jinko or AgarAntibacterial activity of essential oils and their major constituents against respiratory tract pathogens by gaseous contactArden Keren Has Won a Witch University Educational Excellence AwardAre You a Witch Or a Pagan Or Both?Basic Meditation and Preparatory BreathingBasic Witchcraft Tools: Salt WaterBecoming a Witch and Being a WitchCapnomancy: Smoke Scrying and DivinationChanges...Connecting to Deity Supplement: A Sampling of Universal PerspectivesConnecting to Deity: Your Spiritual Practice and Your WitchcraftCrafting Skills Every Witch Should HaveCrystals Used In Aggressive MagickDaily Observance Ritual for WitchesDefence Against the Dark Arts (When You are Locked Out of the Circle) | Walking the HedgeDivining Methods for Efficient Initial Love ReadingsEmpedocles: Earth, Air, Fire, and WaterFeel Better. The names of these items made the docs reject the witches practices and search elsewhere for cures and the witch continued her practice. Honeysuckle creates money-making and money-magnetic energy. If one uses it in sufficient dosage to enhance trance or seidh/movement ceremonies, three days to a week of raw, clean diet with no fermented foods whatsoever, and a day of water-only fasting is recommended. Deer musk is mostly used for attraction, increasing virility and masculine energy, and for status concerns. According to the site Grove and Grotto, many names come from “…nature, folklore, and the gods of antiquity. Ginger makes greed’s wildest dream come true. My Persian Kitchen has a good page on how to use Esfand to cleanse or protect someone from the evil eye. Not only does it smell wonderful, but a little goes a long way, and it works like a charm. Mint improves safe travel and greatly boosts luck energies. These were not the actual ingredients of the potions, but rather common names used to describe what each herb resembled. Walnuts promote good health and mental power energies. 'poplar unguent') or unguenta somnifera (lit. Barley also promotes love, passion and sexuality. We hope you have fun, and remember: use your magic for good! Chili pepper is capable of breaking a variety of curses and hexes. You can mix and match or coordinate with the Halloween decor banner and cupcake toppers but can also be used alone. It is also considered a royal food, and as an ingredient, it helps to increase or validate status. Brewing Witch potions and charging them with your intent is a unique experience and a Magical act. It is used a lot by men, because women are attracted to it, but it also helps women to feel more attractive and sexual. These disturbing names stopped muggles from replicating their brews. The bauhinia flower is a symbol of harmony, but implies harmony achieved through mindful leadership. Be More Productive. Licorice increases faithfulness between lovers. It is especially helpful in this way to diabetics and older gentlemen. Gather as many of these last names as you can, then compare against the witch bloodline names listed here! Alwina (Good witch in the Suske en Wiske story "Het Spaanse Spook") Alwina (Evil witch in the Suske en Wiske story "De Schat van Beersel") Antanneke (Witch in the Suske en Wiske story "De Zeven Snaren") Arba (Groo the Wanderer) B. The best thing about this list is that if there isn’t a previously recorded way of engaging with the plant, he gives advice on how to do so. THe chemical ingredients all have strange names and have i decyphered them right? FDA requires this Apples provide healing energies and often represent immortality. Thank you. This index is a great reference for practical witches. Medicinally, it is used to lower blood sugar to prevent or treat diabetes. Dill is used to simultaneously promote protection and luck energies. Second Witch: Cool it with a baboon’s blood, Then the charm is firm and good. It doesn’t matter who the affair is with. Almond is used to promote great wealth and prosperity. One of the most prized woods in the world of witchcraft, it has many uses, and is a plant teacher of triumph over adversity. Limes promote good physical health. Limes strengthen a love bond between two people. This would not only prevent the customer from just growing their own valerian (which is actually heliotrope) and wild lettuce, but it also had a much more official witchy sound. ►Are You a Witch Or a Pagan Or Both? The flowers are nice, but for magical purposes, the strongest energy is in the leaves, young pods, seeds, and bark. Helichrysum arenarum doesn’t have the intensity, but it helps many, and is famous among Russian herbalists. In American and modern Vodun and related belief systems, chocolate is sacred to Oya, the Orisha of change, storms, wind, thunder, and lightning. Cherries are often used to provide increased divination ability. Lemons promote friendship, love and peace. Carrots also create large amounts of highly-magnetic lust, passion and sex energies. Underground Health also has a good article on the health benefits of raw chocolate. The use of natural deer musk is very rare in practical witchcraft because it is extremely expensive to buy ready-made, and it takes so much time to make it yourself (instructions Olives increase lust energy. Honeysuckle improves protection energy. Moss will help amplify luck and money spells. It is worth it though. In some streams of North American Voodoo and Rootwork, before mangoes were widely available, peaches were used as an alternative offering. Famous Real Witch Names. Be aware that the ones with white flowers may also neutralize your own workings, while the ones with pink, reddish, or purple flowers allow you to maintain your influence while hampering or removing the effect that others’ have on you. Mother Shipton: Her real name was Ursula Southeil, but she was known about town as Mother Shipton (and also “Hag Face”). Therefore, it is a wonderful idea to review each ingredient carefully before beginning a spell. For example a witch who wanted to sell her herbs might list the ingredients of a tea for insomnia as rat guts and blood of lamb, instead of just valerian root and wild lettuce sap. Most characters when made have a male and female name, so drinking a switch witch will swap your current name for another one. Its fruit is good for health overall, but especially the heart. Thyme is used to increase psychic connectivity, divination, and psychic powers. We like this list because it is organized, easy to read, and contains both common and not so common information about the use of herbs. Mango is originally from India, but became well loved in Africa once it arrived. Daffodils help build a legacy. Aside of detailing the cultural importance of trees, it raises questions that make you think about the importance of environment in shaping us and our Ancestors, and how arrogant we may be in considering ourselves more distinct from our ecology than we are. Daffodils create a triangle of love, fertility and luck energy. Linking and re-posting of content is permitted only with credit and proper attribution. Peas have spiritual properties which attract money and life-long love. If it is with a family member of your partners’ though, the risk... (more) Loading…, Nobody. Oranges improve divination and psychic connectivity. Cinnamon is capable of great healing power and equally great protection power. It has lots of vitamin A, reduces bad cholesterol, and is said to help prevent some cancers. Ginseng is also used in spells seeking health, beauty and protection. The juice facilitates love and fertility. Avocados also improve beauty. Often pre-packed products are abundant with food additives. Strawberries promote love and luck, equally weighted, simultaneously. A lot of the food we buy in the supermarket isn’t very fresh. The Birth of Wicca. So in Japan, it is a flower of royalty. Bone, Tarot, Love readings, and root work by Sheloya. Almond can be used to promote wisdom and help in decision making. Honeysuckle is also commonly used to improve psychic energy. These names have flowered modern stories of witches creating a brew of batswing, rat’s tail, and lady’s finger. In workings and concoctions, it’s flowers or flower absolute or essential oil are mainly used for marital type love, loyalty, and consistency. Its roots are antiparasitic, and its flowers are antidiabetic. By January Nelson Updated August 30, 2018. These are the clumps of hair and secretions from male deer who rub against things and shed during the mating season. Food businesses use food additives to ensure their products are stable and uniform and also to preserve flavour or enhance its taste, appearance, or other qualities. Calling the ingredients things like bat's wings and cat's foot, rather than holly and ivy, would certainly deter the no-maj community from drinking any of these disgusting sounding recipes. Kindoki Herbs and Ingredients. Celery can provide increased mental awareness and powers. If not, what you’ll do is write down your family’s last names – your last name (which is typically your father’s), your mother’s maiden name, her mother’s maiden name, your father’s mother’s maiden name, etc. They should only be roasted if one wishes to add more fire energy (such as when one needs charisma for sales/trading). Bamboo is used to provide luck, protection and wish-granting energy. Witches and wizards make potions by mixing one, two, a few or many ingredients together into one. Witches are clever. Blackberries are commonly used for their money-making energies and wealth-forming energies. This is a very widely used herb that is, like Esfand, used against the evil eye and other negative energy. I can say from personal experience that once I had matured an experimental teaspoon grains:10 ml. You’ll be very happy that you did. Though it is now used more widely, it is important to know the origins of its use in spiritual practice. Here are some of our essays and favorite pages on specific herbs. Ethiopians use it as an ingredient in their famous spice mix, berbere, and to flavor coffee. The ointment is known by a wide variety of names, including witches' flying ointment, green ointment, magic salve, or lycanthropic ointment.In German it was Hexensalbe lit. Aloe will also provide incredible sources of luck. All rights reserved. Grass provides protection energy. 1 Plant Extracts 2 Monster Extracts 3 Minerals / Liquids 4 Unique Extracts While none of these can be bought, they can be sold. Almond is used to promote great wealth and prosperity. You can get hypoglycemia with nosebleeds if you overuse it. I found a page in a diary that someone left behind that described a potion that might improve my singing when added to the bath. Pineapple is a good source of powerful gambling energy. Pomegranate juice is purported to be satisfying to vampires when mammal blood is unavailable or inappropriate. Radishes promote lust and sex energies. Celery has a mystical property of creating and amplifying psychic powers. Mildred, Maud and Enid decide they have to come clean about the potion. In most places, any kind of extramarital relationship puts your custody prospects at risk. When it comes to deciding on a witch name, it’s just as much about the name as it is about the story behind it and associated with it. Olives are a great source of good health, healing, protection and peace energies. You can get hypoglycemia with nosebleeds if you overuse it, an excellent essay on the ritual use of chocolate in Mesoamerica, Underground Health also has a good article on the health benefits of raw chocolate, My Persian Kitchen has a good page on how to use Esfand to cleanse or protect someone from the evil eye, According to Erowid, it is psychoactive and should be used very carefully, make it yourself (instructions, Click here for a recipe for a durable pomegranate ink, Spice Pages has a very good article on rue, Lucky Mojo has a pretty good page on the magical use of rue in love and protection spells, 10 “Spiritual” Things People Do That Are Total Bullsh** | High Existence, Connecting to Deity Supplement: A Sampling of Universal Perspectives, Basic Meditation and Preparatory Breathing, Our Official Favorite T-Shirt: Wicked Witch University, ►Connecting to Deity: Your Spiritual Practice and Your Witchcraft, ►Your First Pantheon: Gatekeeper and Ancestors, ►Refreshing, Reclaiming, Innovating, and Practical Application, ►Start With Cleansing and Protection: For Witchcraft Beginners, ►Basic Meditation and Preparatory Breathing, ►Connecting to Deity Supplement: A Sampling of Universal Perspectives, I need to talk to spiritual white women about white supremacy (Part One), Five Basic Witchcraft Potions for Beginners. Its bark and lateral roots are also used for healing. A place to learn effective magick and mysticism. Clove will provide high protection energies, assist with money and wealth, and provide love energies. Vanilla is used to increase memory, precognition and mental powers. Allspice is commonly used to promote good health and to help provide healing energies. But it was also because of these namings that brought a bad light to many a witch that was just practicing natural medicine. This very versatile herb has properties that are very rarely discussed. Dandelion also promotes psychic power and clarity. Lucky Mojo has a pretty good page on the magical use of rue in love and protection spells. Pears are excellent providers of love and lust energies, in equal weight. We like this one because they list some herbs that are well off the beaten track, and detail both the nice and not so nice used for them. It is up to you to determine if your ancestor was a “witch” or not. FULL INGREDIENT LIST. Lettuce is commonly used for chastity and protection energy. Every ingredient he lists as being in the Witches’ pot (filet of a fenny snake/in the cauldron boil and bake:/eye of newt, and toe of frog,/Wool of bat, and tongue of dog,/ adder’s fork, and blindworm’s sting/Lizards leg, and howlet’s wing,/etc.) List of Ingredients Bainberry - used in the potion to make a witch's familiar visible again. To use it for this, simply make a tea of 1/4 to 1/2 gram (like a quarter to half a standard teaspoon) of the chopped or powdered, dried, young leaves 3 times a day after meals.