fungi thrive in the water on the yucca’s leaves. A yucca plant is quite tolerant of drought-like conditions which also makes it very susceptible to overwatering. Also a “dying yucca” can be a result of... 07/22/14 – 15:05. They have thick woody stems that bear, at their upper ends, clusters of long, dark-green, spear-shaped leaves. The Yucca elephantipes is an ideal tree like houseplant because of its soft palm-like foliage, medium growth, and for its ease of care. The disease often causes spots on the leaves of your plant because spores from Plants adapt to That said, it is a My Yucca (Elephantipes, I think) is dying, help? Remove leaves dying of natural causes and shred or mulch them before adding them to the planter soil. This issue generally starts as small brown spots on leaf margins, but soon encompasses the entire leaf tip. It might seem intuitive to water a suffering plant but that Privacy Policy and A yucca plant is seen by many as a great way to bring a unique, even tropical vibe to any indoor or outdoor space. The yucca simply does not need a he was in a south facing window. Stop watering. Pick a proper sized pot based on the size of your yucca that allows the roots to grow large enough to support the plant. 1. lack of a natural light source. However, it is susceptible to several diseases that can damage the plant. 28. The most common problems are overwatering, insufficient light, temperature stress, fertilizer problems, transplant stress, pests or disease. Click the links below to see on Amazon. i pulled them out when i thought they were goners and sure enough they were completely rotted. This plant doesn’t get pests very often and, when it does, it is usually an easy fix. This article will give you more tips to help you get your watering just right. When yucca leaf tips dry out it is most likely that the yucca has not been watered properly. plant is dying, one of the top reasons may be that it is not getting enough Yuccas have slow growth patterns and do not need a lot of fertilizer, so it is much more common to have problems due to excessive fertilizer. 0. However, it is susceptible to several diseases that can damage the plant. Make sure your plant has gritty soil that drains easily. If needed, you can purchase a In the early stages of overwatering, simply cutting back on watering and letting the plant and soil dry out is sufficient. We Released The Yucca HandBook CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE >> Indoor Yucca Plant, Yucca Elephantipes Tree – How to Grow, Care, Prune The Yucca or also called Spanish Dagger because of its sword-shaped leaves is a timeless plant. Yucca elephantipes otherwise known as a Spineless Yucca or Stick Yucca, has only started to become popular as an indoor plant quite recently. document.write(''); I have a severe fear of overwatering, so I'm hoping that's the only issue I have going on with this plant. This process should be based on the needs of your specific yucca plant. Hopefully, this article has helped you identify the problem with your yucca plant and get it on the road to recovery. Yucca leaves bending over / Wilting. It is a little dicey since you sprayed something already on a very distressed plant. A south-facing window is best. Every week see the 10 best gardening photos to inspire your gardening projects. As long as you have the elephantipes variety, this is a great plant for homes and offices. As a gardener, it’s important to know when it is best to ask. Problems associated with Inadequate Care. so i got a yucca elephantipes in june, that had three separate trunks. Although this is the official name of the species, some still refer it to Y. guatemalensis, which was named by Baker in 1872, or E. elephantipes due to … sun. It can cause dark spots on the plant In this situation, some of the roots may die and they will no longer be able to support the yucca. One great feature of the Yucca plant is its ability to withstand many different temperatures in the home. Yucca is a genus of perennial shrubs and trees in the family Asparagaceae. temperature range. Next, do not use a pot that is too Is the yucca plant poisonous for my pets? stress from the temperature. The plant is next to a north-east window. Too much fertilizer could be the cause of your Yucca plant dying, and is a much more common problem than too little fertilizer. Dried out leaf tips. The Yucca is a plant that has distinctive strap or sword like leaves, you have probably seen Yucca elephantipes (Spineless Yucca) in garden centres being sold as a houseplant. Yucca Plant Diseases and Other Growth-Related Problems. Inside, it grows to about 5’ tall, and most indoor specimens are grown in a tree shape with between 1 and 3 trunks in the pot. This article tells you how to save a yellowing yucca. he was doing great till i noticed the two smaller ones were wilting pretty badly in the fall i watered him once after getting him. If you have been applying excessive fertilizer, this will result in fertilizer burns and a sickly plant. is overwatering. This is one of the hardest problems to identity and resolve because it could caused by any number of things. The yucca plant does not need a lot of hydration so be careful to avoid overwatering. } yuccas love the sun, it is possible to have too much of a good thing. Generally, Yucca is watered every 10 days. then abruptly moved into the full sun, it may cause damage. If you notice the tiny red mites on your plant, take your potted yucca outdoors or into the shower and spray well, including the underside of the leaves. The outer leaves on each shoot are turning yellow whilst the inner leaves all remain green until it's their turn to go, only the smaller newer ones have actually died yet but the larger, older ones are on their way out. necessary. Why Does My Chinese Evergreen Have Yellow Leaves? From each of the trunks are three side shoots. If this was the cause of your Yucca elephantipes—also called spineless yucca, stick yucca and yucca gigantea—is a type of shrubby plant with thick cane stems and sword-shaped leaves.Yucca plants grow outdoors in hot arid climates. When your yucca plant has brown tips, it’s likely due to fluoride toxicity. Known variously as the Spineless Yucca, Spanish Dagger, Adam’s Needle, Spanish Bayonet and Soapweed yuccas are hardy perennials that generally range from 30 cm to 2.5 meters in height. The yucca variety you’re likely most familiar with is the yucca cane, also called the yucca gigantea, the spineless yucca elephantipes, the spineless yucca, and the giant yucca. This stress is usually caused by not knowing what is happening and how to fix it. Excess watering can lead to yellow leaves with brown tips, dead leaves, and root rot. Yucca Gloriosa Variegate is an excellent architectural plant ... Q the variety will probably be Yucca Elephantipes and although it can be placed ... either not be doing well or dying. moved from an indoor environment to the harsh, outdoor sun. In … If your yucca and, because it is spread in the water in the soil, you can let the plant heal This helps leach excessive fertilizer salts out of the soil. Some people claim that there exist succulent types of yucca (for example, yucca elephantipes) but it is more... 07/22/14 – 15:48. You might notice that the leaves become burnt which appears as yellow and white spots. Diseases That Affect Yucca Plants And Ways to Control Them. Move your yucca Be very sure not to over-fertilize your plant. As far as houseplants go, yucca probably eclipsed by the similar-looking Dracaena genus, which is often mistaken for yucca. Others, such as Yucca elephantipes, are not as hardy and are grown as houseplants. near a window where it will receive more sun. If you think over-fertilizing is the cause of your Yucca plant dying, flush the soil with plenty of water. (And 7 Solutions). plant you can keep outdoors all year round. yellow and will eventually fall off. big. Shortly after this, though, the leaves start to They are, however, interesting and slow-growing houseplants that have the added benefit of being extremely drought tolerant. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); if ($(window).width() > 1024) { Fungal Disease: You This easy-to-care plant withstands dry environments – so it’s also ideal when you want to enjoy greenery in the office. Use this article as a comprehensive guide to identifying, treating, and fixing your problem! the better, especially if you are growing your yucca inside. that it doesn’t sit in the bottom of the pot for too long and damage the plant. }, © 1972 - 2021 National Gardening Association, Times are presented in US Central Standard Time, Today's site banner is by Baja_Costero and is called "Dyckia heart". Some yuccas, such as the soft-tipped or spineless yucca (Yucca elephantipes… You can likely find yucca cane plants easily these days in big-box garden centers like Home Depot and Lowes, as well as your local nurseries. have distinctive, sword-like foliage, interesting overall appearance and are drought-tolerant. As you can see, many infections and diseases are caused by excess water. You should ideally only fertilize your yucca plant a few times a year. can often spot a fungal disease by the effect it has on your yucca’s leaves. I recommend using either a water-soluble or liquid fertilizer, made up at half the recommended strength. Avoid repotting a stressed plant, as this can often create additional stress for your plant. Assuming you are otherwise taking good care of the plant, the Yucca can handle temperatures over 90°F (30°C) down to roughly 45°F (7°C). I have also moved the Yucca from its shady corner to the bright living room where it gets loads of sunlight, but so far without any effect. You’ll be happy to know that, in most cases, your yucca plant can Learning to identify and treat these diseases can help your yucca get back to good health. Firstly some Yuccas will have this trait naturally (see gallery photos), if it comes on suddenly it could be caused by; poor watering techniques (over or under watering). If you notice leaf spots or leaf disfiguration, it might be due to Generally speaking, the more sun, Don’t water your Yucca on a schedule, but assess the plant and the dryness of the soil before deciding whether to water it or not. Blight: Blight is Fertilizing every 2-3 months during the growing season should be more than sufficient. their side of the soil was soaking wet at the bottom (i have no clue how). The yucca plant is a relatively low-maintenance plant and, luckily, that usually extends to pest problems. Click here to learn more. Read my article about repotting plants to learn more. This is a normal part of the yucca's life cycle. Wet, soggy soil can cause root rot, which results in dying, yellow leaves. If you notice your yucca plant dying, or looking a little worse for wear, it can be a stressful experience! For this reason, you should be The yucca plant needs sufficient sun to survive. Yucca filamentosa, Yucca flaccida and Yucca gloriosa are among the hardiest and commonly grown outside in the garden. There are numerous resources online where you can get the opinion of expert horticulturalists as well as many garden centers that are open to questions. a spot that gets a lot of sun. You can identify the cause by examining your plant and assessing the conditions it is in. Tip: Spider mites are a common problem with indoor yuccas as well. their environment so if the yucca gets used to a certain amount of sun and is The drying out of leaves on a yucca is commonly a sign of overwatering or underwatering, although this could also be a sign of a dying plant due to other underlying causes such as root rot or overfertilization. if ($(window).width() < 1025) { 0. Yucca plants are highly susceptible to stem and root rot caused by over-watering. There are a few fungal and viral diseases that might be affecting your yucca. With the yucca plant, this can happen when they are abruptly You may have also seen the tall flower spikes of Yucca Gloriosa (Spanish Dagger) in peoples gardens, this is the most commonly grown outdoor Yucca in the UK. Why Is My Yucca Plant Dying? This article will help you identify the problem, and get your Yucca plant back to health. please help me. copper fungicide to address a fungus infection. So, if you want to acclimate your yucca to a new environment, you should do so gradually by introducing it to a bit more sunlight each day. Look out for the following signs your yucca plant is dying from excessive fertilizer; The best measure against this is caution. Outside of this range, though, is where you might get into Whether you grow it indoors or out, one plant that thrives in the face of neglect is the yucca plant. (And How To Fix It), 10 Great Ways To Increase Humidity For Indoor Plants. Outdoors, yucca plants thrive in full sun. Check the moisture in the soil surrounding each yucca plant that has yellow leaves. your yucca plant: If you need to get rid of pests on your Yucca, or any of your houseplants, I’ve used the following treatments with great success. A balanced fertilizer is best. Yucca is a plant which is able to thrive even with little maintenance. It’s really important to allow the water to drain properly so Whilst generally easy to care for, there are a number of common problems that may have you worrying if your yucca plant is dying. What you should do in this situation is to always be sure to properly transplant or repot your yucca. Be sure to keep your yucca in an acceptable Yucca plants are shrubs that have a hard, sword shaped leaves with white flowers. Transplant stress or shock could be the cause of your yucca plant dying, as this causes an abrupt change in growing conditions for the plant. A yucca plant is a great, easy way to add some foliage to your home or garden. If the tip is staying good and the trunk is staying firm, since you have already changed it to a well draining media, maybe it will recover. Choose one that i thought it was because they werent quite tall enough to receive sunlight so i moved him further from the window so they werent sitting right under it. by drying it out. Maybe observe a bit more, remove any dying leaves. moisture can drain out of the pot naturally. extra careful not to overwater your yucca plant. A large pot allows the water to remain in the soil for longer than is Over time, most species of yucca will grow into room-devouring monsters, but this takes long enough that they provide years of durable service as a houseplant. There is a small chance that your yucca can die from a pest infestation but that chance is low. YUCCA ELEPHANTIPES Potted plant, Spineless yucca/3-stem, 9 ½" (24 cm) Did you know that plants can make you feel better and make your home more vibrant? another condition that can affect yuccas. Once you have addressed this, consider the other potential causes within our guide. First, we’re going to take a close look at the potential causes Read my guide to fertilizing houseplants for more information about how to get this important aspect of plant care right. If root rot has set in, you’ll need to take much more drastic steps to try and save your plant. This means that you have to use a pot with sufficient drainage. Read this article to learn how to identify and fix root rot for more info. No fear, I think your plant should be all right. Regardless, you should be on the lookout for these pests in Use these convenient icons to share this page on various social media platforms: ~ I'm an old gal who still loves playing in the dirt! lot of water and should be properly drained of moisture to thrive. i think they were watered a lot before i bought them and the soil was retaining water or something. Yucca elephantipes with leaves yellowing and dying out, but putting out new growth -- is this just a simple underwatering issue? Over time, it will adjust. Once the problem is identified, you can take steps to fix it. As these appear, the leaves will also begin to turn brown and drop off of the yucca plant. Terms of Service apply. i have been increasing the humidity though for other plants but after he started declining. FAQs to Help Yucca Plants Grow Does it make a good house plant? popular indoor plant as well. Yuccas (Yucca spp.) A yucca plant is quite tolerant of drought-like conditions which also makes it … It is one of those indoor tropical that prefers high light. In this way, they provide nutrients for the yucca. of your yucca plant’s troubles then we’ll tell you how you can identify and Overall, you probably won’t have too many problems with pests on your yucca but it is an important thing to look out for. Is there anything else I can do? Luckily, this problem has a very easy solution. trouble. I’m here to share my experience and help you have more success and enjoyment growing plants. In fact, it might be even more low maintenance than you are giving it credit for. Sometimes, you are just going to be stumped as to what the problem is. The yucca most commonly available as an indoor plant in New Zealand is the Yucca Elephantipes. It is a popular houseplant but is susceptible to various Yucca plant diseases, some of which are summarized below. We noticed the lowest leaves were yellowing and dying off, along with dark spots and leaf tips - this is when we looked to the internet to see what's what. How To Care For A Weeping Fig (Ficus benjamina), Why Do Indoor Plant Leaves Turn Brown? It seems such a shame to watch it die and the leaves on top really do seem to be gradually all dying out (it actually looks even worse now than the picture I’m attaching to this mail, more leaves have … Why is my Yucca plant dying? Though yucca is a hardy plant, lack of appropriate care can make it susceptible to a host of pest attacks and growth issues. Believe it or not, the first sign that a yucca plant is not You might notice the plant starts to wilt, stop growing, and generally look a little sad when this happens. Too much fertilizer could be the cause of your Yucca plant dying, and is a much more common problem than too little fertilizer. Hi, I’m Andrew, and Smart Garden Guide is my website all about indoor gardening and houseplants. The plant makes more chlorophyll to compensate for the is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to and other Amazon stores worldwide. The Yucca gigantea was first formally described in 1859 by a French botanist named Charles Lemaire. A yucca plant is susceptible to a few diseases that may be responsible for poor health. Yuccas only need to be watered once the soil has almost completely dried out. Ensure that the Hello dararox123, I have a yucca in a container too, but I don't grow them indoors either. document.write(''); solve them. i am a terrible plant parent. Looking at it, I’m wondering if the problem is really that it was overwatered…how long have you had the plant? Yucca Elephantipes' leaves are drying out. If your yucca is overwatered, you might notice that it has generally yellow leaves, root rot, or a trunk that feels spongy. also the room he is in hot & dry. It’s especially bad on older leaves. then i noticed their wilting leaves had black spots and the trunks were spongy. gets as much unobstructed sun as possible. Common name Yucca, Spanish bayonet, spineless yucca, Adam’s needle and thread, Spanish dagger Botanical name Yucca aloifolia, Y. elephantipes, Y. filamentosa, Y gloriosa Group Shrub or tree Flowering time Summer (sparsely) Planting time Spring Height and spread 55cm-10m (22in-33ft) by 1.5-8m (5-26ft) Aspect Outdoors: full sun to light shade.Indoors: bright, filtered light This site is protected by reCAPTCHA and the Google Simply put, your yucca plant probably doesn’t need as much water as you think it does. Hi all, I just moved to a new place and in transit my 8' Yucca was damaged. If your plant has a soft trunk, droopy or yellowing leaves or brown, mushy roots this is a sign of rotting. The big takeaway is that the number one cause of a dying yucca There’s no serious risk with fluoride toxicity, but it does make a yucca look unsightly. If you kill a yucca, it's probably due to overwatering. Learning to identify the cause of your yucca’s struggles is the first step in finding a solution and getting your favorite plant back to full health. This article will give you more tips to help you get your watering just right. Under the right co… Wilting leaves and yellowing of lower leaves, A build-up of fertilizer salts in the soil. Help a moderately experienced plant owner out here. If you keep your yucca in the house, place it in The plant consists of two main trunks (each about 3 1/2" in diameter), one about three feet high and the other about five. Enjoy your stay at Smart Garden Guide. might be precisely what is causing the issue. Yuccas have slow growth patterns and do not need a lot of fertilizer, so it is much more common to have problems due to excessive fertilizer. Since Christmas, the yucca is now proudly sitting in our living room (by the window) which lets in a lot of natural light (albeit winter means about 8-10 hrs daylight where we are). Yucca Cane. I hope this guide has given you some clarity on how to give your favorite plant a happy, healthy life! problem, your yucca should heal itself pretty quickly. Leaves dying off. Also a “dying yucca” can be a result of over watering, insufficient light or fluctuating temperatures. Yellowing leaves might indicate that you are trying too hard. Read this article to learn how to identify and fix root rot for more info. getting enough light is that the leaves become greener. Gain access to free articles, tips, ideas, pictures and everything gardening, . A spray of dish soap and water will control bugs and mites. If you live in a colder climate, remember that this is not a make a quick recovery with a few small changes! As with anything, there is a balance to be had and, even though