403. Shock, Incendiary, Corrosive, Slag, or None L'arme peut être assez utile contre les ennemis statiques qui ne s'animent qu'après la première attaque, comme notamment les Raid Boss Hyperius et Voracide. If this gets enough support through likes I can increase the number of uploads from Mon, Wed, and Fri. 2 are prizes from slot machines (2 for each class). The thrown Gunerang flies a set distance and then returns to the thrower like a Boomerang. TehCodehzor Online Posted . L'arme demande à être utilisée dans les grands espaces libres où sa course est prévisible et manipulable. This weapon is best used in open areas where its flight path is predictable. It sports a. save. Légendaire Ceci est d'autant plus vrai lorsque l'arme s'auto-guide sur un ennemi et qu'elle tournoie un long moment avant d'exploser à cause de son rayon de braquage très large. Borderlands 2 > Videos > TehCodehzor's Videos . Tediore - Manufacturer Description Tediore Weapons specialize in quick Disposable Reloads. Favorited. The flavor text is Australian slang ("Strine") for "have a go" or "try it". Although it does not collide with the thrower, it can still present a significant and potentially lethal hazard if it explodes while near him or her. 1 Pistols; 2 Assault Rifles; 3 Sniper Rifles; 4 Shotguns; 5 Submachine Guns; 6 Rocket Launchers; 7 Shields; 8 Class mods; 9 Grenades; 10 Notes; Pistols. Gunerang I nominate the gunerang. Moving away from (or sometimes towards) the thrown gun will reduce the risk of taking self-damage. edited 6 days ago. Emportez vos fandoms favoris partout avec vous. Borderlands 2; Do the Hornet, Gunerang and Logans Gun have good drop rates? Hello and welcome in their video i show you where u can get your hands on the legendary pistol the gunerang I had a hornet I got from the treasure room, but after the patch (which wiped away my skins and part of my BAR), my 'Claptrap bank' was emptied, so I lost it. Created by. Page Discussion Edit History. Borderlands 2:Legendary Gear. This is particularly the case in the fan-favorite Borderlands 2. https://borderlands.fandom.com/fr/wiki/Gunerang?oldid=19623. Borderlands 2 Jam Packed Gunerang; Borderlands 2: Jam Packed Gunerang. https://borderlands.fandom.com/wiki/Gunerang?oldid=449293. RELATED: Borderlands 2: Ranking All Legendary Assault Rifles Give it a burl.– Increased damage and magazine size. It can also be sometimes useful indoors, where it can be thrown around corners or other obstacles, which will reduce the chance of it exploding on the user. Should I start the borderlands the pre sequel? Take an OP8 Axton, Expert Grenadier mod/build with maximum possible grenade damage, a perfect Tediore mag relic, an OP8 fire Jam Packed Gunerang with Bandit grip, and throw it at the dummy. When reloaded, the discarded weapon is thrown in a counterclockwise arc that attempts to return to the character. The thrown gun expires and explodes in mid-air once it travels as far as it flew away. Legendary SuprSaiyanRockr 8 years ago #1. What should I speed farm next? Jeu Tediore pistols are the most disposable of weapons—instead of having a magazine to replenish, you’ll just toss aside a Tediore pistol when it’s expended of ammo. Si avant d'atteindre son point de retour, il touche des surfaces, murs ou ennemis, il ricoche seulement sur eux sans exploser. • Spark • Special • Sportsman • Spread • Subcompact MG • Triple Barrels! Contents. Le Beau Jack, PDG d'Hypérion, et accessoirement dictateur, tente de récupérer l'éridium, métal contenu dans l'Arche, à tout prix. Il a besoi… The Rakkman a boss enemy in Borderlands 2. Like all other Tediore weapons, the Gunerang is tossed when reloaded, however the red flavor text causes the Gunerang to spin around the room like a boomerang, causing damage to enemies, before returning to the player. Le Gunerang possède des statistiques au dessus de la moyenne, mais il est quasiment uniquement utilisé pour son effet durant le rechargement puisqu'il produit des dégâts plus importants que pour les rechargements Tediore habituels. Rakkman However, the boomerang-like flight path can make it difficult to use, and it takes much longer to hit a target than regular thrown Tediore weapons. I was thinking of trying for them. Tediore We've been vaulting ever since Borderlands 2 in 2012 together, but I watched him play the first one even before that. It then turns around and homes in on the wielder. List of ALL legendary and unique WEAPONS in Borderlands 2. Award. Il est vital de ne pas rester immobile en attendant le retour de l'arme et de se mettre à couvert. This would be a much more interesting legendary, and would help boost grenade mod variance on top of that. Since it does not home in on enemies until it turns back towards the thrower, the reload attack is limited in range. Sauf mention contraire, le contenu de la communauté est disponible sous licence. Il explose seulement pendant sa course de retour. 14 drop from enemies and bosses. 411. Jam Packed Gunerang is a orange Pistol in Borderlands 2. Moving behind cover of an obstacle or wall is also an effective way to manage this risk. Change Gunerang into a legendary grenade mod that throws a copy of your current gun that homes towards enemies. Pistolet This would be a much more interesting legendary, and would help boost grenade mod variance on top of that. • Hole Puncher • Impact • Injector • Iron • Leverage • Longarm • Magamum! Borderlands 2 The Gunerang has above average stats, but its main use is its unique reload, which does much more damage than regular Tediore reloads. There are two ways to play with Tediore weapons—you can run their “magazines” all the way down and then just plan on aiming your automatic weapon toss, or you can plan around the weapon tosses and just discharge a round or three so you can reload. When the reload reaches the end of its flight path, it curves horizontally right or left at random. – Au moment du rechargement, il est lancé en avant en ligne droite, puis parcours une distance moyenne, avant de revenir en arrière vers le lanceur, comme un boomerang. For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "What's the game's worst legendary? I think the next episode should be a shield or shotgun. Modèle Element: Axton, avec ses compétences pour améliorer les effets explosifs des grenades, tout comme Krieg, peut faire un très bon usage du Gunerang contre ces 2 boss. If you're currently holding a heavy weapon, an extra grenade is consumed but otherwise works the same. Rareté Wiki Borderlands est une communauté de FANDOM appartenant à la catégorie Jeux vidéo. Si durant sa course de retour, il passe près d'un ennemi, il fonce vers lui et explose, sinon il revient vers le lanceur et explose. It is an Easter Egg, a reference to Batman ... 4 See also; Rakkman Orange Drop . Ace • Aimshot • Bazooka • Biggun • Chaff • Dispatch • Double Barrels! 1 Effet 2 Où le trouver 3 Usage 4 Notes Faites un essai.Au moment du rechargement, il est lancé en avant en ligne droite, puis parcours une distance moyenne, avant de revenir en arrière vers le lanceur, comme un boomerang. Model: • Magnum • Negotiator • Peacemaker • Pepperbox • Phobia • Pistal • Power Shot • Quickshot • Ratatater! It sounds alot more interesting in my opinion than borderlands 2's story. L’histoire commence 5 ans après la fin du tout premier Borderlands, où une nouvelle Arche bien plus grande est découverte dans les tréfonds de la planète Pandore. – When reloaded it is thrown and travels in a straight line for a medium distance. For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Gunerang...". • Green • Grenade • Handgun • Home Security • Jill of All Trades • Kindle • Launcher • Power Shot • Quickshot • Shield • Shotgun Supreme! Change Gunerang into a legendary grenade mod that throws a copy of your current gun that homes towards enemies. Whatcha think?In this series I will be showing you How to Find all legendary weapons in Borderlands 2! Rakkman Gunerang Drop Rate . Borderlands 2 Legendary Weapon: Clean Gunerang [HD] Borderlands 2 . My roommate and I just set the world record for beating Borderlands 2 - 1:33:50 in game time, 1:38:05 in real time. Le Gunerang peut être obtenu depuis toutes les sources classiques à butin, comme les coffres à trésor rouges par exemple, mais avec une chance extrêment faible. Give me your opinions if I should or not I heard that it spoils but I really didn't care. Gunerang is a legendary pistol in Borderlands 2 manufactured by Tediore. Always. Throwing the Gunerang at a flying enemy will almost guarantee earning the High-Flying Hurler, The Gunerang is noticeably different in design to other Tediore weapons. Given the connection to Rakkman (a parody of Batman), this weapon may also be a reference to the Batarang, a boomerang style weapon used by Batman. 1.0 Batman References . List of ALL legendary and unique WEAPONS in Borderlands 3. Naturally, some of BL2's greatest pistols reside in the coveted Legendary category. 22 comments. Specifically, if the user stands still, reloads and the Gunerang does not hit any obstacles or enemies, it will explode on top of the character. Jam Packed Gunerang is a legendary drop from Rakkman in Borderlands 2. Whatcha think? Borderlands 2 Batman Reference. I think the next episode should be a shield or shotgun. ". Borderlands 2 Cependant, sa course particulière rend son utilisation assez délicate, et demande parfois aussi un temps assez long pour atteindre sa cible. 289 votes, 170 comments. Today, we speed farm the gunerang. 404. Special Part(s): GD_Weap_Pistol.A_Weapons_Legendary.Pistol_Tediore_5_Gunerang GD_Weap_Pistol.Barrel.Pistol_Barrel_Tediore_Gunerang GD_Weap_Pistol.ManufacturerMaterials.Mat_Tediore_5_Legendary Name Manufacturer Dropped By Effects Related Quest Maggie: Jakobs Mick Zaford,The Dust Fires 6 bullets for 1 Clan War - Side with … lorsque l'arme lancée atteint son point de retour, elle vire à gauche ou à droite aléatoirement ; l'arme n'explose pas directement au contact de l'ennemi lors de son retour, mais elle le touche, puis rebondit et explose tout de suite ; l'arme peut s'auto-guider vers des objets destructibles comme les barils, les melons de feu ou les roquettes tirées par l'ennemi ; comme l'arme est liée à Rakkman, et que ce dernier constitue un clin d'œil à Batman, le Gunerang est un clin d'oeil au. share. It is obtained randomly from any suitable loot source but has an increased chance to drop from Rakkman located in The Fridge. Fabricant hide. Unfavorite. This … I thought I'd be nice for me to share it all with you guys, for those who would want those memories/feels to spark as well. 224 comments. If you're currently holding a heavy weapon, an extra grenade is consumed but otherwise works the same. Contribute to gibbed/Gibbed.Borderlands2 development by creating an account on GitHub. On the way back it homes in on enemies and explodes on contact. They can also be purchased as DLC. I'm getting more bored of borderlands 2 and I need something to return me to the franchise . Il se trouve aussi dans la manne à butin des nabot-butins, mais la partage avec beaucoup d'autres objets rares. If it comes in close proximity to an enemy it will home in and explode on the enemy, otherwise it continues to home in on the wielder until it explodes. After some time or on contact with an enemy or player, it explodes. 45,261: YouTube™ Views: 2: Unique Visitors: 0: Current Favorites "As the title says. Give it a burl. Found on the following red text weapon: Jam Packed Gunerang (Or any other Gunerang Pistols), which you can get from killing Rakkman in The Rakk Cave. Tediore report. A legendary Gunerang, such as the Jam Packed Gunerang. Grants Weapon Effects The last time I tested them Bangarang had better chuck damage on top of everything else. GT/PSN: SuprSaiyanRockr Efficiency>>>>>Nostalgia. Borderlands Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Sinon, il se trouve dans la manne à butin de Rakkman à The Fridge. Butin de The Gunerang has above average stats, but its main use is its unique reload, which does much more damage than regular Tediore reloads. Oh, and then it will blow up. … • Assassin • Biggun • Fighter • Hand Cannon • Handgun • Hed Shoter! 8 are mission rewards. For the legendary pistol in Borderlands 3, see. The Bone Shredder can also be found in Borderlands 1 You also obtain it from the butcher in Tiny Tina's assault on the dragon keep. jeuxvideo.com / Borderlands 2 / Tous les forums / Forum Borderlands 2 / Topic [Tuto] Vaincre Hyperius solo (Tediore) Supprimer ... le gunerang pour les sbires. The reloaded gun may home in on destructible objects such as barrels, fire melons, and airborne rockets. However, the boomerang-like flight path can make it difficult to use, and it takes much longer to hit a target than regular thrown Tediore weapons. L'arme peut aussi quelquefois être utilisée dans les espaces intérieurs où les coins des corridors et les obstacles réduisent la chance de retour sur le lanceur. Pistol When first thrown it bounces off surfaces and enemies without exploding; only once it begins homing on the user it will explode when it seeks and touches an enemy. More... What links here; Related changes; Special pages; Printable version; Permanent link; Page information; From Orcz. • Repeater • Revolver • Rod • Slapper • Synergy • TMP • Torment • Troublemaker • Umbrage • Vision • Wheelgun • Widow Maker, Basic Repeater • Dahlminator • Fibber • Greed • Grog Nozzle • Gwen's Head • Judge • Lady Fist • Law • Little Evie • Pocket Rocket • Rex • Rubi • Teapot • Tinderbox • Veritas, Fire Drill • Gub • Gunerang • Hector's Paradise • Hornet • Infinity • Logan's Gun • Maggie • Thunderball Fists • Unkempt Harold. Haven't tested it since so could be wrong. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Le lanceur modifie sa position à lui, en bougeant, après avoir lancé l'arme, afin de la faire diriger vers l'ennemi lors de sa course de retour. Handgun save. Dart • Launcher • Plasma Caster • Spiker • Splatgun, Baby Maker • Bunny • Deliverance • Fastball • Gunerang • The Cradle, Aegis • Aimshot • Anaconda • Anarchist • Animosity • Apparatus • Ass Beeter! I will show you each location on the map and the best way to find them. Jump to: navigation, search. Only has the statistical chance of dropping the Bone Shredder, which is a purple unique, not a legendary. The Rakk Man lives in The Rakk Cave (Compare to Bat-Man's Batcave) The Rakkman throws a Rakkarang at you (Similar to … Favorite. Manufacturer: The player can then manipulate its return path in order to guide it towards an enemy. 395. Rarity: See: Borderlands 2: … Le Gunerang est un pistolet légendaire fabriqué par Tediore. The Gunerang can never spawn without a fixed sight. The game offers a slew of amusing, powerful pistols that can pack a punch - while often being compact, accurate, and swift to boot. report. When first thrown it bounces off surfaces and enemies without exploding; only once it begins homing on the user it will explode when it seeks and touches an enemy. Faites un essai. The reloaded gun actually does not explode on an enemy - it first touches it, bounces off and explodes next to it. Tools & code for use with Borderlands 2. With this Database, you can FILTER, SORT and FIND the best weapons for your build. AucunCorrosifIncendiaireSlagÉlectrique Game: Any unexpended ammo left in the gun adds to that explosion. Toute l'actualité de Borderlands 2 : http://www.xboxygen.com/Jeux-Xbox-360/Borderlands-2 share. Borderlands 2: The Horrible Hunger of the Ravenous Wattle Gobbler is a DLC for Borderlands 2, featuring a Thanksgiving theme. For Borderlands 2 on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "LF: Gunerang". With this Database, you can FILTER, SORT and FIND the best weapons for your build. Give it a burl. The Gunerang and it's owner, Rakkman, are an "easter egg" in Borderlands 2 giving reference to Batman and his Baterang. Arid Nexus Badlands [] Bone Head 2.0 []. Gunerang However, as with many homing projectiles it may circle around an enemy until it explodes without damaging them due to its large turning radius.

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