If you don't want Cass to leave you, don't speak to her until you have neutral or good karma. Got us locked up tighter than a New Vegas virgin. ". Anyway, in both endings I did Cass's quest and wiped out … The comment is a reference to dialogue in, If you have Cass as a companion and have completed the quest, The ending for when Mr. House retains control of Vegas quotes Cass as saying, "We were going full speed ahead... but facing backwards the whole time." Vegas burned brighter than ever. She may also ambush you at a place you fast travel to. This page was last edited on 16 July 2019, at 05:49. [10] Cass has inherited her father's heart condition, and will show her disgust for chems if the Courier speaks to her whilst under their effects. File size. Be careful they don't charge us any tolls. Thus talking to her with evil Karma should be avoided, as the player can talk to her no more than twice before she leaves the party. Cass is capable of wearing power armor, so long as it is non-faction armor. I know which side of the firing line I'm on in the Mojave, just so you know. You ever had a brother? Fallout: New Vegas Wiki Guide. Check out those guns - rumor had it they used to shoot planes down before the war. "[If you made the caravan, you're responsible for killing it.] First thing to know about the Fallout New Vegas companion system is that you can only have one companion and one robot at a time and must tell one to leave if you want another. also I changed Veronica's face just little. There are four topics, which are VCassReallyLike, VCassReactLike, VCassReactBad, VCassReallyBadReact (good example: "{Commenting on player's behavior}Set an example, others will follow." For Fallout: New Vegas on the PlayStation 3, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Where does Cass go if you dismiss her as your companion? While in the Lucky 38 she references how it makes her feel like the Sorcerer of Oz. When she leaves or attacks, the game will assume your current humanoid companion has left the party, and you can add another one. Cass' actual combat skills are completely different from what she tells the player in dialogue. Though quick to join up with the player for some easy money, she's still interested in finding out if she's been suffering from bad luck or something more sinister. "; "Lot of sites to this guy Golf all over the West." Dad used to say that in the Old World, people would put boards on their feet and soar down the mountains. Guess it's cause you'll never see her 'til your dead. {Under her breath} Today.". Annoy Cass enough to leave and return west. Cass – Cass is located at the Mojave outpost. Anyone who says otherwise, I'll feed them my knee. She's smart, tough, and steady with a gun, but hasn't been savvy enough to survive the ruthless caravan wars that have flared up in Nevada since the NCR's expansion. For example, she is not aware that golf is a sport, rather than a person, referring to Camp Golf as a monument to a man of that name and recounting soldier remarks that it used to be a minefield, with mine locations marked by numbers. When first encountered by the Courier, Cass is drowning her sorrows at the Mojave Outpost bar. Our Privacy Policy contains more information about how we use cookies. say all the right things... so we're clear, nothing's going to happen between us. Heartache by the Number is a companion side quest in Fallout: New Vegas. [What is diffrent?] ". It is also a trophy/achievement to get them all. After the second confrontation, Cass won't complain anymore as long as the player stays above -249 karma. My guess is Legion, they're trying to cut NCR's supply line... and the Mojave Outpost is proof. If the player talks to Cass again with even more negative karma (-150) she will confront them a second time. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews ... Cass prefer fight with shotgun and got a good perk for that. Complete Heartache by the Number by delivering evidence of Van Graff and Crimson Caravan conspiracy to Ranger Jackson. The Vault - Fallout Wiki is a Fandom Gaming Community. Unique DLs - Total DLs - … Currently Playing: Fallout: New … Quote: Former caravan merchant. When logged in, you can choose up to 12 games that will be displayed as favourites in this menu. Cass, drinking away her sorrows at the Mojave Outpost. No thanks. What can be mistaken for random flies are actually bloatflies shruken down to size. Daughter of John Cassidy. She is a merchant who worked inside the New California Republic … Fallout: New Vegas. [11]. Cass lived to see Hoover Dam in its Old World glory, humming with power the likes of which the Mojave had never seen. Beyond the Beef, Birds of a Feather, Heartache by the Number, You Can Depend on Me, Whiskey Rose, Calm Heart, Hand of Vengeance, Shotgun Surgeon, Whiskey Rose: No negative impact from drinking alcohol. The marriage would take place with. Uncertain of what lay next for the West, she remained silent. videogame_asset My games. i havent done it yet since ive been happy with veronica. Rose of Sharon Cassidy, usually just Cass or Whiskey Rose,[2] is a caravan master and owner of Cassidy Caravans in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. Interestingly she also has lines that presumably relate to the cut Arizona spillway map (e.g. Oh. Heard NCR recon fucked up here once, with the Khans. Log In to add custom notes to this or any other game. Begin You Can Depend on Me and continue that quest until given the task of convincing Cass to part with … PC PlayStation 3. This alludes to the final line of F. Scott Fitzgerald's novel, The playing cards that come with the Collectors Edition of, During the development process of Cass, there was an idea to include companion romances. She’ll point you to the Chairmen, Omertas... a whole bunch of families rule Vegas, don't step out a line as long as money's to be made. Cass, without the hat. Cass lived to see the mark of the Legion on Hoover Dam. ... old A Better Cass Sandbox Patch. Despite stating that her tribal mother never taught her to use throwing spears, she will use them effectively if given some. The Cassidy Caravans wreckage appears in Fallout: New Vegas. (spoilers) User Info: Doopdroo. Fallout: New Vegas. Some dumbass younger brother, say, who knocked up the pastor's daughter, can't hold a job, and his home-away is a jail cell? However, threats along the road into New Vegas and problems with NCR paperwork have so far prevented her from leaving the outpost to investigate the attack. 2.Veronica got some plastic surgery :p They try to put their stake in everything they see. Just a simple mod for new hair & new eyes 'preset' for Veronica and Cass. ... in a location east of the New Vegas Strip and Freeside. During their trek West, however, their caravan was wiped out by, That night, Cass kicked in the door of his room to celebrate, only to find the man on the bed was an NCR soldier whose barracks had been destroyed. She has lines to comment on various areas of the dam, as well as meeting certain important NPCs (e.g. I bet you're a real sweetheart the way you leave that trail of broken-hearts behind you. Fallout: New Vegas. Successfully completing Cass' companion quest will give her one of two perks: If any amount of whiskey is put Cass' inventory, she will drink it leaving only, Once she joins the courier as a companion, Rose of Sharon Cassidy will give the player the. Cass also has a set of reactivity dialogue lines for commenting on all kinds of player choices. Cookies on this website are used to improve your experience and display advertising. Cass was intended to have an even greater amount of incidental dialogue than the insane amount she already has. 1.Now, Veronica doesn't have that ugly hood in her inventory. Fallout: New Vegas... Companion locations. Games. Never really realized how small the Mojave's getting nowadays, hard to find a place to go to that's worthwhile. Soooo fallout glitched out on my xbox so I thought hey, lets make a video Their compass is spinning, all the time. With. She also has unused dialogue that was supposed to play when the player drank whiskey while she was a companion, as part of her Whiskey Rose perk ("{Shot of whiskey}Now all I need is some shame to wash it down with."). I'm not some blind, flag-saluting do-as-they-will NCR lover. Sometimes I get so drunk, I don't care who I share a bed with, so that's fine with me. Follow the Fallout New Vegas companion list and locations guide to make your travels a little more enjoyable. Not much reason to ship water here, but liquor... hard to meet demand. What, didn't see enough of the sites here the first time? NCR enacted strict trade laws with little resistance, strengthening their supply lines and their position in the Mojave. Some time after the Van Graffs kill Cass you may get the pop up that Cass has returned to the Mojave Outpost or the Lucky 38. Where? The reactivity comments and whisky lines are all fully voice acted. All Discussions Screenshots Artwork Broadcasts Videos News Guides Reviews She has a LOT of cut blank dialogue topics relating to the Hoover Dam battle events that comprise around FOURTY cut lines relating to each endgame outcome (e.g. No problems here, there's a lot more of that in the Mojave than you see. If you are labeled as a Terrorist by the NCR (killing the New Vegas NCR Ambassador is one way to accomplish this), Cass will always be hostile to the Courier even when disguised (but not while she's currently your active companion). Can take a hell of a punch and give it right back when I've got a bottle in me. If the player has all of the ingredients on hand, she can also craft moonshine without needing a campfire. [7], She is also very outspoken on the NCR and Caesar's Legion, mostly pointing out the bureaucratic messes of the NCR and the Legion's use of woman as breeding tools. It's not clear what the criteria of these would have been (from the spectrum of comments, presumably for completing quests in certain ways), but she has a large number of positive and negative comments to go from being impressed by the player's action to being disgusted. Making an offensive comment about her dead parents causes Cass to leave the party and attack on the spot. Each spot for a land mine is numbered, hear tell. Fallout: New Vegas, The Mojave Wasteland, Interactive map. Unlike in Fallout 3, where dismissed companions would walk all the way from their current location to their home, dismissed companions in Fallout: New Vegas are instantly transferred to their home location upon being dismissed. So she laughed, said fuck it all, and raised a bottle to the Dam and the ones who had fought for it. Fallout: New Vegas Xbox 360 . Kings dress like strutting girls, all fancy like. fighting for House, independent, NCR, Legion). Rose of Sharon Cassidy appears only in Fallout: New Vegas. All Rights Reserved. After dismissing both of them, the counter resets and you are again limited to only one humanoid companion. Cass is at the mojave outpost in the southwest, gotta do some caravan stuff to get her. As the Legion marched West, she found it difficult to see the Dam as anything more than a gravestone for the Mojave - and everyone in it. There is an early test version of her dialogue located in VFollowerDialogueRose. "[Is whiskey your drink of choice?] For Fallout: New Vegas on the Xbox 360, a GameFAQs message board topic titled "Is Cass a romance option for males? [SUCCEEDED], "[You any good in a fight?] I'm fair with chucking. Fallout New Vegas. NCR Ranger reports have reached her that her caravan has been attacked and "burned to ash," placing an even greater burden on her shoulders. Rose of Sharon Cassidy died as her caravan died - in an unmarked grave, another victim of the. Chewed and spit enough friends out. 9KB. Birds of a Feather. [8] On another note, her knowledge of the world is considerable, but not without holes. Cass' outfit is a piece of clothing belonging to Rose of Sharon Cassidy in Fallout: New Vegas. The only way to avoid this is to improve one's karma. Hometown of the Van Graffs, don't care for this place too much. 12 Aug 2012, 12:00PM. ... as their locations are typically pretty secure (and nothing unscripted can die, if you aren't in the same Cell). chevron_left. [4][5] Her father upped and left to once more wander the wastes while she was still young - leaving her only a name, a pendant,[6] his shooting skills and propensity for hard drinking and violence.[7]. -Changes cass's face-Makes Cass's hat and oufit playable-Replaces Cass's shotgun with a cowboy repeater that uses the lincoln repeater texture.-Replaces Cass's knife with a machete because I thought it suited her personality more. The best place to get cheats, codes, cheat codes, unique weapon locations, walkthrough, guide, FAQ, unlockables, tricks, and secrets for Fallout: New Vegas for PC. Thus, I usually sacrifice her to the Van Graffs. She’s sitting at the bar. Not every day you come back to your gravesite. ", "[You support it no matter what?] For interactive maps of marked locations, consult the following articles: Fallout: New Vegas map Dead Money map Honest Hearts map Old World Blues map Lonesome Road map 1 General information 2 Major faction locations 2.1 Boomers 2.2 Brotherhood of Steel 2.3 Caesar's Legion 2.4 Followers of the Apocalypse 2.5 Great Khans 2.6 Powder Gangers 2.7 New California Republic 2.8 … As of the latest patch, Cass has become far less vocal; she still has unique dialogue concerning many of the major locations in the game, but will only make a random comment once every 24 hours instead of every single time a location is visited. Appearances. close. During her companion quest, getting the Cal Heart perk then killing the Van Graffs and Alice McLafferty will give her the Hand of Vengeance perk as if you'd never resolved it legally. Cassidy Caravans wreckage is the final resting stop of Cass' Caravan that the Courier barters with her for, on behalf of Alice McLafferty. Don't mind trailblazing as long as we've got the ammo... and whiskey. "[What do you think of NCR?] bad example: "{Commenting on player's behavior}That was fucked up". She also enjoys violence quite a bit, much like her father. Folks here have access to Lake Mead, fresh drinking water. Like Vegas? Crazy ass radio signals around here, couldn't make sense of them. This place reminds me the Old World had too much time on its hands. User Info: WWEisLife. Nobody's dick's that long, not even. In truth, she has melee weapons as a tagged skill, but is unskilled in explosives and unarmed combat. You’ll probably run into it on the way up to the Vegas Strip. We would very much appreciate you whitelisting us or using. Install: Just extract/copy all the files within the mod to your Fallout New vegas\Data directory Copyright © 2020 FalloutNewVegasCommands.com and FalloutNewVegasCommands.com. However when it comes to her talking about her explosives skill, she only talks about using. You agree to the use of cookies by continuing to use this website. ... Cass Location: Cass (a.k.a. Cass' karma-based drop out of the party can be abused to get a second humanoid companion, as her final breaking line with evil karma will even be shown when she is not currently in the party. Rose of Sharon Cassidy (Cass) is a companion in Fallout New Vegas. VCassEventHDHouseSpillway). She will comment that her father used to tell her that Vegas is what Reno tried to be, right before she exclaims her disdain for Reno. When asked about the monuments outside the. She has unique idle dialogue for locations around the, If the player has a high enough speech and the, If the player already has the max amount of companions and asks Cass to join, she may respond by saying "Not in the mood for a threesome. In Cass' case, it would end with the player character waking up next to her drunk and marrying her. The New California Republic plays a major part in the game's story, being in a three-way struggle amongst the Caesar's Legion slavers, and the mysterious Mr. House. [9], Cass has an aggressive and eager, sometimes even impatient attitude, often telling the courier to hurry up or get on with it, and does not take well to insults or her time wasted. (VCassLocationCampGolf). He was cute, though, so after having her way with him, she got the hell out, leaving an. Can't believe we're in a refuge for crazy super mutants. Cass lived to see the Courier bring down three armies and by her count, that was three more than she'd expected. Get put in one of Caesar's little "camps?" No caravans in, out, and just. Perks include: Whiskey Rose, Calm Heart, Hand of Vengeance, Shotgun Surgeon. Damn, no offense meant. Lastly, Cass treats sex casually, and appears to be interested in women as well as men, under the right circumstances. https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Fallout:_New_Vegas_locations Fallout: New Vegas; Cass and the ending blurb...? #7 < > Showing 1-7 of 7 comments . Date uploaded. You'd best respect that. With a Speech of 65 the player can promise improvement or just go on with the conversation. When we pass the bottle, I'll show you how it's done. As far as she was concerned, the whole thing was proof that playing out a bad hand can pay off in the end... as long as someone/a woman like the Courier was holding the cards. Guess you've got a Legion outlook on things. "[Whiskey Rose?] In the years following the destruction of Cassidy Caravans, NCR used evidence of the plot to blackmail the Crimson Caravan and the Van Graffs. She can’t offer any caravan work since her caravan was destroyed. Won most of those fights, too. When asked about her combat skills, Cass implies she's skilled in explosives and unarmed combat, but unskilled with melee weapons. Talking to her again with evil karma (-250 or less) will result in her leaving the party, with no way of convincing her to stay. Oliver, Lanius, etc). Its location is: Mojave Outpost. Optic231 179,456 views. ", "[Why would they do that?] If you're looking for NCR's spine, ain't going to find it here. Cass is one of the companions the player can recruit in Fallout: New Vegas. It just contains a few test lines to advance parts of her questline. "[So they lack direction?] This suggests these lines were cut early on. Was this site helpful to you? Not sure if I chose it or it chose me. Fallout: New Vegas - Companion Cass and Side Quest - Heartache by the Number - Duration: 28:42. You can start it out by talking to Cass in the Mojave Outpost Barracks. 1 Synopsis 2 Walkthrough 3 Quest stages 4 Notes 5 Behind the scenes 6 Bugs Rose of Sharon Cassidy came to the Mojave with her caravan, but that dream has fallen through, run out of business by her competitors. The game takes place in 2281, four years after the events of Fallout 3. Following the events at the Griffin Wares Sacked Caravan, Cass will want to explore Durable Dunn's Sacked Caravan, which is located far to the east, on the other side of New Vegas. Born in 2244, Cass is the daughter of John Cassidy and a tribal woman he met on his travels after parting ways with the Chosen One. https://fallout-archive.fandom.com/wiki/Cass?oldid=2142511. Fallout: New Vegas. She'd kept quiet about that, though. Cass dies or is executed by Jean-Baptiste during. East? Location: United States Restricted Mode: Off History Help Cass' hat Cass' outfit is a piece of clothing belonging to Rose of Sharon Cassidy in Fallout: New Vegas. Both the Van Graffs and Alice McLafferty were removed from their post in the East. Rose of Sharon Cassidy, usually just Cass or Whiskey Rose,2 is a caravan master and owner of Cassidy Caravans in the Mojave Wasteland in Fallout: New Vegas. After Cass joins the player, opening a conversation with her when in negative karma (below -100) will cause her to complain about the player's behavior. They're family, but let me tell you what family means. When I did have her, she's just meh to me. Per page: 15 30 50. I could never keep Cass as a companion for long as I always favored the evil karma route. Keep your eyes to yourself, Legion asshole. NCR's my country, and I support it. Cass' comments when entering the location: "Heard this used to be a mine field from some of the troopers here. Yeah, on account of my name... and the blossoms on my cheeks when I drink too much. Doopdroo 10 years ago #1. "[Sniper on the roof?] She had so huge face before.. Cass was beatiful so I didn't touch her face at all. Rose of Sharon Cassidy) is a caravan merchant and the daughter of John Cassidy, and can be found at the Mojava Outpost inside the Mojava Outpost Barracks sitting at the bar drinking. So far, I've done the Legion and Wildcard ending, I can't do any other without replaying most of the game. Cass, without the hat. That's NCR. It's all in how you drink it, though - there's a trick to it. You can recruit Cassidy through a bit of a related quest. Worn down by years of hard luck and a recent rash of terrible misfortunes, Cass is a despondent merchant who's about to get out of the caravan business. Fallout: New Vegas > General Discussions > … Fallout: New Vegas at IGN: walkthroughs, items, maps, video tips, and strategies Since you technically have to complete a task for the Crimson Caravan in order to get this far in this particular side quest, that location should have already been added to your map. These boys and girls can really down the bottles. Just goes to show you, no matter where you go, there's NCR trying to hold onto every corner of the world. She cannot be a super tank but she will not get in the line of fire if player like to use explosive.

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