How to make your own DIY Smudge Sticks. They needn’t be just for those in the wellness industry or a bit of hippy nonsense. How To Use Your Smudge Stick: Using a lighter, candle or match light the top end of your smudge stick. Put all stems at the same length. Repetition sometimes is the better call to let the energy truly flow properly and cleanse you and your space. You can boost the smudge by adding some sage to your rosemary and see how it goes or you can repeat the rosemary smudge stick ritual for a few days in a row. I also wanted my smudge sticks to be pretty and colorful, so I added some purple wood sage, Queen Anne’s lace, and chicory flowers. The real reason I made smudge sticks was because we had sage growing out our ears! I use both a homemade sage bundle and a palo santo stick, choosing one over the other when I feel like it. Making DIY smudge sticks to use throughout the year seemed like a fun new way to preserve the sage and create a handmade gift to give to friends. Lavender provides both color and scent, and is good for calming, protection, and cleansing. Once you have the lavender + sage, here’s how to wrap it: Lay the pieces down flat, layering them one row sage, one row lavender. Even if you’re unfamiliar with the ancient practice, you’ve probably seen smudge sticks – you know, those fat, leafy bundles of sage that pop up on yoga instructors Instagram accounts. However, if you wish to make smudge sticks based on a specific purpose, try any of these combinations: sage— negative energy clearing pine needles — cleansing and purification You will need a dish of your own choosing under your smudge stick to … To make your own herbal smudge sticks will need: fresh herbs (5 to 10 sprigs per smudge stick) flowers and petals natural twine scissors They are a lovely way to use excess herbs. Common Sage: meditation, cleansing, purification Rosemary: cleansing, invigorating. Typically, white sage is used for smudge sticks, but the more common types are acceptable substitutes. DIY’s don’t come any simpler than this – and rarely are they more gorgeous. You can use several types of herbs to make smudge sticks. WHEN? Once your smudge stick has a good steady flame gently blow the flame out so it is smouldering and smoking. They are a lovely thing to do, and to make. To start your smudge stick, cut a few stems from each of the plants, approximately 10 stems each, depending on their size. The practice of burning sage or smudging is fairly simple, with few necessary tools. I had already dried and preserved about 5 mason jars worth for tea and still had tons left over. I personally like to use herbs I prune out of my garden.

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