Before too long, you’ll come to a little dock of sorts that leads to a path flanked with a boiling cauldron on either side. With that in hand, hop down and continue south, where you’ll see Tingle floating around. Put on the Deku Mask and pull out the Ocarina. From there you can take the lily pads to the east side of the palace. Items:Bombers’ Notebook (N64), Adult Wallet, Big Bomb Bag If you do it successfully, it’ll reward you with varying amounts of rupees between 3 and 60. This process is very lengthy and pretty annoying. He’ll thank you, and after the hand finishes its, um, business, it’ll give you a Piece of Heart that apparently fell down there. There are a few things yet to do on the First Night and you may not have enough time otherwise if this is your first time doing some of these side quests. NOTE: If you are playing the 3DS version of the game, you can play the Song of Double Time and skip directly ahead to 11pm on the first night. In the N64 version, you can quickly get caught by the guards to get to the outside of the Deku Palace. Characters:Kaepora Gaebora (N64) If you have played Ocarina of Time, you will notice these are the same duo that formed Twinrova. It may sound a little silly to you at this point, but as you’ll find out soon enough, this is actually one of the most useful masks in the game! Don’t the baby chickens look like lemons? Ignore it for now and enter the dark woods in the back. Once you approach the large tree to the far south, you’ll be interrupted by a short scene of Tatl explaining she and her brother’s first encounter with Skull Kid. The path is pretty obvious, so just use the Deku Flowers to get from flower to flower and you’ll eventually reach the platforms near the waterfall. Return to the Woods of Mystery and follow the monkey (or the map) again. Dark Blue Line Note: In the N64 version of the game, this fairy fountain is located at the southeast end of Woodfall. Promotional image of Link wearing Majora's Mask. Lure them to blow fire at you, then run around to slash at their tails. At the west end of Woodfall you will find a cavern that leads to a Great Fairy Fountain. It should be about 1am right about now. Ignore both of those things, since you’ll come back to them later on. In Majora's Mask, Mikau was the lead guitarist of the Zora band Indigo-Gos. However, you can get in by using the nearby Deku Flower to get atop the thatch overhang and access the door on the second story. He’ll tell you how he’s resigned that the moon is going to fall and all that jazz, but he’s depressed because he’ll never be able to see his baby chickens reach their prime. First off, slash the Owl Statue with your sword to activate it. Play the Inverted Song of Time to slow down time, and be sure to have the Deku Mask, Blast Mask and Bunny Hood all ready to be equipped. If you pull out the Ocarina, he’ll say it doesn’t sound right. Simply approach the big Yellow Deku Flower to make him appear and speak with him to trade for the Land Title Deed (again). You will be finding other Owl Statues here soon, so keep this in mind. Speak with the Bomber in the yellowish orange cap in East Clock Town to access the sewers area leading to the Astral Observatory. Speak with her to learn that she was picking mushrooms here in the woods when Skull Kid came and beat her up. In particular, Link can get get the Piece of Heart from the Deku Playground in North Castle Town, but it might be best to get some more experience using Deku Link before doing so. Whoever enters a wrong tunnel will find themselves back at the entrance. This Legend Of Zelda Majora’s, The next fusion Request requires an Eligor with Divine Grace. As for the platforms, in the N64 version they will be moving around, where as in the 3DS version they are stationary and will only move once Link has landed on them. There’s not much to do in the Romani Ranch area itself yet. For now, onward to Southern Swamp! Music: Woods of MysteryComposer: Koji KondoPlaylist: Nintendo 64 Before you venture onward, you’ll need 20 Rupees. The other new enemy here is called a Bad Bat. The first one, which is available now, is to temporarily save your progress. Now that you have the Deku Mask and a ton of other goodies, you’re finally ready to go south, as Tatl advised earlier. What’s cooler, however, is the Piece of Heart that is up here! This will complete the “?? Every NPC follows their own schedule for the loop, and events happen on a timeline that possibly change what they do. For some reason, you’re allowed into the throne room with the king, but not allowed to wander the gardens on either side (which have even more guards)…? Odd. Go that way to find a large chest on a platform (that you can see on your mini-map) and open it to find a red rupee. Apparently, this dancer died and didn’t get to pass on his mad dancing skills, so his spirit cannot pass on to the next world. As you land, Tatl will mention the “Deku Scrub mark” in the center of the platform. Remember, if you catch on fire, you can put it out by slashing your sword or rolling. Run to the south exit of Clock Town and speak with the guard in your normal form to leave. The directions you follow always take exactly 6 screens, so if you were to draw it out on paper, you’d quickly find the directions you need to take simply using the process of elimination (or simply use the provided map). This particular enemy can drop both Deku Nuts and Deku Sticks depending on how you defeat them. This will be very useful for the upcoming fights. When you are the Deku jump on the lily pads to the west and follow that path to the Potion Shop. 2.4 WoodfallProgress at this pointTotal LifeHeart Pieces 9/52Masks 6/24Bottles (N64) 1/6Bottles (3DS) 1/7New in this section This boat ride is a little odd, as it is automated, but has no driver. They’re stumped with this, however, and practice during the First and Second Nights in West Clock Town. Leave Clock Town from the southern gate. Items:Deku Stick, Bottle #1, Red Potion Like the Lost Woods it branches off into four pathways and sends the player back to the entrance if they take a wrong turn. Johnny Hurricane is the resident hardcore gamer here at Gamers Heroes. NOTE: It must be day-time, otherwise this Peahat won’t leave the ground. Said potion shop is located in the hut I told you to ignore earlier. This guide will, On your way to the second dungeon in Majora’s Mask 3D you will run into a giant Goron blowing you back. This will allow you to warp back here any time you wish, so this is very good. Set your Bombs to one of your buttons, Z/L-target one of them and throw Bombs repeatedly. Climb up the next ramp, killing another Hiploop along the way. Once all ten have matured, they’ll cockle-doodle-doo together. In order to do the boat cruise in the Swamp area of Majora’s Mask you need to find Koume. You’ve already done quite a bit of collection out here in the last section, so there’s not much to do here at the moment. Agree to go in his stead and he’ll teach you the Sonata of Awakening, a song known only to the Deku Royal Family that allows them to enter the Temple in Woodfall. They say you’re still not allowed in unless you have official business… but perhaps you can enter the throne room to see the foolish monkey who is awaiting punishment. Majora's Mask: Monkey This monkey can be found in the Woods of Mystery. If you acquired the Land Title Deed earlier, show him the goods to help him out with his little *cough* problem. Make sure you are within North Clock Town just before midnight hits. Don’t let go of B or you’ll have to gather them up again! Use the Deku Scrub spin to help with the speed issue. Use your shield to get close and slash it with your sword to defeat it. Leave the woods once more. Aww…. Work your way north along this upper ledge, slashing bushes as you go, getting 20-ish rupees. The Bombers are your first entry. The Woods of Mystery is a location from The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask. This Persona 5 Strikers Prison Mail, Part 1 Guide will tell you everything you need to know to fuse an…, One of the mission types in Persona 5 Strikers is the Investigation. Position yourself so you can at least see most of it (but still close enough that it’ll work) and play the song back to it. The Legend Of Zelda Majora's Mask 3D Guides, The Legend Of Zelda Majora’s Mask 3D Game Guides, The Legend Of Zelda Majora’s Mask 3D: Woods Of Mystery Guide, The Legend Of Zelda Majora’s Mask 3D: Getting Past The Big Goron, The Legend Of Zelda Majora’s Mask 3D: Getting Into The Bomber’s Hideout, The Legend Of Zelda Majora’s Mask 3D: Finding The Stray Fairy In Clock Town, The Legend Of Zelda Majora’s Mask 3D: Woodfall Temple Guide, Persona 5 Strikers Prison Mail, Part 2 Guide, Persona 5 Strikers Prison Mail, Part 1 Guide. She is lost in the Woods Of Mystery and you will need to figure out the puzzle to find her. There are two great places to get some quick cash out here in the field. Goron Races Another bottle can be found once you've defeated Goht in Snowhead Temple. If you did this, purchase another Magic Bean and fill up your bottle with Spring Water again before you leave. The Legend of Zelda is a high-fantasy video game series created by Japanese game designers Shigeru Miyamoto and Takashi Tezuka.It is primarily developed and published by Nintendo, although some portable installments have been outsourced to Capcom, Vanpool and Grezzo.The series' gameplay incorporates elements of action, adventure and puzzle-solving games. Unlike in Ocarina of Time, you’ll need a bottle of Fresh Spring Water to make the plant grow. If you did not do this (and don’t remember it), you’ll have to play with them again in order to learn it. Notable features are the big building at the beginning, which you can’t do anything with at the moment, as well as the Big Octos that block off the second half of the swamp, which you also can’t do anything about for now. Once you regain control, run off to the right to find an Owl Statue along with the friendly Owl Kaepora Gaebora from Ocarina of Time. The witch Koume went missing here while searching for mushrooms and her twin sister Kotake sends Link into the woods to find her. [/b] NEED help with majoras mask! It’s rather simple though, since you get the most points by Z/L targeting a log and pressing A. Keep your sword drawn and target them, then press A to perform a Jump Attack. Just don’t go anywhere else! How this works is occasionally two logs will come out of the ground. At this point, you should have at least 100 rupees and you aren’t going to be getting any more serious cash for the rest of this 3-day cycle, so if you want to save the rupees you have gathered, you should go back to Clock Town quickly and put all but 20 of it in the bank. However, if you come back and don’t play the Song of Time, you’ll lose all that progress. Gasp! Follow the monkey through the entrance up ahead to enter the Deku Palace. In Linkle's Tale: The Girl in the Green Tunic, it apparently manipulates Skull Kid into stealing Linkle's Compass when she ends up lost in Faron Woods. Plant the Magic Bean and pour some of the Spring Water that you got in the cave (if it’s not the second day and raining). Characters:Old Lady, Sakon, Kamaro, ?? Next to the Clock Tower there is an odd statue that resembles an owl, and if you haven’t activated it yet, you should do so, as it will become useful in a bit. Scour the area in search of the other ones, touching all of them to add to your troupe. Unfortunately, a rock slide (caused by Skull Kid) has blocked it off, and one of Mutoh’s workers has been hired to clear it away. You should have about 90 rupees at this point. If you went to the Astral Observatory, you got the Moon’s Tear, which you can now give to the Business Scrub in South Clock Town. A little to the west is one of the larger mushrooms which has a hole next to its stem. They’re absolutely pathetic, however, they’re very useful if you need to collect more Deku Nuts. Slash the jars and such nearby, then use the Deku Flower to fly to the far southern platform where there’s a large chest containing a red rupee. They spin around to counter-attack,and they might hit you with their tail as they do this, dealing loads of damage quickly. The owl will teach you the Song of Soaring, allowing for quick navigation throughout Termina. NOTE: If you are playing the N64 version of the game, there will just be a standard Owl Statue here, without the actual owl. 9. ( Ocarina of Time scene ) Of course, the other possibility is Navi, since she isn't in the game. Do NOT press it standing next to her, or you will drink the potion. Subscribe. If you are playing the N64 version, you’ll have to stall for some time. After teaching them the dance, they’ll call you “master,” and reward you with a Piece of Heart. Teal Line There are some new enemies out here called Dragonflies. This fairy fountain is not much use right now, but it will be after you complete the first temple in the game. You will eventually come across a wounded witch by the name of Koume. Enemies:Dragonfly, Hiploop There is also an easy 100 rupees to earn right here in Clock Town, so run over to where the yellow bomber is standing, near the route that takes you to the Astral Observatory. During the day, it’s located in the Laundry Pool, hovering over the water. This also allows you to use Bombs now, which you’ll occasionally find when you slash bushes and jars from now on. First off you need to get the Potion shop from the Boat Tour. Simply hold R and press B to explode right in front of them, causing massive damage. Back outside, a monkey will tell you to find the Bean Salesman and plant one of his beans to get to a high place so you can rescue the monkey. Make your way back to the Swamp Tourist Center (the large rectangular building at the start of the swamp). Slash the jars that are on this platform to get some Deku Nuts, restore your magic and find a fairy. Once you get past the 200 rupee mark, the banker will reward you with the Adult Wallet, which allows you to carry up to 200 rupees at a time. You can roll into the tree to knock him down along with two red rupees. Speak with him to get your first Magic Bean for free! Apparently, this group of kids is all about helping people, and this notebook will help you accomplish the many side quests that are found in this game. Shoot a bubble at him as well, then purchase the Map of Woodfall for 20 rupees. This is the only one found in the game, and while it looks rather intimidating, it really is a piece of cake. Go back the other way and hop across this lily pad to get to a new enemy called a Hiploop. However, there are some clumps of grass just outside it that contain a lot of rupees, so take advantage of this if you need cash. For learning their code, either by playing with them again or by entering their hideout, you will have completed their entry. She is lost in the Woods Of Mystery and you will need to figure out the puzzle to find her. Hop onto the ledge and jump onto the mushroom. During the First and Second Nights, you can find Guru-Guru in the Laundry Pool. If you do it correctly, it will split down the middle, giving you 3 points. Enter the Bomb Shop in West Clock Town, which is the northern most of the three doors on the west side. Run along the left side of the tree to continue on towards the swamp. From here, run south and climb the steps. Head down to the cave to the north of the shop and you will be in the Woods Of Mystery. If you decide to attack them, try swerving back and forth to avoid the Deku Nuts they shoot at you. You see, in Ocarina of Time, you give people items by standing next to them and pressing that C button. In the northern, snowy area, take the ramp down and go around to find a "song" up against the wall. Do so, then go downstairs and follow the left wall which leads to the latrine. She’ll thank you by giving you the Great Fairy’s Mask, which helps you to find Stray Fairies and even makes them fly to you if they’re able. This way you don’t miss that one person…, For horror fans, Slenderman is so 2009 – the new horror legend is Trevor Henderson’s Siren Head. In the 3DS version, it doesn’t need to be the second day. Look carefully and try to catch up to them before they go through the triangles in some of the walls, which is pretty frustrating. They are no match for your pointy, wooden steed! Once on Milk Road itself, slash the nearby Owl Statue with your sword to activate it (or press A on the 3DS). Inside, you can chat with the dude sitting on the ledge to take one of his two courses. Alternatively, you can use Deku Nuts to stun them, which is also very effective. Some of the Deku outside mentioned that the princess also had Deku Pipes. Prisma Games puts this icon in the spotlight with their new steam title Siren Head: Awakening…, The art of physics is at your disposal with Bolverk Games’ new 3D platformer Glyph. At long last, warp to the Owl Statue in Woodfall if you haven’t already, then stand on the “Deku Scrub mark” in the center and play the Sonata of Awakening while wearing the Deku Mask. Majora’s Mask Walkthrough – Southern Swamp, Chapter 7 – Spring, Romani Ranch, Ikana Graveyard.
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