Saying, "You're done." *SPOILER* In Breaking Dawn the La Push pack want to kill her because they believe her baby is dangerous. Can EEPROMs have feedback networks to make state machines? Is that it? Another man knocks on the door claiming to be an "officer of the court", Tuco grabs a gun from the top of a bookshelf and forces the man inside at gunpoint ("Uno")("Mijo"). Tuco proceeds to beat Jesse while using his assault rifle to keep Walt away. Mike decides not to kill Tuco, but comes up with a plan to have Tuco arrested instead, this way Nacho will be free from the Salamancas to continue transacting his own business. (“Full Measure”) April-July 2009 ( Breaking Bad , Season Four) Known for his erratic personality and propensity for extreme violence, Tuco hasn't much use for Jesse — at their first meeting, he beats him up and steals his meth and money. He would continue to smuggle meth with his other partners, but a little more cash (that he would make from Walt and Jessie) must have come handy. Walt doesn’t kill without reason, but his reasons vary as the show progresses and he slides deeper into the business. You are here: Home ⁄ Uncategorized ⁄ why did jack want to kill walt. Are you punking my Abuelita?Tuco asking Jimmy. Nacho grows increasingly worried at Tuco's erratic behavior over the months, so he meets Mike Ehrmantraut to offer him a job. Walt blows up Tuco's HQ with fulminated Mercury When: Season 1, Episode 6 ("Crazy Handful of Nothin'") The burrito wasn't the first time Walter used chemistry to tussle with Tuco. So he met with the cousins and told them that it was Hank who pulled the trigger and sent them after them with his blessing. How did Tuco know where to pick up Jesse? Tuco Salamanca was a psychotic, high-ranking Mexican drug dealer who ran the Juárez Cartel's meth operation in Albuquerque. He initially didn't want to because he gradually grew fond of Jesse and effectively considered him the son he never got to have due to Walt Jr.'s disability. Later on, as Tuco is shooting animals with an assault rifle while he waits for his cousins to arrive, Tio keeps ringing his bell to call his nephew's attention. I think you must have noticed that their product was really really pure, which made it really strong and good. Even so, Tuco still plans to torture the twins to death because of the way they disrespected his grandmother. How to protect myself against Divination with the least amount of resources, Handling long 'important' alerts on mobile, Unix sed command to replace brackets in file, Make integer sequence unique at compile time. Why did Umbridge hate Muggles/half-breeds? As Hank is going through old evidence documents, he briefly comes across a picture of Tuco's corpse ("Blood Money"). Tuco also had four cousins involved in criminal activities: Lalo, Marco, Leonel and Joaquin Salamanca. Nobody moves crystal in the South Valley but me, bitch!Tuco Salamanca after beating up Jesse Pinkman. Heisenberg says relax. That means exactly how it sounds, yo! Radio Times | TV, film and entertainment news - Radio Times Tuco rejected Walt's request for more money so he threw a crystal, causing an explosion. With Jesse's aid, Walt planned to kill Tuco but fate intervened when Tuco was shot by Hank. Walt realizes Gus is going to kill them both once Gale learns Walt’s recipe, and convinces Jesse to kill Gale. Do something! Jesse and Hank come up with an idea to take Walt down. He wants Mike to kill Tuco for a large sum of money, explaining to Mike that Tuco might kill him if he finds out about Nacho's side business not involving the Salamancas. Look at that, look!Tuco after beating No-Doze to death. Walt tries to tell Tuco that Tio is not in his right mind, but Tuco is very aware that his uncle is still sharp. Obviously, when Walt shot two of Gus' trustworthy men in Breaking Bad, Gus wanted to kill Walt and have Gale replace him after learning his formula.. They claim that Tuco's grandmother ran over one of them in her car and then tried to drive off, so they followed her home. While Tuco is distracted in the kitchen, Walt attempts to sneak the ricin into Tuco's burrito in front of Tio, who Walt and Jesse believe to be in no condition to ruin their plan. Tuco's henchmen frisk them and lead them to Tuco's office. He would continue to smuggle meth with his other partners, but a little more cash (that he would make from Walt and Jessie) must have come handy. With Bryan Cranston, Anna Gunn, Aaron Paul, Dean Norris. Tuco prepares burritos for Walt, Jesse, and his uncle. One of these lessons are shown through flashback, when the Cousins were only kids playing in the backyard of Hector's house. How did Walt and Jesse know where to intercept Mike? Why did Walt kill Lydia? Tuco's death is the first of many firearm-related deaths featured onscreen during the entire. The plan works and Tuco is arrested, potentially facing ten years in jail for assaulting a senior citizen and carrying an illegal weapon. Wow. Are you basing that on that he's got a normal, healthy brain or something? Tio is able to tell Tuco that Walt and Jesse are "punking" him, Tuco furiously approaches Jesse, grabs him by the shirt and drags him out of the cabin as Walt runs after them trying to calm him down. MijoTuco, in anger at Cal and Lars's insulting of his grandmother. From what I saw, Hector (Tucos father) saw him try to poison him and felt he was the one responsible for his death because Walt shot him and the reason that Tuco … When Walter White and Jesse Pinkman are in search of a distribution network for their meth following the death of Krazy-8, Jesse's friend and Tuco's former cell mate at Los Lunas Skinny Pete tells him about Tuco. Tuco is impressed by Walt's "balls" and he tells Walt that he's won his respect and agrees to pay all of his debts, explaining that the meth he'd taken from Jesse sold better on the streets than any other product he's had. Why was it so hard for you to kill Hank, as an actor? Did you not see him beat a dude to death for like nothing? Apparently aware of Tuco's insanity, Don Eladio jokingly asks Nacho if he's alright in the head. No. By that time Gus had Walt in his employ and didn't want his cash cow killed off. How to draw a “halftone” spiral made of circles in LaTeX? Tuco Salamanca (Season 2) Alberto “Tuco” Salamanca (played by Raymond Cruz) was the head of a drug empire in Albuquerque, and a member of the Juarez Cartel. For me, the fly is a manifestation of the beginnings of the crack in Walt's moral character. I mean, obviously he was a distributor of crystal meth and they were manufacturers of some fine quality product. What happens when he decides "no"?Jesse, We tried to poison you. And that way, that way he just kept staring at us. He was the grandson of Abuelita and nephew of Don Hector Salamanca, one of the most powerful members of the cartel. But Walter was just saving him. Walt poisons the two of them, but Krazy-8 survives long enough that Walt is forced to kill the meth dealer himself. We tried to poison you because you are an insane, degenerate piece of filth and you deserve to die.Walter, So you're going to what? When Walt returns with a business offer in the finale Jack plans on killing Walt. Tuco must have thought that since their product was good, it would sell good, and he would earn more money. The cousins knew that Walt was connected to Tuco's death, so they came after him. After Jack kills Hank, he lets Walt go free with a barrel of money. Breaking Bad Wiki is a FANDOM TV Community. As he is cleaning the blood from the floor, Tuco calls one of his goons, telling him to bring "the van." In the show Breaking Bad, why did Jack want to kill Walt? To subscribe to this RSS feed, copy and paste this URL into your RSS reader. It turns out that Tio is still very aware of his surroundings and when Tuco comes back with the other burritos Tio is able to convince Tuco not to eat the poisoned one. why did jack want to kill walt. They become his partners. Snort meth off a bowie knife? Stack Exchange network consists of 176 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. And again when Walt confessed to Jesse that he could have saved Jane but chose not to. Jesse learned well and Walt didn't want to dispose of him. Walt uses methylamine to deliver the amount of meth he promised in time. Is that what you're doing?Tuco talking to No-Doze. Believing Tio wanted the biggest burrito, he switches plate with his uncle, Tio then proceeds to push the poisoned burrito to the floor while staring angrily at Walt, but Tuco is unable to decipher the message. Walt then tells Tuco that he'll pay Walt and Jesse "up front" for future purposes and demands that Tuco now buy two pounds of his meth instead of one, which Tuco agrees to without hesitation ("Crazy Handful of Nothin'"). "We're gonna make a lot of money together," says Tuco. The Cousins were raised by their uncle, Don Hector Salamanca. It is revealed that Tuco was not simply an ordinary drug dealer from Albuquerque, but he was a representative to the Juárez Cartel north of the U.S. border. Tuco was impressed by Walt so he agreed to be his new meth distributor. Tuco laughs and tells a bewildered Walt he'll see him next week as Gonzo drags No-Doze's limp body to the car, and the drug dealers drive away ("A No-Rough-Stuff-Type Deal"). The Great Heisenberg convinces Jesse to assassinate Gale, takes advantage of a long-held grudge to have Hector Salamanca blow Gus' face off, pays Jack's men to commit the prison attacks and allows Jane to die of a drug … If a high frequency signal is passing through a capacitor, does it matter if the capacitor is charged? He employed No-Doze, his brother-in-law Gonzo and Nacho Varga as his closet associates and lieutenants and employed a number of street-level dealers, including Domingo Molina. Did Walt really take Tuco by fear when blew up his office? Walter Hartwell White Sr., also known by his alias Heisenberg, is a fictional character and the protagonist of the American crime drama television series Breaking Bad.He is portrayed by Bryan Cranston.. A graduate of the California Institute of Technology … After an intense negotiation, Jimmy manages to convince Tuco not to kill the boys, but only to break one leg of each one so he can send a message. Movies & TV Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for movie and TV enthusiasts. Answer by Eileen Kim, hooked on Breaking Bad since 2008. Tuco finally asks his uncle what he wants, and Tio is able to tell Tuco that he doesn't like Walt or Jesse. "This is not meth," Walt corrects him, as he hurls a piece of the crystal at the floor, causing an explosion and leaving the hideout in ruin—Walter has substituted his meth with crystallized fulminated mercury. I will tell you what that means! Secondly, why did the cousins want to kill Walt? Do that-- Do that thing!Tuco telling Walt and Jesse to do something about No-Doze's body, What is that? At first, Mike refuses, but after being constantly harassed by the Salamancas, he eventually agrees to tell the police that the gun was his on the condition of raising his price to $50,000. I can understand Gus wanting to kill Jesse, he's the one who said he'd keep the peace, and then after Tomas's death he broke down. Breaking Bad Tuco Salamanca. He personally kidnapped Walt and Jesse in order to bring them to Mexico with him to cook and produce their superior meth for the Cartel. How can a 15-year-old vampire get human blood? Where does the term "second wind" come from? High on the meth he just snorted, Tuco screams at his associate, claiming that he is disrespecting their new partners. After a few deliveries, Walt and Jesse realized that Tuco was unhinged and extremely violent. In Eclispe, Victoria wants her dead. rev 2021.2.23.38643, The best answers are voted up and rise to the top, Movies & TV Stack Exchange works best with JavaScript enabled, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, Learn more about hiring developers or posting ads with us, When he buys their meth, they are not his competitors any more. Are you suggesting that Gus would have sent Gale to Mexico instead of Jesse? They plan to do it at El Michoacáno, a restaurant where Tuco and Nacho meet their drug dealers to collect money from their sales. It seems like it all boils down to the fact that Walter killed the two dealers that killed Tomas in order save Jesse. This belief is somewhat misleading, since Walt is a master of delegation, and many of his most infamous killings were actually carried out by others, albeit at Walt's behest. With product that pure (and I believe still paying normal prices), he could step on it many many times over and still be higher quality than other stuff which means more dollars. How to censor individual words in a long text paragraph without catching attention to them? One of the brothers call her "biznatch", which deeply offends Tuco. Continue scrolling to keep reading Click the button below to start this article in quick view. ("Rebecca")("Bali Ha'i"), While talking to Nacho inside the restaurant, Don Hector learns from Arturo that Tuco has been placed in solitary at Los Lunas after stabbing another prisoner and assaulting one of the prison guards. Jesse and Walt start panicking that Tuco is coming to kill them. Tuco eventually descended into a life of severe drug abuse and over time gradually became mentally unstable whenever high on meth. I'm relaxed.Tuco before beating No-Doze to death. level 1. Okay, so you're not saying that they're stupid? 7 years ago. Despite his cruelty, Tuco shows signs of being extremely loyal to the people he trusts and caring towards those he loves; namely his elderly grandmother and later his disabled uncle and will brutally harm anyone who shows disrespect towards his loved ones or causes them harm in any form. Yes, Gus did want to kill Walt at the end of season 3. Are you saying that I'm stupid? Tio was, in fact, Don Hector Salamanca, a highly influential member and one of the most feared capos before his health deteriorated. I mean he wasn’t in danger to be caught anymore and I just can’t see a good reason. They are proven right when Tuco forces Jesse to drive to Walt's house with a gun pointed to his head and forces Walt in. Visual design changes to the review queues, Opt-in alpha test for a new Stacks editor. Similarly to Salamanca, Ramirez is a Mexican criminal based in New Mexico. However, around the time Gus offers Walt '3 million dollars for 3 months of your time', did Gus plan to continue doing business with Walt after these 3 months, or was Walt just a disposable source of money? Soon, Walt's family holds an intervention... but not for Walt's secret meth cooking. You got a mouth on you.Tuco to Jimmy after hearing his explanation. After being released from prison, Tuco takes over the remnants of his uncle's drug distribution business and employees a number of operatives and establishes his own headquarters. Walt gives Tuco another bag of crystals and asks for $50,000, Tuco laughs at the offer, saying that Walt is not doing the math correctly. Tuco : [to his brother the priest] While I'm waiting for the Lord to remember me, I, Tuco Ramirez, brother of "Brother" Ramirez will tell you something! This Salamanca character? So Tuco's out of the picture, Nacho didn't have to snitch, and Mike didn't have to kill anybody — although he got a face that looked like raw hamburger out of the bargain. After Walt learns of the events that occurred in the hideout, he decides to take matters into his own hands. You're gonna beat your homies to death when they "dis" you?Walter. ("Mijo"). Characters from Breaking Bad in Better Call Saul, Deceased characters from season 2 (Breaking Bad), In a 2013 online article by Bustle, Tuco was ranked as being the second most evil character on, Tuco was originally supposed to be the main antagonist of Season 2, but due to Raymond Cruz having, Tuco, as a distributor of the Juarez Cartel, was loyal to Don Eladio Vuente. In 1998 he personally killed Dog Paulson, one of his dealers, for no apparent reason other than suspected thievery by shooting him in the face with a sawed-off shotgun in front of Nacho. Tuco is at his grandmother's house cooking food for her when she arrives followed by the twin brothers, Lars and Cal Lindholm. Tuco's name may be a reference to Tuco Benedicto Pacifico Juan Maria Ramirez, or the Ugly, in Sergio Leone's The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. 1 I fully accept Max & Gus's claim that they only gave meth to cartel personnel in order to get a meet with the bosses. Tuco realizes that Walt and Jesse are partners and then ridicules Walt for bringing him yet another pound of meth after he stole Walt's first batch. And in that moment he felt betrayed by Jesse. Tuco must have thought that since their product was good, it would sell good, and he would earn more money. After beating his associate, No-Doze, to death for disrespecting him in front of Walt and Jesse and following the death of his lieutenant Gonzo, Tuco would be forced to go on the run from the DEA. However the two were able to injure him and escape and ultimately Tuco was killed after a shootout with DEA agent Hank Schrader, Walt's brother-in-law. But surely his first thoughts must have been on his Uncle Hector and their mutual connections with the Juárez Cartel, who were presumably already smuggling crystal meth across the border into the US. ... Sure Walt did lots of bad things, but he killed many bad people like Tuco, Gus, and Those White Supremacists. This kicks like a mule with its balls wrapped in duct tape!Tuco after experiencing Walt's methamphetamine. What happens if a character's declared action becomes impossible? ("Something Unforgivable"). Walt tries to calm down the situation by telling Tuco to relax, and Tuco responds by viciously beating No-Doze's face to a pulp, even showing Walt and Jesse his bloodied knuckles as he celebrates. Tuco Dies in: “Grilled ... We’ve seen Walt kill people, ... (It helped that it seemed like he genuinely did want the best for Jesse.) Tuco was born in Mexico and was raised by his uncle Hector, alongside his cousins Lalo, Marco and Leonel, and Joaquin as a member of the Juárez Cartel. His operation is extremely successful and he becomes a key man for the Cartel's operations north of the border and gradually he … ("Off Brand"), While talking to Hector, Lalo, who has to flee back to Mexico, states that Tuco will be out of prison in eleven months and can thus take over the Salamanca operations at that point. site design / logo © 2021 Stack Exchange Inc; user contributions licensed under cc by-sa. He calmly convinces his grandmother to go upstairs and watch her soap opera and then proceeds to beat down both brothers. One of the most memorable monologues in Breaking Bad history is Mike Ehrmantraut's "half measures speech" from Season 3. Why was Tuco willing to buy from Walt & Jesse? Alright, we are witnesses, we are loose ends! You're smart, right? With the rest of the bag of explosives in his possession, Walt threatens to throw the entire bag and kill himself and everyone in the room. He is also shown to be brave to an extent as seen by him continuing to brutally beat Mike Ehrmantraut despite cops being on the scene and engaging DEA Agent Hank Schrader in an intense gunfight rather than surrendering. I wouldn't be surprised though if Gus has had a change of heart since then. A moderately lower profit off a much greater volume means bigger money in the end. Book premise: Guy on the run after a routine hospital check-up shows metal in his stomach? However, much to Mike's disdain, he is visited by Don Hector Salamanca a few days later, Tuco's uncle and powerful member of the mexican cartel. After he betrayed him and refused to listen, Walt finally realized he has to kill him. Tight tight, yeah!Tuco after using Blue Sky for the first time. Marco breaks one of Leonel's toys, prompting him to approach his Tio and tell You wanna know what that means? Right now, Tuco's thinking, "Yeah, hey, they cook good meth, but can I trust them?" Heck, his uncle killed Maximo Arciniega for the affront of Gustavo and Max 'distributing'1 on their turf, combined with maneuvering them into a meeting. Knowing what Tuco is like while high, Lalo reassures Hector that they will have someone keep an eye on Tuco to make sure he stays clean. Tuco eventually traveled to Albuquerque, New Mexico and worked alongside is uncle at his drug distribution business. What happens to Donald Trump if he refuses to turn over his financial records? That's not a good enough reason to kill Walter. Favorite Answer. Tuco becomes Walt and Jesse's distributor after Walt chokes Krazy-8 to death. If one tomato was moulded, is the rest of the pack safe to eat? They meet again at the same auto junkyard and Walt delivers the first ever batch of blue meth. His operation is extremely successful and he becomes a key man for the Cartel's operations north of the border and gradually he becomes one of the most powerful and influential dealers in Albuquerque. Maniac.Jimmy McGill to Mike Ehrmantraut. Tuco's cousins, hitmen for the cartel, are summoned to Albuquerque to kill Walt in retribution for Tuco's death. ("Bad Choice Road"), When Lalo brings Nacho Varga before Don Eladio for a promotion, he introduces Nacho as a friend of Tuco's. Walt's disappearance is met with investigation by both his wife and Hank, as Tuco Salamanca intends to leave town with his kidnapped cooks. Why was Tuco Salamanca willing to buy crystal meth from Walter 'Heisenberg' White & Jesse Pinkman? I wish it didn't come to that. Don Hector offers Mike $5000 if he tells the police that the gun found on the scene was Mike's and not Tuco's, as this would reduce Tuco's potential jail time considerably. He would briefly become Walter White and Jesse Pinkman's meth distributor. Damn, man! Why did USB win out over parallel interfaces? Coincidentally, Raymond Cruz once played a character going by virtually the same name, 'Eladio Buente', as part of the X-Files episode '. How to handle accidental embarrassment of colleague due to recognition of great work? Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. So I don't understand. Walt hires Todd's uncle to kill Jesse. Having a cartel to distribute their product would have made their business venture slightly less profitable, but a whole lot easier & safer (with cartel henchman both distributing and enforcing against competitors and defaulters). Further the cartel could probably move a lot more meth in a day than Los Pollos Hermanos could in a month. Arriving at the hideout, he presents himself as "Heisenberg" to Tuco. I'm not sure what OP's second question is asking. Walt explains to Tuco that $35,000 is for the meth that Tuco stole, and another $15,000 is for Jesse's pain and suffering. Tight! Does the hero have to defeat the villain themselves? Ruthless, unpredictable, and prone to violent outbursts, Tuco nevertheless respected Walter because of his superior product, intelligence, business style, and guts. I'm not sure what OP's second question is asking. Why does water cast a shadow even though it is considered 'transparent'? Tuco questions why the meth is blue, but Walt guarantees him it is as pure as their previous product. Conjecture? Jack Ruby was a dying man, with nothing to lose, but his life (which was forfeit anyway) and everything to 'gain' (through notoriety and ill-conceived self-aggrandizement.) Walt killed some of the drug dealers working for Gus or the cartel I forget but was working with him either way and Gus had previously told Jesse to end the feud by making peace and shake on it with the two drug dealers that killed his friend Combo and let it go but Walt made more trouble by saving Jesse by ramming them (drug dealers) down with his car. To stare in abject horror—as we did when Walt handed Jesse over to Todd the Gentle Psychopath. Since their early days, Hector taught them hard lessons about life and how they should always put family in front of everything. Skinny Pete and Jesse find themselves in Tuco's hideout with a pound of Walt's meth, believing they will be able to negotiate a deal with Tuco. I'd have thought Tuco would have liked to take them out on first hearing they were manufacturing, or if he realized the quality of their product before doing so, smuggled them across the border into Mexico to teach the cartel cooks (then kill them). This question originally appeared on Quora. Nacho tells the story of when Tuco killed one of his closest friends, Dawg Paulson, by shooting him in the face with a shotgun only because he slightly suspected the man was ripping him off. Maybe that was another reason he bought it. No-Doze then unthinkingly warns Walt and Jesse to remember who they are working for. Directed by Charles Haid. You think you're better than I am... where we came from, if one did not want to die in poverty, one became a priest or a bandit! Sync ntp immediately at boot with undiciplined clock. Tuco snorts some of the blue meth and approves of it, telling Walt to keep doing what he's doing and then pays Walt for the product. Why did Walt give up 1.5 million to work with Jesse? You're done?! It only takes a minute to sign up. Why did Walt change his mind about Jesse “handling” the stolen drug money? And in Twilight, James wants to kill her. Usually his reason is to protect his family, protect himself, protect Hank, save Jesse, but once in a while, like in Gliding All Over, it’s simply a business move. Can you know the damage before teleporting with Cleric Peace Domain Lvl6 Protective Bond?

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