why is the holy spirit called the comforter And so we find why Ellen White taught the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of Christ as the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of God coming to us through His Son. The Holy Spirit is not the same Person as Jesus Christ but rather He came to do Jesus’ work. Submitted by Lactantius Jr (United Kingdom), Mar 29, 2012 at 07:29. THE HOLY SPIRIT AS OUR COUNSELOR. NES SCAN SDN. The Holy Spirit being part of the Trinity was always supposed to BE even before creation. Jesus refers to the Holy Spirit as our comforter. All that love demands is that it be given free scope to express itself. Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines comfort as “to give strength and hope to, to cheer; to ease the grief or trouble of, to console.” Posted on 2021년 1월 1일 by 2021년 1월 1일 by "We will come unto him" Understanding the meaning of a spiritual manifestation “Another” does not always mean a different person “Another Comforter” Ellen White affirms who the Comforter is The Comforter would be a spirit. ... “This refers to the omnipresence of the Spirit of Christ, called the Comforter.” — Manuscript Releases 14, p. 179.2 The Holy Spirit – Is Muhammad the Comforter of the Injil 15 May 2011 by Web Administrator 16 Comments Before His return to heaven, Isa Al-Masih prophesied about the coming of the Holy Spirit in John 14, 15 and 16. To B.K.Abdullah. In his earthly form he could only be in one place at a time. Paul says the Holy Spirit is an intercessor. John 14:17 says the Holy Spirit will “dwell with [believing Israel], and shall be in [them].” Contrary to popular belief, the indwelling Spirit is not unique to our Dispensation of Grace. The other names we have learned today for this spirit are the Paraclete and Advocate and Comforter. The Spirit is also an Advocate and an Encourager. We covered the section in John 14-16. White, Gospel Workers, 310.2, 1892) There is no clear reason as to why the KJV translators used Ghost in most places and then Spirit in a few. why is the holy spirit called the comforter The Holy Spirit is called the Comforter (John 14:26) because His presence within believers is designed to comfort them in light of the fact that Christ is no longer visibly, physically present among them, and to remind them of the salvation and eternal life that Christ gained for them. The following is the original quote Ellen White made concerning the mystery of the Holy Spirit which is often quoted in Acts of the Apostles, p 52. Jesus was comforting their troubled hearts. The Holy Spirit is called God. Create . And hence it is NOT and CANNOT be a third being as per the trinity doctrine. “The Holy Spirit is called both the Comforter and the Spirit of truth, because there is comfort and hope in the truth. Do not get confused by this. So why is it called a comforter in John 14:26? A falsehood cannot give genuine peace; but through the truth we become partakers of the peace that passeth understanding.” — (E.G. Remember that the Holy Spirit is the Spirit of the Father and Son and why the Holy Spirit can rightfully be called the Spirit of Christ. I have read the passages from the Bible that you mention in John's gospel, along with the other passages where the Lord Jesus Christ refers to the "Comforter," and it is quite obvious from them that Comforter, Holy Spirit, and Spirit of Truth are interchangeable terms, … In that sense He is the Spirit of Jesus. Brother Chapman was holding to a view that the identity of the Holy Spirit was Gabriel and was not being sent out to preach because he did not agree that the Comforter is Christ. why is the holy spirit called the comforter. And why did Jesus use the word comforter in the three chapters of John? Remember that the term for comforter is 'parakletos,' which means helper, comforter, advocate, intercessor. So why is it called a comforter in John 14:26? The Holy Spirit is known by various names, including the “Spirit of God, the “Spirit of Jesus,” the “Spirit of Christ,” and the “Spirit of truth.” Jesus referred to Him as “another Comforter… And He will help you remember everything that I have told you. Religious doctrines are created by man and often out of political motivations. In 14:16 He states: "I will pray to the Father and He will send you another Comforter (paraklete--another is 'allos," one of the same kind, which is the Holy Spirit). But the Holy Spirit is more than a Comforter, Helper, and Counselor. The Greek word for intercession is huperentugchano. Another name for the Holy Spirit is the Comforter or Consoler. 26 But the [] Helper (Comforter, Advocate, Intercessor—Counselor, Strengthener, Standby), the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name [in My place, to represent Me and act on My behalf], He will teach you all things. "The Comforter, the Spirit of Truth, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all that I said unto you." The Comforter/Holy Spirit will lead us into all truth so obviously the Qu'ran was not written under the unction of the Holy Spirit. Jesus in his earthly form went away. But the Helper, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in My name, He will teach you all things, and bring to your remembrance all things that I said to you. There is a point being made here about the Holy Spirit that is hidden in the English translation. Their turning to God in their distress has provoked the inner and direct action of the Holy Spirit on the substance of the soul itself. The Son knew for sure that the Holy Spirit would listen to Him and that is why He made the certain promise of the descent of the Spirit over the Apostles. How amazing to think that no matter what we go through, the most powerful source of comfort we could ever want is always available to us. The Holy Spirit is not a comforter who only shows up after the battle, He will lead us into battle, and it is only through his sustenance that we will be victorious in battle. Assign a Menu; why is the holy spirit called the comforter. I'm a Christian btw, but a Trinity skeptic I've also heard of … Cali Archi. If you do not acknowledge or understand these facts, then your mind will never see that the SOP says the Holy Spirit of Christ is our Comforter and Spirit of truth etc. The Lord Jesus identified the Holy Spirit as a counselor, an encourager, a comforter, and an exhorter at least four times in the Scripture. It can also be called the Spirit of Jesus. The exact same Greek and Hebrew words are translated "ghost" and "spirit" in the KJV in different occurrences of the words. Andy - yes the Holy Spirit was and still is since the beginning (Gen 1:1). And why did Jesus use the word comforter in the three chapters of John? Way back in ancient Greek, it used to mean the prosecutor.We'll look at the four places where it's used in John 14-16. Let’s say that you had just been through an experience. The Holy Spirit is also here to console us amidst these inevitable sorrows of life. The origin of this mysterious peace and confidence is the Paraclete, the Comforter, the Holy Spirit. In the same sense the Holy Spirit was still the holy spirit, but yet it was now after Christ’s glorification called “another” comforter. `But stay in the city until you have been clothed with power from on high.` (Luke … I'm told that the Holy Spirit is the Comforter that Jesus said he would send. From this we can clearly see and understand that the Holy Spirit is the representative of the Son Jesus Christ, even as … Jesus said, "But the Comforter, the Holy Spirit whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you all things and will remind you of everything I have said to you" John 14:26 (emphasis mine). Here is how the Holy Spirit works. The Greek word for intercession is huperentugchano. John 14:26 Amplified Bible (AMP). Here, the Holy Spirit functions as our fortifier, our “Comforter,” our Helper. The final and decisive proof of the Deity of the The final and decisive proof of the Deity of the Holy Spirit is found in the fact that He is called … Paul says the Holy Spirit is an intercessor. The best known name is the Holy Spirit. The term “Holy Spirit” occurs 7 times in the KJV. BHD. I doubt this hasn't been asked before but why would Jesus need to send the Holy Spirit as the Comforter if it was already there before creation? Jesus Christ is also identified prophetically in Isaiah 9:6 as "Wonderful Counselor." John 14:25-27. Make social videos in an instant: use custom templates to tell the right story for your business. All of us know that life on this side of Heaven involves a certain amount of sorrows – going through “this valley of tears,” as the “Hail, Holy Queen” prayer describes it. Jesus had to first endure an experience in order that he was much more able to say “I have been there, I have done that”. Jesus clearly called the Comforter a spirit and not just a spirit but the holy spirit. [Bible - John 14:26] Jesus is predicting that Father (God) will send The Comforter later in future and He shall teach you all things, and will confirm all what I say to you. τος, paracletos, a noun which is translated Comforter (KJV, NIV 1984), Helper (ESV, NASB), Advocate (NIV 2011), Counselor (HCSB), or sometimes it is left untranslated, Paraclete.A real problem for understanding the word is that the English words … (1061482-V) Posted on January 2, 2021 by . He was an effective counselor because of the enabling power of the Holy Spirit. We've been going through the Bible to learn the truth of the Holy Spirit. The term “Holy Spirit” or “Holy Ghost” is an artifact of the trinity doctrine and the deification of God’s divine spiritual world. Who is the Comforter in John 14 — Is the Holy Spirit “another” entirely different “person” than Christ? When the Lord told He is going to send the Holy Spirit this time it was for one main role which is to dwell in the believers (in the children of God- those who believe and trust in the … the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Abides for Ever With Saints the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Communicates Joy to Saints the Comforter, Holy Spirit: The: As Such He: Dwells With, and in Saints There is a point being made here about the Holy Spirit that is hidden in the English translation. Jesus breathed on his disciples and they received the Holy Spirit, yet there was still an initial outpouring that they were waiting for. Summary – Question 16 Why Is the Holy Spirit Called, “the Spirit of Jesus Christ” and “the Spirit of Jesus?” The Bible makes a distinction between Jesus Christ and the Holy Spirit.

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