Even The Best Team, Without A Plan, Can't Score . Woody Hayes Without winners, there wouldn't even be any civilization. -- Woody Hayes . Albert Schweitzer. Adrian McKinty. Success is the only motivational factor that a boy with character needs. Selected Woody Hayes Quotes at 9quotes. #Football #Games #Tactics “Even the best team, without a sound plan, can't score.”-- Woody Hayes . 'indomitable in victory, insufferable in defeat.' And if they can't outwork you, then smarts aren't going to do them much good. Instead, he succumb in his sleep to a heart attack at his home in a Columbus suburb on March 12, 1987. Subscribe Woody Hayes — American Coach born on February 14, 1913, died on March 12, 1987 Wayne Woodrow "Woody" Hayes was an American football player and coach. – Woody Hayes. That's just the way it is. Woody Hayes That was almost an impossible catch. Who ever heard of a mellow winner. A man is always better than he thinks. By respect for life we become religious in a way that is elementary, profound and alive. Woody Hayes Quotes About Tradition. Read and enjoy the great quotations by Woody Hayes. design copy; Success - it's what you do with what you've got. Quotes by Woody Hayes. – Woody Hayes. Longtime Detroit Sportscaster Al Ackerman talks about how Bo and Woody were keeping their comments close to the vest prior to "THE GAME" in 1977 on WXYZ-TV. Are you a sports enthusiast? Woody Hayes. Tags in Character, Factor. ~ Woody Hayes. Woody Hayes ‘s quote about persistance,resistance. Woody Hayes at Find a Grave; Last edited on 1 February 2021, at 16:33. Bleed S & G Taking Crazy Pills. Woody Hayes Quotes (Official Thread) Discussion in 'Buckeye Football' started by BrutusBobcat, Feb 3, 2005. Subscribe Woody Hayes — American Coach born on February 14, 1913, died on March 12, 1987 Wayne Woodrow "Woody" Hayes was an American football player and coach. Woody Hayes 6 Best Woody Hayes Quotes About Michigan Rivalry. ~ Woody Hayes. And also, “we wanted more than 50 points,” Hayes admitted. Explore the best of Woody Hayes Quotes, as voted by our community. He was 74. "I recruited a Czech kicker, and during the eye exam, when asked to read the bottom line, the kicker replied, Read it? Woody Hayes — American Coach born on February 14, 1913, died on March 12, 1987 Wayne Woodrow "Woody" Hayes was an American football player and coach. To most Buckeye fans, Woody will always will be the very essence of Buckeye football. ~ Woody Hayes. Bleed S & G, Dec 14, 2011 #31. I had a few stories and longer pieces published, but my first proper novel came in 2003, called 'Dead I Well May Be.' In honor of one of the greatest coaches in College Football history, we're looking back at his best quotes about the state he hated most. "When I look in the mirror in the morning, I want to take a swing at me." That was almost an impossible catch. - Woody Hayes quotes from BrainyQuote.com Free Daily Quotes. Success – it’s what you do with what you’ve got. Topics in Uncategorized. Woody Hayes Quotes. He served as the head coach at … Next Quote: #14. Here are the list: 1. and more… Famous Woody Hayes quotes The desired quotes are awaiting you […] Woody Hayes to a Big Ten referee who made a call he did not like." We have compiled the list of best Woody Hayes quotes that will inspire American football fans. Nobody despises to lose more than I do. All Woody Hayes Quotes. Woody Hayes Paralyze resistance with persistence. Always Better He Man Than Thinks. Browse our selections of quotes about Woody Hayes Quotes by Woody Hayes. Nov 9, 2020 - Explore Barry Brooking's board "Woody hayes" on Pinterest. 6. Quotes 1 till 3 of 3. There’s nothing that cleanses your soul like getting the hell kicked out of you. Here is a collection of some of the best quotes by Woody Hayes on the internet. Page 3 of 3 < Prev 1 2 3. Woody Hayes Quotes. Woody Hayes Quotes « Previous Previous; Next » Next « Previous Previous; Next » Next; Football is, after all, a wonderful way to get rid of your aggressions without going to jail for it.

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