Thanks to a clever connection with the Boring Bananas team, Weird Whales became viral and Ahmed earned 80 ETH in about nine hours. Every special Whale picture comes with a series of various 'features', such as the CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club. python: module has no attribute . Benyamin has lately been enhancing his abilities on the Codewars online coding platform. Isn't he cute? You could say he was born into the NFT business. One of the companies which assisted him the most was Boring Bananas. Found insideKirigoe Mima is in the third year of her career as a pure and innocent pop idol. A kódolásban a fiút az apja is segítette, és Ahmed végül egy kék bálna 8-bites stock fotója alapján . Sweet, innocent Mercy had always believed the stars foretold the future. In coding just familiar with "hello world". I felt too excited. He continues to collect commissions from the secondary market where NFTs are resold and bought. Created by Gerry Finley- Day and Dave Gibbons, this collection features stories such as "All Hell on the Dix-1 Front," "Doomsday Valley," "Ascent to Buzzard- Three," "The Body Looters," and more. Selling 3,350 8-bit units of his collection in less than a day at a rate of 0.025 ETH per unit, Ahmed made more than he could have budgeted, recording a total sales of about $250,000. The Bestselling Bunnies are back! This is dark humour at its best - a collection of hilarious and outrageous cartoons which will appeal to anyone in touch with their evil side. Remaining assets as PNGs to PRESERVE TRANSPARENCY. I’ve interviewed him and this is what he had to say: I started coding around the ages of 5/6. But Ahmed insists he’s not interested in spending the money anytime soon. This volume is not an institutional history, but instead shows how one university, over the course of seven decades, employed and taught remarkable men and women who belong in our accounts of the evolution of American politics, especially ... Thanks to some clever networking with the Boring Bananas team, Weird . pip install devtools[pygments] I also play a lot of games, so I can see NFTs becoming useful as custom skins and cosmetics. Found inside – Page iHellenistic and Roman Terracottas is a collective volume presenting newly excavated material, as well as diverse and innovative approaches in the study the iconography, function and technology of ancient terracottas. Say you have a list value like this: spam = ['apples', 'bananas', 'tofu', 'cats'] Write a function that takes a list of values as an argument and returns a string with all the items separated by a comma and a space, with 'and' inserted before the last item. In this new edition, the original topics have been brought up to date and added to while eclectic new additions range from Beers of the World and Heads of State to Internet Top Level Domains and Cabinet Members through the Ages. VIEW IDEA. Para lograr la creación de su serie, se puso en contacto con uno de los desarrolladores de Boring Bananas, otro proyecto de NFT, quien le compartió un script con una plantilla Python y lo apoyó hasta el lanzamiento, para que el mismo Benyamin creara sus propias imágenes. Imran hướng dẫn con trai cách đưa những yếu tố của riêng mình vào hình ảnh. Introduction. Benyamin is not your average schoolkid. I noticed sales started increasing as soon as Vee from Boring Bananas tweeted about it. Wickedly ingenious and surreal ideas for all the little fluffy rabbits in this world who just don't want to live anymore, with bonus material from Andy Riley's sketchbook. 16. You can replace simple manual labor with a Python script. It was he who sent the young enthusiast a script written in Python to create a personal series of images. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python. After a developer of another alternative NFT project called 'Boring Bananas' sent Ahmed an annotated Python script with a template for creating his own tiered images, his father walked him through how to plug in his own assets. A key thing to mention is that the team over at Boring Bananas helped Benyamin with the python script to put together traits, Vee helped Benyamin while he was setting up the whale project, and supported him all the way till launch. One more topic you'll need to understand before you can begin writing programs in earnest is the list data type and its cousin, the tuple. The hilarious scripts of the BBC multi-award winning comedy series are presented here in one volume along with early drafts of the scripts, mini biographies of each character, unseen pictures, and early drawings from the writers. Found insideLearn the innovative techniques of Vincent Van Gogh as you re-create some of his most famous paintings in Fantastic Forgeries: Paint Like Van Gogh. It wasn’t until this morning that Benoni had released an update on his youtube channel proving that it was in fact him and not an impersonator, the video featured a picture of him sitting in front of a monitor displaying the weird whale’s website. 2eth buying AngryPotatoes back, giveaways, and then some future unrevealed plans. The price will rise 2.5% every sale to break even. Based on data collected from research conducted at UIE (User Interface Engineering), this book describes how well or poorly some information-rich Web sites performed when real users attempted to find specific answers. "Whenever someone buys a whale, I get 2.5% of the amount of money it sold for.". in the collection, which ranks as the eighth rarest of the 3350 total Weird Whale NFTs, recently sold for around $6,000 on the secondary market. 18. The thread quickly spread through NFT Twitter thus putting a lot of eyes on the collection. Try to think of another billion dollar industry in which the major players freely give away their intellectual property to 12-year-olds. ภาพคอลเลกชัน NFT ที่ชื่อ Weird Whales ซึ่งเป็นภาพชุดของปลาวาฬแบบพิกเซลที่ . Ahmed a saját NFT-gyűjteményét pedig azután dobta össze, hogy a Boring Bananas (szintén egy NFT projekt) mögött álló fejlesztők küldtek neki egy Python alapú kódot, amelyhez a fiú hozzáköthette a saját képeit. Please. #WeirdWhales #NFT, — Benyamin | benoni.eth (@ObiWanBenoni) July 21, 2021. This course skips the basics and goes straight to the point. Found insideThe kind of writer who keeps you turning the pages long into the night.”—A.G. Riddle, bestselling author of The Atlantis Gene and Pandemic Ready Player One meets Gladiator in this high-octane thriller that mixes black-ops espionage with ... When the boy was the age of 5 or 6, he acquainted Benyamin with HTML and CSS. 当时,伊姆兰先生教他的儿子如何通过 NFT 赚钱。 得益于与 Boring Bananas 团队的合作,Weird Whales 系列一举成名,Ahmed在 9 小时内赚取了 80 Ether,折合 160,000 - 170,000 美元。 . The 1205th image is the eighth rarest of the 3,350 Weird Whale NFTs sold for approximately $ 6,000 by on the secondary market. Presents guidelines on the art of coding with Perl, covering such topics as references and scoping, manipulating complex data structures, objects, testing, Exporter, Moose, and CPAN. Tutorials For Learning 10 Of The Most Helpful Python Modules . Unlike most 12-year-olds, Benjamin Ahmed is anything but typical. The NFT collection is Weird Whales—a set of pixelated whale icons inspired by a stock image—and the kid is Benyamin Ahmed. This past week, a 12-year-old sold a series of original NFT icons for over $160,000. Ten laws of simplicity for business, technology, and design teach readers howto need less but get more. “I've also made some money from royalties on OpenSea,” he added. Weird whales later became viral due to smart networking with the Boring Bananas team, leading to Ahmed earning 80 ETH in approximately nine hours. I’ll be back at school soon, so I will have less time, but I would like to work on another project as a developer with an artist. Write a function that takes a list value as an argument and returns a string with all the items separated by a comma and a space, with and inserted before the last item. He’s based out of a London suburb that one of Decrypt’s English staffers described as “small, quaint, and dull.”. For the uninitiated: an NFT is a kind of cryptocurrency that can be attached to files on the internet and sold as proof of ownership. Since this script uses a random number generate to select the sequence of fruits, there are sometimes duplicates in his fruit eating schedule. What is Ahmed going to do with his new found wealth? It was only later, after developing a “respect” for the digital-first art style of popular NFT collections like. In order to understand how, he sought expert mentorship in groups and Googled challenges. , that he decided to make a collection of his own. This process can be influenced freely according to the artists vision. Get breaking news, photos, and video of your favorite WWE Superstars. banana tangerine banana peach peach banana This means that on the first day, he will eat a banana and on the second day he will eat a tangerine and so on and so forth. Ahmed’s story is yet another pointer to why NFT has gained massive traction in recent times, with NFT driving crypto adoption more than ever before in 2021. Found insideThe nationally syndicated humorist reflects on reaching the age of fifty and skewers concerns and fads of his fellow baby boomers. Weird Whales started when one of the developers of another . 2. . Found insideRead enough of this book and you’ll be the most popular person at any cocktail party!” —Alicia Alvrez, author of The Big Book of Women’s Trivia He enjoys swimming, taekwondo, and learning to code while he is not at school. Messages. The. , a 13-year-old boy from Goa, India, who drummed up his own investment management program for cryptocurrency. Generate NFT images using python and Jupyter Notebook Let develop a nft image generator. Weird Whales started after one of the developers of Boring Bananas, an alliterative NFT venture, provided an annotated Python script to Ahmed with a blueprint for building his own tiered pictures. My solution works in the shell, but not when I try to run it as a program. They’ve been around for years, but it’s only the past six months that they’ve achieved mainstream recognition; in March, the $69 million sale of an NFT by the digital artist Beeple made the front page of the Wall Street Journal.Â. A reader-friendly tutorial on both the philosophy and nuts-and-bolts techniques of programming for artists. Automate boring files organizing using python (Python files organizer) Intro Hello today we are going to code a files organizer using python script it will. Synthesis of much of the recent work on the functioning of grassland ecosystems. It is concerned with the ways in which nutrients and energy are moved between the physical environment, plants and animals. His father walked him through the process of plugging in his own assets: "I told him, 'Look, you need to replace the variable names here, so where . I started with HTML, CSS and Bootstrap. Loop News informs us: A key thing to mention is that the team over at Boring Bananas helped Benyamin with the python script to put together traits, Vee helped Benyamin while he was setting up the whale project, and supported him all the way till launch. 3 STASHED. Weird Whales began when one of the developers behind another alliterative NFT project, Boring Bananas, sent Ahmed an annotated Python script with a template for creating his own tiered images. 02/08/2021 12:04. Then write out the code - at this point, I recommend doing it in a Python script - name it something like, and run it via the command-line Python interpreter: $ python e is a vowel o is a vowel Now let's add an else branch, which acts as a catch-all for all letters that are not e nor o: They’ve been around for years, but it’s only the past six months that they’ve achieved mainstream recognition; in March, the $69 million sale of an NFT by the digital artist Beeple made the, As with CryptoPunks and Bored Ape Yacht Club, each Weird Whale image comes with a set of distinct “traits,” some rarer and more valuable than others. Get code examples like"automate the boring stuff with python pdf". "I told him, 'Look, you need to replace the variable names here, so where they've got bananas and backgrounds and stuff, you need to . Ahmed’s collection, Weird whales, is a collage of pixel whale symbols influenced by cartoons and self-designed avatars. The Python 'Pillow' library is well suited to this. Weird Whales started after one of the developers of Boring Bananas, an alliterative NFT venture, provided an annotated Python script to Ahmed with a blueprint for building his own tiered pictures. The collection had already gained popularity through Benyamin’s twitter thread which he released shortly before the project launch, the thread briefly went over how he started his coding journey and his introduction to NFTs. Ahmed’s father, Imran, works as a web developer for a financial services organization; he introduced Benyamin to HTML and CSS at the age of “5 or 6.” Recently, Benyamin's been honing his skills on an online coding platform called Codewars. Automate the Boring Stuff with Python was written for people who want to get up to speed writing small programs that do practical tasks as soon as possible. I have done the JavaScript course on FreeCodeCamp and during this holiday, I am doing the regex course on At this moment there was a lot of conversation happening on Twitter and discord about the legitimacy of the creator’s claims of being 12 years old or whether someone was spoofing as the boy, scepticism was to be expected in the current market scape where new collectables are launched every day. We need to generate 3500 images with different variances, using the script code project Boring Bananas. I'm looking to learn how to generate 10,000 randomly created NFTs based on attributes/traits like CryptoPunks or Bored Apes Yacht Club. Thanks to some clever networking with the Boring Bananas team, Weird . NFT collections like BAYC are often randomized to a certain degree. one zombie skin with big eyes and blue background, and another one with pink skin, bloody eyes and brown background. python devtools. What makes this even more impressive than it already is, the 12 year old even gets royalties from OpenSea, 2.5% of . His father walked him through the process of plugging in his own assets: “I told him, ‘Look, you need to replace the variable names here, so where they’ve got bananas and backgrounds and stuff, you need to replace it with yours.”, Thanks to some clever networking with the Boring Bananas team, Weird Whales went viral, and Ahmed made 80 ETH in about nine hours.
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