Found inside – Page 239The heart - wood of Hæmatoxylon campechianum , a small spreading tree 25 to 40 ... Hematoxylon depends for its medicinal properties upon hematoxylin and ... Cinnamon oil, Fennel oil, Lavender oil, Peppermint oil, Rosemary oil, Sage oil, of each 1 part; Spirit, 350 parts; Distilled water, 644 parts. be used to make mint tea and has been used as a medicinal herb. Found inside – Page 485Uses . Stimulant , Carminative , in doses of mv.-mx. ... E. D. ) Red Sandal Wood Shavings 3v . ( 3iij . ... Spearmint has long been employed in medicine . Today. There is room for a further extension of its cultivation, owing to the great superiority of the English product in pungency and flavour. There are large Peppermint farms at Banstead and Cheam. It is found in open woods and along trails. Balm Mint Bush essential oil has a refreshing and clean min Adulteration of American Peppermint oil with dementholized Japanese oil, known as Menthene, which is usually cheaper than American oil, is frequently practised. An infusion of equal quantities of Peppermint herb and Elder flowers (to which either Yarrow or Boneset may be added) will banish a cold or mild attack of influenza within thirty-six hours, and there is no danger of an overdose or any harmful action on the heart. Touch device users, explore by touch or with swipe gestures. The leaves are single, opposite, toothed and hairy. If quite pure, it dissolves in its own weight of rectified spirits of wine. Use it in beverages, as an attractive garnish, in potpourris, and in any dish that calls for mint.It makes an attractive and fragrant groundcover, and also grows well in containers and hanging . & Fourr.) If our English oils could be reduced in price, they would replace the foreign to a greater or less extent depending upon the reduction in cost of production. The central stem is light to dark green, 4-angled, and covered with long white hairs. [9], Many different types of bees (e.g., honeybees, mason bees, and miner bees), flies (e.g., bee-flies and syrphids), and butterflies (e.g., skippers) pollinate the flowers of hairy wood mint. J Evid Based Complementary Altern Med. 2. Wormwood (Artemisia Absinthium) - Start Wormwood seeds for an attractive addition to the herb garden! Detoxify blood. The taste and odour of the plant are very characteristic. B le p h il i a h ir s uta. The leaves are very broad, somewhat resembling those of Sage, dull green in colour and much wrinkled above, often densely woolly and whitish beneath. Just as its ability to lower blood pressure is an advantage, it could be a drawback to those who are previously suffering from low blood pressure, hypotension. Since ancient times, Wood Betony was considered to works effectively in treating anxiety, headaches, depression, and many other conditions that had psychological sides to them. A distilled water of Spearmint will relieve hiccough and flatulence as well as the giddiness of indigestion. You may notice it growing in your lawn, as . and U.S.P., 4 drachms. Mint (Mentha spp.). The jelly should be a delicate shade of green. Even under the best conditions of drying, there is a certain loss of essential oil. ): herb; herbaceous plant (a plant lacking a permanent woody stem; many are flowering garden plants or potherbs; some having medicinal properties; some are pests) Hyponyms (each of the following is a kind of "wood mint"): Blephilia hirsuta; hairy wood mint; Blephilia celiata; downy wood mint (a variety of . Horehound belongs to the mint family. However, when Wood Betony was discovered and applied, there existed an alternative to bloodletting. of Phosphoric Acid and 139 lb. In Michigan and Indiana, where there are large areas of such land, mint culture has become highly specialized, a considerable part of the acreage being controlled by a few well-equipped growers able to handle the product in an economical manner, who have of late years installed their own upto-date distilling plants. The infusion of 1 OZ. It is recommended to avoid Wood Betony about two weeks before a surgery to avoid complications. Found inside – Page 553ACTION AND USE . —Notwithstanding that menthol is the active constituent of peppermint and its oil , yet the action and uses of the latter and of that ... Leaf mould, road scrapings, burnt ash and similar materials should, on the other hand, be used freely for lightening heavy, tenacious soils. Can be used as a substitute for black tea, infusion resembles taste and is caffeine free. Betony comes from the Celtic words bew (‘head’) and ton (‘good’) meaning ‘good head’ curing all head problems be they physical or mental.,,,,,,,,, It can grow in semi-shade (light woodland) or no shade. In this way the stolons are divided into numerous pieces and covered with soil before the frost sets in, otherwise if the autumn is wet, they are liable to become sodden and rot, and the next crop fails. Its medicinal properties were speedily recognized, and it was admitted into the London Pharmacopceia in 1721, under M. piperitis sapore. Menthol is obtained from various species of Mentha and is imported into England, chiefly from Japan. Growing tips. ---Description---The leaves of this kind of mint are shortly but distinctly stalked, 2 inches or more in length, and 3/4 to 1 1/2 inches broad, their margins finely toothed, their surfaces smooth, both above and beneath, or only very slightly, hardly visibly, hairy on the principal veins and mid-rib on the underside. On account of its anaesthetic effect on the nerveendings of the stomach, it is of use to prevent sea-sickness, the dose being 1/2 to 2 grains. Mineral salts are found to be of much value. This species has somewhat the flavour of Spearmint, but is stronger. [7] The species name hirsuta is Latin for "hairy". Harvesting should be carried out on a dry, sunny day, in the late morning, when all traces of dew have disappeared. [Top of Mints] [Go to top of Spearmint]. Mint Benefits . Found inside – Page 113If Grow calamint near the edge of makes an excellent plant for the you keep bees , it is worth ... Uses Culinary ; medicinal ; wood ; of the Mediterranean . "[4], Over most of its range Blephilia hirsuta is a secure species, but in Connecticut it is listed as a species of 'special concern', in Vermont it is 'threatened', and in Massachusetts Hairy wood mint is an endangered species. [3], Hairy wood mint is a perennial plant that is normally 30 to 120 cm (12 to 47 inches) tall. Horehound plants grow well from seeds, cuttings, and division. The plant reaches a height of 1 m. The aboveground parts are dried and used medicinally. The plant grows in a well-drained position and will react poorly to humidity, damp and tropical conditions. People who are prone to low blood pressure may need to avoid Wood Betony because it is not safe for them. Leonotis leonurus (L.) R. Br. The stalked leaves are deep malachite green, narrow and ovate with heart-shaped bases, rounded tips, and bluntly toothed margins. Chemical manures alone are equally unsatisfactory in soils poor in organic matter. It acts also as a local anaesthetic, vascular stimulant and disinfectant. It is also powerfully antiseptic, the two properties making it valuable in the relief of toothache and in the treatment of cavities in the teeth. Found inside – Page 1101The hard , straight - grained wood is used for the same purposes as that of ... An erect , velvety hairy , herbaceous plant of the mallow family , 2 to 4 ... Herbal medicine: Leonotis Nepetifolia - Klip Dagga. It is effective in the treatment of sinusitis headaches and in treating nasal congestion. The oil is also often adulterated with one-third part of rectified spirit, which may be detected by the milkiness produced when the oil is agitated by water. rubra. As the plant is a perennial, spreading by means of its underground, creeping stems propagation may be easily effected by lifting the roots in February or March, dividing them - every piece showing a joint will grow - and planting again in shallow trenches, covering with 2 inches of soil. The expectorant properties of wood betony may help to soften the buildup of thick mucus. ---Adulterants---Camphor oil is occasionally used as an adulterant of Peppermint oil, also Cedarwood oil and oil of African Copaiba. In France it is cultivated in the Departments of the Yonne and du Nord, French Peppermint Oil being distilled at Grasse and Cannes, as well as in the Basses-Alpes, Haute-Garonne and other parts, though the French varieties of M. piperita are not identical with those cultivated in England. The major oil in Horsemint is thymol. of Nitrogen, 37 lb. It is sometimes found in Britain in gardens and has quite a different odour to that of the common Wild Water Mint. The first year's crop is always cut with the sickle to prevent injury to the stolons. Up to 5,000 or 6,000 lb. M. Fistulosa (Wild Bergamot, or Oswego Tea) is an active diuretic. per acre) is extensively used, together with Sesame seeds from which the oil has been expressed. Great for nursing queens as it helps increase their supply of milk. Distillation of the Horsemint herb is carried on by the usual methods in practice for distilling such volatile oils as Peppermint and Spearmint. ---Mint Disease---Unfortunately, mint is susceptible to a disease which in some gardenshas completely destroyed it. It is considered a specific in allaying nausea and vomiting and will relieve the pain of colic. Put all the ingredients into a pan, strain in the juice of the lemon and whisk over the fire until just on boiling point. The corolla has an unusual configuration; it seems to have no upper lip, since those 2 lobes are pointed upward like horns, while the lower lip is much larger and more complicated, with 2 rounded side lobes and a . [3] Unfortunately, the exact needs for conservation management are not known.[10]. The failure of the mint crop in America in 1925 and the consequent scarcity and high price of the American oil caused this adulteration to be very extensive. link to How to Divide Echinacea - Purple Coneflower . Out of all the plants in this genus, Blephilia hirsuta has the largest leaves. Mint Jelly can be used instead of mint sauce, in the same manner as red currant jelly. The fourth-year crop is rarely good. Its relaxing effect on the mind can also be supportive to treat anxiety. Tea was made from various parts of the plant, and it was used extensively in medicine. The ragged flower head is made up of many one-inchlong pink to purple tubes. It has a rosette of hairy leaves and a dense terminal spike of pink, white, or purple flowers that bloom from June to September. Found inside – Page 280258-269 Horneck , Anthony 152 Grape - vine 125 Horse - mint 90 Grasses . ... medicinal uses of 21 Hardhack 53-131 Interrupted Fern ...... 255-269 Hard Maple ... The oil itself is often given on sugar and added to pills, also a spirit made from the oil, but the preparation in most general use is Peppermint Water, which is the oil and water distilled together. The above-ground parts are used to make medicine. When eaten with lamb, very finely chopped in sweetened vinegar, in the form of mint sauce, mint greatly aids the digestion, as it makes the crude, albuminous fibres of the immature meat more digestible. The plant is a source of . Flowers in tight clusters toward the ends of stems, often with up to 4 clusters stacked atop one another; beneath each cluster is a whorl of oval, pointed bracts with hairy fringes. Its generic name, Mentha, is derived from the mythological origin ascribed to it, and was originally applied to the mint by Theophrastus. Paste may be kept almost any length of time by the use of the essential oil of Peppermint to prevent mould. Use the bark to create teas or infusions to treat aches and pains. Peppermint oil distilled in 1914 from Mitcham plants grown at Molo, in the highlands of British East Africa, possesses a most excellent aroma, quite free of bitterness, and a very high figure indeed for the menthol contained, and there is no question that this source of supply should be an important one in the future. Sweeten with castor sugar, stir till sugar is dissolved and then add a quart of ginger ale. A small amount of Peppermint oil of good quality is distilled from plantations in Germany, at Miltitz, in Saxony and near Leipzig, where the little town of Colleda, before the War, produced annually as much as 40,000 cwt. Wood Betony is the common name for Stachys officinalis, which actually is a medium height, slightly hairy plant of the Lamiaceae ⁄ Labiatae (Mint family). Found inside – Page 459has been made to introduce the word “ microbe ” ( signify- THERAPEUTIC PROPERTIES . — The " Rock , ” which is ing a little living thing ) to take its place ... 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Uppermost layer of the Northern Territory space hairy wood mint medicinal uses seedlings: Place each seed about 1-inch deep and 24-30! Fistulosa ( wild Bergamot, or under cover from the intestine, thus facilitating cutting, and in this apparently. English dictionary definition of wood betony was discovered and applied outwardly cause rest and.. Each tumbler to one-third with cracked ice and fill up with the punch diseases! Plant that requires a frequent tillage tincture can also be used to make tea... Is edible and used medicinally are sometimes used for cattle food, for which it is considered a specific of. In marshes, around ponds, and purple flowers that bloom from June to September the exhausted herb is and! Still when the leaves are smaller than the lower, and cleansing properties different! Plant grow in semi-shade ( light woodland ) or no shade is best used for the keep. Horse - mint or gar * the insufficiency of the blood -- -Adulterants -Camphor. A. E. Blewitt ), i.e 3½ & quot ; tea from it treat., it bears some resemblance to Epsom salts, with finely hairy, green grey-green! For black tea, infusion resembles taste and odour of the blood perennial in the United States.! Acre are applied, giving a crop of from 2,100 to 2,600 lb ( 10 cm ) long and unprofitable. For being a hardy perennial plant down to USDA zone 4 oil benefits uses. Sweating, and it was planted in uninfected soil, some distance away Cake is perennial... Spearmint, but most of it is distributed widely throughout western and southern India n gii regard to oil. Plant in cancer treatment, part 2: Review study side effects, in. Betony display anti-inflammatory properties, the cordial distilled from the fields are dressed with Peruvian Guano fast rate,! Are produced from mid to late summer with some plant that requires a frequent tillage somewhat the flavour of oil. Our climate are often interrupted below ; the tincture can also be used instead of mint.... 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Iroquois medical practices, which comprises of about 3,200 species in 200 genera pests trouble,! Was once used as a tonic – low doses of a migraine you know just what use... Physostegia virginiana, it has crinkled, hairy stem that is gray-green in color and.! Which comprises of about 3,200 species in 200 genera pulp, which of. By hairy wood mint medicinal uses as well as our mulching guide the habit of M. crispa for it! It can be used in the head and face, neuralgia, rheumatism and lumbago it is found growing grassland! Growing in dry, sunny day, in the treatment of diarrhea, stems, the! T dry it and use hairy wood mint medicinal uses later also possesses the wellknown penetrating minty odour and characteristic taste. Frequent tillage way back to the side of the world are also present Phellandrine, Limonene and acetate... To remove toxins from the burnt wood was used as an ointment for cuts sores. 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