Also called Itea. Nurseries along the Atlantic Coast, from Connecticut to Michigan, and throughout the south have reported injury. Use in mass plantings in shrub borders or woodland gardens. This native, deciduous shrub is tough and adaptable. Category II - Species that have shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. The plant's siting-in dry, acid soil in full sun-may have had something to do with its stature. The autumn leaves remain on the shrub often persisting until December. The genus name, Itea, comes from the Greek word meaning "willow", which is in reference to the similarity of the leaves or flower clusters to those of some willow plants. Virginia Sweetspire Itea virginica Fountains of Rouge™. The bark is smooth and gray in young trees. Green to reddish-purple stem (on sun side) with crescent-shaped leaf scars. Found inside – Page iThis book highlights classification patterns and underlying ecological drivers structuring the vegetation of selected indigenous subtropical forests in South Africa. Native to (or naturalized in) Oregon: No. Found inside – Page 136Illicium floridanum This American native grows to 8 feet (2.4 m) tall over time. ... Itea virginica (Virginia sweetspire) This suckering shrub can grow as ... This native shrub is a real show stopper both in spring and fall. Virginia Willow grows on the banks of streams and rivers, around ponds and lakes, in seeps, in low hardwood forests, and in swamps. Found insideYou'll learn how to determine what type of shade you have and how to choose the right plants for the space. The book also shares the techniques, design and maintenance tips that are key to growing a successful shade garden. It can be found throughout Alabama. A native throughout much of southern North America, Itea virginica (eye-TEE-ah, ver-JIN-ih-kah) owes much of its success to the wide USDA hardiness zone range it tolerates. Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet' 'Henry's Garnet' Virginia Sweetspire Homeowner Growing and Maintenance Tips Very easy to grow. form a strategic partnership called N.C. Itea virginica - Flowers. Woody capsules arranged in racemes, showy in the fall. It will grow in full sun to full shade, and requires little pruning or other maintenance. Ecological Restoration Notes: An occasional element in freshwater swamps and mesic hammocks. Patent #: USPP 30,233. Leaves 2-5 inches long. It is an American native shrub that grows wild across eastern North America, from southern Virginia through the south into Florida, and west into Texas. Virginia Tech Dendrology. Very sad. Virginia Sweetspire. Slender clusters of fragrant white flowers add to the multi-seasonal show from this award winning plant. Itea virginica - Flowers. Found insideThe presentation is aimed at gardeners, who want concise, practical information. It will also include material on the importance and desirability of using native plants. The heart of this book is 100 two-page spreads, one for each species. The species is rarely sold and the cultivar 'Henry's Garnet' is what is easiest to find for sale. Prefers moist, humusy soils, but tolerates a wide range of soil conditions. Availability: Grown by one or two native plant nurseries in South Florida. Can form dense colonies by root suckering if left unchecked. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographic range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage caused. Plant Notes: Virginia Willow is a native shrub in the Sweet Spire family (Iteaceae). Typically growing 3- to 4-feet high, it is a broad-spreading, deciduous shrub with arching branches. Found insideThe seventy-two species of native woody shrubs that are known to occur in the ... Virginia Sweetspire (Itea virginica) is also generally uncommon in the ... Status: In Stock. It is a clonal woody shrub forming clumps along underground runners. Botanical name: Itea virginica 'SMNIVDFC'. It transplants readily and has no serious disease or insect pests. It is one of the easiest shrubs to grow, tolerating a range of conditions and requiring little pruning, and is a great plant for massing on banks or in borders. Cooperative Extension prohibits discrimination and harassment on the basis of race, color, national origin, age, sex (including pregnancy), disability, religion, sexual orientation, gender identity, and veteran status. The oval, green leaves are finely toothed and stay until winter. Found inside – Page 356The soils are mineral and usually range in texture from silt loam to clay loam . ... Virginia - willow ( Itea virginica ) , swamp dogwood ( Cornus stricta ) ... Adapts to a wide range of conditions including full sun to part shade and moist to dry soil. Flower color: White. The Virginia sweetspire plant is a deciduous, multi-stemmed mound-shaped shrub of the Iteaceae family. Itea virginica, commonly called Virginia sweetspire, is an erect, rounded, broad-spreading, deciduous shrub with arching branches.Typically grows 3-4' (less frequently to 5') tall with a similar spread. Ecological Restoration Notes: An occasional element in freshwater swamps and mesic hammocks. Green foliage turns rich reds and scarlets in autumn. It belongs to the Iteaceae (formerly saxifragaceae) family and is known as tassel-white, Virginia sweetspire, and Virginia willow; with Henry's garnet and little Henry . It is a multistemmed, spreading and colonizing plant. Magnoliaceae -- Magnolia family. Bailey, C. & al. Displays from August to October. It holds up in heavy Occasionally saturated or very wet soil. N.C. Virginia Sweetspire is a native deciduous to a semi-evergreen shrub that is found in the southeast USA on streambanks and wet pine barrens. Itea virginica - Fall Interest. Description: Medium slender woody shrub. Family: Iteaceae (Sweetspire family) Native range: Nearly throughout, less in southernmost counties To see where natural populations of Virginia willow have been vouchered, visit Its leaves turn attractive shades of red to purple in the fall. Moisture Tolerance Graphic. It is found in most areas of NC. new leaves which can range in color from chartreuse to deep wine. Virginia sweetspire is deciduous, but may be semi-evergreen in the south. specimens. Flower racemes are creamy white and begin . They have an open habit best suited for informal borders, woodland gardens or edges. Leaves 2-5 inches long. This deciduous shrub grows 3'-4' tall and 4'-6' across. Description: Medium slender woody shrub. Virginia Sweetspire prefers moist, rich, slightly acidic humusy soils in partial sun to partial shade, but tolerates a wide range of soil conditions and pHs. Found inside – Page 242Florida anisetree Illiciaceae (star-anise family) habitat & range acidic woods, ... Some suggest the anise odor is Illicium floridanum Itea virginica more ... recognizes our 2021 sponsors (as of January 20, 2021) and thanks them for their generous support. In early summer, small, fragrant, white flowers occur in terminal arching racemes. This exclusive new selection offers season-long beauty with deep green, leathery foliage, compact rounded form, fragrant 4-6" long wands of fragrant white bloom in late spring and dark red fall foliage color that lights up the autumn landscape. Flora of North America Editorial Committee (2009). Found inside – Page 356The soils are mineral and usually range in texture from silt loam to clay loam . ... Virginia - willow ( Itea virginica ) , swamp dogwood ( Cornus stricta ) ... No serious insect or disease problems. Resistant to fire in the landscape. Adaptable to shade. Botanically named Itea virginica, Itea sweetspire has a rounded form when planted in sunny areas. Recommended Use: Landscape shrub, pollinator garden, rain gardens and native plantings Exposure: Full sun to shade Size: 5 to 6 feet tall; 4 to 5 feet wide Habit: Upright Bloom Time: April and May Maintenance Category: Low Water Use: Moderate Highlights: Performs well in wet soil, native plant, large flower clusters, fall color. Shrub borders, open woodland gardens, foundations or hedges. How To Test Soil pH Soil pH is a measurement of the alkalinity or acidity of soil and is measured on a scale of 1-14, with 7 as the neutral mark. Itea virginica performs best in full sun to part shade, and although it can grow in full shade, its density, flowering and fall foliage will all be diminished. Moisture Tolerance. The fragrance is lovely and in autumn the foli-age turns gorgeous shades of burgundy. Tolerate: Heavy Shade, Erosion, Clay Soil, Wet Soil. They can be used as hedge borders, focal points, along the foundation of a home to "tie" it to the ground by softening strong architectural lines, and to fill large areas. It grows at a medium rate, and under ideal conditions can be expected to live for approximately 5 years. Iteaceae is a family of only one genus of trees and shrubs, and of the 27 species in that genus, Itea is the only one found in the U.S. (the vast majority of the others being from east Asia). Flowers are visited by bees & apoid Wasps and Celastrina idella. The bark of the trunk or larger branches is gray to brown and slightly wrinkled or fissured, while the bark of small branches is brown to red and smooth with scattered lenticels (air pores). 3-6 inch long racemes of fragrant, tiny white flowers cover the shrub from May to June. It prefers moist soils and will tolerate wet conditions. Deer tend to avoid this plant. Fragrant, long white flower spikes appear in June. Genus: Itea. Fertilize in early spring by applying a slow release fertilizer At the range map link above, zoom in for county-level data. Consistently moist, well-drained soil; Occasional periods of dry soil It stabilizes soil on strip-mine spoils, sand dunes, dikes, gullies and other critical areas. RHFB feeds on many woody plants in North Carolina nurseries, including: Virginia sweetspire ( Itea virginica ) The flowers open from base to tip, are lightly fragrant and are borne on previous season's growth. Leaves alternate, simple, elliptic or obovate to oblong, 4-10 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, serrulate, lustrous medium green to dark green above, may turn . Found inside – Page 99Itea (eye-TEE-uh) Native Deciduous Virginia Sweetspire Itea virginica is a ... It is tallest and most vigorous in the southernmost part of its range. A Trial Packet contains a minimum of 5 - 30 seeds depending on the size of the selected seed. Can take full shade, but flowering and fall color will be diminished. Found inside – Page 16... is certainly native here , although beyond the range usually assigned to it . ... Itea virginica L. , Amorpha paniculata T. & G. , Alnus rugosa K. Koch ... Found inside – Page 32G. V. ( Sonny ) Montgomery Range Camp Shelby Training Site knit together by ... and several wetland shrubs such as Virginia willow ( Itea virginica ) and ... Found inside – Page 390Itea virginica is found along shady stream banks throughout its native range. The roots dip their apices into the water, and the long, arching shoots ... David S. Priester. Itea a shade tolerant shrub which is a trouble free, hardy plant for a landscape design. Found inside – Page 648Itea virginica Description: This little-known native shrub is finally coming into its own, mainly because of ... Fall color is a range or blend of scarlet,. Offers information on growing and propagating over 1,000 different species of wildflower, and includes an encyclopedia of plants native to the United States and Canada. Height 3-4 Feet Spread 5-6 Feet Native Range Tolerates salt spray, Environmental Other: It can form dense colonies by root suckering and can be used for erosion control in wet areas or on wet banks. USDA PLANTS Range Map. Sun exposure: Full sun (6+ hours sun) to part-sun (4-6 hours sun). . Definition Native Landscape Plants for Your Area Gardens with Natives Native Plant Communities Interpretive Trails Native Plant Hot Spots. Best if pruned immediately after blooming. Itea virginica is a delightful shrub with alternate, simple leaves, on arching stems. Found inside – Page 106Latin Name Itea virginica Common Name ltea, Virginia willow, Virginia sweetspire ... red, or purple in late fall Native Range Swamps, floodplains, hammocks, ... Itea virginica, commonly called Virginia sweetspire, is an erect, rounded, broad-spreading, deciduous shrub with arching branches. Noteworthy Characteristics. shrub with rounded - mounded, irregular habit, Soil Ph: Noteworthy Characteristics. It may spread by runners and can become invasive. Can spread to form colonies by root suckering if left unchecked. Itea virginica, commonly called Virginia sweetspire, is an erect, rounded, broad-spreading, deciduous shrub with arching branches.Typically grows 3-4' (less frequently to 5') tall with a similar spread. Seeds are eaten by songbirds. In June and July, sweetspire bears lovely spikes of fragrant . Locate the Itea shrub in moist to wet soils in a part shade to full sun area for fragrant racemes of 4-inch (10 cm.) Alternative Species. This definition does not rely on the economic severity or geographic range of the problem, but on the documented ecological damage caused. Jody Walthall is retired co-founder of Native Nurseries and a . This plant blooms on previous season's wood, so pruning should be done after flowering. Adaptable to a range of pH. Mass for a shrubby ground cover effect. Itea, named after it's botanical name, Itea virginica, should more correctly as Cyrilla racemiflora, but that name has not been accepted much by nurseries. Thrives in the dappled sunlight under the canopy of larger trees and in natural woodland settings. USDA Zones. Brilliant red-purple fall foliage color lasts into winter to make this a standout in the landscape. Hardiness: Zones 8-10 Lifespan: Perennial Soil: Moist to wet, poor to well-drained, acidic sandy, loamy or clay soils Exposure: Mostly shade, but can sometimes tolerate full sun Sweetspire has long tassels of fragrant, small white flowers, which bloom in early summer. Natural Range in Florida. (2015). The small size makes it perfect for smaller gardens and foundation plantings. In early summer showy, fragrant white flowers are like bottle brushes 3 to 6 inches long; these display in drooping racemes. Planted 3 of these 2 years ago and they are slowly dying back. Category II - Species that have shown a potential to disrupt native plant communities. Flowers are very showy. Found insideThe cover of this layer may range from 5 to 100 percent. It contains mostly Virginia willow (Itea virginica), fetterbush (Lyonia lucida), large gallberry ... 2-6 inch long raceme of small, white flowers; is very showy. This comprehensive volume puts all the information needed to choose native plantings in one handy reference source. The book is divided into two parts, Trees and Shrubs and Vines, with each part further divided into two sections. Your browser does not support the audio element. Insects, Diseases, and Other Plant Problems: Avoid over-fertilization. That can include exposure to wet ground, because this is a plant that loves water. SKU. Oval, dark green leaves (1-4" long) turn varying shades of red, orange and gold in autumn. Found inside – Page 96Flowering in early to mid - summer when few other shrubs do , Virginia ... Cliffbush Native Habitat and Range Canyons of pinyon and juniper woodland in ... Itea virginica has been found in the following 16 conservation areas: Occurrence Native Status Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge: Present Native Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) . 'Henry's Garnet' grows to six feet and 'Little Henry' can reach four feet. Itea virginica has been found in the following 16 conservation areas: Occurrence Native Status Arthur R. Marshall Loxahatchee National Wildlife Refuge: Present Native Corkscrew Regional Ecosystem Watershed (CREW) . North Carolina's native plants provide well-adapted food and cover for North Carolina's native animals, and a well-planned landscape of native plants can help you attract a diversity of wildlife to your property ().Native North Carolina plants also are well-suited to the state's soils and climate and require relatively little upkeep, once established on an appropriate site. The foliage turns purplish red in the fall, and this stunning autumn color lasts well into the winter. The best choice is Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet', a selected form that loves wet and also takes some shade (unlike . Category I - Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. Read our Commitment to Diversity | Read our Privacy Statement. Native plants co-evolved with native animals over many thousands to millions of years and have formed complex Henry's Garnet Itea is a deciduous shrub growing 3 to 4 feet tall and up to 6 feet wide. Found inside – Page 5Clearly , Itea virginica and Itea ilicifolia are related . The first , as you probably figured out , is a native of the southeastern U.S. Its common names ... Found inside – Page 381care The Virginia Itea . ... and as ature will range from 55 ° to 750 , with a moderThe Itea is one of several , pretty , native shrubs they , as well as ... Please view this page on a tablet or larger screen for the moisture graph. The foliage changes to an attractive red in fall, but the most striking feature of . Type: Broadleaf. It can grow up to 8 feet tall and has graceful arching branches. High moisture, native to swampy and boggy areas. A compact spreading version of this native shrub which features extremely long and narrow panicles of white flowers in early summer, consistently reddish-purple fall color Flower racemes are creamy white and begin . (36-48" tall x 48-72" wide) Suitable for hedging, borders, or as a stand-alone specimen, 'Henry's Garnet' Virginia Sweetspire is a must-have shrub for native enthusiasts, as well as gardeners who value plants that work hard all through the growing season. How to Care for Itea Shrubs. Itea virginica 'Love Child' • Use: Blooming in spring with white racemes radiating out from a rounded plant with bright green foliage. Itea: Always admired when seen, but not widely known, this is another of our neglected native plants that really deserves higher exposure. Found inside – Page 120Shrubby St. John's wort (H. prolificum) blooms from mid- to late summer and ranges from 1 to 4 feet tall and wide. Hardiness: Zones 4 to 8. Itea, Virginia ... Sets buds during the summer prior to blooming. Category I - Species that are invading and disrupting native plant communities in Florida. He has created two outstanding private gardens—Heronswood and Windcliff. Both gardens, and the story of how one begat the other, are beautifully celebrated in Hinkley’s new book, Windcliff. Itea virginica, commonly known as Virginia willow or Virginia sweetspire, is a small North American flowering shrub that grows in low-lying woods and wetland margins.Virginia willow is a member of the Iteaceae family, and native to the southeast United States. Unfortunately, some of these plants, such as the Autumn Olive and Purple Loosestrife, are invasive and harmful to Missouri's natural ecosystems. Selecting Shrubs for the Landscape. The plant has oval leaves with fine . Itea virginica has small flowers on pendulous racemes.. Leaf: Alternate, simple, elliptical, finely serrated, 2 to 4 inches long, 1 to 1 1/2 inches wide, green above and slightly paler below. Native Range: Eastern and central United States. Itea has stunning fall color. . Found inside – Page 309The common lilac (S. vulgaris) offers the widest range of flower colors, ... red-osier dogwood (Cornus sericea), and Virginia sweetspire (Itea virginica). Little Henry is a useful native plant with lots of potential for the home landscape. Typically grows 3-4' (less frequently to 5') tall with a similar spread. USDA Symbol: ITVI. Moreover, this dryish moisture regime occurs in an area well north of the climatic range native to either Itea japonica or . Good plant for wet locations, such as rain gardens, or along edges of ponds or other water features. Found inside – Page 529Itea Virginica , a native of the Eastern United States , Hydrangea ... This is one feature of a range of fine annually as it sends up new wood from the base ... Found inside – Page 383The best way to create a native plant garden is to start with a local or regional ... 'Henry's Garnet' Virginia sweetspire (Itea virginica 'Henry's Garnet') ... Leaves have an acute apex and cuneate base, have a finely serrated margin, are glabrous above and can be slightly pubescent below. blooms in May. Guide to the Vascular Plants of Tennessee: 1-813. Scientific name: Itea virginica. The Garden wouldn't be the Garden without our Members, Donors and Volunteers. Individuals can grow to 10 feet. The fragrant white flowers of Virginia sweetspire attract butterflies and other pollinators and the foliage provides cover for birds and other wildlife. Native to the Southeastern United States where it is found in swamps, wet woodlands and along streambanks. They form the primary component of the living landscape and provide food and shelter for native animal species. Depending on location, the species will bloom in late spring to early summer. Also a good selection for wet locations such as low spots or pond/stream margins. Itea virginica - Flowers. This selection has been chosen for its consistently exceptional fragrance, and the extra . Elliptical, alternate, simple dark green leaves (1-4" long and 1 1/4" wide) turn varying shades of red, orange and gold in autumn often persisting on the plants until early winter. Suitable to grow in: Naturalizes well in wild or informal areas. Koller especially admired the compact-ness of 'Beppu'. It does well in a wide range of soil types, especially if mulched and kept moist during drought. It is a drought tolerant shrub that is native to damp areas of southeastern U.S. so it is perfect for planting in low or wet sites. Virginia sweetspire is a 3 to 5 feet high and wide, rounded shrub that may form thickets. DESCRIPTION. It is an extremely versatile shrub with stunning fall color, wonderfully scented blooms that even perform well in deep shade, and it is known to thrive in bog-like conditions. 3' - 5' (equal or greater spread), Shape: Itea virginica — not good. This plant is semi-evergreen in the southern part of its range. Adaptable to shade. It is also suitable for low windbreak plantings in crop fields. sweetspire Grossulariaceae Itea virginica L. symbol: ITVI. Its native range runs from Maine to Florida to Texas and Montana. A versatile shrub for sun or shade. Depending on location, the species will bloom in late spring to early summer. Wildlife: Switchgrass provides excellent nesting and cover for pheasants, quail, and rabbits. Found inside – Page 356The soils are mineral and usually range in texture from silt loam to clay loam . ... Virginia - willow ( Itea virginica ) , swamp dogwood ( Cornus stricta ) ... Leaves are 11⁄2"-4" long, with a finely serrated margin.
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