Submit work previously discussed at an informal workshop, previously posted on arXiv or a similar site, previously submitted to a conference not using double-blind reviewing, etc. PLDI 2022 The 43rd ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation : CLNLP 2021 2021 2nd International Conference on Computational Linguistics and Natural Language Processing (CLNLP 2021) : OSDI 2022 16th USENIX Symposium on Operating Systems Design and Implementation : PARMA-DITAM 2021 PARMA-DITAM: 12th Workshop on Parallel Programming and Run-Time Management . The program is currently displayed in (GMT-04:00) Eastern Time (US & Canada). Q: I would like to provide supplementary material for consideration, e.g., the code of my implementation or proofs of theorems. All submissions should be formatted in conformance with the ACM SIGPLAN proceedings style. . Timelines and countdowns are shown in Asia/Hong_Kong timezone. Novel system designs, thorough empirical work, well-motivated theoretical results, and new application areas are all welcome emphases in strong PLDI submissions. Call for Tutorials and Workshops, PLDI 2022 by William Bowman, Sept. 21, 2021 PLDI 2022 is a world-class forum for researchers and practitioners in programming language design and implementation. efficient mapping of array programs, through compilers, libraries, and code generators, onto execution platforms, targeting multi-cores, SIMD devices, GPUs, distributed systems, and FPGA hardware, by fully automatic and user-assisted means. Please do not declare spurious conflicts: such incorrect conflicts are especially harmful if the aim is to exclude potential reviewers, so spurious conflicts can be grounds for rejection. While the fields of security and privacy and of formal methods/programming languages are thriving areas of computer science, the communities are mostly disjoint, and though there are several formal techniques used for ensuring security, there is no systematic use of emerging powerful formal techniques in the real world to ensure security and privacy. POPL 2021 videos are publicly available on Clowdr! The conference specifically seeks particularly forward-looking and novel submissions. Publicize your work on social media if wide public [re-]propagation is common (e.g., Twitter) and therefore likely to reach potential reviewers. PLDI '21, June 20-25, 2021, Virtual, Canada Zhiqiang Zuo, Kai Ji, Yifei Wang, Wei Tao, Linzhang Wang, Xuandong Li, and Guoqing Harry Xu runtime such as the JVM alternates between two execution modes: it starts an execution via interpretation and switches to running the JIT-compiled code when methods become sufficiently hot. PLDI seeks outstanding research that extends and/or applies programming-language concepts to advance the field of computing. How do I do this? We invite authors of accepted papers MLSys 2021 to submit their supporting materials (code, data, models, experimental workflows, results) to the Artifact Evaluation process based on the ACM Artifact Review and Badging policy, a standard for systems conferences including CGO, PLDI, PPoPP and SuperComputing. December 7, 2020 : Call For Papers is available now. Days Held Tuesday-Thursday, November 17-19, 2020 View Papers Schedule The SC Papers program is the leading venue for presenting high-quality original research, groundbreaking ideas, and compelling insights on future trends in high performance computing, networking, storage, and analysis. PLDI contains outstanding research that extends and/or applies programming-language concepts to advance the field of computing. Author notification: 23 Apr 2021. Found inside – Page ivThe book will be valuable for researchers and graduate students engaged with the development of formal methods and verification tools. "This handbook is an authoritative, comprehensive description of the state of the art in model checking. Found insideIn this greatly expanded edition of the defacto standard, you'll learn about the nearly 200 changes already made since original publication - and find out about gray areas likely to be revised later. DM @poplconf on Twitter or email Accepted papers will be made available (once the conference starts and for one month following) via 1-click download from the ACM Digital Library. Second, if, when writing your author response, you believe reviewer access to your code would help, say so in your author response (without providing the URL), and send the URL to the Program Chair. Release: 375262568. A: If you feel that the authors’ actions are largely aimed at ensuring that potential reviewers know their identity, contact the Program Chair. The proceedings are available in the ACM DL and through SIGPLAN OpenTOC. Based on this, this year's MICRO will be held as a fully online global event, with the broadcast being managed . Submissions will be lightly reviewed only for relevance to the workshop, and will not published in the DL. Application programmers need to confront the architectural challenge of multiples cores and accelerators, clusters and supercomputers. New to this edition: An extended section on Rust macros, an expanded chapter on modules, and appendixes on Rust development tools and editions. The International Symposium on Computer Architecture is the premier forum for new ideas and experimental results in computer architecture. Any assertion that “this has been done before” by reviewers should be supported with concrete information. Other conflicts include institutional conflicts, financial conflicts of interest, friends or relatives, or any recent co-authors on papers and proposals (last 2 years). PLDI '21, June 20-25, 2021, Virtual Event, Canada Michael H. Fischer, Giovanni Campagna, Euirim Choi, and Monica S. Lam . Main Conference. Authors may contact only the Program Chair about submitted papers during and after the review process. Registration Open. Double-Blind Reviewing Make sure that figures and tables are legible, even after the paper is printed in gray-scale. July 29, 2021. Videos of talks are on YouTube. Click here to edit, PLDI 2021 : ACM SIGPLAN Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI), Copyright © 2021 Call for Papers. The ARRAY Workshop series is intended to bring together researchers from many different communities, including language designers, library developers, compiler researchers, and practitioners, where these communities can exchange ideas on the construction of computational tools for manipulating arrays. Final paper due. If you have any doubts about how to interpret the double-blind rules, please contact the Program Chair. Submissions should be organized to communicate clearly to a broad programming-language audience as well as to experts on the paper’s topics. Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences, Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, - Beyond Weak Memory Consistency: The Challenges of Memory Persistency, - IMOP: A Self-Stabilizing Source-to-Source Compiler Framework for OpenMP C, - Implementing smart contract security analyses using the MadMax/Gigahorse framework, Towards size-dependent types for array programming, Keynote: Tilting at Windmills with the Humble Array, Array Languages Make Neural Networks Fast, Acceleration of Lattice Models for Pricing Portfolios of Fixed-Income Derivatives, Improving the Performance of DGEMM with MoA and Cache-Blocking, Nested Object Support in a Structure-of-Arrays Dynamic Objector Allocator, Data Layouts are Important (Extended Abstract), PLDI uses double-blind reviewing. Each reference must list all authors of the paper (do not use et al). Contacting PC members about submitted paper(s) is an ethical violation and may be grounds for summary rejection. Proceedings. Submissions should be in PDF format and printable on US Letter and A4 sized paper. In Cultural Analytics, Lev Manovich presents concepts and methods for computational analysis of cultural data. Q: Do you really think blinding actually works? One possibility is for work that is tightly related to the present submission and is also under review. The primary emphasis is on papers that either solve or advance the understanding of issues related to deploying data science technologies in the real world. Organizing Committees. IMPACT'22 Call for Papers. Do I need to rename this system in my paper for purposes of anonymity, so as to remove the implied connection between my authorship of past work on this system and my present submission? If you have further questions, contact the Program Chair. PLDI welcomes all authors, regardless of nationality. If doing so is problematic for some papers, e.g., you don’t feel completely qualified, then consider the following options. ARRAY is intended as a forum where these communities can exchange ideas on the construction of computational tools for manipulating arrays. Discuss your work with anyone who is not on the review committees, or with people on the committees with whom you already have a conflict. If you need to search for related work you believe exists, do so after completing a preliminary review of the paper. Trace-Based Control-Flow Analysis PLDI '21, June 20ś25, 2021, Virtual, Canada (possibly empty) sequences of events. Tutorials will be held on Monday, March 16, 2020 and Tuesday, March 17, 2020. The application domains of these analyses range from core libraries to modern technologies such as web services and Android applications. PLDI '21, June 20-25, 2021, Virtual, Canada Aalok Thakkar, Aaditya Naik, Nathaniel Sands, Rajeev Alur, Mayur Naik, and Mukund Raghothaman programs too large for syntax-guided approaches. As in previous years, PLDI is soliciting proposals for co-located workshops and tutorials that will take place on Monday June 20th, and Tuesday June 21st. Part I of this book is a practical introduction to working with the Isabelle proof assistant. All deadlines are 11:59 PM AoE time. . Novel system designs, thorough empirical work, well . In 2021, the 48 . Call for Papers Authors of empirical papers are encouraged to consider the seven categories of the SIGPLAN Empirical Evaluation Guidelines when preparing their submissions. The FAQ on Double-Blind Reviewing clarifies the policy for the most common scenarios. Q: How do we handle potential conflicts of interest since I cannot see the author names? Q: What should I do if I learn the authors’ identity? In this paper, we first present a methodology to empirically test if a computation is amenable to incrementalization. Previous message (by thread): [TYPES/announce] Seminar talk on Adjoint Reactive GUI Programming Messages sorted by: Your job is not to make your identity undiscoverable but simply to make it possible for reviewers to evaluate your submission without having to know who you are. Call for Papers Static and dynamic analysis techniques and tools for Java and related programming languages have received widespread attention for a long time. If the system is widely available, and especially if it has a substantial body of contributors and has been out for a while, then these conditions may not hold (e.g., LLVM or HotSpot), because there would be considerable doubt about authorship. Call for Papers. Online registration is still open. Chi-anina: An Evolving Graph System for Flow- and Context-Sensitive Analyses of Million Lines of C Code. Papers will not be assigned to reviewers who have a conflict. We call this interval the rounding interval. Call for Papers Dates. Novel system designs, thorough empirical work, well-motivated theoretical results, and new application areas are all welcome emphases at PLDI. Novel system designs, thorough empirical work, well-motivated theoretical results, and new application areas are all . We invite authors of accepted papers MLSys 2021 to submit their supporting materials (code, data, models, experimental workflows, results) to the Artifact Evaluation process based on the ACM Artifact Review and Badging policy, a standard for systems conferences including CGO, PLDI, PPoPP and SuperComputing. Real World OCaml takes you through the concepts of the language at a brisk pace, and then helps you explore the tools and techniques that make OCaml an effective and practical tool. Program Display Configuration. What should I do if a prospective PLDI author contacts me and asks to visit my institution? Call for Tutorial Proposals. Don't be shy, and send a DM! Q: How should I avoid learning the authors’ identity if I am using web-search in the process of performing my review? Submissions are due on 8th April 2019, and the workshop takes place on Saturday 22nd June 2019, colocated with PLDI in Phoenix, Arizona. Many computer science conferences have embraced double-blind reviewing. A: Making your code publicly available is not incompatible with double-blind reviewing. Authors will have the opportunity to respond to initial reviews to correct and clarify technical concerns. In Proceedings of the 42nd ACM SIGPLAN International Conference on Programming Language Design and Implementation (PLDI '21), June 20-25, 2021, Virtual, Canada. We solicit submissions of papers describing designs and implementations of solutions and systems for practical tasks in data mining, data analytics, data science, and applied machine learning. This is the first book to show how concepts from the theory of programming languages can be applied to the producton of practical optimising compilers for modern languages like ML. This book will be essential reading for compiler writers in ... PLDI is a premier forum for programming language research, broadly construed, including design, implementation, theory, applications, and performance. MapReduce [7], for example, is a limited class of divide-and-conquer algorithms that has been targeted by automated synthesis successfully before [8, 9, 11, 22, 23]. Submissions must use a 10pt font and be at most 12 pages in length, excluding bibliography. PPoPP 2021 will be held worldwide in a virtual format from Feb. 27th to Mar. Extended abstracts may be up to 2 pages; they may describe work in progress, tool demonstrations, and summaries of work published in full elsewhere. Only the last submission will be reviewed. a manuscript overlapping significantly with IMPACT submission cannot be submitted to PLDI 2022 or any other overlapping SIGPLAN event. If you are unsure about what constitutes “going out of your way”, please contact the Program Chair. A: PC members should do their own reviews, not delegate them to someone else. A 'how-to' book for programmers and researchers interested in practical applications of Concurrent ML. Note that csi-cc is a near drop-in replacement for gcc , so it also nearly all standard gcc options (such as -c ). Workshop Paper Due Date: April 26, 2021 May 3, 2021 (extended) Notification of acceptance: May 28, 2021 Camera-ready papers due: June 7, 2021 Workshop date: August 5 or 6, 2021 Update March 27th: We do not set any anonimity period (e.g., submitting to arXiv concurrently is allowed). Authors of accepted papers are encouraged to make these materials publicly available upon publication of the proceedings, by including them as “source materials” in the ACM Digital Library. SOAP 2017. For example, on Facebook, a post with a broad privacy setting (public or all friends) saying, “Whew, PLDI paper in, time to sleep” is okay, but one describing the work or giving its title is not appropriate. The International Symposium on Computer Architecture is the premier forum for new ideas and experimental results in computer architecture. discuss work under submission, but you should not broadly advertise your work through media that is likely to reach your reviewers. Call for Papers! The conference specifically seeks particularly forward-looking and novel submissions. • formal semantics and design issues of array-oriented languages and libraries; • productivity and performance in compute-intensive application areas of array programming; • systematic notation for array programming, including axis- and index-based approaches; • intermediate languages, virtual machines, and program-transformation techniques for array programs; • representation of and automated reasoning about mathematical structure, such as static and dynamic sparsity, low-rank patterns, and hierarchies of these, with connections to applications such as graph processing, HPC, tensor computation and deep learning; • interfaces between array- and non-array code, including approaches for embedding array programs in general-purpose programming languages; and. PLDI. . This book presents the principles and techniques of program specialization — a general method to make programs faster (and possibly smaller) when some inputs can be known in advance. This collection of essays reflects the breadth of research in computer science. Following a biography of Robin Milner it contains sections on semantic foundations; programming logic; programming languages; concurrency; and mobility. The conference consists of five days of full papers, short papers, resource papers, demonstrations, tutorials, workshops, doctoral consortium papers, and perspectives papers focused on research and development in the area of information retrieval, as well as an industry track and social events. A: No. ISCA 2021 June 14-19, 2021 Call for Papers. Authors of papers published in PACMPL Issue POPL 2022 will be invited to present their work in the POPL conference in January 2022, which is sponsored by ACM SIGPLAN, in cooperation with ACM SIGACT and ACM SIGLOG. Authors can submit multiple times prior to the (firm!) Papers may target any stage of software development, including requirements, modeling, prototyping, design, implementation . Register to attend HOPL IV . Tutorial proposals are solicited for ASPLOS 2020 in Lausanne, Switzerland. Head to #jobs to advertise and find new opportunities. The organizing and steering committees of MICRO-54, along with the technical sponsors ACM and IEEE, have considered the current state of the pandemic and the uncertainties around the globe. January 2, 2021. In previous years, tutorials seeking to achieve . The MLSys Program Committee will select papers based on a combination of novelty, quality, interest, and impact. Feb 24, 2021: Jul 11-15, 2021: Ended PLDI 2021: A: N/A: Nov 20, 2020: Feb 25, 2021: Jun 20-25, 2021: Ended HPDC 2021 . A lot of community mentors are in #mentoring and happy to chat. What should I do? Impact Score is a novel metric devised to rank conferences based on the number of contributing top scientists in addition to the h-index estimated from the scientific papers published by top scientists. ISMM is a premier forum for research in memory management and solicits papers from areas including but not limited to: Memory system design and analysis Hardware support for memory management Memory management for large-scale data-intensive systems Novel memory architectures Memory management at datacenter and . The application domains of these analyses range from core libraries to modern technologies such as web services and Android applications. Artifact submission (optional) December 1, 2021. The paper "Compiler-Assisted Object Inlining with Value Fields" by Rodrigo Bruno, Vojin Jovanovic, Christian Wimmer, and Gustavo Alonso was presented at PLDI'21 call_made.The work is the result of a collaboration between ETH and Oracle Labs. Reviewers are not required to examine the supplementary material but may refer to it if they would like to find further evidence supporting the claims in the paper. Talks 1A: Concurrent and Distributed Programming, Talks 2B: Language Design and Programming Models, Talks 4B: Concurrency, Compilation, and Debugging, Talks 5A: Machine Learning and Probabilistic Programming. PLDI 2020 was originally due to be held in London, co-located with HOPL-IV, but will now be held online. Authors declare conflicts-of-interest when submitting their papers using the guidelines in the call-for-papers. Q: I am building on my own past work on the WizWoz system. As explained in more detail at, LaTeX users should use the sigplan subformat of the acmart format by downloading In general, there is rarely a good reason to anonymize a citation. Over time, analysis frameworks, for example, Soot, WALA, Chord, and Doop, have been developed to . Q: Will the fact that PLDI is double-blind have an impact on handling conflicts-of-interest? By contrast, a paper on a modification to a proprietary system (e.g., Visual C++, or a research project that has not open-sourced its code) implicitly reveals the identity of the authors or their institution. A: You should make a good-faith effort not to find the authors’ identity during the review period, but if you inadvertently do so, this does not disqualify you from reviewing the paper. Can I give a talk about my work while it is under review? The call for papers is now available. Array programming is at home in many communities, including language design, library development, optimization, scientific computing, and across many existing language communities. Preprints are also linked from Clowdr. Please try again later. There is no limit on the page count for references. I suspect reviewers can often guess who the authors are anyway. How do I handle social media? In 2021, the 48 . 2021. This paper attempts to remedy this situation by providing an ``apples-to-apples'' comparison of six different approaches to implementing call stacks and continuations. The main PLDI conference will take place in London, UK, Wednesday, 17 June through Friday, 19 June 2020. Notification. Submissions are welcome in two categories: full papers and extended abstracts. PLDI is a premier forum for programming language research, broadly construed, including design, implementation, theory, applications, and performance. This date may be up to two weeks prior to the first day of your conference. Teddy Jones' earlier novel, Jackson's Pond, Texas began the saga of the Jackson family. Appendices should not be part of the paper, but should be submitted as supplementary material. They will be thoroughly reviewed according to the usual criteria of relevance, soundness, novelty, and significance; accepted submissions will be published in the ACM Digital Library. Otherwise, you should not treat double-blind reviewing differently from other reviewing. Papers must adhere to the standard SIGPLAN conference format: two columns, ten-point font. Found insideThis book shares new research findings and practical lessons learned that will foster advances in digital design, communication design, web, multimedia and motion design, graphic design and branding, and other related areas. You should also avoid revealing the institutional affiliation of authors or at which the work was performed. Array-oriented programming unites two uncommon properties. In general, you should aim to reduce the risk of accidental unblinding. This book presents the refereed proceedings of FM 2009, the 16th International Symposium on Formal Methods, held as the Second World Congress on Formal Methods in Eindhoven, The Netherlands, in November 2009 in the course of the first ... Should I anonymize any reference to that prior work? This book presents thoroughly revised versions of eight tutorial lectures given by leading researchers during two International Schools on Foundations of Security Analysis and Design, FOSAD 2006/2007, held in Bertinoro, Italy, in September ... PLDI 2021 Organization. Information about the required SIGPLAN template can be found here. We want reviewers to be able to approach each submission without any such, possibly involuntary, pre-judgment. In almost all cases, reviews will be performed by a subset of the Program Committee (PC). For example, if your paper is the first to describe a system with a well-known name or codename, or you use a personally-identifiable naming convention for your work, then use a different name for your submission (which you may indicate has been changed for the purposes of double-blind reviewing). Deep learning frameworks. The content of this handbook would be most appropriate for graduate students, and of primary interest to students studying computer science and information technology, human-computer interfaces, mobile and ubiquitous interfaces, and related ...
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