Found inside... trickery to gain an unfair advantage . extradite: to give up a fugitive to another ... and Antonyms This time, write the synonym and antonym for each word. Found inside... a widespread fear that professionals are taking unfair advantage of their fiduciary ... They assume that it is just a literary synonym for “equality. Profit refers to any valuable, useful, or helpful gain: to one’s intellectual profit. Find more similar . Kamus kata-kata serupa, kata-kata yang berbeda, Sinonim, Idiom untuk Sinonim dari taking unfair advantage of not right or fair according to a set of rules or principles; not treating people equally synonym unjust. stamp on. Found inside – Page 7... he is taking unfair advantage are not by themselves sufficiently important to justify the use of this concept . Nor is " class consciousness ” a synonym ... bad economies. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. 32 synonyms for unfair: unreasonable, unjustified, out of order, undeserved, unjustifiable, uncalled for . Unfair advantage definition: An advantage is something that puts you in a better position than other people. The company has an unfair advantage over its competitors. 32 synonyms for unfair: unreasonable, unjustified, out of order, undeserved, unjustifiable, uncalled for . Find more similar words at! Found inside – Page 38(disapproving) -- giving unfair advantage or support to the person that you like most, especially by someone in authority [synonyms: nepotism] 19 -- fawn [v ... Synonyms for unfair advantage include loaded dice, crooked dice, false dice, fullam, langret and gourd. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Discover Wonders! unique edge. As it stands, we believe the bill confers an unfair advantage on certain categories of candidate. .css-1w804bk{font-size:16px;}See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Most related words/phrases with sentence examples define Unfair advantage meaning and usage. n. dishonest advantage. In 2007, the world awoke to a new word: subprime. : Nous croyons que le projet de loi, tel que libellé, confère un avantage indu à certaines catégories de candidats. | Bedeutung, Aussprache, Übersetzungen und Beispiele n. Words Of Wonders will test your vocabulary as you discover the wonders filled with challenging levels. We have excellent networks in. unique victory. Dictionnaire de mots similaires, Différentes expressions, Synonymes, Idiomes pour Synonyme de taking unfair advantage of PHRASES to good advantage, to sb/sth's best advantage The bright lighting showed the jewels to their best advantage. taking advantage, making use, abuse of, misuse, ill treatment, unfair treatment, bleeding dry, sucking dry, squeezing, wringing View synonyms 2 The action of making use of and benefiting from resources. READ MORE. Enrich your vocabulary with the English Definition dictionary The Unfair Advantage TacAssist is an ingenuitive new brand that launched in 2016 with 7 new products to the South African market. Leveraging: to take unfair advantage of. Dictionary of similar words, Different wording, Synonyms, Idioms for Synonym of taking unfair advantage of Found inside – Page 196... popular usage as a synonym for doping, it actually refers to any method, ... While this is not seen as conferring an unfair advantage on the wearer of ... Synonyms for advantage include benefit, asset, boon, blessing, profit, aid, help, plus, value and convenience. n. improper advantage. Examples of unfair advantage in a sentence, how to use it. Found inside – Page 17H. Hubbard , whose name has always been a synonym of honor that an unfair advantage should be sought over the rights of innocent purchasers of securities by ... | ~ to the advantage to both countries of closer economic ties . We are committed to taking all reasonable measures, and to do so immediately to prevent anything that either diminishes the fun you have playing on the site, or that gives another player an unfair advantage over you when you play against them. exclusive advantage. Found inside – Page 339The context implies you would be taking unfair advantage of another and so, ... so you must find for the second blank a close synonym for slacken. Found inside – Page 81H. Hubbard , whose name has always been a synonym of honor that an unfair advantage should be sought over the rights 306 of innocent purchasers of ... An unfair advantage is anything that sets you apart from the competition and gives you a leg up in succeeding at what you are doing. unfair for the purposes of the Unfair Terms in Consumer Contracts regulations unfairness arises where, contrary to the requirement of GOOD FAITH, the term causes a significant imbalance in the parties' rights and obligations arising under the contract, to the detriment of the consumer.In considering this question, factors taken into consideration include the nature of the goods and services . Unfair definition, not fair; not conforming to approved standards, as of justice, honesty, or ethics: an unfair law; an unfair wage policy. 451), FIVE KEY MOMENTS FROM EDUCATION SECRETARY NOMINEE MIGUEL CARDONA’S CONFIRMATION HEARING, NINE PROBLEMS WITH COLLEGE BASKETBALL ON TV — AND HOW TO FIX THEM, AUSTRALIA’S SHOWDOWN WITH GOOGLE HAS PROFOUND IMPLICATIONS FOR DOMESTIC BUSINESSES AND OTHER DIGITAL PLATFORMS, ANTI-VACCINE PROTEST AT DODGER STADIUM WAS ORGANIZED ON FACEBOOK, INCLUDING PROMOTION OF BANNED ‘PLANDEMIC’ VIDEO, PREDICTING THE FUTURE FOR DESHAUN WATSON, AARON RODGERS AND OTHER STAR NFL QUARTERBACKS, GOP CONTENDER FOR VA. Found inside – Page 416... the Federal Government over the years took unfair advantage of the trust fund ... I think perhaps a synonym of the word " social " in the phrase social ... Cuddle Up! Synonyms for unfair include biased, prejudiced, unjust, discriminatory, inequitable, partisan, bigoted, discriminating, partial and prejudicial. ; We hope the authorities will move to end such unfair practices. Find 19 ways to say INEQUITABLE, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. Roget's 21st Century Thesaurus, Third Edition Copyright © 2013 by the Philip Lief Group. Found inside – Page 30... whereas the creditors lost nothing but an unfair advantage which they had ... a synonym for riches , just as the name of Solon became the synonym for ... unjust advantage. Synonyms for take unfair advantage of include presume on, exploit, depend on, rely on, trust, bank on, count on, reckon on, take advantage of and take liberties with. But when asked about critics who say Vaporfly technology confers an unfair advantage, Kipchoge answered unequivocally: It is the runner, not the shoe, that determines performance, he said. Found inside – Page 569[ Lat . implicitus , var . of implicatus , p.part . take unfair advantage of ... an implicit approval • synonyms : IMPOSITION , INFLICTION , INTRUSION N. Word Lanes To use an unfair advantage in a game Answers: Test your vocabulary! to unfairly get what you want from someone who is easily persuaded to help you, trust you, or do things for you. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Found insidegiving unfair advantage or support to the person that you like most, especially by someone in authority [synonym: nepotism] 07 -- fearlessly [adv.] ... Who Do You Call for Financial Advice? 20 examples: The possibility of manipulation gives some voters an unfair advantage over… Another word for unfair: unreasonable, unjustified, out of order, undeserved, unjustifiable | Collins English Thesaurus Synonyms for take advantage of include exploit, leverage, employ, harness, use, utilise, utilize, milk, work and finesse. Begin your journey with the first wonder and climb your way up to reach the final wonder. (Compare with the American "fuck with.") It is a shortening of the idiom taking the piss out of, which is an expression meaning to mock, tease, joke, ridicule, or scoff. J. Sattgast, Forex Trading Millionaire : Underground Shocking Secrets To Unfair Advantage And Step By Step Examples To Easy Instant Fast Forex Millionaire: The . Heck, even if you don't get around to using Unfair Advantage and you just change your mind, we will honor our 30 Day money-back guarantee. n. unique power. Some collapsed into a pile of rubble. It is not to be confused with "taking a piss", which refers to the act of urinating. SECOND is a premier event venue in New York City that's located directly above the popular restaurant The Vine and L'Amico in 6th Avenue in Chelsea. See more. 40 opposites of unfair advantage- words and phrases with opposite meaning. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples The issue is an unfair advantage. A vital resource for scholars, students and actors, this book contains glosses and quotes for over 14,000 words that could be misunderstood by or are unknown to a modern audience. 20 examples: The possibility of manipulation gives some voters an unfair advantage over… unfair advantage definition in English dictionary, unfair advantage meaning, synonyms, see also 'unfairly',unfairness',unhair',unifilar'. unfair advantage definition in the English Cobuild dictionary for learners, unfair advantage meaning explained, see also 'unfair dismissal',unfairly',unfairness',unfailing', English vocabulary Antonyms for unfair. Find another word for exploits. Found inside – Page 361... 'advantage' – is obtained through illegality or immorally and unfairly. ... 'create guanxi' (da dian guanxi 打点关系) is used as a synonym for bribe. phrase. Cycle, Live Anywhere, Join The New Rich|Trader X, Maybe Consolidation Will Work|Ernest Landrum IV unfair - WordReference English dictionary, questions, discussion and forums. The traffic you get is guaranteed and 100% FREE. ©2021 Reverso-Softissimo. synonyms. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for TAKE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE OF [abuse] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word abuse will help you to finish your crossword today. Unfair Advantage is a software system that combines a loophole on Amazon with a promo hack allowing you to generate commissions like clockwork. synonyms marketing via word of mouth. Become a master! You can complete the list of synonyms of unfair advantage given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster... English-Synonyms dictionary : translate English words into Synonyms with online dictionaries. 19 synonyms of exploited from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 56 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Found inside – Page 236... of a human being suggests an unfair , mean , and cowardly attack when the from ... but ordinarily it denotes deviaAnt advantage , benefit tion of two or ... GOVERNOR COULD ESCAPE CENSURE BY ‘CLARIFYING’ REMARKS ABOUT U.S. CAPITOL RIOTERS, ‘BURNT SUGAR,’ A CHALLENGING BOOKER PRIZE FINALIST, IS HARD TO TAKE, BUT HARDER TO SHAKE OFF, AMERICA’S COVID-19 VACCINE ROLLOUT IS WAY TOO COMPLICATED, INSIDE SEPHORA’S PLAN TO WIN BACK SHOPPERS. Free thesaurus definition of to give someone an unfair advantage from the Macmillan English Dictionary - a free English dictionary online with thesaurus and with pronunciation from Macmillan Education. | Meaning, pronunciation, translations and examples Synonym of taking unfair advantage of Antonym of taking unfair advantage of Sinonimo di taking unfair advantage of Contrario di taking unfair advantage of Sinônimo . WHAT TESLA’S BATTERY DAY MIGHT REVEAL: PROJECT ROADRUNNER, MODEL S PLAID, AND MORE, PHILOSOPHY AND PSYCHOLOGY AGREE – YELLING AT PEOPLE WHO AREN’T WEARING MASKS WON’T WORK, APOLLO’S STEPHANIE DRESCHER ON RUNNING A GLOBAL INVESTMENT FIRM FROM HER LIVING ROOM. .css-1w804bk{font-size:16px;}See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. nouns. advantage over somebody Being tall gave him an . Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for UNFAIR We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word unfair will help you to finish your crossword today. Unfair definition: An unfair action is not right or fair . And if you're thinking you're special because you know "what REAL fear feels like" or some other crap like that, I've got news for you: You ain't special. Another way to say Unique Advantage? Lists. HE WANTED TO FIX RURAL AMERICA’S BROKEN NURSING HOMES. adjectives. 3 letter words HEX - JAW - MAR - MUD - RAG - USE 4 letter words Synonyms and related words +-Equal rights. unique use. See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. This is an extreme unfair advantage. Advantage refers to anything that places one in an improved position, especially in coping with competition or difficulties: It is to one’s advantage to have traveled widely. Found inside – Page 170Hence option A is the correct synonym. 52. (d); Profiteering: the activity of taking unfair advantage of a situation to make a large profit, ... Found inside – Page 204This is implicit in the widespread use of the term 'free riding'62 as a synonym for unfair advantage, but was made explicit in the CJEU's judgment in ... Exploits: to take unfair advantage of. Find more similar words at! Find more similar words at! Try out different shapes. Instead, what we're talking about here are programs which: (i) advertise as a key feature that the buyer/user will gain an unfair advantage (quite often they even use the word "cheat") over the other players in other words, they promise to help a player to cheat; or (ii) their use by the buyer/user is intended to remain concealed from the other . Parts of speech. The commanders were anxious to press home their advantage with a further offensive in the north. the advantage to both countries of closer economic ties; Having a degree is a huge advantage when it comes to getting a job. unfair advantage. Find another word for leveraging. Found inside – Page 305H. Hubbard , whose name has always been a synonym of honor that an unfair advantage should be sought over the rights 306 of innocent purchasers of ... Found inside... to believe that “anticipation of litigation” was meant as a synonym for “for trial. ... Without such privacy, litigants would seek unfair advantage by ... Found inside – Page 196... migrated into popular usage as a synonym for doping , it actually refers ... While this is not seen as conferring an unfair advantage on the wearer of ... We have more. Find another word for exploited. Switching costs are an unfair advantage because customers are willing to pay a higher price for your product simply to avoid the hassle of changing to a competitor. Found inside – Page 398... virtuously; "Ant unfairly, unjustly, wrongly. right [adv4] beneficially • Syn advantageous, favorably, for the better, fortunately, to advantage; ... 37 synonyms of exploits from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 113 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Found inside – Page 251... selfish advantage Oppression cruel and unfair treatment. Synonyms: despotism, persecution, repression, subjection, subjugation, suppression, tyranny. Superior Advantage synonyms - 18 Words and Phrases for Superior Advantage. Marketing Services. Found inside – Page 483Hence option C is the correct synonym. ... Profiteering: the activity of taking unfair advantage of a situation to make a large profit, often by selling ... “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? unfair meaning: 1. not treating people in an equal way, or not morally right: 2. not treating people in an equal…. You can complete the list of synonyms of unfair advantage given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. : L' avantage injuste d'une position à la Cour. Found inside – Page 837Let us compete in character of service , not by taking unfair advantage of ... opportunity ” does not mean abuse , reason is not a synonym for " madness . If we're lucky, we find talented, loyal, friendly employees who take care of our guests. sentences. Here is a picture of how long a fireball shoots without lowering itself because of gravity. dishonest advantage. n. undue advantage. Find the hidden words! Lists. 3 letter words HEX - JAW - MAR - MUD - RAG - USE 4 letter words All rights reserved. Synonyms for unfair in Free Thesaurus. equal. Thesaurus for Unfair advantage. Find another word for exploiting. Found inside – Page 227These scales were Synonym/Antonym and general Information, ... the Synonym/Antonym and Information scales “present an unfair advantage to those in the upper ... Synonyms All Free. unfair: 1 adj not fair; marked by injustice or partiality or deception "used unfair methods" "it was an unfair trial" "took an unfair advantage" Synonyms: unjust below the belt disregarding the rules (from the notion of an illegal low blow in boxing) cheating , dirty , foul , unsporting , unsportsmanlike violating accepted standards or rules . 4 letter words FOUL 5 letter words DIRTY - ROUGH 6 letter words BIASED - SHABBY - TRICKY . Synonyms for Unique Advantage (other words and phrases for Unique Advantage). See how your sentence looks with different synonyms. Power . n. unique competitive advantage. so let's start. unfailing, unfit, unfaithful, unfavourable. Story Behind TacAssist TacAssist is a South African based company that creates, develops and distributes products for firearm, outdoors, security industry. Regardless, the book’s humorous style is a valuable snapshot of American culture from past centuries. This book is part of the Standard Ebooks project, which produces free public domain ebooks. 1 a thing that helps you to be better or more successful than other people a big/great/definite advantage an unfair advantage (= something that benefits you, but not your opponents) She had the advantage of a good education. Found inside... into a synonym, in popular speech, for homosexuality —“Germinisme. ... of who made the first move than one class taking unfair advantage of another. Hello everyone my name is Oren and today i will be going over why fireballs are an unfair advantage and should be removed from the game altogether. Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for TAKE UNFAIR ADVANTAGE OF [abuse] We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word abuse will help you to finish your crossword today. 20 examples: The possibility of manipulation gives some voters an unfair advantage over… antonyms. 19 synonyms of exploiting from the Merriam-Webster Thesaurus, plus 56 related words, definitions, and antonyms. Found inside – Page 3In others , in which the dealer's percentage advantage was not significant ... all of which gave the proprietor an unfair advantage over his patronopponents ... Haunting Hooks: Scary Story Opener Writing Contest. But that is beside the point. arbitrary, biased, bigoted, discriminatory, inequitable, one-sided, partial, partisan, prejudiced, unjust, dishonest, dishonourable, uncalled-for, unethical, unprincipled, unscrupulous, unsporting, unwarranted, wrongful, ethical, fair, honest, just, principled, scrupulous, English Collins Dictionary - English synonyms & Thesaurus, Collaborative Dictionary English Thesaurus, 1. the operation or work of cutting grass and curing it for hay 2. the act of taking full, You want to reject this entry: please give us your comments (bad translation/definition, duplicate entries...), English Portuguese translation in context, Free: Learn English, French and other languages, Reverso Documents: translate your documents online, Learn English watching your favourite videos. definitions. Search to have an unfair advantage and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. refers to anything that promotes the welfare or improves the state of a person or group: refers to any valuable, useful, or helpful gain: The company’s software, which it calls Orquestra, provides a way for companies to use algorithms that were originally designed to take, Google will back up your device to the cloud regularly and for free, so make sure you’re taking, That controversial shoe, which critics said gave runners an unfair, Some people understand the system too well — and figured out how to take, He and others believe the innovations Tesla is likely to unveil Tuesday, the fruit of years of acquisitions and in-house research, could add up to a long-term strategic, Epidemiologist Julia Marcus argues that shaming people who do not wear masks will not work to anyone’s, The firm also deployed 70% of its preceding $886 million Accord fund over the course of seven days in March, according to Drescher, to take, STARTUP DEBUTS SOFTWARE TO HELP ANY COMPANY USE ‘QUANTUM ALGORITHMS’, ANDROID SECURITY SETTINGS YOU SHOULD CHECK RIGHT NOW, UNDER FIRE, ASTRAZENECA CEO DEFENDS TRANSPARENCY OF COVID-19 VACCINE TRIALS, HOW NIKE HIT ITS E-COMMERCE GOAL 3 YEARS EARLY, PREGNANCY DURING A PANDEMIC: THE STRESS OF COVID-19 ON PREGNANT WOMEN AND NEW MOTHERS IS SHOWING. Download Torrent The unfair advantage Pdf EPub Free; Free Download The unfair advantage ; The unfair advantage Pdf, Download because your eyes are used to the length of the printed book and it would be comfy that you read in the same way. Taking the piss is a Commonwealth informal term meaning to mock at the expense of others, or to be joking, without the element of offence. Found inside – Page 44Hence option B is the correct synonym. ... Profiteering: the activity of taking unfair advantage of a situation to make a large profit, often by selling ... unfair translate: 不公平的,不公正的;不正當的. human rights. Unfair Advantage Policy. Find another word for unfair. Use of our social media, starting at 500€ per channel. Found inside – Page 233(d) 'Spring' is the most suitable synonym from the given options. ... 'an official statement of a complaint over something believed to be wrong or unfair'. Found inside – Page 599... whereas the creditors lost nothing but an unfair advantage which they had ... a synonym for riches , just as the name of Solon became the synonym for ... Unfair Advantage Policy. unique privilege. Wörterbuch der ähnlichen Wörter, Verschiedene Wortlaut, Synonyme, Idiome für Synonym des taking unfair advantage of Search unfair advantage and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. : Le problème, c'est l' avantage injuste. All Free. Reason 1: Physics The physics never made any sence in the first place. About the Publisher Forgotten Books publishes hundreds of thousands of rare and classic books. Find more at This book is a reproduction of an important historical work. Synonyms for unfair in Free Thesaurus. CUSTOM JAVASCRIPT / HTML. Found inside – Page 104... 4. fraud: deceit or trickery to gain an unfair advantage 5. extradite: to ... decides a disputed issue It's Your Turn: Synonyms and Antonyms This time, ... Synonyms for 'gift': present, valentine, largesse, surprise, freebie, book token, a little something, package, treat, token, balikbayan box Found insideA synonym or two for “advantage” (benefit, positive aspect) — particularly ... If that one has to give up his or her records, is that unrealistic or unfair? Marketing campaigns using our international network. Benefit refers to anything that promotes the welfare or improves the state of a person or group: a benefit to society. Exploiting: to take unfair advantage of. Inthe world awoke to a new word: subprime File Size: 1MB. Unfair advantage. 2 take advantage of: make use of . Building a great staff hinges on a lot of different factors. than 30 000 contacts on various channels, you can leverage. n. excellent use. Just use Unfair Advantage daily, and if you don't achieve INCREDIBLE results, just email us and we will cheerfully give you a full refund, no questions asked. Exploited: to take unfair advantage of. Unfair advantage Definition: An advantage is something that puts you in a better position than other people. “Epidemic” vs. “Pandemic” vs. “Endemic”: What Do These Terms Mean? Antonyms for unfair. (EP. We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. phrasal verb. As the financial world began to shake, once-respected financial giants began to wobble. n. competitive advantage. A Cozy Quiz On Fall Words Has Arrived. You can complete the list of synonyms of to have an unfair advantage given by the English Thesaurus dictionary with other English dictionaries: Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Oxford, Cambridge, Chambers Harrap, Wordreference, Collins Lexibase dictionaries, Merriam Webster. Search unfair advantage and thousands of other words in English definition and synonym dictionary from Reverso. Found inside – Page 362... gain an unfair advantage ringingringing adj British excellent, exciting. A contemporary synonym of banging, kicking, etc. ring-piecering-piece n British ... We've arranged the synonyms in length order so that they are easier to find. Our next Unfair Advantage Live Event will be held October 20th-22nd at the beautiful SECOND event venue in New York City. Examples of unfair advantage in a sentence, how to use it. They had been given an unfair advantage. Found inside – Page 508Grouse sort in a juvenile synonym of good sort, 3, q.v., the opp. of drack sort: ... One who takes an unfair advantage; the unfair advantage itself: Aus. Unfair: not being in accordance with the rules or standards of what is fair in sport. A 10-step vocabulary program teaches 500 key words and 3,000 synonyms. Lively, accessible writing from an expert author and radio personality. From the Trade Paperback edition. Cuddle Up! Find 68 ways to say UNFAIR, along with antonyms, related words, and example sentences at, the world's most trusted free thesaurus. to treat someone badly and in an unfair way, especially by giving them orders. full, maximum We took full advantage of the hotel . Let me demonstrate. Log in. Related terms for unfair advantage- synonyms, antonyms and sentences with unfair advantage. In a literal sense, it is anything that gives one person or . NOW, TAXPAYERS MAY BE ON THE HOOK FOR $76 MILLION. Found inside – Page 385... hence unfair , advantage was not in fact taken by D of his superior ... if not its synonym , with the notion of illegitimacy in the law of duress . Synonyms, crossword answers and other related words for ADVANTAGE We hope that the following list of synonyms for the word advantage will help you to finish your crossword today. Examples of unfair advantage in a sentence, how to use it. | ~ over East coast resorts have the advantage over west coast ones. I think that this information is really important so that there’s not, Cardona then said he thought it “would be, However, if the Code, in its current form, becomes law, it may end up favoring larger publishers over smaller ones and providing one vertical with an inherently, Carlton Davis is the Bucs’ best cornerback, but asking him to match Hill’s speed is, That’s fairly straightforward, but also makes it hard to game the system or otherwise make it feel, CAN I ASK YOU A RIDICULOUSLY PERSONAL QUESTION? The new design gives us a clear advantage over our competitors. You will be at an advantage (= have an advantage) in the interview if you have thought about the questions in advance. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Chinese traditional Dictionary. Found inside – Page 4Unfair Competition by Misrepresentation Christopher Wadlow ... as the goods of another trader so as to take unfair advantage of his reputation in his goods, ... Fear is a very powerful word. Learn more. to stop someone in a very unfair or cruel way from doing something. 4 'I'm being unfair, prattling on like this when you need your rest' SYNONYMS inconsiderate , thoughtless, insensitive, selfish, mean, unkind, unreasonable, uncharitable, unfeeling, callous Found inside – Page 40Which one of the following is the synonym of the word written in capital letters in the sentence? ... 'Unfair advantage for members of one's own family'. On September 15, 2008, the Lehman Brothers investment bank Instead, what we're talking about here are programs which: (i) advertise as a key feature that the buyer/user will gain an unfair advantage (quite often they even use the word "cheat") over the other players in other words, they promise to help a player to cheat; or (ii) their use by the buyer/user is intended to remain concealed from the other . 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