The secret to enjoying your thirtysomethings is simple. You have so many memories to make in your thirtysomethings (all of them priceless, I promise). I cherish every memory we made with other. This decade will be your best yet! ", "To my eye, women get sexier around 35. Although it’s not as big a milestone as turning, for example, 40, 50 or 60, it's still a big deal. ", "Too many of us are not living our dreams because we are living our fears. ", "You're still trying to figure it all out. Don’t take no for an answer. After 30, your body has a mind of its own. Funny Birthday Party Speech by Jason Sereno - aka Best Emotional Speech: Doctors told Jason Sereno's mother he would never live to be an adult. 30th Birthday Poems: If you know someone who is turning thirty, help them usher in this awesome decade of their lives with the sweetest, cutest and the most inspirational wishes. Welcome to the middle ages. Happy 30th birthday! Happy Birthday, you old fiddler. To me, you should be proud to call yourself 30. Selecting 40th birthday humor can be difficult, and then, making it fit (adjusting and adapting) to your audience is another thing. You have so much to look forward to. My advice: Live each day of your life to the fullest and you'll have a full life. Happy 30th birthday! We’re all here to celebrate you, and you should really appreciate that. This category could fit anyone in your life. this, go, right this minute, put on a bikini, and don't take it off I love you madly. Happy 30th birthday! Ha-Ha! That's an amazing gift. ". But who's counting! you make it to 30, it means you’ve discovered there’s a brake pedal I look forward to every day I spend with you. To the best, handsomest, coolest, and funniest birthday celebrant in the world, a very happy 30th birthday! You are 30 today. You are beyond lovable. ", "Do the one thing you think you cannot do. I thank God every day since you were born for the gift of love and joy that is you. ", "30 is the new 20, unless you’re 20, then it’s the new 40. Funny Name Jokes. I’m so lucky to have someone as special you are in my life. If you would like to add a hint of inspiration to your 30th birthday wishes, read 30 Life Lessons from 30 Years on 6. Thank you. He created this site in 2012 to share the power of words with you on one of the best days of the year — the birthday of a loved one. I'm glad I have you to keep me sane. I’m in the unpleasant duty of telling you that your 20s have lost the battle against time. I think I’ve just settled.- Melanie White, Being 30 is no joke, but it can be a lot of laughs.- Melanie White, I remember the good old days when I was 30, and all my kids were shorter than me.- Melanie White, 30 isn’t old. You are more than family to me. There is so much ahead you'll just love. If you’re happy to sit at your desk and not take any risk, you’ll be sitting at your desk for the next 20 years. Happy 30th birthday! Inspiring? At 30, you have what you need to start achieving your life's goals! Happy birthday to one of maybe 3 people that I don’t need Facebook to help me remember that you’re aging. Nobody really likes their family around them, but I can be around you anytime and love it. Lots of people make jokes about turning 30. Thirties? Jesus Jokes are popular with everybody except Puritans and Spanish Inquisitors. Happy 30th birthday! 20th, 30th, 40th, 50, & 60th plus birthday quotations If you're preparing a speech ... You might also like to check out these examples of 40th and 50th birthday speeches as well as these how to write a birthday speech tips . I can't wait to see how you light up the rest of our lives. Happy 30th birthday! The only people who never tumble are those who never mount the high wire. My only birthday wish for you is to know that the years ahead will be the best, because you are the best. May your thirtysomethings give you the strength to make each one come true. Happy 30th birthday! "Welcome to your 30's, where every weekend is a baby shower and the hangovers last for two days." You deserve everything wonderful and hopeful that your birthday and the rest of the year has to offer. If so, write funny 30th birthday wishes. Party as much as you want on your special day, but don't go too crazy. Even with all the medical breakthroughs we see every day in the news, there’s still no cure for the condition known as the 30-somethings. You have written many stories over your life, but you are not finished yet. May you only see the beauty of life forever and a day, whatever comes your way in the years ahead. Happy 30th birthday! I can't wait to see what we do next. Up until then, I just ate. You make the 30s look positively beautiful. You’re not just my pal. I want you to know that I love you very much, too. Something fun, enjoyable and memorable. Happy 30th birthday! It’s not only because you still have the legs and face of an airline stewardess. Today, I'm going to show you just how much I love you. You inspire me to be a better person. On one hand, they like the contentment that comes with the 30s. I hope you'll bear with me and my iphone because since i turned 30 my memory has given up on me. That's something to celebrate. I For ideas, check out the examples of happy 30th birthday wishes and quotes below: Happy 30th birthday. I'm here to tell you that 30 is not the new 20. bikini for the entire year I was twenty-six. ", "When you’re a teenager, all you want to do is buy beer. I know I have the brain of a fifteen year old. Happy 30th birthday! You're not 30 years old. What are the best happy 30th birthday wishes and quotes for the birthday gal or guy? Happy 30th Birthday. Your wild oats have turned to porridge. My favorite are birthday messages that have the power to make your pals feel both special and inspired on their birthday. You are my all-time hero. Happy 30th birthday! ", "If you don’t feel it, flee from it. It's a big deal to turn 30. You are truly an incredible friend. Being 30 is no joke, but it can be a lot of laughs. Be proud of everything you've already accomplished in the last three decades. 1. You're not 30 years old. We'd never have to worry about them again. I’m grateful and fortunate that you're my brother and BFF. A week ago I found a slither of time. Happy 30th, I cannot tell, At 30 candles, looking quite swell. Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday! 30 isn’t over the hill, it’s more of a plateau, with a bright light way off in the distance... 30 is a nice round number. You and I are so lucky to have each other. Funny Sayings. I have never met someone as sweet, loving and beautiful as you. ", “It's really something for people who are approaching 30 to take a look at what that means to them. Don’t worry about being 30. You are my BFF. If ye live enough befure thirty ye won't care to live at all afther fifty. I'm glad you signed up for the next 10 years. May your 30th birthday be as special as your first one. Happy 30th birthday! I’ve really had to come to terms with the fact that I am now a walking and talking adult. Don't let the thought of turning 30 scare you. Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday! You’re still too young to be president.- Melanie White, Don’t worry about being 30. thank you everyone for coming to celebrate my birthday with me. - Nicholas Murray Butler If there's a significant birthday in your future -- a number that ends with a zero or a five -- celebrate with guests by offering a funny birthday toast to yourself. Life's a highway and you're not even halfway to your destination at 30. Your life just got amazing. "My father had a profound effect on me. Go where you are celebrated, not merely tolerated. The only thing that comes easy in life is getting older. Happy 30th birthday! When you were in your 20s, all you wanted to do was grow up. Your 30th birthday wishes should be funny, not offensive. Happy 30th birthday! "Happy Birthday to the Boy who Popped My Cherry." Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday! You have always had big dreams. But I You are my soulmate in everything that matters. Write a poem that talks about the funny idiosyncrasies of the years that lie ahead. We have come here together to recognise and share in the joy this moment brings. Thirty really sneaks up on you – kinda like a thong.- Melanie White, At thirty you can get flirty without being dirty.- Greg Tamblyn, Everyone says 30-year-olds should settle down. Happy 30th birthday. Although Candace geared this delivery towards Tammy's 30th birthday, you can use it to guide you in writing a speech for a person of any age. Look forward to your future. — Spread your beautiful smile today as the … Savor every year of the thirtysomethings, an incredible decade to be alive. Happy 30th birthday! The world is your oyster. At least try to act like an adult. The thirtysomethings are incredible. Happy 30th birthday! Funny quotes, sayings, photos, songs, videos and more. So, if you want to stand out and make them laugh, this is for you. Happy 30th birthday. When you're 40 years old, you'll wish you were 30 again, so enjoy the thirtysomethings while you can. Happy 30th birthday. My 30th Birthday Speech. May they rest in peace! Up until then, I just ate.- Julia Child. Your birthday is the most special day of the year for me. Well, you're 30 now and you're all grown up. Happy 30th, we all truly care, Abundant memories, willingly share. Happy 30th birthday! She asks the clerk if they have any new and different cards, something unusual. Time and Tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of thirty. So, the big day is here, the one you've dreaded since you turned 29. Happy 30th birthday! ", "In my thirties, I felt I had hold of one of the reins some of the time. (No Credentials Whatsoever). Thank you for making every day pure joy. Happy 20th anniversary of your 30th birthday! ", “30 was the best year of my life until the next year and then the next. On the other hand, they now feel that their youth is officially over. Happy 30th birthday! I guess that's what amazing brothers do. Happy 30th birthday! Dad Jokes and Funny Father Quotes, because fathers are fodder for funny. ", "If it scares you, it might be a good thing to try. When you turn 30, you become someone who still looks like you but acts more like your parents. You’ll get over it within a decade.- Melanie White, 30 isn’t over the hill, it’s more of a plateau, with a bright light way off in the distance...- Melanie White, 30 is a nice round number. Happy 30th birthday! 30 is only a number that comes after 29 but, as a rule, never quite arrives on time. Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday, superstar! How should you say "Happy Birthday" to someone turning 30? At least your car insurance premiums go down.- Melanie White, Turning 30? You entered my life on this day and made it beyond incredible. 30th birthday speeches have it all, and your speech can be a wonderful banner that will last far longer than the evening. Happy birthday! Can I have your attention. I think I’ve just settled. Happy 30th birthday! 30th Birthday Wishes & Quotes: Happy 30th Birthday Messages Happy 30th birthday. Or it could be alcohol consumption I'm not sure. On your 30th birthday, it’s time to go out and make a big catch! Happy 30th birthday! With you, every day is a journey I would take over and over again without hesitation. Kevin, the "Message Guy" who writes the birthday wishes, quotes, poems, toasts and speeches on, has been a content writer since 1993. On your special day, I'm in ecstasy. Count your blessings. Twenty-nine when there are pink shades, thirty when there are not.Oscar WildeIf ye live enough befure thirty ye won't care to live at all afther fifty.Finley Peter Dunne, Oh, how I regret not having worn a Happy 29th birthday…for the second time in 12 months. bikini for the entire year I was twenty-six. May your thirties and beyond be filled with all the joy and love you've brought to mine. It's full of incredible insights that may inspire the birthday boy or girl turning 30. You are my hero. Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th! Happy 30th birthday. Happy 30th birthday! You’ll get over it within a decade. And you have more going for you than most people I know. But you need to be 100% certain that he or she can laugh at themselves. Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart. Sons Of Anarchy Memes. Happy 30th birthday! From now on, the 30s are in command of your hopes and dreams. For ideas, check out more than 100 examples of 30th birthday messages below. All trademarks and service marksare the property of theirrespective owners.The copyrights of all birthdaymessages on this websitebelong to the individual authors. I am talking about the open bar! Happy 30th birthday! Embrace every change, experience, challenge and moment of joy coming your way. I hope your big day is as wonderfully special as you are. "A conservative is a man who believes that nothing should be done for the first time." I don’t know what my life would be like without you in it. You have made me such a happy girl because you love me so much. Something so worthwhile to celebrate. In the meantime, enjoy the membership benefits, while you still can. ", "At 30, you finally start to catch up to those dreams you’ve been chasing for the last 10 plus years.". It’s also because you're a whirlwind of pure love, passion, enthusiasm, warmth and humor that's, well, simply contagious. Let your loved ones revel in all the joy that comes with them. And you only become more and more important as the years pass. You are one of a kind. But I ", “Time and tide wait for no man, but time always stands still for a woman of 30. The reason is that very few people do anything creative before the age of thirty-five. Happy birthday to someone so special, so loving and so beautiful that I've thrown any concept of joy I've ever known. Here's to a decade of making better decisions. What type of funny 30th birthday wishes should you write for family and friends? When I got into my 30s, and especially when I became a parent, my concept of “fun” changed, becoming less likely to involve people getting high or hammered or naked, and more likely to involve balloon animals. Look on the bright side. When you turn 21 you finally experience the freedom of full throttle. Happy 30th birthday, my daughter. Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday! A lot can happen in 80 years. little boy.- Sting, I don’t feel any different now that I’m 30 – maybe a little more winded after blowing out all my candles.- Melanie White, Go back from "30th Birthday Jokes" to "Birthday Jokes and Quotes", Go back to the Home Page: "Funny Jokes, Funny Quotes, Funny Sayings", Head LaughologistGreg Tamblyn, N.C.W. Own it. If you've got both, you can play baseball. My 30th birthday speech Aug 15, 2012 Hello everyone Now that everyone is here i would like to say a few quick words. Free Birthday Speech let's make them epic. Happy 30th birthday. Take one day at a time, so every moment of your 30s will be incredible. Happy 30th birthday! I'm cannot wait to see what you'll accomplish in your 30s. You are the most important person in our lives. If your special day brings you even a bit of the love you give others, it's going to be an epic day for you. In your thirtysomethings, look forward to all the love coming your way in return. Happy 30th birthday. Happy 30th birthday to my beloved daughter. Here is a look at some amazing examples of what to write in a 30th birthday card that is funny for anyone entering into their third decade. When I turned 30, my life instantly improved. Everyone wins! May you always live life with joy and laughter. Happy 30th birthday! What are the best kind of happy 30th birthday wishes for friends? Just like you. Happy 30th birthday! Your life is just getting started. Really." Happy 30th birthday! Life not only begins at 30, it begins to show. But who's counting! I hope you know that the 30+ Club could really use a member as amazing as you. Copyright Notice:All quotations by Greg Tamblyn and Melanie White are copyrighted, unique to this site, and may only be used with permission. If you've got both, you can play baseball.- Pete Rose, The epitaphs on tombstones of a great many people should read: Died at thirty, and buried at sixty.- Nicholas Murray Butler, Thirty-five is when you finally get your head together and your body starts falling apart.- Caryn Leschen, Thirties? -- 30th Birthday Jokes -- Funny 30th Birthday Jokes --A blonde goes into the drugstore looking for a 30th birthday card. Today, you are a full-fledged adult. thought when my kids got to twenty-one, that would be it, you know? Actually, there is something I would love more: you. Very few people do anything creative after the age of thirty-five. Happy 30th birthday to the nicest person I know (and I know lots of people). Love every second. You are truly wonderful. Happy 30th birthday! You make me so proud! It's going to be a wild (but great) ride. Every year since 30 has been the best year. I guess moving out of my Mom and Dad's house at 30 was a good idea. Long live the thirtysomethings. People like you do not come along too often, so I never take you for granted (not even for a second). At 30, the best is yet to come. You are a celebration of love. Explore our collection of motivational and famous quotes by authors you know and love. Even more than a tie clip. I love everything about you. May your special day be as wonderful as you are to everyone. Welcome to your 30s. The best 30th birthday wishes celebrate the joy of this milestone moment. Happy 30th birthday! Forget about the future, you can’t predict it. ~ Funny birthday sayings ~ Happy 50th Birthday! have a thirty-two-year-old, and I still worry about him like he's a I love you so much. too. Happy 30th birthday. You are the most loving and caring brother I know (and I love for it). Turning thirty is life’s way of telling you that the most beautiful phase of your life has just begun. Joke Game For Hilarious Party Fun. He was a lunatic." I don’t feel any different now that I’m 30 – maybe a little more winded after blowing out all my candles. 27) Turning thirty years old is a milestone that gives you a second chance to enjoy life while you still can. If you've got both, you can play baseball. You've become a remarkable adult! I hope your day is filled with an ocean of surprises. May you always be as young and kind at heart. Fail at it. Happy 30th birthday for the second time is more like it. Twenty-nine when there are pink shades, thirty when there are not. They know a thing or two, and knowledge is always alluring. I’m so lucky to have you as my child. Forget about the past, you can’t change it. Happy 30th birthday! 28) Going to your 30th birthday party is like attending the farewell party of your youth and the welcome party of the beginning of the rest of your life. Turning 30 is nature’s way of rewarding you with the best that life has to offer. Plus, you're amazing. Happy 30th Birthday Poems. You represent everything wonderful about family and friendship, especially at 30. Love is you. Happy 30th birthday! And, you don’t have to tease your brain in order to come up with the right birthday wishes for a friend, husband, wife, boyfriend, girlfriend, or sibling who turned 30. Happy birthday! Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday! The 30th birthday heralds your adult status with measured indulgence. Doctors tell me I have the body of a thirty year old. But it's not too bad...if you don't mind that 40 is just a hop, skip, jump and pulled muscle away! Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday! A woman was a little emotional about turning 30. Try again. Happy 30th Birthday Jokes. The epitaphs on tombstones of a great many people should read: Died at thirty, and buried at sixty. My birthday wish for you is that you enjoy every second of the thirtysomethings, achieving everything you want. I can't wait to see where we go next. You are the love of my life. It's also when you start to feel more confident about everything that life has to offer. ", - Sarah Jessica Parker(in Sex and the City), "I think anybody over 30 plays parents because it happens in your thirties and so that’s kind of a natural progression. Site  Powered By Solo Build It (SBI) Build Your Own Website. Happy 30th birthday. I adore the sparkle in your eyes and the big smile on your face. Happy 30th birthday! Together, we're going to make the thirtysomethings the best years of our lives. That was truly special. Guaranteed laughter and heaps of hilarity with this simple zoom game from JokeQuote. "If you don't sin, Jesus died for nothing." I hope they're even better! You’re still too young to be president. Humorous birthday toasts and funny sayings give us a chance to laugh at the trials and tribulations of maturity. this, go, right this minute, put on a bikini, and don't take it off Wishing you all the joy and success that you deserve as you embark on the thirtysomethings. You turn every moment into a celebration of life. Take every year of the thirtysomethings and make them your own...and you'll be just great. I love you so much. Thanks for making the rest of us in our family look good. Posted in 30th Birthday Wishes, For Male | Comments Off on Funny Birthday Wishes for 30 year old Man. If you need some ideas, take a look at the examples of happy 30th birthday wishes below: Enjoy every second of the thirtysomethings. Unless otherwise credited, all content ©2012 Happy 30th! It’s loving you. The young are slaves to dreams; the old servants of regrets. Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday! On your special day, I wish you an amazing life filled with all the love, joy and adventure you deserve. 21st birthday jokes, for that special rite of passage when the child becomes an adult in body and in....sometimes not much else. Below are examples of funny 30th birthday wishes to get you started with your birthday greetings: Welcome to the 30+ Club! If anyone young is reading "Persist. For any parent, the best thing to see is a child's transformation into a grown-up. You probably do not know how much you matter to me, but that will not stop me from telling you over and over again, especially today! Let’s just hope it doesn’t correspond to your figure. 45. You are an incredible friend and and even more incredible individual. Don't ever forget it! In a world filled with beauty, there is nothing more beautiful than you. The clerk points her to a new card just in that day. Birthday Wishes for your Daughter’s 30th Birthday. Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday! Yep, you’re officially old (I mean, mature). Newest funny jokes of the day. Here's to your thirtysomethings. It's better than 20, I'll tell you that. Love is beautiful. This free birthday speech was sent in by Candace in honor of her best friend, Tammy. Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday! ", "Thirty was so strange for me. Kevin, the "Message Guy" who writes the birthday wishes, quotes, poems, toasts and speeches on, has been a content writer since 1993. Happy 30th birthday to a person who not only has a big heart, but also a young one. "Happiness is not for sale in any store. Funny quotations and more hilarious stuff to keep your funnybone toned and stay young forever. Hoping you have the happiest of "happy birthdays" this year! Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday from your biggest fan. You've turned out to be a wonderful person who never disappoints anyone, least of all me. It's 30 times better. At least your car insurance premiums go down. ", “I'm turning 30 years old this year. Happy 30th birthday! Happy 30th birthday! "In democracy it's your vote that counts; In feudalism it's your count that votes." ~ Funny 50th Birthday Sayings ~ The older the fiddler, the sweeter the tune. unique to this site, and may only be used with permission. Happy 30th birthday! If you're not absolutely sure, write happy, clever, cute, inspirational or sentimental 30th birthday wishes, especially with someone who is more introverted. I love you. Love is life. I think turning 30 is a chance to re-identify with yourself. At your age, you have what feels like the body of a 50 year old and the mind of an 18 year old.

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