proved very good in long heels and I fought them as long as I was down there. His Supt. Change ), You are commenting using your Twitter account. Bloodlines: Cripple Tony R. H., Sledge and Hanna Traveler. My farm is listed as Witch Doctor Farms and I show and register Dairy Goats under that name. Contributed by: Ray Boles. One is as I mentioned before is their disposition. I fight my blues pure in high or medium high point, 2 1/8 to 2 1/4 inch gaffs and have been winning a solid majority with them for over 25 years fighting into tough competition. “Fourth fight we matched your straight comb Miner blue against a Harry Williams Warhorse cross from Covington, Ky. Warhorse coupled your Blue in first pitting and the fight dragged out to 68 pittings, 48 minutes of terrible give and take on both sides. The old “two-toe” cock was not a very impressive looking bird, and just who raised him is uncertain – His “get” ( sp? This Perry Gray blood was a perfect blend with my 4 Webber Grays. Welcome to our new updated Website! My percentage was something like 95%. If the Lord is willing and the creks don’t go dry, I’ll be in Mexico with my Blue Legged radios and crosses in 1992. It is a fact that Law shipped Gray fowl that were red in color, so after Law got these Grays, no one but Law would know how they were bred. In breeding they were Hatch/Butcher/Claret. if not superior. Perhaps as important was the Judge’s influence in preventing his associates from using lesser fowl. He was born only Long Island, NY. Not until I was in high school did I learn that Uncle Ernest had game chickens and a strain of his own which was known and respected throughout the country. The derby was held on a large plantation and was attended by hundreds of people from all over the Unitee States. Hoy lived at Albany, N.Y., and Murphy lived at Poughkeepsie, N.Y., about 75 miles away. “All right,” said the `greenhorn’. I never told him any different or who I was. He gave the latter to Mahoney and they were the ancestors of the Gulls. If I used a son of the black cock he was invariably mated to pure Mugwump hens. Blue had two counts on Warhorse but could not see or stand on his feet, yet he always broke all counts except the 68th..”. He told me they were Deans Grays, and some come white. He told me that Carl was as fine a young man as you would find anywhere and that you could believe implicitly anything that he told you. A Spanish Cock called Santa Ana used by J.W. Osa Lentz and Lewis A. Lentz of Kentucky originated these about 50 years ago by breeding an Irish cock raised at an old school house in Browns Lane near Barbourville, Ky., over Dom hens from Tom O’Neal of Louisville, Kentucky. ← Older Post It is said that when this pair of cocks came in the betting was tremendous. As a cross they usually put speed in another strain & produce a large percentage of Hen feathered males. I might say here that from then till now, the strain made up of these four bloodlines is what Ted and I call the “straight stuff”. It was in the very early 30s that Heinie Mathesius went with him. by H.H Cowan & T.K. Marvin Anderson was born 1878 and died in 1976.while servin in the army he became aqainted with mr sanford hatch from newyork.they both were cockers and became friends at this time.thiswas during ww1he fought birds in alabama and goergia.during these times people that fought birds traveled by wagon trains to southern towns where cockfighting was a week long event.theyfought there fowl and mains was on there way out.the decided to weigh at fight them in order till one fought his birds out,almost like ten cock hack fights.they served food and stayed all week in the towns and always had some one stay with there birds.MR maguiness had fowl as well, harold brown told me that he had a family of the left nose hatch,given to him by mr mike kearny,and he crossed them on 1/2 ew law grey,1/2 madiagn calarretts,they was as good of fowl that hehad.after meeting a young cocker from alabama named harold brown they became acuainted he gave him some fowl none as his sweater left nose greys.horld said in the early 40s and early 30s they were greys and bred back to the brother and sister mating they became red,being 1/2 hatch blood 1/4 clarrett blood and 1/4 greythe law birds was a dark legged grey blood to start with.I know fro a fact i seen some in the early 70s that threw a grey every now and then.harold also said he gave some of this blood to mr walter kelso for the orlando tounament and to meet some persons in a derby at the agusta tournament.they where the sweaters turn they won both tournaments . Description: Dark and red eyes, dark legs; black, black red, some spangle and brass back. In fact the P. Dixon Travelers were down 5-0. No infusing of out side blood to date.” {This is a direct quote from the letter sent to me by Jack Wactor (Sam Wactor’s son)}. this established their well-earned reputation Jim Sanford was also an admirer of the Baltimore to knots, a game and winning strain of bright reds which were originated in Maryland. We were never close friends but I always have had, and still do have, a great respect for Mr. Starnes. Hennie Gray x Peruvian Gray stag. Mr. Cassidy is one of the formest of present-day breeders, backed by many years experience. These are high class fowl and are getting nothing but better. I liked him very much for this disposition. My good friend, the late John Thrasher, bred the Spanish just as they came from Spain and many of them came he-feathered. I’m not writing a story about what someone else told me. Shelton and Will Allen with him. The product is Allen Roundheads, Bostons, Saunders, Sheltons, Lacey’s, Hulseys, Perkins, Killers, Claret Roundheads, Negros, Mayberry, Cowan, Lundy, etc. In later years White Pyle was crossed on them and the rose comb bred off. I got married in November of 1950 and moved to Austin, Texas with my wife Mozelle. Morgan finally took a fifteen-sixteenth Morgan and a sixteenth {ginger] newbold hen from stone and bred her on his own yard. Both men were active chicken fighters. Law had been after Cooke when he came to Florida for the tournaments to buy his plantation for three of four years. It was his pleasure to breed fine fowl and present them to his friends. In Everett’s last years we find him at Joe Pickins, Sulphur Springs, Texas with his smoothheads where they were bred pure by Mr. Pickins. So he brought them over, big, beautiful blues with muffs. We took the above mentioned strain, purchased from Robert Logan, of Mississippi, we then took an Asil hen from Vasco Sibert, of Florida, and bred her under a Chocolate cock (from Logan), called “Number 18”, alwats carrying the same punch – right-out and left-out, and still do until this day. It is claimed that Thompson never sold a feather, but after his death in 1859 his wife disposed of the fowl to the public. However they also could have green, slate, blue, spotted, or even green on one half and yellow on the other legs. It would do him an injustice to simply leave it at that. In the early 80s [1880s] we never thought of a Dominique game fowl unless we thought of Tom O’Neal at the same time. One man won 104 and lost or drew 10. They contain the bloods of G. Perk Huddleston Doms, an old strain of Cuban Doms, Thompson Whites, Pea Soup Pyle, Arkansas Traveller and dom blood from O’Neal, Dr. Frymire and H.B. Like all of them, Willis experimented wiht many crosses and blend in an effort to produce superior battle cocks but recognized the value of keeping the seed stock pure. These were the Kearney fowl up to 1886. This adds a little extra fun to winning and winning is what this sport is aobut. For the big breeder that makes a business of selling fowl this practice is too slow to produce many fowl so they flock mate and depend on artificial incubating and brooding. And, at the time, when Murphy descended two get into it on his own, cocking was in full swing the in and around you New York City. has used this cock for two seasons as a brood cock. About the beginning of the century John Hoy of Albany obtained possession of the fowl of Billy Lawman. He was a black breasted red with red eyes and a willow green leg, and this cock was used to breed a yard of hens which Dudley had raised from the McDougal-Cork Irish mating. Law crossed these on a lot of his other good fowl and advertised and sold a lot of fowl. This cock was the grandsire of the old 8-time winning Black Spur Blinker fowl that sired Madigin's Orlando Tournament winners in 1935 and the same year beat Thommy Murphy $5,000 at Troy, N.Y. Mr. Bird is right in a way - about 30 years ago, I got the original hens I now have from Charles Coolidge, and after I fought my first big main with John Hunter, I crossed one of them with a brown-red cock I got from Kearney that fought in that main. The 2 stags referred to were pea combed black breasted reds, with red eyes and white legs. All of Nick’s successors and they were numerous were kept in complete ignorance of the Murphy bloodlines and breeding practices. I again take off my derby to Michael Kearney as a breeder. Author?s Note: The Hardy Mahoney cock should be Hardy Mahogany, The Origin of the Clarets Speeders: The Speeders were originated by Phil Marsh in 1890 and received the name “Speeder” on Decoration Day in 1900 at a main vs. Jim McHugo when McHugo remarked “ain’t they speedy little devils.” A sailor got two pair of fowl in the Dominican Republic and while returning to New York aboard ship one of the roosters was knocked overboard and lost while being sparred. She was a neat, round bodied, buff colored hen with somewhat short but smooth feathering. I also bred him to the last of the old hens from the mating of the cock I gave Carl and Russell and their hens. My original blood was selected from the very best matings we had. After that the family was called “Warhorses”. I knew Ned Gill and often saw these fowl fight, and frequently saw the brood yards. These were of the “Cripple Tony” infusion that Burnell Shelton made and stated that these were the best of the Allen Roundheads. All they had in mind was to kill that other rooster as quickly as possible. Their winning record for several yearswas phenominal, and probably never will be equalled by any cocker or combination of cockers for that class of fighting, derbies and tournaments. As to where Mr. Basham got his blood, I do not know. Mr. Starnes said it was not too many days before he received a letter with $100 for the cock along with the word that he did not have too much trouble whipping the grey. All that I will ask you to do is to pay the express charges both ways. Many of the Horsemen were interested in cockfighting. Many of the entrants of the big pits still in operation got their start in the “Club” that operated every Friday night, and the tournaments every 2nd. Henry Wortham was working for Jack Walton at the time Jack decided to sell out. These cocks were 1/2 Yankee Clipper, 1/4 Murphy, 1/8 Typewriter, 1/8 McClanahan. The father of the sire of the Clarets was a gray cock, the daddy of the Clarets being the only red out of a clutch containing six stags, the remaining five being gray. Allen said about sixty big and little and that $300.00 would buy the lot. We do crossbreed various lines. These chickens were bred by Jim Shy of Lexington, Ky. Mr. Shy’s names has been spelled in several ways- Shigh and Shei, Shy seems to be correct, as it is spelled Shy in the Turf Guide and in accounts of races, in which his horses ran, in old copies of “The Spirit of the Times.” He is remembered today by some of the oldtimers round Lexington, who speak of him as a sporting man of the highest honor. To make a long story short, he took the pullets or hens Army had that were bred from the Foley Ginger cock and hens that were ½ Slade Roundhead, ½ hatch-Pogmore Henny. I sent a trio to Paulino Ochoa in the Philippines and the reported record was 64 wins – 6 losses 2 draws. In 1970 and 1971, the “Lemon 84’s” were entered in the Internatinal Derby. A man named Adair came to Kingston from Limerick, Ireland and brought with him some brown red and black red tasseled fowl. Several years past and this saloon man contracted TB and sold out and moved to Arizona where he did not live too long. There is no question about it – anyone having this 4 Webber Gray blood, has just about as good, if not better than any fowl. That’s what they have in the Philippines and many don’t know it but when American cocker’s imported battle cross fowl into the Philippines for a specific derby, many of them imported a 3-way or 4-way cross, something that I have never ever used for breeding. Uniontown, Pa. Every summer many covered wagon loads of Gypsies passed through Cornell; they made money trading horses, racing horses and fighting cocks. Mr. Bradford referred to his fowl as the Sanders Roundheads. All looked alike and fought alike?just about whipped everyone in the far west for years. If the above is correct as we have ever reason to believe it is, acutely there was never any such thing as a long inbred strain of Duryea fowl anywhere but in O`Conor mind. This was in the first pitting. They soon found their way into Spain where the Spanish bred them over their Brown and Grey Spanish. Description: Blue shades; dark and red eyes, dark and yellow legs, st. and pea comb. The Spanish showed some dark legs, as one may crop out. So there is another riddle for the geneticists to chew on. mahoney died in 1907, so many of these mains must have been between 1902 and 1907 when mahoney died. Cooke was always generous with his chickens, and he liked J.D. Later changed that to two, after getting a letter. They carried the “Old Hickory” blood of General Andrew Jackson’s, Blackhackle from Jarvis Elise and several infusions of Hansbrough’s Meyell greys, and the blood of the Mexican cock “General Santa Anna” and blood from Thomas O’Neil. no one ever saw him again with fowl that looked anything like them. Most of us experiment some and I have always thought it best to make a cross when I had time to try them out than wait until I had to have a cross and trust to luck for a nick. Ashton fought hundreds of cocks each season and won his share. Medcliff and Kilcourse both bred cocks for Mahoney and they took turns breeding the cock until he died and then passed his progeny back and forth until 1884.
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