Instructor: Vince Evans. Our team’s expertise ranges from early education all the way through adult education. Abstract. Here are … 2 Sessions. Personal professional development plans will be developed by each student, as well as a rating of personal competence. You can have all the best tools in place, but without equitable access at home for all your students -- and adequate prep and training for yourself -- it's tough to replicate a traditional, in-person learning experience. Mary Kent January 24, 2016 EAD 501. This article reports on the importance of a principals influence on effective instruction with regards to increasing teacher capacity. The best professional development is ongoing, experiential, collaborative, and connected to and derived from working with students and understanding their culture. Vocational teachers today face the challenge of utilizing and integrating computers and related technologies into their instruction in a manner that enhances student learning and achievement. Related documents. Mary Kent Grand Canyon University EAD 523 1/21/17. marco antonio torres/flickr, CC BY-SA Meaningful technology integration depends on more than device use. Analysis of the quality of professional development programs for mathematics and science teachers: Findings from a cross-state study. Objective: Through this professional development teachers will learn how to deliver the following reading components: word study, reading fluency and reading comprehension to increase elementary students reading achievement. Each candidate is able to promote the success of all students by advocating, nurturing, and sustaining a school culture and instructional program conducive to student learning and staff professional growth. There are a ton of education conference options each year and most of them aren’t cheap. Weekly or monthly celebrations (no matter how small, personal or professional) – 2 min. Borko, H. (2004, November). EAD 850 Multicultural Education. Instruction will be provided in consultation and collaboration techniques. Developing Professional Capacity. The Acuity implementation plan is designed to guide schools through the steps of analyzing Acuity data and using the tools appropriately to maximize student success. New Teacher's Companion. Using quasi-experimental design, teacher competencies and student … Professional Development Plan. EAD 864 Adult Career Development. The first tab is, Empowering Leaders Professional Development.This tab is a Professional Development presentation explaining the process of selecting Instructional Leaders, and examples of the Coaching Cycle. Duquesne provides faculty with state-of-the-art facilities for multimedia production, including video digitization, digital audio production, image scanning, CD-ROM pressing, development of World Wide Web materials, interactive tutorial and test authoring, and presentation development. EAD 533- Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders Below are two Artifacts related to Developing and Empowering Instructional Leaders. Annotated Reference List. Communicate a shared vision amongst staff, students, and parents Incorporate high expectations Promote a culture of learning and success built on trust Establish shared leadership Support staff through professional development and collaboration. Educational Researcher, 33(8), 3-15. Artifact 5: Professional Growth Plan The final artifact that I chose to represent my understanding of Missouri Leader Standard 6: Professional Development was the Professional Growth Plan from EAD 6002. EAD-523. Course. Professional development is the strategy schools and school districts use to ensure that educators continue to strengthen their practice throughout their career. Together, these skills lead to the ultimate goal of reading: reading comprehension, or understanding what’s been read. Making virtual learning or distance learning work for all students is challenging. Current development in the NCTM Standards is highlighted offering new materials and technology to enhance elementary discrete mathematics instruction.

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