It definitely worked when the JF-17 was released, I remember doing the instant action and nailing that transport from the other side of the mountains. Some maps on some modes may cause crashing. Rich Discord Integration is an app, which adds possibility to control users, who wants to join your Discord server with ACP. I bought the game yesterday and it worked fine. Featuring loadouts and abilities inspired by the Rifle Purge Troopers in Jedi: Fallen Order, the Purge Trooper can stun enemies with a shock trap before finishing them off with explosive bolts and a devastating power shot. Makes all the ai in Instant Action play as heroes for a large scale hero battle with randomly selected hero skins for the ai. Allow the placement of wood floor boards onto packed dirt instead of cultivated dirt; it is the odd man out when it comes to all pavement types and is confusing to new players and unnecessary. This is a standalone release and not compatible with any other instant action improvements mod. Addons designed to be compatible with the main Instant Action Improvements 1.12 mod. ... Get Discord notifications. This a standalone release which includes all the changes of the main mod and is therefore not compatible with any other instant action improvements mod. A new single-player game mode called Instant Action, which lets players test their skills against A.I. I'm hoping this was an accident on Dice's part and they somehow got the instant action ai using COOP Defend logic but if this was intentional then god help us all lol. I assume it broke as part of ED's rendering performance improvements, if they introduced render range limitation then to help with that. This channel or user ID has to be used as the target when calling the notification service. Reinstalled Windows from fresh, updated to latest Windows 10. -Added the ability to play as any hero or villain regardless of which faction you are playing as. ... Edited the F-14A's Case 1 Carrier Landing Instant action, changed it to bad weather... it loooks like a completely new mission ! hide. -Turning Point now supports a defend mode which you can download instead of the attack one. For boundary removal and higher AI count. Read the mod description page for bug list before reporting. "Free to Play" and "friendly hero ai" addon modules which disable all battle point costs and add allied friendly hero ai respectively. Report Bugs and recieve help on the fly there. Featured on Battlefront 2 mods of the week, the Instant Action Improvements Purge Trooper addon has been updated with bug fixes, more text edits, fixed UI animations, all reproducible crashes stamped out and new AI behavior to make them very challenging to go up against! Most shall be fixed once Frosty's sdk is next updated. Place after the main turning point modules in the load order, Changes instant action to use a re balanced offline COOP featuring all the clone wars maps and the sequel maps as well as three WIP COOP maps: Death Star 2, Yavin 4, Separatist Dreadnought. Hero ai will come later. And having instant action instead of having to wait ages to be grouped. Contains two files: Hero assault (instant action) and hero conquest (offline coop). Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. level 1. Check mod description page for details and bugs. XR 1.0 Public Beta has been released on Feb 13th. -Added optional Hero and reinforcement ai to arcade autoplayers. DISCORD_WEBHOOK (required): the Discord webhook URL (see "Easy to use" is the primary reason people pick Todoist over the competition. A new single-player game mode called Instant Action, which lets players test their skills against A.I. This is due to some recent changes Dice have made to the ai objective logic for instant action which has completely ruined the mode imo, therefore demoralising me to a point where I wasn't motivated to try and update the mod as soon as the game update came out. Change Game Install Drive. Should be compatible with Instant Action Improvements 1.13. Incompatible with standalone mods. Allows you to explore the Instant Action Missions maps with no AI, no boundaries and basically no time limit.This must be loaded after the main mod. Not out of protest or spite or anything but just because it would be a waste of my time. -Fixed a mod UI bug where the game will spam "rank up" messages for players who are using classes on the verge of levelling up. Check mod description page for more details. You can do this from anywhere in Discord. MUST be loaded after the main mod in the Frosty Mod Manager. -Removed UI clutter "We are gaining reinforcements" and "Enemy is gaining Reinforcements" that states the obvious in annoying large text (Seriously though who at Dice thought this was a fantastic idea). 2 years later... Top Jockey. Added reinforcement ai skins to Instant Action Improvements 1.15, Arc Trooper: Default, Lambent Seeker, Cobalt Hero, Umbara Operative (Each Phase 2), Republic Commando: Default, Urban Fighter, Jungle Striker, Clone Jet Trooper: Legacy Default 1 (Kamino and Geonosis), 501st and Legacy Default 2 (Naboo, Felucia and Kashyyyk), Fixed a bug where ai base class soldiers will remain stationary for two seconds after killing the player. I tried playing the arcade then campaign but both crashed. pilots, is now accessible from the Simulation menu. Hero assault is 12vs12, 20vs20 or 32vs32 depending on ai difficulty option selected (harder ones have more ai). Discord Service Data Commission info and pricing can be found on my Discord server. Check mod description page for details and bugs. The mod is standalone and incompatible with all other IAI mods. This is the Battle of Teth: B'omarr Monastery by ForceMaster_09. Makes all the ai in Instant Action play as heroes for a large scale hero battle. It’s been widely requested for a long time, as it’s a big part of why the original BF2 was such a classic. This will open another set of options from which you’ll need to select the appropriate server. If not, see these instructions below: ... i started having a problem with loading into instant action for example. Incompatible with standalone mods. Changes the Arcade AI system to use the one from instant action as well as making them play as special troopers such as flametroopers and wookies. IMPORTANT !! - Instant Action improvements: Hapan faction now supported - Galaxy Art edits: Particle updates, camera moved slightly, travel route line thickness edited - UI modified to support more button space, new galactic filters for political events - Support ended for multiplayer GC Copyright © 2021 Robin Scott. Free Heroes (and Vehicles and Reinforcements I guess), Makes everyone cost 0 battle points without effecting ai. As for the future of the mod I honestly don't know how it will go forward. Made by zatomos. Naboo Instant Action alternate daytime options, Changes Naboo Supremacy and Attack/Defend to use the Galactic Assault map Sunny, Sunset and Dawn options. Does not work for Supremacy Kashyyyk. Bot's are now more alive than ever, ... After further improvement, it began to equip the troops in 1... RPG-7. Free Heroes and Reinforcements 1.22 Fixed, Removes the battle point requirement for playing as Heroes, Vehicles and Reinforcements.This must be loaded after the main mod.Incompatible with Hero Conquest. -Fixed a base game UI bug where the game will spam "rank up" messages for players who are using classes on the verge of levelling up. Make sure Discord overlay is disabled (as said above). Arcade Improvements 1.09 (PATCH for 1.08). Does anyone know where I can get a link to Mophead's discord? Connect Actionstep + Discord in Minutes It's easy to connect Actionstep + Discord and requires absolutely zero coding experience—the only limit is … 5 comments. Makes many changes to the instant action mode to make it more enjoyable. All rights reserved. The only thing that could improve the killing slightly would be a speedva in a duo farm. Does not include the full mod. Please read comments section for full details. This thread is archived.

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