He once again promises to save Emilia from her fate. He begins to casually talk to Emilia, even more casually than he does in the main story. Once again, Echidna tried to reassure him that he had made the right choice and said that with time she'd open up to him so that her emotional wounds could be healed. Despite hearing that Subaru is responsible for ordering the deaths of over one hundred twenty-six thousand people (126,702 to be exact), she decides to side with Subaru and attacks Reinhard with the help of Puck. After Subaru made the contract with Echidna, he decided to use his Return by Death to solve all of his problems, in his goal to save everyone and eventually make Emilia queen. The real hero is here. Meanwhile, back at the dream world, Echidna was enjoying her tea reflecting on the events that had happened. At the end, Subaru never said the words Shaula wanted to hear the most. The beginning of the story begins at the prologue of the main story, and the descriptions are almost identical: Subaru is on the ground writhing in pain from an unforeseen attacker inside the Loot House. After that, Otto is killed by Shaula. See more ideas about re zero wallpaper, anime girl, ram and rem. 3 years ago. Emilia has another Huma cocked and loaded. When the story transitions again, Meili has just been cut down by Reinhard, an indicator at how far he's descended. Subaru understood that it would take immaculate planning to even stand a chance at defeating Reinhard. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Tiap kali Frederica dan Clind bertemu, mereka selalu berdebat. Subaru finally arrived at the scene, and confronted the two, and had Shaula kill Garfiel, despite the latter still not believing that his former master had gone insane. Despite Subaru being such an idiot for the first three arcs, it is his presence and his presence alone that decides everything, not. Lift your spirits with funny jokes, trending memes, entertaining gifs, inspiring stories, viral videos, and so much more. Subaru just stares at Emilia, lost in thought over her beauty. Aug 10, 2020 - Discover the magic of the internet at Imgur, a community powered entertainment destination. Archived [Media] Ayamatsu/Suabru&Julius comic. If you wish to check out the Web Novel version of Arcs 1-3, then check out SNUTranslation who is currently working on them! Subaru returned by death not knowing which day he had returned to, realising his save point had changed. Elsa experiences a flurry of emotions, looking down at Meili's corpse and looking up at Reinhard; all of them harden her resolve to save Subaru. Subaru made his way to the room which Rem was in. He also stated Petelgeuse was most likely the hardest Sin Archbishop for Subaru to take care of. User account menu [Media] ayamatsu comic. He's also confirmed to have survived the incident. With Echidna advising him, Subaru was able to take care of the problems which he faced in Sanctuary and saved everyone. https://rezero.fandom.com/wiki/Re:Zero_IF?oldid=99363, Note: The obvious question asked here is how much influence Subaru actually has on the main story, and the answer implied is "more than we think." caption: The day that brought Subaru Natsuki to this scene, that day's tears were the last. After having realised that Regin knew the old "Natsuki Subaru", Subaru stopped to talk to him. Subaru was unable to use any other Authority besides Return by Death. Subaru was able to luckily calm her down due to having practised his smile in the mirror earlier. The story is about what would have happened if Natsuki Subaru and Rem ran away from the Kingdom of Lugnica and abandoned everything behind in the third arc. Instead of committing suicide by jumping off of the cliff, Subaru accepts Beatrice's help and proceeds to be teleported away. Two months go by, and Subaru is now associated with the Witch Cult. Credit for the lovely art … As they’re all running, Frederica attempts to assassinate Subaru, though she fails. They acknowledge each other, and then they trade blows. It's not clear what ends up happening to Puck, but Emilia finds Subaru and tries to convince him to run with her. This resulted in Garfiel being extremely belligerent towards Subaru, joining the Emilia camp only at his sister Frederica Baumann's request. Oboreru is said to last no less than 3 years. Subaru shook his head at that notion and said that the reason he had flooded Priestella was to kill Otto himself. Ram goes after Subaru but he ends up surviving with Beatrice's help and runs. Strangely enough, Priscilla and her subordinates all mysteriously disappeared without a trace. They are around four times longer than normal web novel chapters and in these chapters, it is shown what would have happened if Natsuki Subaru did something contrary to what he actually did. According to Tappei, Otto would likely think of a unimaginable countermeasure for Subaru's attack, so he was the most important obstacle in Subaru's plan. If you're searching for the "What IF" novel, featuring the Natsuki Rem story, see Re: IF. Published on April fools of 2019, Tappei Nagatsuki wrote a chapter, commonly known as Tsugihagu or Gluttony IF, where Murder became a habit for Natsuki Subaru, and started to read the victim's Book of the dead during the sixth arc. ── The more you depend on your life, the more certain it becomes that you will hurt someone else. All of a sudden, multiple Huma ice pillars come flying towards Guiltilaw, and within seconds, the demon beast is dead. Subaru tells her his true intention with the destruction of Lugnica, and that is to make her queen. This depressed Otto works to clean up Subaru's messes, even though it's clear that he absolutely loathes what he is doing. After the watergates were opened in Priestella, Otto Suwen and Garfiel Tinsel both survived the initial flooding. Even if Subaru wanted her dead for a reason that may never be known, she still came to value, or dare say, love him. Subaru begins to cry as he speaks, less over the remorse for sending millions to their deaths, and more over frustration at how unbeatable Reinhard is. This is probably Subaru's death count. The few people in the mansion are Frederica Baumann, who works as the lone maid, Beatrice, Emilia, and of course Roswaal. He also said he'll most likely introduce her in the main story as well. After that, Subaru is stabbed by Otto. After Reinhard retired back to the mansion as well, Echidna speaking to Subaru as thought-waves through his pendant tried to reassure him he had made the right choice. Elsa was a bit confused by the question, but obliged, and lopped off Subaru's head. Despite not knowing his intent, Elsa is just fine to let Subaru lead the way. With that, she says her farewell. Dec 30, 2018 - Post with 4947 views. Halibel and Subaru attempt to flee as their world actually collapses around them due to the battle between Reinhard and Cecils destroying Pandemonium. His next goal is to take down the Sin Archbishop of Sloth, Petelgeuse Romanee-Conti, and has died his 400th death in his effort. After bribing the local slum folk to misdirect the guards, the way is clear. Posted by. A loyal pet as ever, Guiltilaw lifts Subaru up. Re:Zero - Starting Post a New Info. The point of divergence from the main story is Subaru's fourth return-by-death, where Reinhard saves Subaru from hoodlums and ultimately goes on to save him from Elsa. He lays down to let her strangle him, much as she tried to do before it all began. As Emilia was absent for the entirety of the Royal Selections, the Witch Cult remained inactive in Oboreru. 16 juin 2020 - Découvrez le tableau "Re: zero" de Shy18 sur Pinterest. In perhaps his only good act for the entire story, Subaru goes after Regulus, who is the target in his crusade against the Witch Cult. Jul 3, 2020 - rezero photo, rezero videos, rezero download. He can take pride in himself that he, the villain, has killed the hero. Ferris was the only survivor but due to Crusch's erasure from existence along with her memories, he broke and was unable to continue living normally. Suddenly, Elsa, revealed to be still alive flies down and attacks from behind. After doing so, he visited Echidna's dream world using the pendant at his neck as per his usual routine. This was a daily occurrence for them as Garfiel aimed to grow stronger. The Rem: IF chapters are also known as IF chapters “Natsuki Rem”, “Oni and Happiness”, “Fortune Roll Rhapsody” and ”Natsuki Rigel”. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. ─ ─ I was being crushed by the pressure of this noise which did not obscure its malice. In the end he could not avert Sanctuary's fate and he would have perished to the Great Rabbit, if Subaru and Roswaal L Mathers hadn't saved him. Elsewhere, Emilia decides to leave her room with Puck and encounters Reinhard, who has won the battle but is heavily wounded. Latest Chapters. His stomach is bleeding out and he is trying to scream for Emilia to run, only for her to get cut down as well. to her. The first three arcs were covered by the first season of the anime; however the anime adapted the Light Novel version, which in turn was adapted from the Web Novel version.

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