Lukau courted controversy in 2019 when he staged a theatrical resurrection miracle using a Zimbabwean man whose stage name was called Elliot. A day of healing from HIV/AIDS, cancer, leukemia, low/high blood, arthritis, from the spirit of lack, the spirit of debt and poverty. 51,782 talking about this. READ ALSO: David Makhura defends 'old' photo taken with Pastor Alph Lukau. He is a Bible Scholar and a renowned International Speaker who ministers in different platforms around the world.Through his ministry,people are saved, healed, delivered, we have seen families restored and many miracles have taken place. When we specifically prayed for this, Renate began to recover. This is really a church where God brings solutions and breakthroughs. He used to submit to the late Pastor Jacques Vernaud until he passed on in 28th September 2011. By going so deep with God, she will become an extraordinary channel of His glory …. But God wants us to go back. This Sunday God wants to bless you in ALL things; in your health, at work, in marriage, in business and at home with nothing missing (Deut 28:1-14). … The depth of revelation this man receives from God, who literally reveals to him the smallest details about people’s lives, is staggering. Pastor Alph Lukau is known around the world as the Apostle of Faith. The reason I am so happy about this, is because during the 25 years that I have been a Christian, I have seen horrible darkness with many people who call themselves Christians. That does not change the fact that the kingdom of God is an eternally expanding and never diminishing kingdom. Now the West has been overrun by the enemy because of our religious laziness and false teachings that make us wait for an escape instead of marching forward as a royal army that conquers and restores the earth. See more of Alph Lukau on Facebook. It is the supernatural clothing with the authority and wonderful power of King Jesus to set people free. Emmanuel Makandiwa. I expected to have a very bad place. It’s so beautiful how God encouraged this young man at the airport, through complete strangers who obeyed the voice of Jesus in their heart. Uebert Angel. Alph Lukau Biography. … Grinning, she explained that she and Renate had already spoken about it, that she wanted prayer. The very first of its kind they are rising of the prophetic voice academically sound theologically, profound and prophetically accurate a revolutionary framework for understanding the secrets behind the coming prophetic move of the Holy Spirit, a remarkable read written by Pastor The prophetic is the oldest and most documented ministry in the in the Bible but misunderstood our time, but the world and the church … Alph Lukau is on Facebook. We Western Christians can learn a lot from that …. This is what the world needs: people who don’t just talk about God, but who live in Him and learn to respond from Him, which means that we are always in love. One morning I arrived in the church, hours later than Renate, who was already with our British friend. This is the ONLY Official Facebook Page for Pastor Alph Lukau. Because Renate suffered from the inflammation in her head, I was fortunately able to be given priority in the exhausting queue and we finally managed to arrive at our hotel. Pastor Alph Lukau is LIVE NOW – Click To Join and Send Prayer Request (June 9th 2019) This Sunday we continue the Defeating Witchcraft Series. God wants to rise up His church in His great power and authority to stop this evil. Celebration Service with Pastor Alph Lukau LIVESTREAM. Not only does God reveal that Alph Lukau is a true servant of Him, the pastor is also set free from trouble and released into freedom and blessing. Alph Lukau Prayer & Declaration Today September 2 2020 . I wondered if I should tell her, but I felt like I had to wait. The strong and wonderful presence of the Lord was hovering over all of us, who were outside. alph lukau 2020. alph lukau live Alleluia Ministries International has TENS OF THOUSANDS of members in Africa, Europe, and South America. See more of Alph Lukau on Facebook. My motivation is not to get something for myself, but to become even better at setting God’s children free. No Refunds on any bookings or Donations will be made through payments received. This spirituality book is a strategic tool of the Holy Spirit to awaken, to educate, to equip, and to prepare God’s church for the arising of the prophetic voice. ‘ That could only be about the flight ticket to Alph Lukau, we knew. Read more about knowing God for real, on this website. Alph Lukau encourages Christians to become influential in our societies, help the poor, drive out darkness and bring a whole new level of well being both in the Church as in the world. Prophet Jeremiah Omoto Fufeyin. He knows you, He understands you and He is very close to you!” His eyes lit up like the sun and with his right hand he struck his chest: “Man, I feel what you say! He gave us the Bible as His guideline to learn about His plan for mankind and to reveal who He is. Praise and Worship | AMI PRAISE | Celebration Service | Sunday 14 October 2018 | AMI LIVESTREAM, Free PDF : Pastor Alph Lukau Books , 2020 Books & How To Buy, Pastor Alph Lukau Birthday | Month Of Birth | AGE | Year Born, Hello pastor I have a problem because is been a long time I pray to God for giving me a child… Please in the name of God I need a child because I don’t know what most I do ,,, I saw you on YouTube praying and people they get delivered me too I want to have a peace with my boyfriend and he likes to have a kid’s with me I beg you in the name of God, Pastor is been a while I want to see myself having a babies I don’t know I’m a pregnant woman or not please pator Ulph Lukau ….some people they called me a woman who doesn’t bear a child help me pastor. This is putting a stop to evil. God then brought Alph Lukau to our attention and Renate felt a deep desire to go there for a final breakthrough in her healing. We can pray for people, but if our eyes and ears are closed spiritually, it will not make much of a difference. How do you spend such a long time? Then God reveals many details about his life to Alph, even the color of the pastors underwear, and he is deeply touched. Emmanuel Makandiwa. To the surprise of many, this successful investor is chosen by God to be a prophet like most of us have never seen before. Suddenly I heard a very clear voice in my left ear. It sounded so clear as if someone was sitting next to me. See more of Alph Lukau on Facebook. He does not want us to fall prey again to witchcraft of Christians wearing a mask. According to one lady, pastor Alph Lukau demanded sex and slept with her at the age of 16. That’s how I see it. A Man’s Manhood Destroyed. I am very curious how it will proceed. I focused on God with all my heart and He suddenly spoke very clearly to me: ‘David, you didn’t come here for a man. Celebration Service with Pastor Alph Lukau LIVESTREAM . Public Figure. What’s more: it’s overwhelming! Create New Account. Pastor Alph Lukau Sermon For Today. Posts navigation . That goes against our pious thinking, which is often based on loss, suffering and struggling. God will destroy the powers of the enemy in your life. He is a Bible Scholar and a renowned International Speaker who ministers in different platforms around the world.Through his ministry,people are saved, healed, delivered, we have seen families restored and many miracles have taken place. The spiritual power that was released as a result was immense. Pastor Alpha Lukau I humbly request you to pray for me and my wife so that we can have child. The letter read “our instructions are that you have engaged in an unceremonious campaign to tarnish the good character and reputation of its member Alph Lukau” It went on to say “kindly note that this … They had come from thousands of miles to receive deliverance and healing from this special man of God. I used to pray for Renate several times when she was sick, and God healed her. Join 831 other … When the preacher came forward, Renate was lovingly helped on her legs by two ushers and they invited her to sit at the front. His greatest desire is now to show people across the world how real God is and how deeply He loves all of us. Prophet Shepherd Bushiri. But God’s ways are still higher than ours and He has a purpose to connect us with Alleluia Ministries. Facebook gives people the power to share and makes the world more open and connected. To connect with Alph Lukau, join Facebook today. I didn’t know that such a thing was possible with God. Notify me of follow-up comments by email. A usher came to fetch us and gave us the very best place, all the way at the front! A teenager who doesn’t know how to properly handle the powers he gets from a high-tech super suit. I was literally standing behind the empty seat of pastor Alph Lukau, so I had a clear view of everything that happened at the front. God has given many promises to Renate and we trust God to fulfill all His words. Thank you Daddy. I was on the plane with a ten-hour flight ahead. Before he got to the heights that his ministry has gotten to as of now, how about going through the history of his ministry. Amen, l receive it in Jesus Name. Related Pages. I was thankful that God had prepared me beforehand, so I was not too disappointed. 6th October 2018 Divine Mansion Alph Lukau, Declarations By Alph Lukau 5. It is a measure of God’s living water. But now a word about our first experience with Alleluia Ministries, in Johannesburg. Entire smear campaigns have been set up about Alph Lukau, to keep people away from him. In 2012, however, he delegated Join us in church or via LIVE Streaming. What does it mean? Many people in his church used to be very poor but through the power of God, they were transformed and now their businesses flourish.

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