It is the official publication of the International Society for Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP). Just include the text in the box "Comments for the Editor". A Pennsylvania woman who pleaded guilty to coughing and spitting on food at a supermarket in the early days of the coronavirus pandemic was sentenced Tuesday to at least a year in jail. Pharmacy Practice covers pharmaceutical care, social pharmacy, pharmacy education, process and outcome research, health promotion and education, health informatics, pharmacoepidemiology ESCP promotes practice and research in Clinical Pharmacy, especially in Europe. , Pages: 314-320. Trial of Nonpharmacologic Interventions in the Elderly. 2020;21(3):355-360., Khairnar M, Naveen Kumar P, Kusumakar A. Having an international scope is a major goal for Pharmacy Practice. First Published: 19 July 2021. Int J Clin Pharm. Pharmacy Practice is published using a continuous flow system with four issues quarterly closed. It is the official publication of the International Society for Oncology Pharmacy Practitioners (ISOPP). DOAJ is a community-curated online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open access, peer-reviewed journals. Pages: 1-89. Objective. J Am Geriatr Soc. This comprehensive resource brings together the best of two leading publications: the trusted, independent clinical and professional content that made Pharmacy Practice+ Canada's #1 pharmacy journal for more than 30 years, and—to help pharmacist owners succeed—the innovative yet . JPPR invites submissions under the following categories: editorial, research, pharmacy practice, review, case report and letters. All the articles are free-access without delay (no embargo period). Effective pharmacy practice requires an understanding of the social context within which pharmacy is practised, recognising the particular needs The objective of the editorial board of the JPP, as well as that of SAGE Publications, is to offer the practicing pharmacist topical, pertinent, and useful information to support pharmacy . Pharmacy Practice and Practice-Based Research Section . Br J Clin Pharmacol. Methods: Cross-sectional, questionnaire-based prospective study done for two months. J Urol. Combating Polypharmacy Through Deprescribing Potentially Inappropriate Medications. Barriers and enablers to deprescribing in people with a life-limiting disease: A systematic review. JAMA Intern Med. Archives of Pharmacy Practice (APP) will provide a forum for the researchers for dissemination and exchange of scientific knowledge in the health sciences. 2020;16(4):595-598., Reeve E, Wolff JL, Skehan M, Bayliss EA, Hilmer SN, Boyd CM. Journal Aims. To make the peer review process work properly, it is necessary to count with a wide pool of prestigious peer reviewers, experts in different areas in journal’s scope. This text provides the theory and practice for conducting pharmaceutical policy research. It covers all aspects of scientific research from conceptualising to statistical analysis. 2021;19:155. Res Social Adm Pharm. Canadian J. of Hospital Pharmacy 2014;(4):286-291. doi: 10.4212/cjhp.v67i4.1373. Perceptions of hospital pharmacists and pharmacy technicians towards expanding roles for hospital pharmacy technicians: a cross-sectional survey Brett J. Anderson BPharm (Hons), Grad Cert Pharm Prac , Margaret E. Carroll BPharm, Grad Dip Clin Pharm , Simone E. Taylor PharmD (BPharm), Grad Cert Clinical Research , Alice Chow Bachelor of Science . Call for Papers: The Opioid Crisis: Opportunities for Clinical Pharmacy Practice Submission Deadline: July 15, 2021. This book is designed to equip candidates with excellent study tools that are intended to review the required level of information to prepare the candidate for the examination by focusing on the key topic areas. The Journal publishes reports of research and innovation in all aspects of professional pharmacy education and training, case studies, country studies, innovations in laboratory and professional educational practice, workforce issues and development, reviews and reports on information technology in education and reviews of current literature. 2009;26(Suppl 1):31-39., Maher RL, Hanlon J, Hajjar ER. It is an international peer-reviewed journal. Our study aims to explore the Lebanese CPs' willingness to administer influenza vaccine, and to identify factors associated with this willingness. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy is a Plan S compliant Transformative Journal. Today's pharmacist needs to know the basics in many areas of practice. What factors are important for deprescribing in Australian long-term care facilities? Wilkes-Barre, Pa.-. Journal of Pharmacy Practice (JPP) is a peer-reviewed journal that offers practicing pharmacists in-depth useful reviews and research trials and surveys of new drugs and novel therapeutic approaches, pharmacotherapy reviews and controversies, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, drug administration, adverse drug events, medication safety, pharmacy education, and other pharmacy practice topics. 2015;144(8):362-369., Trenaman S, Willison M, Robinson B, Andrew M. A collaborative intervention for deprescribing: The role of stakeholder and patient engagement. This book begins with a brief overview of the history of pharmacy education, covering all levels of education and styles of learning, from undergraduate, continuing professional education, and methods for self-learning and development. Harugeri A, Joseph J, Parthasarathi G, Ramesh M, Guido S. Prescribing patterns and predictors of high-level polypharmacy in the elderly population: A prospective surveillance study from two teaching hospitals in India. This list of Pharmacy Journals is updated daily and is sure to be the most authorative articles available. Journal of Pharmacy Practice is a peer-reviewed journal that was established in 1988 and is published 6 times per year. It is an international peer-reviewed journal. This book focuses on each country’s strengths and achievements, as well as areas of weakness, barriers to improvement and challenges. Pharmacy Practice has created a peer reviewer selection process based on searching in PubMed for articles closely related to each manuscript awaiting evaluation (see a description of the peer reviewer selection process). Deprescribing of non-antiretroviral therapy in HIV-infected patients. 2019;45(1):9-15., Kuhn-Thiel AM, Weiß C, Wehling M; FORTA authors/expert panel members. Text does not include abbreviations, unless they are commonly accepted. 2012;125(6):529-537., Griebling TL. Primary health care policy and vision for community pharmacy and pharmacists in Jordan. 2016;7(3):133-137., Paque K, Vander Stichele R, Elseviers M, et al. Which Type of Immunity Is Best Against Variants? The current and future absence of any article processing charges (APCs) is signed in the MoU with the Center for Pharmacy Practice Innovation (CPPI) at Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) School of Pharmacy. See the list of peer reviewers who have collaborated in Pharmacy Practice. Reducing inappropriate polypharmacy: the process of deprescribing. Deprescribing gained momentum in recent decades. Journal of Pharmacy Practice: All Issues - Journal of Pharmacy Practice. Publishing pertinent case reports and consensus guidelines. 2. Pharmacy —A Journal of Pharmacy Education and Practice is an international, scientific, peer-reviewed, open access journal published quarterly online by MDPI.. Open Access — free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions. Peter Kopelman, a professor of medicine, with a distinguished career as a clinician and academic, and a "longstanding friend" of pharmacy, has died aged 70 years. Until 2010 the journal was called Pharmacy World & Science. International Scientific Journal & Country Ranking. JPPCM publishes four issues per year devoted to research and review articles in the field of pharmacy practice, community medicine and related discipline of health sciences. Hospital pharmacists have an established role at all steps. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Education is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, academic journal which has a wide range of fields creating a platform for the authors to publish relatively reliable source of information on recent discoveries, review articles, original articles etc. and provides free online access to the researchers worldwide.. Journal of pharmacy practice and education also . Returning to practice; Surviving your first year; Research. Archives of Pharmacy Practice (APP) ISSN [2320-5210] / E-ISSN [ 2045-080X ] is a Peer-reviewed online open-access journal. The HOPA Standards Committee organized a work group of oncology pharmacist specialists to create a pharmacy practice standard for the management of oral oncolytic therapy that describes the pharmacist's role on the cancer care team, provides examples of practice tools and resources, summarizes current data related to outcomes, and discusses opportunities to enhance the care of patients with . Found inside – Page iThe overall goal of this book is to give the reader a state-of-the-art synopsis of the pharmacist services domain. The International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (IJPP) is a Medline-indexed, peer reviewed, international journal. Found inside – Page 346The information , generate enthusiasm and break Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Research down barriers imposed by isolation . It highlights why and how this field has a significant impact on healthcare. The work brings baseline knowledge, along with the latest, most cutting-edge research. This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License. The journal will cover technical and clinical studies related to health, ethical and social issues in field of Pharmacy Practice, Clinical Pharmacy, Social and administrative pharmacy, Hospital pharmacy . Attitude towards deprescribing was assessed by using validated rPATD (revised Patient attitude towards deprescribing) questionnaire. Arch Intern Med. Only 16.7% belong to the elderly age group. Here is a simple timeline that may assist you in preparation of experiencing pharmacy practice in the US. 2016;7(4):110-115., Holt S, Schmiedl S, Thürmann PA. Development and Validation of the Revised Patients' Attitudes Towards Deprescribing (rPATD) Questionnaire: Versions for Older Adults and Caregivers. Attitudes towards deprescribing among multi-ethnic community-dwelling older patients and caregivers in Malaysia: a cross-sectional questionnaire study. More Symptoms, More Spread and Other. All articles are freely available to read and download for a limited time. Attitudes toward deprescribing in a middle-aged health disparities population. 41.7% were between 36-50 years of age. Drawing from the firsthand experience of researchers and practitioners working in these countries, this book addresses the socio-behavioral aspects of pharmacy and health, pharmacoeconomics, pharmaceutical policy, supply management and ... Pharmacy Practice does not charge and will never charge any publication fee or article processing charge (APC) to the authors. J Pharmacol Pharmacother. The journal is read and cited both nationally and internationally. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Education is an Open Access, peer-reviewed, academic journal which has a wide range of fields which creates a platform for the authors to publish a relatively reliable source of information on recent discoveries, review articles, original articles etc. Drawing from the firsthand experience of researchers and practitioners working in these countries, this book addresses the socio-behavioral aspects of pharmacy and health, pharmacoeconomics, pharmaceutical policy, supply management and ... The journal seeks works related to prevention, newer treatments, medicines safety, medicines quality and shortages, pharmaceutical policy and practice, pharmacists and pharmacy services, information and dissemination, as well as technology aspects of COVID-19. Found inside – Page 223Journal of Social and Administrative Pharmacy , 12 , 53-62 . ... Martin , T. and McMurdo , A. ( 1992 ) Use of professional self audit in pharmacy practice . Archives of Pharmacy Practice, a publication of Archives of Global Professionals, is a peer-reviewed online journal with Quarterly print on demand compilation of issues published.. 2013;61(9):1508-1514., Blanco JR, Morillo R, Abril V, et al. An international, peer-reviewed, open access, online journal, publishing original research, reports, reviews and commentaries on all areas of academic and professional pharmacy practice. For patients, a lot of what you tell them will be forgotten when they get off the phone or out of the consulting room, so having information at home really helps. In order to achieve content and editorial excellence, the Editorial Staff is seeking authors and peer reviewers. Thus, the results obtained from this study may help towards improving rationalized prescribing practices in the institutional setup. Shrestha S, Poudel A, Steadman K, Nissen L. Outcomes of deprescribing interventions in older patients with life-limiting illness and limited life expectancy: A systematic review. Seybert AL, Laughlin KK, Benedict NJ et al. 2015;175(5):827-834., Sweta K, Bhat D, Saraswathy GR, Maheswari E. The Views of Indian Practitioners on Deprescribing. The International Journal of Pharmacy Practice (IJPP) is a Medline-indexed, peer reviewed, international journal. Journal of Pharmacy Practice and Pharmaceutical Sciences is an international scholarly journal which publishes papers on an open access platform and follows strict double-blind peer review process. Available from:, Deprescriptions, Inappropriate Prescribing, Attitude, Personal Satisfaction, Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice, Patients, Caregivers, Surveys and Questionnaires, Cross-Sectional Studies, India,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivatives 4.0 International License, Integration of community pharmacy in primary health care. Articles from Journal of Research in Pharmacy Practice are provided here courtesy of Wolters Kluwer -- Medknow Publications Support Center Support Center External link. Pharmacy Practice is a free available, open access, peer-reviewed journal with a scope on pharmacy practice. Pharmacy Practice is a free full-text peer-reviewed journal with a scope on pharmacy practice. The Journal of Pharmaceutical Policy and Practice would like to announce a Call for Papers for a special series on COVID-19.. JAMA Intern Med. 2016;33(12):913-928., Garfinkel D, Mangin D. Feasibility study of a systematic approach for discontinuation of multiple medications in older adults: addressing polypharmacy. Although developments in pharmacy practice are promising, challenges continue to exist, specifically the establishment of an evidence base for pharmaceutical care services. Pharmacy practice journals will surely not publish papers medical practice-changing, but will publish more pharmacy practice-changing papers than medical journals. About the Journal. All students completed a self-assessment . J Pharm Pract Res 2004; 34: 293-6. Am J Pharm Educ 2006;70(3):Article 48. doi: 10.5688/aj700348 It is one of the leading journals publishing health services research in the context of pharmacy, pharmaceutical care, medicines and medicines management. 2015;30(9):527-532., Corsonello A, Pranno L, Garasto S, Fabietti P, Bustacchini S, Lattanzio F. Potentially inappropriate medication in elderly hospitalized patients. Description. 2019;41(3):793-803., Williams ME, Pulliam CC, Hunter R, et al. The journal is read and cited both nationally and internationally. Although focusing on the practice of pharmacy, Pharmacy Practice covers a wide range of pharmacy activities, such as, pharmaceutical care, social pharmacy, pharmacy education, process and outcome research, clinical pharmacy, health promotion and education, health informatics, and pharmacoepidemiology, as well as many others. Kopelman was a medical doctor by training and later went on to become principal of the institution he attended, St George's Hospital Medical School, from 2008-2015. Pharm Pract (Granada) [Internet]. 2010;107(31-32):543-551., Reeve E, Gnjidic D, Long J, Hilmer S. A systematic review of the emerging definition of 'deprescribing' with network analysis: implications for future research and clinical practice. Results: 312 patients and caregivers (156 forming dyads) participated in the study. Pharmacy Practice is a free full-text journal with a scope on the practice of pharmacy. Utilizing a case study approach, this practical guide develops readers' understanding of the unique communication dynamics between pharmacists and patients and assists them in strengthening the communication skills necessary for providing ... Journal of Pharmacy Practice is a peer-reviewed journal that was established in 1988 and is published 6 times per year. 2020;16(10):1502-1507., Dharmarajan TS, Choi H, Hossain N, et al. Pharmacy Practice is a free full-text journal with a scope on the practice of pharmacy. If you have access to a journal via a society or association membership, please browse to your society journal, select an article to view, and follow the instructions in this box. For more information on Pharmacy Practice publication delay and peer-review process, visit our reviewers web page and the editorial Pharm Pract (Granada) 2019;17(1):1502. Pharmacy Practice is published quarterly. Clinical Pharmacy Practice 5.1. Found inside – Page 144Table 9.1 Example of a General Journal for Initial Investment Date Account Titles/Explanation Posting Reference Debit Credit 2002 Cash 111 50,000 May 1 Amy ... Am J Geriatr Pharmacother. Methods. 98% of authors who answered a survey reported that they would definitely publish or probably publish in . Browse by year. AUGUST 28, 2021 COVID-19. Pharmacy student response to patient-simulation mannequins to teach performance-based pharmacotherapeutics. This journal aims to represent the academic output of pharmacists and pharmacy practice with particular focus on integrated care. 2006;31(6):617-626., Reeve E, Wiese MD, Hendrix I, Roberts MS, Shakib S. People's attitudes, beliefs, and experiences regarding polypharmacy and willingness to Deprescribe. Pharmacy Practice charge  article processing charges (APCs) to its authors. This is a comprehensive guide to applying research methods to practice problems. Pharmacy Practice + Business is the one-stop pharmacy magazine for Canadian pharmacists and pharmacy owners. Fam Syst Health. The statements, opinions and data contained in the journal Pharmacy are solely those of the individual authors and contributors and not of the publisher and the editor(s). Mishori R. What Needs to Change to Make Deprescribing Doable. Methods This is a web-based, cross-sectional study, conducted over 2 months, from the 1st of . An introduction to developing surveys for pharmacy practice research. Journal Aims Journal of Pharmacy Practice is a peer-reviewed journal that was established in 1988 and is published 6 times per year. Conclusions: In our study, more than 50% of people and their caregivers were willing to try medication cessation under their physician's recommendation. 2014;13(1):57-65., Shah KN, Joshi HM, Christian RP, Patel KP, Malhotra SD. Written by pharmacy technician educator and expert LiAnne Webster, this comprehensive text prepares you to succeed in this rapidly growing field. This collection of more than 30 articles by leading experts is separated into 10 distinct sections to facilitate learning and correspond with course in pharmacy practice management. Pharmacy Practice, the journal | 1,177 followers on LinkedIn. Res Social Adm Pharm. 2019;34(6):828-830., Scott IA, Gray LC, Martin JH, Mitchell CA. European Journal of Hospital Pharmacy (EJHP) offers a high quality, peer-reviewed platform for the publication of practical and innovative research which aims to strengthen the profile and professional status of hospital pharmacists. . Journal of Pharmacy Practice (JPP) is a peer-reviewed journal that offers practicing pharmacists in-depth useful reviews and research trials and surveys of new drugs and novel therapeutic approaches, pharmacotherapy reviews and controversies, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, drug administration, adverse drug events, medication safety, pharmacy education, and other pharmacy practice topics. In December 2019, a novel coronavirus (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 or SARS-CoV-2) has caused an outbreak of the novel coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), starting in Wuhan, China and spreading quickly to the rest of the Mainland and to over 190 countries worldwide ().As of March 2020, more than 700,000 confirmed cases . Pharmacy Practice is a free full-text peer-reviewed journal with a scope on pharmacy practice. INDIAN JOURNAL OF PHARMACY PRACTICE (IJOPP) The Official Journal of Association of Pharmaceutical Teachers of India (APTI) (Registered under Registration of Societies Act XXI of 1860 No. 2016;195(3):669., Sivagnanam G. Deprescription: The prescription metabolism. 122 of 1966-1967, Lucknow) [ISSN 0974-8326] Indian Journal of Pharmacy Practice is an official peer-reviewed journal, published quarterly by APTI which will be useful to all the pharmacy professionals working . Attitudes of ambulatory care older Nepalese patients towards deprescribing and predictors of their willingness to deprescribe. This book discusses the many factors impinging on daily practice and the place of pharmacy in the delivery of health care. Dtsch Arztebl Int. Barriers to Optimising Prescribing and Deprescribing in Older Adults with Dementia: A Narrative Review. JPPCM publishes four issues per year devoted to research and review articles in the field of pharmacy practice, community medicine and related discipline of health sciences. Journal of Pharmacy Practice is a peer-reviewed journal that offers practicing pharmacists in-depth useful reviews and research trials and surveys of new drugs and novel therapeutic approaches, pharmacotherapy reviews and controversies, pharmacokinetics, drug interactions, drug administration, adverse drug events, medication safety, pharmacy . Publishing pertinent case reports and consensus guidelines that drive clinical practice, this practical . 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