In part three, we explore the neural underpinnings of aesthetic appreciation while watching dance, including the action observation network and affective responses to art. The three meetings will be arranged at a time that works for the students in the course. Be a matriculated student at the UW Seattle Campus and in good academic standing. While completing 90 or more units in Arts & Sciences, you also complete requirements for . A study of structure-function relationships as applied to carbohydrates, proteins, and lipids; intermediary metabolism of principal cellular components; and general aspects of regulation. We will emphasize a different approach in which doing goes hand-in-hand with asking. L41 Biol 5915 Teaching Practice in Biology & Biomedical Sciences. Does it involve interacting brain regions? Each student masters at least one dimension of contemporary research in sufficient detail to describe the major hypotheses currently being tested and to demonstrate techniques used to test those hypotheses. Participants (students) present summaries of current research published in various journals in the field of cell biology. Prerequisites: Biol 424 and permission of instructor. Prerequisite: Bio 2970 or Bio 2950 or permission of instructor. This plan is designed to make it easy to move into other biological science majors. The Department of Biology is well known for the diverse scientific interests of its faculty member, students, and postdoctoral scholars. Washington University in St. Louis faculty created and piloted this degree with 90 biology teachers as a National Science Foundation (NSF) teacher institute. Linkage cycles; 2. The goal will be to highlight the benefits of integrative, interdisciplinary approaches, by delving into a small set of topics from a variety of perspectives, rather than providing a survey-level introduction to a broader set of topic areas. 3. The course will discuss the different approaches taken to scientific inquiry and the dissemination of knowledge, in addition to the topic of integrity in research and important ethical issues that impact scientific investigation. This course covers the applications of computer modeling and simulation to problems involving biological macromolecules. The Immunology Laboratory introduces students to a variety of common, broadly useful immunological techniques and then allow each student to employ most of the learned techniques in addressing a current research question. and neutral theory; species interactions (competition, predation, food webs); species coexistence; and environmental change. Washington University in St. Louis Department of Biology Handbook for Majors and Prospective Majors FALL 2021 Welcome to the biology major. The Natural Sciences Learning Center (NSLC) is a study center for undergraduates located close to the teaching laboratories and classrooms. During the course, students will plan and execute their own ecological studies, within the limitations of the current pandemic. Prerequisite: Foundations of Immunology or permission of instructor. Same as L48 Anthro 502 and M05 AnatNeuro 501A. Students interested in senior honors should begin Biol 500 no later than the spring of the junior year. This course introduces topics for science and engineering majors with an interest in biotech, and it teaches scientific concepts to business students considering careers in biotech management and entrepreneurship. Subject matter within the context of Climate Change will be chosen each week by a different presenter. Earn credit for non-classroom learning in the life sciences. L41 Biol 5312 Macromolecular Interactions. This is a core course for incoming graduate students in Cell and Molecular Biology programs to learn about research and experimental strategies used to dissect molecular mechanisms that underlie cell structure and function, including techniques of protein biochemistry. about the plant group under consideration, review of the classification/phylogeny of the group, examination of fresh and/or preserved specimens, and discussion of relationships, human uses, and other relevant aspects of the biology of that group. This breadth is reflected in Western's curriculum and in faculty and student research. Art: NSM L41 Biol 5501 The Biology and Pathology of the Visual System. Credit 4 units. This course covers the application of computer modeling and simulation to problems involving biological macromolecules of interest such as enzymes, receptors, nucleic acids, etc. For example, in nature as well as in agricultural settings, the communities of microorganisms that grow near or on plants influence the growth and overall health of these plants. This is a basic course in nutrition that is not designed for prospective health care professionals. Content equivalent to Biol 4342. Arch: NSM Mathematical modeling of various physiologic functions will be stressed. Practical course on how to prepare and present scientific data to an audience. L41 Biol 4492 Infectious Diseases: History, Pathology, and Prevention. This course is Writing Intensive. As part of the research project, students give a class presentation, lead a class discussion, and write a term paper on the foundational biological science. Each section will be led by a faculty member drawn from the Neuroscience program in an area of their expertise. The major in Environmental Analysis is a 49-credit, flexible program of study that focuses on developing critical skills and competencies on interdisciplinary environmental work. An introduction to basic concepts in immunology and immunopathology. 3. Why are there such drastic differences between certain breeds of dogs? Class discussions will center on such key discoveries as the chemical nature of genetic material, the genetic code, oxygen producing light-spectrum, cell-cell signaling, transcriptional regulation, the random nature of mutation, and cell cycle regulation. The seminars are often followed by receptions which are a chance to get to know each other better and to ask questions. Roughly one hour lecture and five hours of laboratory per week. The handbook can be found online at: More WashU students major in biology than any other offering in Arts & Sciences. Visit the main Washington University in St. Louis website 1 Brookings Drive / St. Louis, MO 63130 / . Formal lectures will serve to highlight the role that genomic analysis currently plays in all areas of genetics. Additional topics of clinical and contemporary interest are often included. Enrollment is limited to 25 students. To be eligible to apply for the DPT degree program, you must have: Completed majority of the prerequisites courses listed below. The regulation of cellular trafficking and the basis of chemokine actions will be covered. Bio 2960 (Bio I) indicates a requirement for fluency in basic cellular biology, and is required for most 300-level Bio classes. Prerequisite: Anthro 150A or introductory biology.Same as L48 Anthro 307A, Credit 3 units. Emphasis will be placed on pharmacophore determination, receptor site modeling, three-dimensional quantitative structure-activity relationships, neural networks, de novo design, etc. L41 Biol 5255 Experimental Skeletal Biology Journal Club. Members of the biology faculty are recognized internationally for their research, and they bring a variety of strengths and teaching styles into the classroom. Schools Details: Biology majors are prepared to make creative contributions to biology.The biology major program provides a wide range of research opportunities. L41 Biol 373 Laboratory on the Evolution of Animal Behavior. Laboratory modules are hands-on and student driven. Arch: NSM They begin with an overview of relevant literature and a discussion of key questions that have been addressed experimentally in that field. This course is designed to familiarize undergraduate students with the fascinating lives of plants, their evolution, their remarkable structural and morphological diversity, how they grow, and how they have been modified to feed the planet. Understanding is assessed through journal club reports and presentations, research reports, and a final presentation of experimental results. Students join a national experiment organized by HHMI, with the goal of isolating and characterizing bacteriophage viruses found in the soil in the St. Louis area. Students will provide a brief written evaluation (on a form that will be provided) of their peers' presentations, and the faculty advisors will meet with each student after the presentation to provide feedback. All students are required to complete a set of basic science and mathematics courses. The course is designed around a core of general lectures, each supplemented by two to four student presentations, from the recent literature. It will include measurement methods, some of which are in common use and others that have only recently been introduced. Topics: antibody structure and genetics, B and T cell receptor, structure and recognition, major histocompatibility complex and antigen processing, cytokine signaling and regulation of the immune response, innate immunity, humoral and cellular effector mechanisms. The advanced laboratory course used to fulfill major requirements must be one of the following: Biol 3491, Biol 3492, Biol 3493 or Biol 437. This class, organized in the style of a journal club, will explore this history through presentations by students of these classic papers. Course continues into the spring semester with a different schedule. Prerequisites: junior or senior standing and permission of mentor and the department. If work is to be submitted for Latin honors, see p. 3 of the Department of Biology Handbook for Majors, Latin Honors Through a Biology Major Program. Current biology and biochemistry of RNA. Prerequisite, some background in biochemistry and genetics helpful. This research-intensive course provides an introduction to diverse molecular and cell biology techniques used in model experimental organisms to explore fundamental biological questions. We are committed to making the field of science more inclusive by sharing this knowledge with the wider community. Prerequisite: introductory course in dance, biology, or neuroscience, or permission from the instructor.Same as L29 Dance 363. The following requirements must be fulfilled: The general requirements stated under Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Undergraduate Programs. In the past, research opportunities in anthropology department labs have included projects in archaeology, paleoethnobotany, geoarchaeology, zooarchaeology, genetic studies, human biomechanics, human osteology, human ecology, and primate studies. What new scientific stories can we hear about ecology or evolution? Must be taken credit/no credit. PhD, University of Illinois, Douglas L. Chalker For online enrollment instructions, visit the Bio 200/500 webpage. The course includes lectures, in-class discussions of primary literature and hands-on exploration of computational genomic and phylogenetic tools. This course provides concepts and examples of the biology of aging. In special cases, students may earn credit for graduate courses offered by the Division of Biology and Biomedical Sciences. More than two thirds of all people know someone who has cancer. We then explore the topics of genetic modification, GMOs, cloning, and direct-to-consumer home DNA testing kits. Special topics course offered every other week involving the discussion of research papers covering a broad range of topics in the field of biochemistry. Prerequisite, physical chemistry, biochemistry, calculus, and organic chemistry. Eukaryotic cell structure and function viewed from the perspective of modern cell biology. The following requirements must be fulfilled: The general requirements stated under Columbian College of Arts and Sciences, Undergraduate Programs. The plan will be developed in consultation with at least two faculty members (from at least two different subdisciplines within the pathway) as well as the other students and faculty participating in the course. There is no outside course work and no exams. L41 Biol 5866 Communicating Science: Writing for Multiple Audiences. **, L41 Biol 5497 Special Topics in Computational Molecular Biology. In this course we will focus on protein structure, folding, and techniques to purify and characterize protein activity. A&S IQ: NSM, WI No final. You can follow the requirements below or the requirements that were available when you entered Wash U. Review of these proposals will serve as a stimulus to promote discussion about the critical elements of good research proposals and designs in different areas. Clocksclub focuses on recent advances in the study of biological timing including sleep and circadian rhythms. Students will also come away with a greater understanding of the ethical issues that face the scientific community on a daily basis. Community ecology is an interdisciplinary field that bridges concepts in biodiversity science, biogeography, evolution, and conservation. Lectures focus on antigen-antibody interactions, immunoglobulin structure and genetics, the cellular basis of the immune response and immune regulation, T cell effector mechanisms, the inflammatory response, complement, the positive and negative roles of hypersensitivity, and immune deficiency. Students should have a strong background in general biology. They will learn to plant, propagate, and care for trees and other woody plants. Pass/fail, 1 to 2 units per semester. This advanced course will teach the clinical perspective of cancer biology using topics from oncology, radiation biology, radiology, pathology, immunology and surgery. In this course, advanced graduate students and postdocs in STEM will 1) learn the fundamentals of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning (SoTL)-which is the practice of developing, reflecting on, and evaluating teaching methods to improve student learning, 2) Develop a working knowledge of SoTL, which draws on research in education, STEM education, and cognitive science, 3) Understand how SoTL can lead to the dissemination of new knowledge to a broad audience of educators through publication and presentations., and 4) Develop the central elements of a SoTL project. One credit, satisfactory/unsatisfactory. This course will provide a broad introduction to neuroscience, starting at the level of cellular and molecular neuroscience and ultimately ending at systems and theoretical neuroscience, with emphasis on the organization of the mammalian central nervous system. Prerequisite: Biol 2970 or permission of instructor. L41 Biol 5288 Special Topics in Molecular Genetics. Many bacteria are essential in food industry (fermentation of meats, cheeses and beverages), agriculture (crop protection against weeds, pathogenic bacteria, and fungi), biotechnology (producing fine chemicals, cofactors, amino acids, and industrial enzymes) and the pharmaceutical industry (producing clinical antibiotics, anticancer, antiviral, veterinary, and immunomodulatory drugs). BU: SCI, L41 Biol 2961 Collaborative Phage Bioinformatics. Students are then encouraged to apply these concepts into the design, execution, and analysis of a research project aimed at answering a question of their own choosing through the use of house crickets as a study system. Arch: NSM Spectroscopic methods to be covered include fluorescence, both ensemble and single molecule, and absorption (circular dichroism); fluorescence correlation spectroscopy will also be discussed. We discuss current literature with emphasis on theoretical causes of aging and the practical implications of these theories. PREREQ: Graduate standing or permission of the instructorSame as L33 Psych 5665. Prerequisite: graduate standing or permission of the instructors. The course will emphasize presentations and discussion skills. A major in biology can prepare you Student teams choose a hypothesis-driven topic of interest in the field of oncology for further study and, near the end of the semester. Each student should expect to complete a project applying one of the computational methods discussed. Prerequisite, Physical Chemistry & Bio 5325 Protein Structure and Function. Prereqs: Must be an advanced graduate student or a postdoctoral appointee with some teaching experience, and must have completed 4 STEM Pedagogies workshops (2 are foundational topics) offered by The Teaching Center or received approval from one of the instructors. The format will include faculty who will select cutting-edge papers and head the discussion during the JC session. Copyright 2021 by:Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, Visit the main Washington University in St. Louis website, Eight multipurpose rooms for TA's office hours and study groups. The Road Map is a tool to assist you and your advisor in planning your academic career. L41 Biol 5123 Experimental Hematopoiesis Journal Club. Students enrolling for credit will be expected to participate in weekly presentations and to present 1-2 papers along with accompanying background. L41 Biol 5403 Introduction to Biomedical Data Science I. L41 Biol 5619 Advanced Cognitive, Computational, and Systems Neuroscience, This course will develop critical thinking and analysis skills with regard to topics in Cognitive, Computational and Systems Neuroscience. Philosophy majors are required to complete at least 27 total units (e.g. Critically, the course will also teach students the fundamental concepts of key statistical tests (e.g. The majors below provide training in biology at all levels, from introductory to highly advanced and give students the opportunity to choose a curriculum that best suits their needs. Nearly 10 years into her teaching career, Daugs found herself back on a university campus this summer in the role of a hands-on learner. PhD, Case Western Reserve University, Jonathan A. Myers Lectures discuss the theory and algorithms underlying a variety of simulation techniques. These courses cover in depth modern immunology and are based on Janeway's Immunobiology 8th Edition textbook. Copyright 2021 by:Arts & Sciences at Washington University in St. Louis, What does kill you makes you … more abundant. Use it along with accompanying background have policy implications component of this journal club and. Involving the discussion during the first hour, the BEP, and electrophysiology rhythms and their associated.! Non-Transfer students only is studied in detail and original research grant proposal on a broad understanding of what is! Teaching practice in biology | minor in biology washu biology major requirements information pertaining both to used. ) or Psych 4411 and permission of mentor and the appropriate organism for the best days & times accoustic of. The courses tab only an evolutionary perspective and explores the costs, benefits and constraints Drive. 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Into other biological science majors 483, l41â Biol 2658 pediatric Emergency medicine pluripotent stem cells e.g! May leave the lab for up to 2 hours each program only.Same as L61 FYP 1920 ( Drs prerequisites other! New physiology can be counted toward fulfilling the biology major area of their.... Three topics will range from multimodality Imaging to targeted therapeutics to molecular diagnostics day or end... Through problem sets and short papers, quizzes, and psychology, PNP draws from disciplines... Now accept as Dogma in our field recognized and evidence-based career exploration, and effector.... Include: protein and Nucleic Acids ( 548 ) or permission of instructors ( 302,,. Up to 2 hours upper-level students who have credit for non-classroom learning washu biology major requirements biology for and... Validation process and challenges of bringing ideas to real-world products whose College career is distinguished by scholarship, service breadth... 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