Sweet potatoes rate lower. A sincere thank you for the very detailed instructions. I always order sweet potato fries at restaurants because I can never make them crispy at home. Then there was the bake time and some ended up burned. . If you’re looking for an oil that shouldn’t agitate inflammation that has a higher smoke point, you might try grapeseed oil! WOOHOO! Thank you. Line two half-sheet pans with heavy-duty foil and spritz lightly with non-stick cooking spray. Gah! Typically, sweet potato fries are made with oils, butters, and seasonings that can be harmful to dogs. I like being called a genius. Dogs are omnivores, and don’t really need a … I put smoked paprika on my fries with the starch. Arrange the fries on the prepared pan in a single layer, not touching. Step 4: Fry ’em again. If you’d prefer, you can lay them on a rack that is set down in your pan. According to the USDA, sweet potato contains (per 200g) 180 calories, 41.4 grams of carbohydrate, 4 grams of protein, and 0.3 grams of fat. More Potato Recipes. No flipping required. What was the next best result after the aluminum foil? 3.2 ounces of Burger King (deep fried potato) fries have 246 calories, so before the ketchup this food has 69.6% FEWER calories! Oh boy, you are my personal hero. That is AWESOME to know, Delia!!! Thanks for the update! My first try was GREAT; thanks so much ; now we can have them anytime. Thank you so very much. Not sure how much food to give your puppy? Hi Wendy! Crispy Baked Sweet Potato Fries are a perennial favourite here on Foodie with Family for a great reason. But the sweet potatoes in our grocery store are always ENORMOUS, in the 10-14oz range each. I don’t have a “rest time” field, so I stand by that assessment. Did you use a silpat or foil? The answer is: it depends. Flip with tongs, and roast for another 20 minutes. When you soak the sweet potato, you’re doing a couple of things: pulling excess starch out that while IN the potato will cause the entire potato to brown faster than it cooks to perfect doneness in the center. Oh, and when you return the pans to the oven, rotate ’em from top to bottom AND front to back. Everything comes out crispy. It is a process thing vs. a product thing. The sweet potato fries look like they’re definitely worth all the work! DCM is a disease of the heart muscle that leads to reduced heart pumping function and increased heart size. I appreciate the detailed directions and followed them precisely. I’ve been on the hunt for a crispy baked sweet potato fry forever and I have to say, I’m glad I don’t have to make 15 batches to find it now. Just thought I would pass it on. Thank you. Will give it another shot . Excellent question, Brian. HAHAHA! Your email address will not be published. It’s a cheap fix! GREAT recipe! Baked, fried in a cast iron pan with a little oil and sugar sprinkled on top. My girlfriend and I have been trying to make these for awhile now, and each time we failed; so I was DETERMINED to make these damn things. THEN, you want that wee bit of crunch to the exterior, so you dust it with DRY starch, vs. the sticky, gloppy stuff which adheres to the outside of these already separate potato pieces and gives them a nice crunch. I may give it a whirl myself. Excellent, easy to follow directions. I, too, adore sweet potato fries. They should not be visibly wet, but they don’t have to be bone dry. Once their finished, you can store these sweet potato fries for dogs in an airtight container in the refrigerator for about 5-7 days. Now I know what I’ve been doing wrong. I thought I should look it up! Foods from all your favorite chains like burgers, fries, burritos, tacos, hot dogs and pizza. Please do check in if you try it. Thanks for the details! I LOVE detailed instructions… really, you dont even understand how much. You are the best, Candace! To die for and very nutritious! Thank you so muchhhhh! Can you tell me how many servings your recipe yields? Yum! It was mentioned in the comments above, but there are quite a few of them, so I figured I’d mention it here, too I have not tested these for the freezer, but I would love to know the results if someone else does! So awesome, M! High-starch potatoes are the ones to seek out, and those are generally Russets–also called Idaho baking potatoes. Great advice though and the crispy ones were definately the best I have made so far! I’m quite partial to it and had never heard of it until I arrived here. They are lower carb than regular potatoes – even though they’re sweeter. I need to try this out – mine tend to come out soggy! So I’m really not sure which you meant. Alas, failure . Get a $5 oven thermometer from Walmart and pop it in there to see how accurate your oven’s calibration is then compensate for it. While most dogs can eat … Same here. Take your time cutting your sweet potatoes to size. I was looking for a better recipe and found your blog. I made these last night… three different batches trying them all in different ways i.e. I’m going to try using that. Garden variety heavy-duty foil yielded my best results Don’t skip THIS step or you’ll be attempting to chisel sweet potato fries off of foil. I honestly have not prepared these for the freezer. I highly suggest using the cooling racks and convection for sweet potato fries. Something I did pick up from one of the other recipes though was to bake on a cooling rack instead of a pan. It causes the slices of potato to stick together and makes for an altogether squishier and less fabulous end product. Oil will certainly make them taste better, but it also helps with texture. I’m going to try this ASAP!!! They still need to be fipped after 15 min but rather then the bottoms being burnt, they were a nice dark orange. I’m so glad you and your girlfriend liked it. When you flip them, be sure they land in a single layer not touching. Thanks for your amazing tips. Thanks! But there are actually some types of this delicious carb that's better for your pooch than others. I’ve seen some recipes for freezing suggest blanching in boiling water, is this step necessary? Can we use sunflower oil? Those might be two culprits of sad fries. . Can you make several trays of these in advance and how do you keep them crisp.. sorry if this was already covered in the comments somewhere but if I wanted to make a big batch of fries (for a future fry emergency!) I usually get 2 and it gives me about 20 slices. The truth is, I’ve already cut and soaked them but my day didn’t go as planned, I ate something else for dinner and now I’m too tired to do anything with them besides prepare them for the freezer. I didn’t mean to be vague when I said to toss the fries with starch, but I had a little explaining to do. I’m making sweet potato “croutons” today so want to be sure they’re especially crispy. I’d like to make these using arrowroot starch/flour and coconut oil. It made sense and helped me follow without any second thoughts. First, because everyone has a different idea of a serving size, and second, because I think serving sizes are usually wildly unrealistic. 11. please help, Hi Rebecca, just a couple questions while my fries are soaking. *ding! Wow, fantastic. Use a slotted spoon to remove the fries from the skillet, then drain them on a plate lined with paper towels. Thanks for doing all that hard work for us. It was not the very bottom setting but the one up from that. Don’t give up! I just have one question, which must be stupid because no one else has asked it: When you say “2 large sweet potatoes about 3/4 pound, give or take”, do you mean two 3/4-lb potatoes, a total of 1.5 lbs, or two potatoes that together weigh 3/4 of a lb. Food and Drink brings you the latest news on FOXNews.com. White potatoes belong to the nightshade family of vegetables, which includes tomatoes. Can Dogs Eat Sweet Potatoes That Are Cooked? We ate at least half of these in one meal along with meat and veggie filled empanadas and a fruit salad. Hi Freya- This recipe is designed for a standard oven, not a fan/convection oven. I too am very happy to find this recipe. Perhaps before the oil and spices? Yum, thanks, I’ve hope. You shouldn’t say “prep time 20 minutes” when soaking the fries is part of the prep, with a minimum of 1 hour… this makes the prep actually an hour and 20 minutes. Well, I’m tired of dry-frying them with beans and eggs for Bfast burritos actually. I’ll use no recipe for sweet potato fries but this one. I’m going to try making these for the first time….. Sweet potatoes are a high-fiber vegetable, which makes it fantastic for our dogs' digestive system. They were yummy! Does that make sense? Slow Cooker Peach Salsa Pork Roast with Sweet Potatoes, 1-Pot Roasted Turkey Breast Dinner with Sweet Potatoe. If you have a moment to say and you were doing these in an air fryer… would you change anything else? thanks! Bake for another 10-15 minutes, or until they have browned and are cooked clean though. I have never had any luck with sweet potato fries, something my son and I love. One can of tomatoes and a drizzle of olive oil is all it takes to make this bright, sweet, and slightly tangy tomato sauce, which can be used as is over pasta, pizza, and veggies. Have you tried either of these ideas and what did you think? Potatoes last about 3-5 weeks in the pantry and 3-4 months in the refrigerator. Partway through, and still stuck horribly. I’m so glad you like them, Jessica! so many specific and great tips! Nicholas Todd Sutton: Tennessee: 2020: Electrocution: Sutton ordered fried pork chops, mashed potatoes with gravy and peach pie with vanilla ice cream : … Maybe I went tool ight on the oil. Like perhaps coat the frozen fries with starch and bake as directed? Second batch… (using the same seasonings), Instead of using a pan, I used a steel cooling rack and lowered the temp to 415. Ideally, I could prep several batches the day before and then pop them in the oven on the day of the event. How so? I have regular foil, but not sure it’ll do the job like you said. Sweet potatoes can be great for dogs, if part of a balanced diet and fed in moderation. Update: Recent research has suggested that potatoes, while not poisonous, may not be appropriate for a dog’s diet. So I’m planning on baking them on a greased wire rack. I want to eat these fries with a giant bowl of garlic mayo….nom nom. Yes – it's safe for dogs to eat potatoes. The only thing I changed is I used ghee, which has a very high smoking point (425). Avoid feeding sweet potato fries or sweet potato chips, especially if they are salted. Hi Rebecca, I always soak my regular potatoes but never thought to on sweet potatoes make so much sense. Conversely, if you feel like you’re baking your fries FOREVER and they’re not crisping, your oven may run a little cool. Can eat all I want of these babies! HOW LONG do these need to soak in the COLD water? ... makes the poison," says Gallani. Return the pans to the oven, rotating the pans from top to bottom and front to back. Go for about 3/4 pound total. Preheat oven to 250 degrees. While it’s super tasty, the temperature and duration of the cooking process will make olive oil billow smoke out of your oven before the sweet potatoes are even close to being done. 100 grams of crickets contains 12.9 grams protein, 5.5 grams fat and 5.1 grams carbohydrates, plus numerous minerals and trace elements. Can I blame them? Doesn’t say….? I make sweet potato fries fairly often but am usually disappointed in the final result – never crispy enough, or black on the outside. I can sniff out sugar added to a sweet potato fry and it makes me cranky. Sometimes they’re a little sketchy this time of year after sitting in storage all winter! Do I need to cover them? Hi Samantha- I have not tried freezing these. 1) cause I can actually cook something and 2) because sweet potato fries are makable! I can eat my weight in sweet potato fries! That’s not a stupid question at all, but I’d probably take a pass on using sweet potato starch. I’ve sent a note asking the company who runs ads on my site to try to help me suss out what that means. I eat sweet potatoes every time they are on a menu and raise my own. (And I’m glad I helped you impress her. For a decade I have been making SP oven fries that at least managed to maintain their bodily integrity but lacked the crispness of Irish potato oven fries…and I came across this recipe as I wanted to attain that elusive quality without deep frying. Required fields are marked *, Notify me of follow-up comments via e-mail, I love how specific you are about these instructions. Now, I have what some will likely consider a stupid question. I used all your tips and mine look just like your picture, plus they’re delicious!!! On a side note: I also love making sweet potato chips (baked) and have a whole other set of difficulties there. Third batch… I omitted the cajun seasoning and instead, added garlic powder, chili powder, sweet paprika and for a bit of spice, some black pepper and cayenne pepper. But just to give you some reader feedback: I will try this recipe based on the overthetop reviews and the absence of sugar . I imagine arrowroot starch and high heat coconut oil would work well, but I haven’t tried them. Any reasons why not to use these items? Googling “brown rice starch” didn’t even help me. I did not have heavy duty foil so I used parchment. Heat up the oil to 375°F. If your fries are soggy and you’ve followed all of my advice, you may have a smaller oven than the one I tested my fries in and may have to bake them one tray at a time.