Parries with hornet ring are delicious in this greatsword, and try to get away from the l1 after that. 1st L1 combos into R2. VitaVitaAR. I read somewhere that the Farron Great sword does a lot more damage when fully upgraded and at 40 strength but I personally think the Wolf Greatsword has the better move set. Scaling quality is from highest to lowest as follows: S/A/B/C/D/E.The higher the player's [Str, Dex, Mag, Fire, Light] stat, the higher the [Attack Bonus: Stat] is (found on the player status screen). It's just you have more control using other greatweapons since you don't break dance all over the place. The Farron Greatsword and the parrying dagger that goes with it. Damage is competitive with most quality weapons but with less stat investment, and bleed is really good in pve. It's a great backup for when the Gottards and Drang Hammers can't cut it. Since it doesn't require FP to be used, it can be handy for low level builds without any investment on Attunement. I love to smack them out of their little L1 spam with hyper armor. Contributions to Fextralife Wikis are licensed under a, Farron Greatsword moveset and explaination. // hide #back-top first // $( The Black Knight Sword is another good sword to have at mid-level as it is good for stun-locking weak armored and low poise enemies. It's also good because the decay of the buff for ultra class weapons is really generous, about 10 seconds. I was a real helicopter man that day. why does this weapon stagger so much in pvp? Profaned Lothric Spearman. Please leave a like, subscribe if you enjoyed the video. Discuss the latest Dark Souls Title! <3. Just won a fight where the dude just couldn't stop parry spamming. It combines a Greatsword and a dagger and has a rather unique and pleasing move set as well. At high SL, weapons like the Frayed Blade really start to shine once you're able to dump some excess points into Luck. UGS in general aren't great for PVE. The Farron Greatsword is a unique two-piece weapon that caters towards quality builds leaning towards Dexterity. And the Greatsword isn't really that great, so that speaks volumes for the Farron. And how viable is the SSS? The higher the scaling letter, the higher the percent multiplier applied to the [Attack: Stat].This resulting bonus damage is added to the base physical damage of the weapon and is shown in the equipment screen in blue numbers as a "+ X". Farron Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. Right now the choiceof Ashen Estus over (healing) Estus is not complementing magic-play even in PvE. farron is ez weapon for spacing I tried it, you can out space almost anyone, it like washing pool running R1 but more for spacing, and try to hit them with the dagger it punish anyone who tries to parry after attack(sometimes it will stagger them)and it good if hitting multi-enemy. Side questions: Is Lightning Arrow still good or was the nerf too hard (mostly for PvE, but I'd like to know PvP viability too)? Also I like that its not overpowered by any means and there's a big difference between a good Farron GS user and a bad one. The dagger is utilized as a wedge in the left hand while the greatsword is held in the right, a unique technique that was synonymous with the Undead Legion. When you use the L1 don't go for the 3rd attack (overhead jump) because it can be parried, and it's not hard. Dec 10, 2017 @ 9:37am imo you will use the R1 more then the L1 in PvE. Has an A scaling in DEX when fully upgraded which is unusual for an Ultra Greatsword. Fextralife forums | RPGs, Elden Ring, Nioh, Sekiro, Dark Souls, Dark Souls 3, Bloodborne, and more Greatsword used for a lifetime by a masked knight. at this point the weapon does not perform at it's best.Weight: How much the item weights when equipped. profaned greatsword any good pve. The dagger is utilized as a wedge in the left hand while the greatsword is held in the right, a unique technique that was synonymous with the Undead Legion. This is easily my favorite weapon for PvE and PVP, simply for the L1 spam that confuses enemy AI most of the time, and absolutely wrecks in PVP against players who haven't learned how to parry properly, or who rely on turtling. Farron has 100 ar less on a quality build vs the best UGS (a Heavy Greatsword at 670 ar two handed) . I really like how it and the Undead Legion Set look like and i've been thinking of making a build around them but i've heard that Farron Greatsword has really bad AR by UGS standards (especially in the endgame) and its unique moveset deals even less damage than its standard attacks. Greatsword of the Abyss watchers which is atypically paired with a dagger. Farron Greatsword. When an items durability is low, a message will come up saying "Weapon At Risk!" If you wish to post videos, please click the link and apply in the thread), Parameter Bonus: Strength, Dexterity,Magic, Fire, Lightning and Dark bonuses - The scaling multiplier applied to the [Attack: stat]. Of course the biggest weakness is that it can be parried, so dont swing it mindlessly guys.If there's anything i would change, I'd like riposte animation to look just like the one from the Abyss Watchers cutscene. 1 . Ya'll might want to check the Farron GS wiki where it says he's an abyssal boss and the weapon does extra damage.... Just found it funny how ya'll say you don't know where that comes from but in this same wiki ya'll say he's abyssal, player: SPinni Boy Time!Me with a UGS : Bonk. Farron Greatsword is a Weapon in Dark Souls 3. ninjaArbiter117 - 4 years ago 2 0. I can't speak for the Farron Greatsword though, as I'm still on my first play-through. The Great Club is a giant club capable … Confounds foes the manner of wolves hunting prey. If you use manual aim with the L1 you can avoid the parry. 7 PVP: Astora Greatsword. Slap on power within or carthus beacon and you can get a max buff of +40% of your physical AR. EDIT: Farron GS is meh for PVE. Counter with BKGS or any long range overhead smash to **** up their day. Too easy to dodge and doesnt do enough damage in 1v1, in groups this thing is great for causing a ruckus and splitting up the other team's cooperation but I regularly own people who use this. A really fun PVE build i found for this weapon was on my quality dual wield build, one L1 triggers the buffs of the Old Wolf Curved Sword+Pontiff Right eye if all the hits connect, which helps offset its initially mediocre AR. I love this weapon, it has a creative move set, does a ton of damage, staggers, looks insane, and very useful for people who have a ton of dexterity, and can parry. Unique moveset, high stagger/hyperarmor, good scaling. Greatsword moveset which is faster. Size isn't the Black Blade's strong suit, having the shortest Katana range in Dark Souls … (If your name is not on THIS list, please do not post videos here. Stability: How well the player keeps stance after being hitAttack Type: Defines what kind of swing set the weapon has: Regular(R), Thrust(T), Slash(Sl), Strike(St). There's rollcatch potential there but I haven't been using it long enough. The farron greatsword is ironically not compatible with the legion etiquette emote, meaning the dagger will disappear when it is performed. Obsessed. "is the farron greatsword good in pve?" Both the dagger and the greatsword can be parried. I used for a whole NG+ playthrough. And how good is it in PvP? Pkcs is sht compared to this. You can duck under most attacks with the L1, and the attacks that can hit are usually misses due to the speed and turning curves. I got 18 Vitality on my build. You can chain R1 and L1 attacks. Skill: ParryDeflect an attack when timed properly and follow up with a critical hit, executed with the dagger. Would you consider the Farron Greatsword to be good for PvE now after the buff? Neither sword can be buffed, but both are viable weapons (as is just about everything when it comes to PVE). Greatsword of the Abyss watchers which is atypically paired with a dagger.The dagger is utilized as a wedge in the left hand while the greatsword is held in the right, a unique technique that was synonymous with the Undead Legion. Farron Greatsword. Right after players have cut down their first Lord of Cinder, the Abyss Watchers, … Press J to jump to the feed. I know it was always viable but how good is it now, especially on a quality build? The sword has two variants - One-handed and two-handed. I still need to test as well, but from what I can see it's always been exceptional for pve. Adds about 80 fire damage to the weapon for 45 seconds. My mind always wanders back to this gem of a weapon. Sorry for the many questions people but I can't play for a couple of days as I'm on vacation, so there's no way to test these things for myself. Black Blade. This thing has saved me on Dragonslayer Armour more times than I'd like to admit. alright is it just me who thinks the spinny l1 attack should be the weapon art rather than a parry, that way I think it would be a cool weapon since the move would be balanced by the FP cost but as is this is the only weapon in the entire series which I genuinely despise. Mixing in the occasional R1 attack helps shake things up to confuse players.It being parryable during the L1 is a downside, but I personally use the Crow Talons with a Simple infusion simply to use its Weapon Art to punish parry-happy players.While not being a perfect combo, it's definitely been the best loadout I've had in this game. Confounds foes in the manner of wolves hunting prey. Great Club. How to get: Dropped by Lothric Knights found in the High Wall of Lothric, the … Home » Uncategorized » profaned greatsword any good pve. The moveset when dual wielding has attacks similar to the. Both variants are in the same size, same reach, same base damage, and same attack speed, all of this is to keep the original style of the duo from Dark Souls. From adopted boss design from BB in DS3, so damage windows tend to be fairly punishing in DS3 (play DS1 again and you'll see what I mean). Does 20% bonus damage against Abyssal foes. Sometimes you get lucky and can complete an L1 combo because of the unique hitboxes, but if the boss you're fighting really likes attacks with a vertical hitbox, you can only get away with one L1. LOVE IT. Coupled with Knight Slayer's Ring it eats up stamina pretty well, and the low-to-the-ground moveset lets you get UNDER attacks which is really awesome and makes you feel super-cool. farron greatsword vs hollowslayer On January 16, 2021, Posted by , In Uncategorized, With Comments Off on farron greatsword vs hollowslayer, Posted by , In Uncategorized, With Comments Off on farron greatsword vs hollowslayer A community dedicated to everything about Dark Souls 3. TL;DR: The best UGS aren't great in PVE, so Farron isn't really good in PVE either. Durability: The weapon's HP, when the durability hits 0, the effectiveness of its attacks become weakened to the point of almost uselessness. it has the coolest moveset of all the greatsword but be careful with using R1 on boss because it has a long animation. It is one of the lightest weapons in the ultra greatsword category, and its attacks consume very little stamina for its class. It's just you have more control using other greatweapons since you don't break dance all over the place. User Info: earvcunanan. Its attacks can deal solid damage, making it a powerful weapon … A true quality weapon, the Profaned Greatsword is a well-balanced ultra greatsword with a versatile moveset and devastating power attacks. : attacks can still be parried, attacks will still be deflected by shields, no bonus AR from STR, etc.). Ultra Greatswords are some of the heaviest weapons in Dark Souls 3, requiring a large amount of Strength to wield. It's huge amounts of fun to use in PVE and PVP both! Lothric Knight Sword. Lore Greatsword of the Abyss Watchers which is atypically paired with an unusual dagger. It's still a bad weapon in both pve and pvp and only good against lagging coopers/gankers. And Abyss Watchers is by far my favorite boss in the series. But it's really good for weak crowded mobs eg: steps to Lorian and Lothric. Best PVE weapons/builds are dex based imo. Claymore, Gael's, Black knight sword. EDIT: Farron GS is meh for PVE. Quality is also the best damage you can get, although the difference isn't too great. Dexterity is not even required to use this weapon. Lightning arrow is really good for PvE (damage to fp ratio is pretty good). Has an unused Weapon Skill in which the wielder poses a stance and thrust similar to the. For example: If you do two R1 attacks and then an L1 attack, you'll do the third L1 attack. So that renders the one good thing about the weapon moot. Confounds foes the manner of wolves hunting prey. The weaponart double sweep is not that useful in PVE due to poor range and slow startup, more useful in PVP for predictive rollcatching folks who roll towards you. Regardless of being wielded by either "one-hand" or "two-hands (with off-hand dagger)," weapon attacks will be treated as being "one-handed" along with any of the associated properties of "one-handedness" (i.e. The parry is about the same as a regular small shield, but still quick. The base damage on the sword is 30. It gets a lot of flak but it really is a very good weapon. The L1/LB attack is not affected by the weight value. P.S. Is quality the most ideal or is 60 Dex better ? So the only thing it has going for it is the L1s. January 19, 2021 in Uncategorized by in Uncategorized by It doesn't does as much damage as other UGS and it's 3rd L1 attack is very easy to parry!Me: hahaha farron greatsword goes spin. definitely may favorite weapon in any dark souls game, deja vu I've just been in this place beforeHigher on the streetAnd I know it's my time to go. User Info: ninjaArbiter117. So fun to use, awesome combos ability, I know people prefer other parrying tools but I never landed that many parries in my life with anything else (im definity not good with parries overall) - ppl are more predictable against UGS cause they think you're slow and always out of stamina after 3 swings. Invader: noooo you can't just use Farron Greatsword!! With Perseverance the player’s poise can be boosted to … It's also a sword with decent reach and speed, and among the other Black Knight weapons, it is merciful to the stamina bar. I'm aware, but subp's comment was a pvp based statement. I used for a whole NG+ playthrough. The Farron Greatsword is an Ultra Greatsword especially good for quality builds. It wasn't ever, nor is it now, exceptional in PVP. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. For instance, I feel the Uchigatana or any melee weapon has more viability in most situations - atleast early game - than seeing an FP bar going down so fast inexchange of such less damage.Magic is a luxury right now not bread-n-butter for mages. My Lothric Knight Greatsword begs to differ, New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. The description of the Hollowslayer Greatsword suggests a connection to a major character from Dark Souls II. Home » Uncategorized » profaned greatsword any good pve.