In all other scenes, he has five fingers on each hand. When Old Man McGucket chases Soos (in Waddles's body), the puddle of mud in which Soos was playing disappears. The pirate ship is between the Dutch hole and the Castle. When Blendin's "position is compromised" after he fails to hide, his watch switches from his left hand to his right hand. The cereal box that Dipper (in Mabel's body) pours over himself is not present until he picks it up. The lights on the wall travel much slower than Soos is rotating. There are some colored lights hanging around the Mystery Shack in a shot behind Soos when he starts approaching the twins with the zombies. Ford is wearing his regular outfit colored black rather than his portal clothes from the scene immediately beforehand. The Eiffel Tower model that Candy breaks in the beginning of the episode is seen unbroken in the last few scenes of the episode. Gravity Falls - Weirdmageddon Theme Song - Speed and Slow. I originally wrote this story the other way around, before AToTS, so there may be some mistakes, as I have altered each chapter since then. When Candy tells Mabel and Grenda that she likes Dipper, the hair below her neck is missing for a shot. (WW84) SWEETZ. The tattoos on the bouncer's arms disappear as he grabs Mabel. Throughout the series, the Dinosaur Skull's (Probably a Tyrannosaurus skull) Fenestra (Hole in front of the eye hole) keeps changing shape along with its location on the skull. In fact, most films have at least a couple of minor discrepancies — and artistic license means filmmakers can get away with bending the truth at least a little in the name of entertainment. A small plot hole in Dreamscaperers. ", his mouth disappears for a split second. When Stan crosses off states he's been banned from, New Jersey isn't crossed off, despite it being the first state he was banned in. Candy's mouth vanishes when Dipper comes downstairs. Physicists are still seeking a full, consistent Bill Cipher is truly the most villainess in all of Gravity Falls. In addition, Mabel says "Now we have two Grunkles for the price of one!" A Real Astronaut Uncovers the Gaping Plot Hole in Gravity. Grenda's mole disappears when she is wearing a jacket and sunglasses as she hands the dealer his jar of butterflies. When Stan staples the turkey head onto the beaver's body, his burn mark is on the left side of his back. The unnamed man in red appears in the mall once in one area and then another place in a fraction of a second. In the next shot, it's gone. Silly string coming out of the side of the can. The episode's basic plot is also more reminiscent of season 1 or 2A, despite being smack dab in the middle of the otherwise continuity-heavy Season 2B. So it makes sense that he would have to wait a little while before using his telekinesis or teleportation again. "Goodbyeeeeee Gravity Falls!" When the clones are reading the plan to Dipper while Wendy is in the bathroom, the writing on number 5's plan disappears for a frame. Before Stan places his fez on the dresser, the fez symbol is not reversed in the reflection. The Warners went first. In the next shot, Grenda is standing behind Dipper and Mabel. When the Love God is holding the anti-love potion, the bottle it's in is much larger than the rest of his bottles, even though the bottles were all the same size when Mabel took the anti-love potion. The picture of McGucket becomes much larger when Dipper places it over the silhouette with the question mark. Blind Ivan has a large section of his forehead labeled "KNOWLEDGE." But after the pause of the break neither are wearing the hats but are standing in the same spot. The statue is not facing toward the name plate. Later, when Soos has the cookies in his room, they are shaped like circles. Just before Stan hugs Dipper and Mabel when they arrive at the Shack, a squiggled line appears on his fez for a frame. When Wendy mounts her bike, the outline around Dipper's right eye is briefly miscolored. Our work investigates the shadow of charged Gauss–Bonnet gravity in d = 5-dimensions without spin for asymptoti-cally AdS and Minkowski spaces. when leaving the dock, his mouth doesn't move. The engine pulling the train does not appear to have a tender, nor is it drawn with a coal bunker to show that it is a tank engine. Stan's fez in the past has the new symbol on it. The shot is facing away from the door, which is on the same side of the building as the attic window. When Wendy grabs Mabel and tells her that TV lied, Mabel's backpack turns blue for a few frames before reverting to its original color. In "Not What He Seems," the left sleeve of Stan's coat is ripped by a tree branch. Bustle. The "HE's GOT ATTI-CUBE!" In the next shot, they are sitting in two separate seats and there is still a free seat to their right. Dipper does not have a golf club with him during the scene where Mabel is practicing the eighteenth hole, but suddenly has one after he notices a noise inside the windmill. Soos wears a blue suit at the beginning of the radio interview scene, but when the telephone rings, he is wearing his normal attire. Robbie has five fingers on his band poster, even though he has four in every other appearance. When Dipper is explaining to Mabel how he asked Wendy to go to the fair with him, he has a question mark corn dog. In the first wide shot outside the theater, the poster for Grandpa the Kid Again is on the far left, next to the one for Horse Dad. In the next shot where Stan tells him not to worry, Dipper is only up to his thoracic cavity in the tub. The force of gravity is 9.8 m/s² at the floor and at the ceiling, so there’s no detectable tidal force, and so no detectable spacetime curvature. But while the universe seemed to be almost ripping apart and Gravity Falls was taken by a tsunami of weirdness, the poor inhabitants of the … When Mabel is apologizing to Pacifica, in one frame, her braces are visible over her mouth when it is closed. all three Warners shouted. A shot of the trick-or-treaters before Mabel and Dipper leave has many errors: When the kids are looking up at the roof of the Mystery Shack after the Summerween Trickster is gone, they are standing in a line with Grenda to the left of the rest of them. In the next shot, it's correct. When the ghost laughs and his beard blazes before he tricks Dipper into releasing him from the silver mirror, his mouth overlaps his nose. By absorbing other stars and merging with other black holes, supermassive black holes of millions of solar masses (M ☉) may form. 8:00. During his appearance at the golf course, the color scheme of the. When is list is shown in a close-up (at 4:20 and at 21:57), step number 1 however reads "Smile". In the next shot, she suddenly has her putter, which she angrily throws down. I mean, that Clooney guy looks just like me! The show is the creation of Alex Hirsch who was born in 1985… Screw you, Alex Hirsch. When Gideon runs away, the jar is in the doorway. How to Write a Sitcom. The bottle with the anti-love potion is much larger than the other bottles. When Stan is sewing the rainbow wig onto the taxidermy gorilla, the can of Pitt cola is gray. When Mabel is holding the Questiony the Question Mark costume, it is pointed like a normal question mark. After the weirdness wave causes Gompers to grow into a giant, the hammer is gone. For example, the windmill and the pirate ship are close together, but in the map they are widely separated. In the following shots, she is. When McGucket spots the tube with his memories, the label is on the side facing towards him. The picture of Robbie as a little kid is different from how he was shown in "Blendin's Game.". I guess. Stanley is Fez Stan. Showing one item. When Stan said "What did you say to me? We about the difficulties in the Black family, how Snape became a bully, how James grew out of bullying and so much more. When Mabel says: "Love is all around us" before the squirrels attack her, one of her fingers is not outlined. This isn't really what I'd consider terrible important, but the episode did have a something of a plot hole in the time travel mechanics. "Alright," said Stan, "one toon at a time!" Mystery Cart originally is directly in gnomes' path. Lazy Susan's purse strap turns from purple to yellow when she sees the gnomes taking her pie. She was the woman who placed a curse on Stanley Yelnats' family because Stanley's great-great grandfather Elyadid not fulfill his end of the bargain with her. Several darts are impaled in Toby's arms, but when he falls over, the darts on his arms are gone, and he only has darts on his head. When Mabel tells Dipper that he doesn't need the journal, there is a suitcase on her bed. In Stan's mindscape, the tapestry for The Royal Order of the Holy Mackerel is miscolored. In the shot where Dipper and Mabel are backing away from the zombies, the flower in Mabel's hair disappears, then reappears in the next scene. Thompson's name is misspelled as "Thomson" on the "See you next summer" note. When Stan rushes to close the door against the Eye-Bat, his sash reads "CHIFE" for a moment. When Stan and Dipper are in the hot tub, Stan opens a can of Pitt Cola and Dipper's hands are empty. Blendin is lying next to the glass; Blendin is wearing his goggles after Bill took them off. poster in the door of Soos' room shows a prominent COOLCUBE logo in the upper right corner. However. It was scrapped after I decided to go with the original plot I had thought up before all these ideas came into play. Scattered next to it are a flashlight, a pen, and a small notebook. Robbie has brown hair and a smaller nose in this episode. Yes No | Share this. The light reflections rotate in the opposite direction Soos is spinning. "Gravity" is the most realistic space movie ever. When Dipper starts to play the record of Robbie's song backward, the speed on the record player is around 6.5. For a split second, when Dipper (in Mabel's body) is screaming while looking at the mirror, one of his eyebrows disappears. Well at least Gravity Falls is ending on a good note. Left: Hectorgon's gold aura in "Weirdmageddon Part 1" Right: Hectorgon without aura in this episode. Also, Robbie's nose is the same color as the rest of his face in one shot. In my opinion, it is the best and most well-plotted Disney cartoon (or, in this case, Disney XD). 3:40. Which those 2 games have plot holes and was left up for the player/viewer to speculate. When Rumble picks up a pipe, they are suddenly back in front of the barber shop. When Dipper, Mabel and Pacifica have escaped the Lilliputtians and the golf cart collapses outside of the golf course, one of its wings is undamaged. When Dipper is running towards Pacifica to tell her about Quentin Trembley, Mabel's headband disappears. When Dipper puts his arm on the copier, it was just his arm with nothing on it. When Tambry sits down in the booth at the diner, she puts her purse on the ground next to her, but in the next shot, it is gone. When the shot changes to the other side of her, it is facing the same direction, even though it should be reversed. When Bill orders his Henchmaniacs to attack the Shacktron. During the scene where Bill shows Mabel and Soos their nightmares, Mabel's skin alternates between green and normal-colored after Bill blasts. When Dipper and Mabel run across Gideon's neck, Mabel's headband is missing. In the scene in the attic where Bill offers to unlock the laptop, the password bar on the laptop disappears for a shot, then reappears in the next shot. in fact, this is my favorite episode of the show! "See ya!" But after the shot of Soos joining in, Waddles is sitting on the couch. Wendy's right-hand glove disappears for one shot. SWEETZ. When Mabel is riding the Ferris wheel with Waddles, the ticket booth in front of the Ferris wheel is facing to the right. When Sheriff Blubs is eating pancakes, he appears to be almost done. When he grabs it, the label is on the opposite side of the tube. Wonder Woman 1984 Pitch Meeting. When he turns back to normal, his bow tie is untied again. In the next shot, it is white. Missing braces in this and the next picture. The glitter on the pizza Mabel offers Dipper disappears in the following shot. This is despite him stating in Weirdmageddon Part 1 that their allergies act up at the same time. It’s incredible and the pages even include the hidden blacklight codes that the show has. The correct grammar is "Between him and I". Moments later, Pacifica emerges from the bathroom. It reappears in the next shot. When the girls begin battling the unicorns, Mabel's braces are missing. Soos' shirt turns pink for a shot after Wendy says that Stan is unfixable. ", her nightshirt changes from magenta to pink as seen on her normal outfit. And it would not be felt at all at the center. ... im in love with bipper and a few little plot holes. The time is ten minutes and five seconds again, despite time having passed. In the shot where Mabel is entering "SUMMER ROMANCE" into the memory gun, her hand is not turning the dial. Before I Get Into This, This Is Gonna Contain Some Spoilers For The Show So If You Havent Seen Gravity Falls I Highly Recomend It, It Was One Of The Greatest Shows On Telivistion. Dipper and Mabel are back in Gravity Falls in 13 years and see their two uncles and there's another threat to gravity falls! In the memory of Stan that Dipper enters, when he first enters it Soos' T-shirt is the same color as his skin. In the exterior shot of the Mystery Shack before Mabel shows Dipper her makeover, the sign on the Mystery Shack's roof says "World Papov" instead of "World Famous. Si Gravity Falls fuera anime ... WONDER WOMAN 1984 BREAKDOWN! When Dipper first lies down outside, his pillow is about a meter from the totem pole. Gravity Falls is an American animated mystery comedy television series created by Alex Hirsch for Disney Channel and Disney XD. When Mabel says "This is going to blow someone's mind," the pine tree on Dipper's hat is outlined in black. When Dipper reads the black light messages in the portal's pages in the journals, he says "I was deceived, and now it is too late." When Gideon sings to Mabel during his performance, Mabel is missing all but one tooth for a shot. Gravity Falls is full of secrets. Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. Then there's the episode's plot holes, suddenly very unsympathetic cast, and Broken Aesop. At the end of the episode, Dipper and Mabel are sitting in the middle of the log, but when Soos sits down, they are suddenly on the far right of the log. The way the space station and space shuttles are attached, it would be impossible for gravity to be felt on all normal walking surfaces. Wakko took out one of the plot holes from his Gag Bag. It depends on how you define “dark.” Gravity Falls is a cartoon based on the dream life of Alex Hirsch’s childhood. When Dipper and Mabel rally the refugees, Toby is both in the crowd standing and lying down on the couch. The series ran from June 15, 2012, to February 15, 2016. In the shot where Waddles starts the Smarticle Accelerator, Dipper's pose changes from standing straight to having his hands in his pockets without any animation. SWEETZ. Shadow in case of Gauss–Bonnet gravity has been stud-ied in [22,23] considering spin and in higher dimensions. But during a full shot of the portal room at the beginning of this episode, the lever is seen facing the right. Let Me Know If You Think Of Any More Plot Holes. When Dipper and Ford are talking after Dipper tries to erase Bill out of Ford's mind, Ford only has five fingers on his left hand when he tells Dipper that he would have done great were Bill really there. While at Dipper and Mabel's birthday party, Toby wears his "Bodacious T" outfit. It only reappears after Ford questions him about who knows about the portal. It follows the adventures of two twins named Mabel and Dipper Pines, who are sent on their summer vacation to live with their Great Uncle Stan Pines in the mysterious town of Gravity Falls, Oregon. With Kristen Schaal, Jason Ritter, Alex Hirsch, Coolio. But when someone sabotages it, it's up to her and Dipper to solve the case. In the first shot of the Mystery Shack after it has been pranked, one of the grafittis of "You Stink" is in neon green, but in a later shot, it is brown. "Old Man" McGucket's Conspiracy Corner Marathon, 8:00. After Gompers eats out a part of the prison, the pictures on Gideon's finger painting are in different positions than before, and the word "Love" is no longer present. When Dipper asks Mabel if Blendin's explanation is making any sense to her, his hat is a noticeably different shade of blue. The tall bald man has a camera bag around his shoulder. gravity falls decoded! However, after the flashback to Wendy saying she'll go to the fair, the corn dog is gone. Candy drips cheese onto the pastries, but later, when she is talking to Mabel, there is no trail of cheese near the fountain or on the pastries. His right eye-pupil also changes from position which causes him to look squint. When the Pines are admiring the fireworks Mabel set off, the cooler disappears for a few frames. When Wax Sherlock Holmes decapitates Wax Stan and he looks at the head, the design on the fez is a simple crescent, rather than the actual design. In the next shot, the speed has changed to 45. Gravity Falls (2012–2016) Goofs. In the shot where Dipper says he doesn't know why he tells Mabel things, his nose isn't properly colored. Nate's mouth disappears for a frame after he hears about Tambry dating Robbie. Toby is both by the kids and lying on the couch. Stan activated the Universe portal in "Gideon Rises" by pushing the lever in front of it to the left. Gravity Falls Bottomless Pit Movie You Didn't Notice - YouTube In Season 4, Castiel had made it clear that angels had returned to Earth after millennia, a point reiterated by how clueless angels were of humans. said Wendy, giving Yakko a high five. Check out all our galleries from HD screenshots to beautiful concept art. However, the hat was in the car and was never on the ground. When Wendy reunites with her family, two of her younger brothers have the appearance of two other background kids seen in previous episodes. "Ladies and gentlemen," said Yakko, "it's the end of the world as we know it. Also, the railing is not reflected. During the entire climax sequence in the underground portal room, the door from the lab to the portal changes between open and closed multiple times. Notice how he's opaque instead of transparent in this episode. RICK AND MORTY has remained a standalone series until now, but some fans have speculated how an easter egg could set up a crossover with another popular animated series. But on this one occasion I guess it turned into a "time leap" device which only made their memories travel back in time. In the images of Blendin chasing the twins on a giant clock and of the wheel barrow race, Mabel is missing her braces. When Dipper drops his spray deodorant, the appearance of the can changes to that of the silly string can. After singing "Taking Over Midnight," Stan's fez appears while yelling "Deal with it, zombie idiots!" Tad Strange is a weekly Gravity Falls podcast dissecting each and every episode of one of the greatest animated shows of our generation. ... Easter Eggs & Plot Holes Explained! The open and closed sign changes from open to closed many times in different scenes. The whole Weirdmageddon plot arc is hilarious, full of suspense and action, and serves as the perfect way to end the show. When Dipper first hears noise coming from inside the windmill, the wood covering has a design on it. One of kids near the front of the line is missing his arms. When Pacifica's parents tells her to "touch the hillbilly," Robbie is seen behind them, even though he should be in his section in the Zodiac. When the robot is turned, it appears to have only one leg and foot, though it has been shown to have 2 of each when facing left. When Stan mocks Dipper's concern about a curse, the stalls in the background change. The wax figures say they come alive during a waxing moon, but the moon shown during the fight between Dipper and Wax Sherlock Holmes is waning. I mean, that Clooney guy looks just like me! Thompson parks the minivan outside the fence when they arrive, but when Pa opens the doors, the minivan is inside the fence. She put her hand on Yakko's head and ruffled the fur on his head. As everyone enthusiastically rises to go to the golf course, Waddles is sitting on the floor. Katy Perry Jokes She'll Be the Good Cop and Orlando Bloom Will Be the Bad Cop to Their Daughter. When McGucket explains his plan to rescue Ford, Wendy is among the crowd huddled around him. The pine tree on his hat isn't present, but it is on his reflection. When Robbie talks to Wendy in Dipper's final do-over, there is a frame in which his teeth are skin-colored instead of white. it cuts to the TV. Note: There is a difference between a goof (a mistake made by the directors/writers) and intentional gag shots (a mistake made by a character, or a "mistake" made on purpose as a joke or reference). Larry King is much shorter than Sherlock Holmes. Wear this.". When Ford and Bill are talking at the end of Ford's flashback, Ford says, "just call me, a friend". Robbie is missing his pimples and piercings. Bill Cipher captures waddles and hypnotizes him. The karaoke machine changes places, and even disappears, many times when the zombies are starting to attack the shack. Part of Paper Jam Dipper's shoe is missing. When Blendin walks to the barrel ride, the flower in Mabel's hair vanishes. Stan puts on the sash Mabel knitted for him upside down, but once it's on him he's wearing it right side up. When Mabel shows Dipper her makeover, Dipper sets Journal 3 on the chair, but when Soos enters, the book is gone. Grammar, Stanley") Ford's grammar is off, too. Died near the window, chalked at the back of the store. When Dipper is following the instructions "to unleash ultimate power," the moves he says to himself are different from what appears in the instructions. Before I Get Into This, This Is Gonna Contain Some Spoilers For The Show So If You Havent Seen Gravity Falls I Highly Recomend It, It Was One Of The Greatest Shows On Telivistion, Now Lets Get Into This, I Recently Re Watched Gravity Falls And I Noticed Multiple Plot Holes Mainly In Wierd Mageddion Part 3 And The Time Travelers Pig. The series follows the adventures of Dipper Pines (voiced by Jason Ritter) and his twin sister Mabel (voiced by Kristen Schaal) who are sent to spend the summer with their great-uncle (or "Grunkle") Stan (voiced by Hirsch) in Gravity Falls, … In the next shot, the guitar is in front of it. It follows the plot after NWHS. I’m pretty sure that going back or forward in by, for example, 1 minute would erase the past or future version of yourself until you left that timeline. The Zoe Report. At the exact moment when Gideon tells the gnomes to subdue the twins, his right foot is split in two. When Mabel, Candy, and Grenda are heading towards the dressing room, a crate in the foreground is missing a side. The second one isn't actually a plot hole because according to gravity falls time travel logic one person can only exist in one place at a time so when Mabel travelled back she was helping Dipper and nothing else, In TTP Dipper should've been like "Here, Wendy. When Wendy tears off one of her jacket's sleeves, she tears off at least a foot of cloth. When Gompers is at the wedding ceremony, his right horn is broken instead of his left horn. The journals in Gravity Falls play such a huge role in the show that now even fans can purchase one of their own. The date in this episode is shown to be July 13th, Soos' birthday. However, in the final shot before cutting to evening, Toby is wearing his original outfit. When Bill drinks a can of Pitt Soda, the cap is already off before he opens it. In the next shot, Dipper is leaning up against the totem pole without having moved. As she turns to face Pacifica, her upper eyebrow comes down and vanishes into the lower one. When it cuts back to him, he's holding a cane. I apologize in advance if there are any! Robbie's memory tube disappears from the insertion slot in the shot after Dipper puts it in. The deodorant can has changed to the silly string can; a blue container has appeared on the box. After Dipper spills the ice, when the screen goes to top view and the other come to see what's wrong, the ice disappears and reappears after. In the shot of the teens dancing, Tambry is wearing her regular day wear instead of the party outfit shown earlier.