The Iron String is craftable, meaning it's easily within reach if you're playing the game a fair amount, and it'll carry you through most of the challenges you're aiming for. HP Regeneration and healing. Skills: AoE hydro DMG on enemies. Increases DMG against opponents affected by Hydro or Pyro by 20%. Those are the best Genshin Impact builds for each character â weâll be sure to keep our list updated when Genshin Impact new characters arrive. Skills: Fischl inflicts x5 back-to-back strikes with the basic normal attack, electro DMG with the charged ATK. With the charged attack, you can strike a charged bow that inflicts Anemo DMG. Uses tornado/Pyrodano to inflict AoE DMG. Genshin Impact Codes for PC, Android & iOS. Skills: Ningguang’s normal and charged attack inflicts Geo DMG on the enemy. Read the Genshin Impact reroll guide here(PC, Android, iOS). Other skills: Pyro DMG, Recommended Weapon Build: – Favonius Sword(Energy Regen. Read on for Genshin Impact tier list 2021: best teams(January 2021), Click here to see the full image. This website uses cookies to ensure you get the best experience on our websiteGot it! Skills: – rapid strikes to enemies with the sword. HP Regen. So thatâs all we got in this post on Genshin Impact Tier List 2021(January) Global Mobile(Android, iOS)/PC/PS â Best Characters(5-star and 4-star) Guide. Get involved in the conversation by heading over to our Facebook and Instagram pages. Let’s have a look at their tier ratings, builds, and skill info: –, Extras: Genshin Impact Codes for PC, Android & iOS, In this tier, we have listed the characters that do well against the enemies; with the performance that almost matches with the tier 1 characters when equipped with the right weapons and artifacts: –, In this tier, we have put the characters with average to good performance ratings in the battle; with the right weapon and artifact build, you can improve their performance: –, In this tier, the characters with below-average to average performance ratings in the combat are showcased: –, In this tier, we have listed the characters that are bad – not recommended: –. How to get the most out of your Genshin Impact characters. Others: AoE Geo DMG and tackles certain ATKs from enemies by creating a jade screen. Continuous Anemo DMG, Recommended Weapon Build: – The Stringless, Recommended Artifact Build: – Viridescent Venerer(Improves Anemo DMG). This is a page for the weapon Skyward Blade in Genshin Impact. Mark enemies with Talisman effect – the character regenerates HP upon hitting enemies marked with this, Recommended Weapon Build: -Sacrificial Sword, Recommended Artifact Build: – Maiden Beloved, Skills: normal and charged attack unleashes rapid strikes on the enemies. What are the best characters and teams in Genshin Impact mobile/PC/PS4/Switch? OZ form that buffs the user; + movement speed, DMG reduction(received), Recommended Weapon Build: – The Stringless(+Elemental DMG). The tier list features 5-star characters as well as top-tier 4-star characters of Genshin Impact! Diona Build Guide: Best Weapons & Artifacts(Genshin Impact), Skills: with normal and charged attacks, Diluc slashes the enemy. Light and sharp, this weapon may very well kill dragons with ease. Here you'll find everything you need to know about this weapon from its attack power, bonus effects, rarity, and even the best character to use it! Recommended Weapon Build: – Sacrificial Fragments, Recommended Artifact Build: – Viridescent Venerer, Skills: – uses a blade/sword to strike enemies with normal and charged skills. Recommended Artifact Build: – Noblesse Oblige. With charged attack, you can strike nearby enemies. Best Artifacts for Bennett in Genshin Impact. This effect stacks up to 4 times. The easiest weapon to fall back on is the Iron Sting. AoE, Recommended Weapon Build: – Whiteblind(improves base ATK/DEF), Recommended Artifact Build: – Defender’s Will(Improves DEF), Skills: – strikes enemies using the sword. We sometimes include relevant affiliate links in articles from which we earn a small commission. Subscribe to our YouTube Channel – Gaming Soul for new mobile game videos. Anemo DMG(AoE), Recommended Weapon Build: – Iron Sting(Improves DMG), Recommended Artifact: – Viridescent Venerer(Improves Anemo DMG), Skills: – uses the bow to strike enemies and inflict Pyro DMG with normal and charged skills. Swapping your teammates out and using different elements in sequence produces powerful effects, so we recommend using a varied lineup. Staff writer. Best 5 Stars Weapon. A polearm decorated with an entwining golden dragon. ), Recommended Artifact Build: – Resolution of Sojourner. Original article written by Marloes Valentina Stella. Recommended Weapon Build: – Sacrificial Sword, Skills: with normal skill, you can unleash rapid strikes. Your artifacts should always complement the elemental abilities of the users that equip them - naturally - and Bennett's Pyro abilities only have one set which works best for them, and that's the Crimson Witch of Flames artifact set, comprised of the following items. Recommended Artifact Build – M. Artist(+ Normal and Charged ATK). Genshin Impact - Best Build For Keqing. For more information, click here. Here are the best Genshin Impact builds for each character: The best Genshin Impact builds for each character: The best Genshin Impact Zhongli build is: The best Genshin Impact Ningguang build is: The best Genshin Impact Tartaglia (Childe) build is: The best Genshin Impact Xiangling build is: The best Genshin Impact Barbara build is: The best Genshin Impact Sucrose build is: The best Genshin Impact Chongyun build is: The best Genshin Impact Bennett build is: The best Genshin Impact Xingqiu build is: The best Genshin Impact Traveler build is: Those are the best Genshin Impact builds for each character – we’ll be sure to keep our list updated when Genshin Impact new characters arrive. Summons x3 spirit blades that descend and explode to cause massive DMG. Strikes enemies with the charged attack. Genshin Impact characters are obtainable through banners, which give you a chance to pull various characters and weapons through Wishes. This tier list and best team list was last updated in 2021. Original article written by ⦠Submit Here. Cyro DMG to surrounding enemies. Taunt enemies. Jen Rothery
Others: create a shield to absorb DMG. Skills: rapid strikes on enemies with the normal attack. Others: – Cryo DMG to enemies, Recommended Weapon Build: – The Alley Flash. Other skills: summons a Wind Domain to unleash AoE DMG. The version 1.1 update will be released this November 11, 2020. Other skills – AoE Cryo DMG on enemies. Some characters are more powerful than others – as our Genshin Impact tier list will attest – but no matter who you pull, we’re here to help you get the best performance out of them. In order to buff your characters, you need to equip them with Genshin Impact artifacts and Genshin Impact weapons. For More Updates, Game News, Game Guides, New Game Releases, And ALERTS – Like Us On Facebook – Gaming Soul, Follow Us On Twitter – Gaming Soul. Other skills: – AoE Elector DMG. This article showcases the Genshin Impact tier list in five major tier ranks: OP/Best tier(Tier 1), Good tier(Tier 2), Average tier(Tier 3), Below Average tier(Tier 4), and Trash tier(Tier 5). Can only occur once every 1s. Skills: – uses the spear to unleash back-to-back strikes with the normal attack. 4 star: It's either Prototype Rancour or Iron Sting. This tier list and best team list was last updated in 2021. A greatsword carved and chiseled from the very bedrock of Liyue. You can also upgrade your character’s Constellations, but this requires obtaining a duplicate of that character from a Wish. Some characters are best suited to damage, while others perform better in a support role – depending on the build you choose, you can capitalise on different aspects of their toolkit to help them serve your team better. Check Out – Best mobile games. For every character in the party who hails from Liyue, the character who equips this weapon gains a 7% ATK increase and a 3% CRIT Rate increase. Recommended Artifact: – Gladiator’s Finale, Skills: – rapid attacks, Anemo DMG, reduces allies’ falling DMG(passive), Recommended Weapon Build: – Primordial Jade Winged-Spear, Recommended Artifact Build: – Gladiator’s Finale. Check out information for all the available pickaxes / harvesting tools, Including their rarities and prices in V-Bucks. White Iron Chunks are generally found inside mines and near mountainous terrain. Network N earns commission from qualifying purchases via Amazon Associates and other programs. So that’s all we got in this post on Genshin Impact Tier List 2021(January) Global Mobile(Android, iOS)/PC/PS – Best Characters(5-star and 4-star) Guide. ... Best Character in Genshin Impact Tier List [Version 1.3] Battle Pass . Here is the complete list of Fortnite's Pickaxe Skins! Updates: New characters Zhongli, Childe, Diona, Ganyu, and Xinyan will be added later. Max 2 stacks. Girls X Battle 2 Tier List 2021: Best Girls In The Game!