The deck still sees play today in the Legacy format. Storm Vintage. The reason is due to the fact that being a permanent whose able to draw cards by spending life. Whats your budget? Storm Legacy. The deck included a lot of one-ofs, and some two-ofs, in order to search and grab the best card for the situation. Take-away messages from this deck are to trim down to 60 cards and to avoid playing bad cards. There was no card combination or strategy whatsoever that would consistently beat this deck and that is why its legacy lived for so long. Creatures have gotten better. [[Necropotence]] was a monster back in the day, of course, but that was a different time. The Deck in Contemporary Old School. Aggro decks are actually a threat now. I don’t see how Loconto’s deck beats one of the best card drawing engines of all time. Necropotence: Skip your draw step. Magic The Gathering, magic cards, singles, decks, card lists, deck ideas, wizard of the coast, all of the cards you need at great prices are available at Cardkingdom. But I played against Necropotence during the Black Summer days and it wasn’t a combo deck. Pay 1 life: Exile the top card of your library face down. Legacy is a unique context. Whenever you discard a card, exile that card from your graveyard. Storm Modern. Eternal formats feature inherently powerful cards and huge card pools to build from. Context is key. Put that card into your hand at the beginning of your next end step. … My biggest question is why unmask over thoughtseize. Lauerpotence. Although The Deck is a source of endless fascination and a topic of bottomless insights, perhaps the most remarkable aspect of this story is the continuity of concepts and design principles from 1994 to 2006, likely the longest period for any single deck by any single player in the history of the game. More critically, Dark Ritual is gone. This deck looks awesome! Oh, and by the way, if [ccProd]Dark Ritual[/ccProd] and [ccProd]Necropotence[/ccProd] are legal, you should probably play it, too. Tricks Just when we thought we had seen the best deck in Extended in Thopter Depths, in came tricks with powerful draw engines like Necropotence and Demonic Consultation. Legacy decks may consist of cards from all Magic card sets, any edition of the core set, and all special sets, supplements, and promotional printings released by Wizards of the Coast. Storm Pauper. So, imagine you've been transported to an alternate universe where Origins contained a Necropotence reprint (presumably with Liliana art). Necropotence hasn't seen serious pro play/theory crafting in ~ 13 years, and IMO the meta is fast enough nowadays such that unbanning Necro is at least no longer completely ludicrous, what with Flying Bargains (Gristelbrand) and Faux-Ancestrals (Treasure Cruise) in Legacy. If you can swing them Liliana of the veil with necropotence looks amazing because you can +1 pior to getting your cards for the turn, and with such an amazing card advantage engine you'll usually have something to discard. A best deck can have negative effects on a format but it can also have positive ones as well. Necropotence is a card that appears multiple times on this list.