A meat chicken will always have more succulent meat than a pheasant. The chicken clearly rules the roost of American egg production. However, 1 1/4 guinea eggs, while weighing the same as 1 chicken egg, has 3 times the protein. Benefits of Quail Eggs vs. Chicken Eggs. Here are some of the benefits of chicken eggs and quail eggs, backed by science. The other tricky part about pheasants is they will cover their eggs. The taste is slightly gamier than a chicken egg and is usually an acquired taste for people who are used to chicken eggs. We eat it for breakfast, we eat it for dinner, we use the whites to froth up cocktails, we use them to make baked goods. The first pheasants were brought here from Great Britain in the late 1800's and shipments of eggs continued to be brought here into the early 1900's. It’s time to get adventurous with eggs. The tricky thing about pheasants is that their eggs aren’t white and they are smaller than chicken eggs so sometimes you won’t see them right away. See any difference? Let's take a close look at a duck, chicken and quail egg. I can split my Pheasant & Chukar eggs into 4 pick up dates of my choice per species. Carefully crack open the pheasant eggs and put them on top. This collection of genius egg gadgets are the most popular must-haves for egg lovers In order to get good pricing per species each I will end up with 55-60 eggs each time, thats why I was wondering if the Chukar eggs will fit in the small egg rack. A chicken bred for egg-laying will out-lay a pheasant without a problem. As you can see, while you need 5 1/2 quail eggs to equal 1 chicken egg, they are identical in protein content. Our hens laid 95.2 billion eggs in 2013, according to government figures.And we'll be awash in … I sometimes mistake a pheasant egg laid out in the open of our outdoor run as a rock. Land fowl, namely chickens, quails and pheasants, are all closely related - but that is where the similarity ends.When it comes to size, color, plumage, diet and habitat, each of these birds differs from the other. Pheasant eggs are slightly larger than a chicken egg but not as rich as a chicken egg. Thus pheasant hunting became popular. Put the dish into the oven and … By the 1920's pheasant populations were able to sustain hunting. I would like to hear from experienced people the pros and cons of keeping pheasants for meat or chickens for meat. Since chicken eggs and quail eggs contain about the same amount of nutrients, both of them have pretty much the same benefits. The chicken egg is everything. Grate a layer of parmesan on top of the pheasant eggs. Now it makes a little more sense. I heard chicken is better but in what way? It was soon discovered that pheasants thrived here. Do they taste different? I also have some questions like, is the pheasant meat tastier than chicken or does it taste like.. chicken?