Rare Dankness est une banque de graines de cannabis d'Espagne. Although the exact indica to sativa ratio is not known, the THC level of this bud has been measured as high as 24%. Facebook. Distributeur grossiste de Rare Dankness. Aucun autre cannabis fleurissant en juste 8-9 semaines ne semble pouvoir égaler sa puissance assommante sans... Tangie Ghost Train par Little Chief Collabs est un hybride à dominante sativa féminisé créé pour être une variété sativa haut de gamme. I just loved the Venom OG. Maintenant disponible sous forme de graines régulières chez Alchimia. by Matt on Strainly 12 * Newest Products. Exotic taste is strongest on the exhale. The Star Killer by Rare Dankness is an indica dominant hybrid that was created by crossing Rare Dankness #2 and Skywalker OG. Add to Cart. Rare Darkness is an indica dominant hybrid strain created as a cross between the cult favorite Rare Dankness #1 X Grape Ape strains. Page. Be the first to review “Buford OG Regular Cannabis Seeds by Rare Dankness” Cancel reply. Ces fleurs gonflent tellement que le novice paniquera et souhaitera les récolter au 50e jour. 12 * Rare Dankness Somali Ghost Train Haze Regular Seeds $ 90.00 Select options $ 90.00. Both are well renowed award winners that have spawned some of the most highly regarded strains. En continuant à utiliser notre site, vous acceptez notre, Rare Dankness - Cliquez ici pour plus d'informations, Dark GhostTrain (Rare Dankness) féminisée, Tangie Ghost Train (Little Chief Collabs) féminisée, E-Liquide Au CBD | Liquide À Vapoter Au Cannabis, Kit De Culture De Champignons Hallucinogènes, Politique de Confidentialité et d'utilisation des Cookies, Service client du lundi au vendredi de 8 h 00 à 16 h 00, Sac-cadeau gratuit pour chaque commande de plus de 75 €, Gagnante de l’année des Plus Fortes Variétés Sur Terre High Times, 2013, High Times Cannabis Cup. Rare Dankness propose des emballages simples et discrets dans une petite boîte noire, estampillée de leur logo. Ce site internet offre des informations relatives au cannabis et à ses graines. Rare Dankness strains such as Moonshine Haze, Rug Burn OG and Ghost Train Haze are all the rage among cannabis connoisseurs worldwide because Rare Dankness created a sweet collection of stable, reliable and unique marijuana strains. This bud was bred specifically to capture an insanely high THC level, which in this case bottoms out at 22% on average, and heavy-hitting effects that are not meant for the average user. The trilateral symmetry of the thickly clustered glandular stalks on the calyxes look more cryptozoological than plant. gratuite (*) Scott's OG est un hybride OG Kush créé par Rare Dankness pour offrir une variété très résineuse, au parfum puissant et à l'effet relaxant très intense. La Scott’s OG est une variété disponible sous forme régulière et féminisée. Rare Dankness created the crossing of Ghost OG with Chemdawg and Triangle Kush. Scott's OG is a combination of Triangle Kush and Rare Dankness #1. As low as £70.00. The expert breeders at Rare Dankness once again took the stellar and proven genetics of the Skywalker OG to create a new strain. Regular. Ghost Train Haze #1 is a strain that we have been searching for since we heard of Rare Dankness Seeds, and is a best seller of theirs.. The strong aromas and sedative qualities suggest that perhaps evening time is when this strain could be best enjoyed. Description. This bud was bred specifically to capture an insanely high THC level, which in this case bottoms out at 22% on average, and heavy-hitting effects that are not meant for the average user. Le résultat est une variété de cannabis régulière, à dominance Indica, vigoureuse, robuste, facile à cultiver, à la floraison... En savoir plus ». Venom OG by Rare Dankness Seeds. Merci de vous connecter pour voir votre liste d’envies. * Les graines sont vendues en guise de souvenir. Promo Out of stock. Rare Dankness was founded in 2010 after years of growing, collecting and testing many strains of Cannabis. Home; About Us; Shop. They crossed it with their trusted Rare Dankness #1 and result is a stocky weed plant with flowers that are exotic looking due to its purple hue that becomes more pronounced when this ganja is grown in colder climate. La Moonshine Haze produit de superbes effets créatifs et productifs. Great daytime smoke that keeps you uplifted and clear headed. 501st OG (Rare Dankness) regular. Price — £ – 73 74. The company only sell their seeds directly to Colorado dispensaries. CBD Cartridges. Maintenant disponible sous forme de graines régulières chez Alchimia. This strain is known for its excellent yields and its easily manicured leaves. This wonderful sativa-dominant hybrid was made by crossing the original Ghost’s OG with Nevil’s Wreck (E32 Acarta Trainwreck x Neville’s Haze F3 BX2). Scott's OG - Rare Dankness Scott's OG est un hybride OG Kush créé par Rare Dankness pour offrir une variété très résineuse, au parfum puissant et à l'effet relaxant très intense. Cette variété des maîtres de Rare Dankness a tout le succès de Lee Roy saupoudrée d'un peu de gentillesse du Ghost OG. Finally, they added Triangle Kush which further improved its stimulating effects. Produisant de gros rendements avec des têtes résineuses, c’est un mélange fort et puissant de Lemon et de Kush. Indoor & Outdoor. It is a good-yielding cannabis strain that is very easy to manicure due to the high calyx to leaf ratio. En continuant à utiliser notre site, vous acceptez notre, Politique de Confidentialité et d'utilisation des Cookies, Service client du lundi au vendredi de 8 h 00 à 16 h 00, Sac-cadeau gratuit pour chaque commande de plus de 75 €. £68.00. Unique scented hybrid has typical OG hints of lemon lime fuel and Kush but this cross brings a lot of pine / alpine flowers and skunk to mix. Rare Dankness produit des variétés de cannabis puissantes et savoureuses, il n’est donc pas surprenant de les voir gagner des prix. Mostly Indica. You have reached max quantity of products from. Créée en croisant la Triangle Kush avec la Rare Dankness #1. Floraison de 50-65 jours. Heavy perfumed flowers , that distinctive cat piss smell, require odor … $154.83. En vous inscrivant à la newsletter de Zamnesia : Abonnez-vous à notre newsletter et recevez un cadeau de bienvenue ! Rare Darkness #2 was originally bred as a male plant and is a hybrid of Rugburn OG and Ghost OG. Rare Dankness was founded in 2010 after many years of growing, collecting, preserving, and experimenting with many varieties of cannabis. 501st. These three strains infused the potent THC level in this one and made it Indica-dominant giving off the strong effects of this type of marijuana. Rare Dankness - Scott's OG: Uncompromising Indica Genetics. Rare Dankness Seeds Pineapple Hash Plant. Add to Wish List Add to Compare. En savoir plus sur Rare Dankness et leurs variétés sur CannaConnection! Rare Dankness est une banque de graine du Colorado, aux États-Unis, qui possède une grande expérience dans la collecte et la préservation des génétiques du cannabis de première qualité pour la communauté du cannabis médicinal. Add to Wish List. Lorsque vous ouvrez la boîte, vous trouverez les graines bien rangées à côté d’une carte amovible affichant des informations utiles sur la variété que vous avez achetée, y compris une image de ce à quoi devrait ressembler votre plant final, et des informations sur la plante, comme son nom, sa période de floraison, et sa puissance. Rare Dankness was founded in 2010 after many years of growing, collecting, preserving, and experimenting with many varieties of cannabis. Built off the Skywalker OG genetics, this high yielding strain produces sweet/kushy flowers. La Moonshine Haze par Rare Dankness a gagné la High Times Cup et se distingue des autres Haze. Notre livraison de graines de cannabis furtives a été mise à jour: 14 janvier 2021. Giggles and mood Ce site internet offre des informations relatives au cannabis et à ses graines. Rare Darkness de Rare Dankness est une graine de cannabis provenant du croisement entre une Grape Ape et une Rare Dankness #1. Rare Dankness #1 is the prized male selected from this endeavor, bringing heavy resin production, Chem-style growth, and a bit of OG flavor to whatever strain it pollinates. Through their global grid of friends, Rare Dankness has been allowed to work with some of the most desired and highly craved genetics. Rare Dankness Genetics. Grâce aux parents Kush, elle impressionne avec une splendide saveur Kush et un effet vraiment puissant. £68.00. The aroma is quite simply beautiful, with notes of invigorating lemon and musky Kush. Rare Dankness Scott’s OG feminised cannabis seeds create a resinous, solid plant that’s covered in attractive flowers. No Risk, Fully Guaranteed Rare Dankness … Rare Dankness are a Colorado based Cannabis Breeder founded in 2010. The buds are dense and completely covered in sticky, frosty resin. 501st OG from Rare Dankness Seeds is available only as regular seeds. The Rare Dankness #1 genetics have three different strains in its lineage and those are Chemdawg, Triangle Kush and Ghost OG. RARE DANKNESS™ Seeds. Rare Dankness 501st OG. Vous renoncez également à toute responsabilité de la part de Zamnesia si vous agissez en dehors de la loi. This cross produces an allover potent high. Buy cannabis seeds today from Discreet Seeds with confidence. Get the latest cannabis news. JOIN THE HERD. Mostly Sativa. Scotts OG de Rare Dankness est un fruit de la graine de marijuana issu du croisement de Triangle Kush et de Rare Dankness # 1. En achetant, vous indiquez avoir atteint l’âge de la majorité du pays dans lequel vous résidez et d’être au courant des lois locales. Later on, the offspring was backcrossed with the former once more. Rare Dankness Industries™ was founded in 2010 after many years of growing, collecting, preserving, and experimenting with many varieties of Cannabis. £68.00. RD genetics/Rare Dankness est leur branche européenne où ils produisent le meilleur cannabis dans des jardins espagnols. Even the initiated eye would probably perceive sea anemones. Rug Burn OG from Rare Dankness Seeds is available as regular and feminized seeds. Follement puissante, capable de donner un sensationnel effet Haze, Ghost Train Haze #1 est une des créations les plus populaires de Rare Dankness. Elle échange ses tons typiquement épicés de Haze contre de doux arômes de bonbons, mais conserve les niveaux de THC incroyables de son héritage Haze et provoque de superbes highs. Rare Dankness was founded in 2010 after many years of growing, collecting, preserving, and experimenting with many varieties of Cannabis. Their collection of genetics spans the last three decades and represent the best strains of Cannabis in the world. In 8 seedbanks, we found 18 offers between EUR 7.64 for 1 regular seed and EUR 634.92 for 84 regular seeds. Strains: Rare Dankness Scott's OG week0 by Little_E. C’est un croisement entre l’Amnesia Haze et la Nevil’s Wreck. OG Kush (Poison cut) x Neville's Wreck. Saveurs de Cotton Cotton Candy citron, avec des ramifications plus fortes/plus robustes. Grow room Indoor, growing in . Regular. Rare Dankness Seeds OG Ghost Train Haze #9. Scott “Moonshine,” the founder of RD Genetics, created the original Rare Dankness by crossing a female Ghost OG plant with an inbred male Chemdawg that came from Reservoir Seeds, also in Colorado. Rare Dankness Seeds OG Ghost Train Haze #1 Cannabis Seeds Arguably one of the most iconic creations from the Rare Dankness range, The OG Ghost Train Haze #1 is produced by crossing The Original Ghost OG with the Nevil's Wreck. Rare Dankness Seeds OX Piss. Scott’s OG is an indica-dominant hybrid strain bred by Rare Dankness Seeds, who crossed Triangle Kush with their Rare Dankness #1 to create this prominent OG variety. SanDiego CatPiss x OX. Rare Dankness started out with Ghost OG and Chemdawg. Achetez des graines de cannabis de Rare Dankness Colorado Seeds. When looking at a trichome thronged close-up macro lens shot of Scott's OG. This unbelievably sticky/resinous strain is a prized indica staple here at WeedPosters. All of their OG Kush are great though, much better than many other OG Kush seeds I have grown. By @cannaclear on 13 Jul 2019. Basé à l’origine au Colorado, et plus tard en Europe, où ils produisent des graines en Espagne, Rare Dankness offre le plus haut niveau de génétique à la communauté médicinale du cannabis. 2 people like this. Nous garantissons FLO-OG de Rare Dankness Seeds directement à votre porte en janvier!