Including finding those pesky batteries! The site’s lighting system is to be shut off and all combative personnel are to address the threat appropriately, while non-combative personnel should either remain in their current location or evacuate to a proper room. Do YoU hAvE a mOmEnT tO TaLk aBoUt ouR lORd anD saVIoR jeESUs chRISt??". Scared to Death Your first death. SCP-explained added the project SCP-3008 Clicker 4:54 p.m. mr_lol_is_taken added the project Scp containment breach 4:43 p.m. Officer_Roomroom left a comment 3:55 p.m. On February 2, 2021; MesutK added the project SCP MesutK v1.0 4:06 p.m. TheLastHyrule24 added the project ikea scp-3008 game 2:40 p.m. SCP: Blackout is a VR/Desktop horror game coming to Steam. Most can be found hidden away in the game, or you can just come here! SCP - Containment Breach is a free survival horror game based on the works of the SCP Foundation community. Get it here Come here for quick references to lore and the in-game documents, as well as where to find them. SCP-XXXX is very hostile. Feel free to comment or message me additions to make. Although SCP-XXXX is very slow and SCP-XXXX must attack the player three times in order to kill the player. 2019. Campaign Rewards FAQ Updates 4 Comments 2 … Written and composed by a … ADDENDUM 3199-A-01: On / /2017, O5- dispatched the following notice: All further experiments involving SCP … Home Team SCP: Blackout Outsiders Project Midgard Loot Back SCP: BO Home Game Info Press Kit Gameplay Photos Who's Helping? As a new D-Class transferred to Site-50, you must decide what you want to do as you navigate though the facility trying to survive various malicious SCP entities, determining what choices to make, and collecting pieces of the story to truly understand what is going on. A VR/Desktop game where you are a new D-Class personnel in secret SCP Research Site-50 when everything falls apart. All rights reserved. Moderated by: H e r r L u f t b u s H e r r L u f t b u s. Any% (Survival) SCP: Blackout is a Desktop/VR surreal horror game with a branching narrative. As a new D-Class transferred to Site-50, you must decide what you want to do as you navigate though the facility trying to survive various malicious SCP entities, determining what choices to make, and collecting pieces of the story to truly understand what is going on. SCP: Blackout SCP: BO Home Game Info Press Kit Gameplay Photos Who's Helping? Doing the tutorial and the flashlight just vanishes the moment i hit the elevator button? And you die alot. Also, SCP-XXXX can be paralyzed if the flashlight is directed at hi… Global Gameplay Stats SCP: Blackout. I'd like to make this game as fun and enjoyable as I can. Anything you find for me to fix, make sure to report so I can improve the game. NO SURVEY taking required. Gameplay of Let's Play Lobotomy Corporation Part 1. As a new D-Class transferred to Site-50, you must decide what you want to do as you navigate through the facility trying to survive various malicious SCP entities, determining what choices to make, and collecting pieces of the story to truly understand what … I am missing a few achievements, myself, but the guide is pretty much complete. This guide is all about helping new players with the game. Everything wants to slice my face off! Lobotomy Corporation Gameplay Ep 1 - Let's do this! All rights reserved. All of the locations SCP-TSCA will teleport you to, I went back to SCP Blackout and I regret it. Home Team. 41 backers pledged $905 to help bring this project to life. Working Cheats, cheat codes, sheets and unlockables. © Valve Corporation. © Valve Corporation. Written guides, references, and walkthroughs. Ive tried with the intro on and off and it is the same result for me. This guide is a work in progress to help you get 100% achievements in SCP Blackout. I mean, the scps are all way too varied and kinda obscure just to look "original". ... A VR/Desktop game where you are a new D-Class personnel in secret SCP Research Site-50 when everything falls apart. It’s clearly more aimed at fans of the SCP lore, but newcomers should get a kick out of it too. Use what you can find as you explore the facility, access logs to learn about the SCP entities in containment, and run for your life from the SCP entities that have escaped. share a screenshot, make a video, or start a new discussion. In this game, you die. I am missing a few achievements, myself, but the guide is pretty much complete.... Come here for quick references to lore and the in-game documents, as well as where to find them. Global Achievements. SCP: Blackout. SCP: Blackout. Trailers Buy Back Outsiders Home Photos Back PM Home Cart 0. Sorta creates a clashing style. I'll be teaching you some tips and tricks to not die, so lets get started!