Also, we will test your knowledge in this quiz. 74. But which one will you be, Sith Lord? It can be found by taking this Star Wars quiz. I mean a good Sith name that has that classic feel to it, names like: Sidious, Plagueis, Scourge, Maul, Abaddonn, Bane, and so forth. But I would like to change my name to something that goes with Darth. Star Wars: 10 Greatest Sith Lords You'll Never Forget. 25. In most mainstream of Star Wars media, the portrayal between good and evil has always been clear-cut.Rebels are good, the Empire is bad, and most prevalently, Jedi are heroes and the Sith are villains. Top 50 Sith Lords of All Time: The Most Powerful and Strongest Sith Ever! As this takes place before Episode IV, we know this story has many limitations that Kemp works within well. ... nor was he particularly good with a … The generator creates both male and female Sith names. Marka Ragnos was a Sith Lord who grew tired of their unwillingness to expand beyond their homeworld of Korriban. Finally we find out why and how Jedi Knight Anakin Skywalker became Sith Lord Darth Vader. Audiobook read by Jonathan Davis Lords of the Sith is a decent entry in the Star Wars universe with a familiar setup but good execution. The title sounds even better. Tulak Hord was Dark Lord of the Sith that ruled during the early Sith Empire, but started off as a student of the dark side. Rising through the ranks, he was feared by his rivals, having mastered the art of lightsaber combat and manipulation of the Force. Every time you click you'll get a new cool Sith name. While that has always been the case, plenty of other Star Wars titles have explored varying degrees of morality and have portrayed more nuanced factions. Sith Lord was a title that was conferred on members of various Sith Orders who had both considerable knowledge of and strength in the dark side of the Force. This Sith name creator is excellent for naming Sith purebloods and warriors in games. Sith technology and Sith philosophy became incredibly sophisticated, meaning the Sith could study the Dark Side of the Force in depth. That being said, there is every justification you might want to become more of a Sith Lord than you would ever want to be a Jedi Master. Sure, Revenge Of The Sith Is The Best Star Wars Prequel, But Is It Actually Any Good? So I got my Sith the "Darth" title, arguably the highest honor a SIth can recieve. Each Sith Lord or Lady had their own specialty and unique connection with the Force, and all of them were feared (and sometimes revered) in different ways. If you love Star Wars, then chances are you love the Sith as well or even love to hate them. You can use the generator to find Sith lord names. If you don't think a name is good just click again until you find one you like.