Talent Tree The first… It is acquired from class trainers. Souni Message. 3.3.5 PvP healer Druid, Paladin, Disc ... Hunter, Paladin, Mage, Death Knight or Rogue. Wolf Classic Hunter Pets A wolf is almost a necessity for endgame raiding. You can either try and make it personal (good luck with that) or you can agree that the 3 pets I listed are the best. As more and more details are released concerning WOTLK Hunter Pets, we'll keep this page up to date with all the information we can gather. I got bored of Ally, but I'll be remaking my hunter sooner or later. Hey guys, as the title says I'm looking for a pet guide like www.wow-petopia.com with the WOTLK database. What's the best pet? Get a ferocity pet aka a cat/tiger, grants u the agi buff wich is the best buff for u as a hunter, until u reach lvl 81-82 a ferocity pet shud be fine to tank most questmobs after that u'd want a tenacity pet Wolf or Ravager, i never seen ravagers though, can we still get them? - This is always the first question out of anyone's mouth. Maeryn-emerald-dream 2 January 2019 23:46 #3. If you're lazy and just want an answer, use whatever you want. PET-RELATED QUESTIONS. Una lista completa y siempre actualizada donde puedes buscar y filtrar todo lo referente a World of Warcraft: Shadowlands. For pvp? As a new World of Warcraft hunter, a great way to learn about new pet abilities and try out different wow hunter pets, is to change your pet as you go along and increase your character's level and experience. Yeah, it’s the best in situations where the other pets are simply not an option. To keep your pet well-fed and happy, in order to maximize its damage, you must feed your Wolf pet Meat. Skill Pet Families. Hunter's can have one pet with them at a time and can keep several in a "stable" which can be accessed from a "stable master" npc found at most towns, inns and camps through the world of warcraft. Which goes on to my good news: I've reclaimed my name Donorbashed on every server on Warmane, and even on the new Blackrock server so if you see the name ingame it's me :). Barnabus. Exotic Pet Families. Spiders are a hunter pet family with the Ferocity specialization. Rotations. Do you need specific utility to counter a crucial make or break mechanism? 1 Night Elf Hunter. I have a new character on Deathwing. However what you really should be asking is what you think is most fun to play, healer or dps and then if you really want to be viable in the arena, choose the class according to this. In this guide, you will learn about playing a Marksmanship Hunter in a raid. Hunter pets can be separated into three categories: o Tank pets - these are the sort of pets that will take huge amounts of damage without wincing while you are a couple of yards behind them pouring on the ranged damage. Whatever you think is pretty. Recommended for: Ferocity pets are best suited for situations where your group needs Bloodlust/Heroism. Savage Rend, the raptor families' new special is quite amazing for DPS, especially when used after a proc from Cobra Strikes for BM Hunters. Really, there's a lot more to know about pets than just "teh best". Hunter; Pet guide like Petopia with WOTLK database; Topic Pet guide like Petopia with WOTLK database. When Savage Rend crits it gives the raptor +10% AP for 30 seconds. For Raiding and Mythic+, we recommend using a Spirit Beast pet in pretty much all situations. That makes it pretty damn “best”. Posted: (12 days ago) Wolf - Hunter Pet - World of Warcraft - Wowhead Posted: (5 days ago) The Wolf family of Hunter pets are a general pet, meaning their stats are balanced evenly between Armor, Health, and DPS. Recommended Hunter Pet Families for WoW Classic Endgame Content Here are some recommendations as to the best Hunter Pets for WoW Classic endgame content. A. Add a reply. Stable slots can be purcased allowing you to store up to 4 additional pets. Hello, young hunter. No - Go B. Hey your choice of pet doesn't really matter till you start getting into raids where you are made to play Marksman with a wolf, for leveling tho it is best to roll Beast Master hunter(pet doesn't really matter:cats/raptor have good dps and bear/turtles are good tanks tho aggro can be a problem even with md). The guide includes Talents, Glyphs, Gems, Enchantments, BiS Gear, Add-ons, Gameplay & Skill rotation tips. The Hunter pet is a Hunter's constant companion as they travel through Azeroth and Outland.When fighting solo or in small groups, a Hunter's pet acts as a tank allowing the Hunter to maintain the range that he/she requires in order to do their best in combat. What do you all think? Blood Beasts. Well if you are bm spirit beasts are the best. What pets give buffs and what buffs they give? Sorry I’m late in replying to this (missed it…).